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His Scandal by Gayle Callen (27)

Running up the rickety stairs to his lodgings over the Rooster, Alex was afraid to imagine what he’d see. Out of breath, he flung open the door to find the Langston brothers pacing, and Emmeline gagged and tied to a chair before the hearth. The great fools, they hadn’t even been watching for him. The brothers fell back to guard her, their swords up.

Alex brought his pistol up and aimed.

Kenneth, the older brother, stared aghast at the weapon. “You have no honor!”

“Honor!” Alex said, knowing Edmund entered behind him. “What honor is there in kidnapping an innocent woman?”

“What honor is there in hurting our sister?”

Edmund stepped to his side. “He didn’t do it. She’s been lying to you, so she could make a wealthy marriage. We just spoke with her.”

The two men exchanged glances, as if they knew what their sister might be capable of but hadn’t thought it through.

“We don’t believe you!” said the younger brother wildly. “You deserve to suffer as you’ve made her suffer.”

“Harold—” began Kenneth.

“No! They’re lying! We tried to take away his reputation, his money, to humble him as he’s humbled our sister. Well, it’s time for you to suffer, Thornton! If this girl means so much to you, then you can watch her be humiliated. We’re going to compromise her!”

Alex gave an obvious glance at his gun. “I seem to have the power to stop you.”

“Cease this foolishness!” Edmund commanded. “You will listen to me. It wasn’t Alex who compromised your sister, but me. I’m here, ready to marry her or whatever she’d like, but you will let my friends go free while we discuss this like gentlemen.”

“I still want to shoot one of them,” Alex said darkly.

“If they don’t put down their swords, you can.”

But the Langston brothers weren’t quite that foolish. They let Edmund take their swords and lead them out of the room. Kenneth looked abashed, and Harold was sulky. Alex dropped to his knees to remove Emmeline’s gag before starting on the ropes.

She moistened her lips before speaking. “So is it all finally settled?”

“We spoke to Lady Elizabeth and got her to admit the truth. Frankly, Edmund should refuse to marry her, after the lies she’s told.”

When he had her hands free, he rubbed them gently. “Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”

She shook her head and smiled. “I am fine. Your deeds were quite heroic this day. Maybe you should write a poem about it.”

“‘The Rescue of Emmeline’?” he asked, feeling a strange warmth flow through him as he watched her sweet face.

This wasn’t just relief; he was feeling something else, something that made him want to remain at her side always. She had become more important to him than his own life. He had spent years protecting himself against this kind of pain, yet somehow she had slipped past his wall of defenses.

Men like the Marquess of Kent didn’t give their daughters to scandalous younger brothers. And he’d already seen how dutiful Emmeline was to her family. He wouldn’t set himself up for disappointment—nor did he want her to once again feel the pain of her father’s disapproval.

He kissed Emmeline’s forehead before helping her to her feet. She smiled up at him, and he had to turn away.

Emmeline felt her chest constrict. Alex couldn’t even meet her eyes. He was doing it again, retreating from her and the emotions she inspired in him. Soon he’d be joking as if nothing had happened. But the look on his face when she’d been in danger—he had to be in love with her!

As he led her down the back stairs to his horse outside, she just kept looking at him with all the love she felt shining from her eyes. He mounted his horse, then lifted her up to ride across his lap, never looking into her face.

She leaned back against his chest and let the afternoon sun bathe them in warmth. He and she were so alike in many ways, both resigning themselves to life without happiness, as if there were a limited supply.

But no more. She deserved a good life, a good marriage, and she’d find that only with Alex. She had to discover the courage to make it happen, especially knowing she had to face her father. Once again, he would try to tell her a man wasn’t good enough for her.

But this time she was truly in love, and she would fight for her happiness.


That evening, Emmeline stood outside her father’s private withdrawing room and tried to steady her breathing. She knocked on the door and pushed it open when he bade her to enter.


He sat behind his massive desk, parchment and account books spread out before him. When he saw that it was her, he only harrumphed and looked back down.

