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Hooker by J. L. Perry (26)


My heart is heavy as I sit beside Jade’s hospital bed, her tiny hand clutched in mine. Hours have passed and she’s still out of it, sleeping now, rather than comatose. She’s stirred on a few occasions, but remains incoherent due to the narcotics that are still in her system. The doctor assures me she’ll be okay once they wear off, which is a huge relief.

I got word that Rupert survived the surgery to remove the bullet that was lodged in his shoulder. He remains in a critical but stable condition in ICU. He has some extensive physio ahead of him, but should make a full recovery. I’m yet to see him and thank him for all he has done, because I’m unable to leave Jade’s side. When she finally comes round and I know for sure she’s going to be all right, I’ll go to him. He put his life on the line for my girl, and I’ll be forever indebted to him for that.

Josh called earlier when he realised I was no longer at the house. As far as I know, he and Theo are still sitting in the waiting room, both eager to see Jade when she wakes.

I skim the back of my hand lightly down the side of her face. She’s so pale and fragile looking and I can’t help but feel responsible. I promised her I’d protect her, and I didn’t. I shouldn’t have left her alone.

‘I’m sorry,’ I whisper as a lump rises to my throat. I’m grateful to have her back, even though I’m not sure I deserve her anymore—I’ve caused her nothing but harm. I’ll never let her out of my sight again. I only hope she can forgive me for letting her down.

‘Brock,’ she whimpers in her sleep. Concern fills me as her head thrashes from side to side. I hate to think of the trauma she’s faced at the hands of that evil bitch.

‘I’m here, sweetheart.’

When I feel her grip tighten on my hand, I know she heard me. Standing, I slip off my shoes to carefully climb into bed beside her and fold her protectively in my arms. ‘You’re safe now,’ I whisper, kissing the top of her head. ‘I’ve got you, and no harm is going to come to you again.’

I’m not sure how long I lay there holding her, but exhaustion finally takes hold and I’m awoken some time later by Jade’s soft moans. My eyes spring open to find her gazing at me.

‘My body aches all over,’ she says and moans again as she pushes on my chest, trying to sit. ‘I feel so weak. What’s wrong with me?’

‘You’re going to be okay,’ I reply, pulling her back down to me.

‘Where am I? Am I in the hospital?’ she asks as her eyes dart around the room. With all the drugs that have been pumped into her system, she may not have any recollection of what has happened.

‘Do you remember anything?’

Her brow furrows and her eyes squeeze shut.

‘It’s okay if you don’t remember,’ I say as my hand gently strokes her hair. It’s probably a good thing if she doesn’t. I can only imagine how confused she must be feeling. ‘For now you just need to rest, I can explain everything to you later.’

She doesn’t open her eyes again, and I presume she’s gone back to sleep. Seconds later her eyes fly open. Tears rise in them before her grip on me tightens. ‘Oh, Brock. Thank God you’re all right. I was so worried about you.’

She’s obviously confused. I find it amusing that she was worried about me. Does she have any idea of the utter fear and hopelessness I’ve been feeling since her disappearance? My heart goes out to her. I can feel her body trembling as she clings to me like her life depends on it.

‘There’s no need for you to worry about me.’

‘When your dad came to the house and said you’d been in an accident—’

I cup her face in my hand. ‘There was no accident. You must’ve dreamt it.’

Her brow furrows again. I hate that she’s disorientated. I hope that bitch gets put away for a long time for everything she’s put Jade through.

‘No, I didn’t dream it, I remember your dad coming to the house. It wasn’t long after you left for that meeting. I was heading upstairs to take a bath when he knocked on the door. I wasn’t going to answer, but then he said you’d been in an accident.’

At first I don’t take stock of anything she’s saying—it has to be either a dream or a hallucination caused by the drugs. The more she speaks though, the more concerned I become. Surely my father had nothing to do with her disappearance?

‘I was wary about going with him after the way he treated me the night I met him, but I needed to know you were okay.

‘Once I was in the back of the limousine, he gave me something to drink, to calm me. Understandably, I was upset and worried about you.’ She smiles at me briefly before concern again crosses her beautiful features. ‘I thought you’d been hurt, Brock. Please don’t be angry with me.’

‘I’m not angry at you,’ I say, pulling her back into my arms. My mind is spinning as I try to make sense of what she’s saying. But it can’t be true—my father would never betray me like that.

‘It wasn’t until I drank what he gave me that I realised he must’ve put something in it. Everything went fuzzy. That’s when … that’s when …’ She takes in a few deep breaths. Her voice is shaky as she continues. ‘That’s when the partition in the limousine came down and I saw M sitting in the front seat.’

‘Jesus, Jade.’ I tighten my hold on her.

‘I don’t remember anything after I saw M’s face,’ she whispers.

I’m gonna fucking kill him.


I try to keep my shit together for the next few hours. Everything in me wants to hunt down my father and rip him apart, but my heart wins out. My need for Jade is stronger than the retribution I crave.

