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His Control (The Hunter Brothers Book 2) by M. S. Parker (11)


I hadn’t really thought about what Codie’s friend would look like because I trusted her judgment about his abilities where it mattered. Then he’d come into the room, and my already churning stomach had done a flip. It’d been a good kind of flip because even though his face was covered, I saw enough to see that he was, well, hot.

And the fact that he reminded me of Cai both unsettled and comforted me at once. I knew, of course, that someone like him would never step a foot in a club like this but allowing myself to think it was him made my stomach twist with a desire I didn’t want to think about.

It hadn’t been easy to focus on what he was saying while he was undressing, but I’d managed, and now we were about to get down to the real reason we were here.

I laid on my back, trying not to start babbling like an idiot due to my anxiety skyrocketing through the roof.


No matter how quiet his voice was, that single word was a command, and it was as sexy as hell.

“Close your eyes, May.”

I obeyed.

“What do you say if you want me to stop?”

“Watson,” I said automatically.

“How are you to address me?”

A little thrill went through me. “Sir.”

“Don’t forget again.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The tip of a finger traced along my collarbone, and I shivered. My hands curled into the bedspread. If he could make me feel this way with that single touch…I was glad I wasn’t adding emotions into things. I could only imagine what this would be like if I was doing this with someone I actually knew.

Then his lips touched my stomach, and my brain did something it’d never done before.

It stopped.

Oh, yeah, I could get used to this.

I made a soft, moaning sound and was rewarded with the sexiest chuckle I’d ever heard. I opened my eyes, watching as he kissed up my stomach, pushing my shirt up as he moved. When he lifted it over my breasts, I gave a nervous laugh.

“Don’t doubt how beautiful you are,” he said. “If you take nothing else from tonight, take this: never allow anyone to make you feel like you deserve anything less than a man who will adore you.”

This wasn’t like what I thought S&M would be like. Wet, hot lips and tongue licking and sucking every inch of my breasts before latching on to my nipple. I gave an inarticulate cry as pleasure shot straight south, making me press my legs together.

“Can I touch you?” My voice was breathless. The question seemed to startle him, and he raised his head. “You said I could ask questions.”

He smiled, and I wanted so badly to see his eyes. “I did. Yes, you may touch me, but you’re not allowed to touch yourself.”

With hands and a mouth that talented, why would I even want to touch myself? I didn’t ask though. Instead, I was touching all that beautiful, tanned skin and firm muscles. He wasn’t huge but was just big enough for me to feel small, something most men couldn’t do.

His teeth scraped over the tip of my nipple, and I dug my nails into his back.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh…yeah…” My eyes fluttered closed. “Again, please…Sir.”

He did it again, and I squirmed. Teeth…good.

A hand moved down between my legs, and I spread them, eager for what new sensations he could offer me. He ran his finger along the damp crotch of my panties. They were the nicest ones I owned, and I was about to ask him to rip them off me because I needed him touching my skin.

“I’m going to take it easy,” he said as he raised himself onto an elbow, so he could look down at me. “I’ll do my best to keep you from discomfort, but sometimes, penetration for the first time–”

I shook my head, running my hand down his shoulder. “No need. I’m a virgin in the literal sense, but a medical exam might not agree with that assessment.”

“Good to know.”

He pushed up onto his knees and reached under my skirt. I raised my hips, watching as he slid my panties down my legs. I waited for him to finish undressing me, but instead, he returned his hand to where it had been before, this time, without anything between his palm and my pussy.

“I’m going to make you come,” he growled. “And then I’m going to fuck you. And you’re going to come again.”

I shifted on the bed, desperately wanting to believe his promises, but too many facts were floating around in my head. The low probability of a climax during penetration. The number of women who experienced pain during their first time. The percentage of women who didn’t even enjoy intercourse at all.

“May, look at me. May.”

My eyes snapped up to meet his intense gaze, and I again wished I could see the exact color, but his eyes were too shadowed behind the mask.

“I will make you come.” It wasn’t a question. “And when I’m inside you, I’ll make you come again. Trust me.”

I nodded. “Yes, Sir,” I whispered.

“Good answer.”

He slipped a finger inside me, twisting as he moved it. The palm of his hand pressed against the top of my mound, pressure alternating until I gasped. He shifted, adding a second finger inside me, and his thumb slid between my folds to rub against my clit.

I’d used my own fingers, as well as a vibrator, but none of that compared to what he was doing to me. His thumb switched from back and forth movements to circles, and I grabbed his forearm.


“There we are.”

It wasn’t until then that I realized he was reading my reactions, searching for the touch I needed to build the pressure inside me until I finally exploded. He wasn’t a man who was simply using the same techniques he’d used on previous lovers, expecting me to respond to it. He was searching for what worked for me, as if all his focus was on my pleasure.


“Come, little May. I can feel the tension in your body. You’re close. Let go.”

My nails must’ve been hurting him, but I couldn’t seem to get my fingers to let go. He didn’t say a word about it as he continued to coax me toward orgasm.

Then, something inside me cracked, broke, and my back arched, muscles clenched, and I came.

When I was able to open my eyes again, I found him standing at the foot of the bed, his pants and underwear gone. I was still trying to process just how thick and long he was when I realized he was talking to me.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” I propped myself up on my elbows. “I was…distracted.”

His lips twitched into a smile for a moment. “Take off your clothes.”

I sat up and pulled off both shirts I was wearing, then tugged off my skirt. I’d never been self-conscious about my body, firmly believing in health over a specifically desirable body type, but I was glad to feel his desire in the way he touched me, hear it in his groan of appreciation.

I licked my lips as he rolled on a condom, and I had a moment where I wanted to ask him to let me go down on him.

“Lie back down.”

I didn’t even hesitate. No matter how many facts I had in my head, I didn’t doubt he’d be able to make me come again, and this time, it’d be with that mouth-watering piece of flesh inside me.

“Grab your legs behind your knees.” The bed dipped down as he climbed on to it. “Pull your legs up and out. I want to watch my cock entering you.”

I wanted to see that too, but I didn’t argue. I’d already liked the idea of a man who knew what he was doing. I hadn’t realized, however, just how freeing it would be to not have to think or decide anything. I could simply obey and feel.

“May, look at me. Are you certain this is what you want?”

No hesitation. “Yes, please.”

Pressure, then a slow, aching stretching. My body accepting his, opening more with each inch. I no longer heard or saw anything. I was barely aware of my hands holding my legs. Nothing existed except the place where he was filling me up.

“Put your legs around my waist.”

I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes until I opened them again at his order. His voice was strained, and as I crossed my ankles at the small of his back, he put his hands on my hips, his fingers tense.

He rocked against me, rolled his hips, and then he eased himself out almost all the way before driving back into me. It took my breath away. And then he did it again.

With each stroke, a new ripple of pleasure washed over me, promising something bigger and stronger than before. I grabbed his hands, needing an anchor to keep me from floating away. He was solid and right there, holding me steady even as he pushed me toward the edge.

Neither of us spoke as I came again, but the deep, primal groan that accompanied the throbbing of his cock inside me was as good as my own name. I had made this amazing man feel that good. And there wouldn’t be any repercussions, no awkward post-coital talk. We wouldn’t need to worry about being uncomfortable if we saw each other somewhere.

Everything had been just as perfect as I could have ever wanted.