“I am busy, Emmeline. Can we discuss whatever it is in the morning?”

“This is important, Father—it can’t wait.”

Though she seated herself on a bench before his desk, her father didn’t look up.

“Then speak your mind, girl, but be to the point.”

“Very well, then,” she said, straightening her back with defiance. She took a deep breath. “I am in love with Sir Alexander Thornton, and I wish to marry him.”

Her father didn’t move, and the room was so quiet she could hear the last embers crackling in the hearth.

“Did you hear me, Father? I am in love with—”

“I heard you.” He gave her a piercing stare she couldn’t read, and sat back with his hands linked across his stomach. “You’ve done it again, Emmeline. You’ve chosen a man who is not possibly suited to your station.”

“I disagree. His brother is a viscount, his father was well respected. Sir Alexander has estates in the north to keep us in sufficient wealth.”

“You are the daughter of a marquess,” he said, his voice only slightly louder. “You could marry a duke!”

“But a duke doesn’t want me, and a knight does.”

“Then why isn’t he here begging for your hand?”

“Because he doesn’t think you’d accept him,” she said, hoping she wasn’t lying.

“Then he was right; I won’t.” He gave her a patronizing smile, as if everything would be fine just because he’d said so. “Now, put aside this foolishness, Emmeline. There will be other men.”

“For Blythe, perhaps, Father, but not for me,” she said, her desperation rising. “I am in love with Alex, and I want to marry him.”

“I forbid it.”

Without thinking her words through, she said, “I might be carrying his child.”

Her father slammed his fists on his desk as he vaulted to his feet. “He attacked you!”

Emmeline stood as well, facing him with her chin high. “He did not attack me! I love him! Now, do you want a scandal that will shake all of England, or will you quietly allow me to marry him?”

He wiped a hand down his face. “Emmeline, how could you risk such a thing? We have a good life here. You take care of your sister—surely you love her. And you practically have your own households to manage.”

“They’re your households,” she answered, a sick suspicion permeating her mind. Perhaps he had deliberately kept her with him so he wouldn’t have to take care of Blythe. Did she run his households so well that he only used her as a glorified steward? Had he deliberately given only Blythe’s suitors encouragement?

“How could you do this, Emmeline?” he asked, his voice still cajoling. “I have given you a man’s education; I have given you every freedom you could want.”

“Except the freedom to marry, to choose my own husband,” she said coldly.

“But how will we manage without you? You are the very image of your mother, and it does me such good to look upon you.”

The image of her mother?

All her guilt vanished as if it had never existed, replaced by pity for her father and her own stupidity. In a sad way, she was grateful he had stopped her from marrying Clifford Roswald, but he wouldn’t succeed this time. She saw now that her father’s manipulations, his subtle implications that she would never make a desirable wife, were all a selfish means to keep her with him as a servant. And she had responded by living through her sister—but no more…it was time to make her own dreams come true.

“Father, if you refuse to give me your blessing to marry—and I don’t need your permission—I will bring a scandal down upon this family such as you’ve never seen.”

“You would do that to your sister?” he asked in a cold voice.

“My sister wants me to be happy, and she approves of Alex.”

“Then you give me no choice. Has he asked you to marry him?”

“Not yet.”

“Then he will be made to. I will demand an audience at Thornton Manor first thing in the morning. Thornton will marry you immediately.”

Emmeline saw all her plans coming to fruition, even as her relationship with her father died of disillusionment. His disappointment was obviously so great he could hardly look at her.

But it was only Alex that concerned her. She was forcing him into something he had not said he wanted—and she could only pray she was doing the right thing.


By dawn, Emmeline’s doubts had escalated into full-blown fears. What if Alex refused to marry her?

She just wished that Blythe were home to discuss it. Emmeline had returned from her “adventure” with the Langstons yesterday, only to find a note from her sister that she’d gone to their country home to visit a friend who needed her.