My father and I haven’t been close for years, but deep down, I know I was foolish to believe he cared about me. I’m his son. I may not like or respect him, but I love him if for no other reason than he’s the man that gave me life. And as much as I’ve grown to hate the person he has become, I never thought he’d stoop this low. How could he do something so despicable to his own flesh and blood? He knows how much Jade means to me. Does he have such little regard for my feelings? He may not like me being with her, but that’s irrelevant. This is the ultimate betrayal. I’ll never forgive him.

Pushing thoughts of my father out of my mind, I focus on comforting Jade and telling her everything she can’t remember about the incident. She’s understandably distressed when I tell her about Rupert being shot, even when I assure her he’s going to be okay. I promise to take her to see him as soon as she’s allowed out of bed.

The doctor comes to examine her, and my desire to pay my father a visit becomes almost unbearable. Standing back, I watch as the doctor checks her vitals, and it only makes my fury intensify. I’m grateful I got her back in one piece; things could’ve turned out so differently. The blame belongs squarely on my father’s shoulders. Without his deviousness, M never would’ve got her filthy hands on my girl.

The doctor informs Jade that he’ll be keeping her in for another twenty-four hours, purely for observation, which pleases me. As much as I want to take her home where I can care for her myself, she’s in the best place for now. When Jade asks about visiting Rupert, he suggests she wait until tomorrow. She’s still extremely weak, so for the interim he’d prefer she remained on complete bed rest. I know she’s busting to see him, but I agree bed rest is what she needs.

The moment the doctor leaves, I pull the chair over beside the bed. My need to be close to her is overwhelming. My fingers stroke her hair once I’m seated. When she starts asking questions about M, Rupert, and how we came to find her, I’m hesitant to give her more detail, but in true Jade form, she takes it all in her stride and again I’m left awestruck by her strength. She’s been through such a traumatic experience, but seems to be coping better than I am. I only wish I was half the person she is.

‘You’re amazing,’ I say, gazing into her beautiful green eyes.

‘How so?’

‘I love your strength, and your ability to accept the shitty things life continues to hand you. Your strong will to go on no matter what’s thrown your way.’

She shrugs. ‘I’ve learnt over the years that there’s no point dwelling on things you can’t change. Accepting things for what they are and moving forward as best I can is something I’ve mastered. It’s how I survive. I could easily let it get me down, but what good would that do me?’

‘I’m so glad you ran into me that day at the airport,’ I confess. ‘Meeting you has enriched my life in so many ways.’ And that’s the truth. Before Jade, I was just existing—going through the motions of life, not feeling, not really living. I’ve had the world at my feet my entire life, and I took it all for granted. She’s had to fight for everything she has, sometimes just to survive. She’s opened my eyes and made me see my life in a totally different light.

‘I’m glad I did too,’ she says, reaching for my hand and lacing her fingers through mine. I’m again reminded of what she’s been through when I see the bandages covering the rope burns around her wrists. It kills me inside. ‘Although if I could redo that moment, I’d definitely lick the chocolate off my teeth before I smiled at you.’ A sweet blush spreads across her cheeks. I wouldn’t change a second of that moment, or the chocolate on her teeth. It was adorable. Knowing her has made me a better man—a better person.

We talk about everything and nothing. Eventually, I see her eyelids getting heavy and I know she’s tired. ‘Close your eyes and get some sleep, it will do you good,’ I suggest, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

‘I feel rude sleeping while you’re sitting here, but I’m tired.’

‘Don’t. You need your rest. The quicker you get better, the sooner I can take you home.’

I hope she’ll come back to my place when she leaves here. Now that M is no longer a threat, she’s free to go back to her apartment, but I find myself hoping that’s not the decision she makes. Still, I won’t pressure her, even though I’d like too.

Rolling onto her side, she tucks her hands under her face and smiles at me. It astounds me how quickly she became my world, because that’s exactly what she is.

She still won’t close her eyes, so maybe it’s best if I go. I don’t want to leave her, but my need to see my father is just as strong as my desire to stay here. I’m struggling to comprehend that he’d actually be a part of this.

When my mind is made up, I say, ‘I actually need to step out for a while. Would it be okay if Josh and Theo came and sat with you while I’m gone?’

I see a smile tug at her lips before she speaks. ‘Are they out there together?’

‘I guess,’ I reply.

‘Have they been out there the whole time?’

‘Yes.’ Her face lights up and I wonder what she’s up to. I lean down and place a small kiss on her cheek. ‘I won’t be long, I promise.’

‘Okay,’ she replies, as her eyes finally close.

‘I love you.’

She doesn’t say it back. As much as I’d like to hear her say she loves me too, I’m okay with it. I close my eyes and briefly rest my forehead against hers. Why is the thought of leaving her again tearing me up inside? Perhaps it’s because, only hours ago, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see her again.

I give Josh strict instructions not to leave Jade’s side until I return. He gives me the keys to his car since I’d travelled here in the back of an ambulance. I intend to go and see my father, have it out with him and make sure he never goes anywhere near Jade again.