So Emmeline rode in the coach beside her father to Thornton Manor, while the sun was still low in the sky. He didn’t speak to her, and she had nothing to say to him.

Once at the manor, her father pounded on the door until a wide-eyed maidservant opened it.

“I am the Marquess of Kent, and I demand an audience with the viscount!”

Emmeline wanted to groan. As the maidservant scurried away, she whispered, “Father, can’t we just quietly talk to Alex? There is no need for his whole family to know like this!”

“Are you protecting that scoundrel even now?” he demanded.

Another voice said, “That scoundrel is my brother.”

Spencer Thornton descended the wide marble staircase with his mother at his side. Lady Thornton smiled encouragingly at Emmeline, who could only hope the lady would forgive her.

Her father nodded in Spencer’s direction. “Lord Thornton, we have much to discuss about the disgraceful conduct of your brother.”

“Then perhaps he should be here to answer your charges. Mother?” he asked, turning aside.

Lady Thornton nodded. “I have already sent for him.”

“Still abed, I see,” said the marquess with a sneer in his voice.

Can this get any worse? Emmeline thought as they all left the hall.

Alex came down the stairs, shrugging into his doublet, wondering what the hell was going on. Emmeline and her father were both here? He picked up his pace, glad that seeing her face would be the start of his day. He followed the group as they all entered the withdrawing room, and heard his mother call for wine and cakes.

“Someone wanted me?” he said, watching in surprise as everyone turned to face him.

On seeing Emmeline, he felt a peacefulness settle over him. What would it be like to see her every morning?

But his mother and brother looked serious, Emmeline’s eyes were pleading, and her father looked like a thundercloud.

“Alexander Thornton,” the marquess said, giving him a cold, dismissive stare. “You have abused the trust shown to you by my family.”

“I have?” he asked, lifting a brow as he turned to stare at Emmeline.

“Alex—” she began, but her father motioned her to silence.

“I wish I could have you horsewhipped, instead of giving you the privilege of marrying Emmeline.”

Stunned, Alex repeated, “Marrying Emmeline?”

“Do not dare to try to squirm your way out of it!”

“May I ask what brought this about?” he said mildly.

“As if you didn’t know!” the marquess said with disgust in his voice. “You have seduced my daughter, and even now she could be with child.”

Alex heard his mother gasp, but he himself could only stare at Emmeline in amazement. She gave him a wide-eyed shake of her head, then covered her face with her hands for a moment.

“Father,” she said in a tremulous voice, “I asked you to allow me to deal with this.”

“No, it’s all right,” Alex said. Emmeline must have initiated this scene; how else would anyone know what had happened between them? He had wanted her to have her own life, but he’d never thought she would choose him. Yet she had. A few months ago he would have been horrified, but now he felt strangely…relieved.

“I will obtain a special license,” the marquess continued. “And you will marry her.”

“Of course I will.” Alex smiled reassuringly at his mother and brother, both of whom stared at him in shock.

Then he turned to Emmeline. He took her hands in his and kissed both of them. Looking deeply into her eyes, he felt bathed in a warmth that made him feel newly reborn. It was good that they’d be together, that she’d be waiting for him each night. She would become used to his schedule; things wouldn’t be so different. And he didn’t have to find the words he’d never had to say before.

He almost wanted to laugh. He never would have thought that his biggest scandal would be being manipulated by an innocent virgin.

But Emmeline was studying him worriedly.

Her father stepped between them. “There is nothing more to be said. She is coming home with me to prepare for the wedding, but I will send a messenger with the details.”

Alex looked at the marquess, knowing the man wasn’t capable of true fatherly concern. “I’ll abide by your wishes—for now.”

Emmeline left at her father’s side without looking back at him. He heard the echo of the front door slamming, then the suffocating silence of his family. He turned and smiled at them.

“Well. It seems I’m to be married.”

“I’m not sure what to say,” Spencer said. “I don’t know Lady Emmeline.”

“I do,” said their mother, frowning at Alex. “She is a good girl, and it is a shame to see her humiliated in such a way.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt her, Madre,” Alex said. “And I certainly wouldn’t have humiliated her as her father did.”

“Well, I am pleased you are taking responsibility for your actions, Alexander. And I approve of your choice of young ladies.”

“Did it look like I did the choosing?” Alex asked, forcing a laugh.

“I think you chose months ago, though you may not have known it.”

“That is absurd!”

She shrugged and spread her hands. “There is no more need to talk. I have a wedding to prepare for. Just tell me—is she with child?”

“No,” Alex said shortly.

Spencer gave him an incredulous stare. “So certain, are you?”


Spencer nodded. “All right. I’ll send a message to Roselyn, but it’s too soon for the baby to travel. Such a shame. She’d want to see you married. Surely hell is freezing over as we speak.”

Alex rolled his eyes and started to walk out of the room.

“Wait!” Spencer called. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Of course you did.”

“Very well, I did. But before this whole marriage…erupted, I wanted to tell you about some important news I received this morning. And I wanted Madre to hear it, too.”

“Go ahead,” Alex said warily.

“I’ve been looking into the improvements you made to our Cumberland estates while I was in Spain, and wanted to tell you how impressed I was—”

“Didn’t think I could make a success of things, did you?”

“I’ve always known you’re more than capable, Alex. And now it seems other people know, too.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked, wishing his mother didn’t look so intrigued and hopeful. He was getting tired of always disappointing her.

“The Cumberland town councils elected you to represent them in the House of Commons.”

Stunned, Alex accepted his mother’s hug, and let Spencer pump his hand. “But why? I wasn’t acting like me—I was acting like you.”

“Apparently you were knowledgeable enough to impress everyone. I’ve heard from various people how diligent you were in the House of Lords—even when your eyes were bloodshot.”

Alex nodded slowly, amazed at how good it felt to have a purpose in his life. And then he realized that the first person he wanted to tell was Emmeline.

After their mother left to spread the good news, Spencer’s grin faded. “Can I just say one more thing? ’Tis about Lady Emmeline.”

“Spence, I know what I’m doing.”

“I’m sure you do, but you’ll want to hear this. Years ago, I danced a time or two with your betrothed.”

Alex laughed. “My ‘betrothed.’ I never thought I’d hear that. Don’t worry—I am not a jealous man.”

Spencer only raised an eyebrow. “After we danced, her father drew me aside and told me that Emmeline was ill and not expected to live long.”

Alex gaped at his brother. “She’s as healthy as any woman I know!”

“I see that. I just thought you might find it interesting.”

“When exactly did this happen?”

“About seven years ago.”

Alex ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “This is too much of a coincidence.”

“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.

“That was the exact time she thought she was in love with a tutor. Her father forbade her to marry.”

“Could it have been because she was ill?”

“No, she told me her father didn’t approve of Roswald, that he wasn’t good enough for her. Of course I’m sure he’s said the same thing about me.”

Spencer grinned. “Well, you certainly aren’t good enough for her.”

“I know,” Alex said as he shrugged. “I think her father was trying to hold on to her. She keeps his books like a steward, and she’s practically Blythe’s mother. Kent never had to worry about a thing with Emmeline in charge.”

“If that’s true, it’s quite sad.”

“Oh, it’s true,” he said grimly. “Why else would not a single man court her? But I don’t think I can tell Emmeline. She’d be devastated.”

Spencer nodded. “No need to start a marriage with a devastated bride.”

“After the wedding,” Alex continued, “I’ll have a talk with my father by marriage. I’ll make it clear that if he doesn’t leave Emmeline and me alone to begin our new life, I’ll reveal his lies to the world.”

Spencer clapped him on the shoulder and left the room. Alex stood still, remembering Emmeline’s passion in the coach, her plea that he make love to her. And then he thought of her alone in bed later tonight, waiting for him.




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