By the time I reach the office it’s safe to say I’m consumed with anger. God help my father when I get my hands on him.

‘Mr Weston, your father is in the middle of an important call. He asked not be disturbed,’ his secretary, Renee, says as I approach.

I walk straight past her without replying.

Reaching for the handle, I ignore her comment, flinging the door open with so much force it crashes into the adjoining wall with a loud bang. My father’s head immediately snaps up and his eyes meet mine. When the colour drains from his face, I know he understands why I’m here. I close the door to his office, locking it behind me. There will be no escaping this conversation.

‘Look, I’ll have to call you back,’ he says in a shaky voice before ending his call. He has good reason to be worried.

Stalking around the desk, I grab the lapels of his suit jacket before reefing him out of his seat. ‘You were behind Jade’s disappearance?’

‘She’s a damn whore. I was only returning her to her rightful owner. She has no place being with you.’

‘You had no right to interfere. She was forced into working for that monster. I saved her, and you threw her back without any regard for her safety or my feelings.’

‘I did you a favour.’

I let go of his jacket and he falls back into his seat. I clench my hands by my sides to stop myself knocking his smug head off his shoulders. I shake with the effort. How can we be related? How can this man’s blood be running through my veins? We’re so different. I have a heart.

‘Pack your shit and get the fuck out of my building. You’re fired.’

‘You can’t fire me,’ he says. ‘This is my company. I founded Weston Global.’

‘And then you gave it to me, remember? I’m CEO now. Either you go or I do.’

‘Giving you this company was the biggest mistake of my life.’

Is he for real? I made this fucking company. It was going nowhere until I took over.

‘Then tell me, Father, why did you sign it over to me?’

‘Because you’re my son!’ he screams, smashing his hand down on the desk. ‘I wanted this company to be my legacy. Was that too much to ask?’

It isn’t, but since when did he give a fuck about his family?

‘I can’t believe you’re going to throw everything away over a piece of pussy.’

‘She’s not just a piece of pussy. I’m in love with her.’ I don’t even know why I’m telling him this. He’s proved countless times over the years that he has no compassion for anyone but himself.

He laughs. ‘You’re pathetic.’

It takes everything in me not to lunge at him. ‘At least I’m capable of having feelings.’

‘I thought you were different, but I was wrong. You’re just like your brother. I wanted sons, but instead I got fucking pansies. I’m ashamed of you—both of you.’

‘Listen here, old man,’ I grate through clenched teeth. My hands latch onto the armrests on either side of his office chair so I can lean right into his face, and my fingers dig painfully into the leather. I’ve never experienced rage of this magnitude before. ‘You’ve managed to push me pretty far in the past, but believe me when I say you’ve never seen me pushed to my limit. I’m warning you now, I’m teetering on the edge. So, I’d shut that fucking mouth of yours if I was you. Don’t test me because, trust me, it will not end well.’

‘You think I’m scared of your idle threats, boy?’ He knows damn well this isn’t an idle threat. He may be wearing a composed look of his face, but his dilated pupils tell me an entirely different story. I’m trained to read body language. I know all the tell-tale signs. It’s time to show this fucker just how serious I am.

Letting go of the chair, my hands roughly grab his tie as I draw him even closer. Our noses are practically touching. If he wasn’t twenty-eight years my senior, I’d knock him out.

‘Put it this way, Father, you go anywhere near Jade again and I’ll fucking kill you.’ I give him a shove as I let go, making the chair tilt backwards when he lands with a thud. ‘Consider yourself warned. I despise you. I’m ashamed to be your son,’ I say. I don’t even wait for a reply as I turn to leave. From this day forward he’s dead to me.

Fuck him, and fuck this company. I don’t need any of it. Storming past Renee and down the corridor, I head for my office. I need to calm the fuck down before I get behind the wheel again. As I pass my secretary, Amy, I hold my hand up to stop her before she speaks. The last thing I want to do is lose my cool with her. I’m fucking livid.

I slam my office door so hard the windows rattle. I wouldn’t give a fuck if they broke. I swipe my hand angrily across my desk, sending everything flying across the room. I want to scream—no, I want to hit something or someone. Unlike my father, though, I know the meaning of respect.

A crushing feeling forms in my chest as I slump into the chair and rest my head in my hands. I’m angry, but more than anything, I’m hurt. How could my father have such blatant disregard for his own flesh and blood? I’ve disliked him for years, but I still loved him—he’s my father and I’m his son. It’s quite obvious to me now that the love only runs one way. A father is supposed to love his children.

All those feelings from the moment I learnt my father wasn’t the great man I’d always believed him to be, come flooding to the surface. I actually feel like doing something I haven’t done since I was a kid—cry. Fuck him, I won’t give him the satisfaction.

A knock on my door pulls me from my inner turmoil.

‘Go away!’

‘Mr Weston,’ Amy calls. I shouldn’t take my foul mood out on her, but I’m in no state to talk to anyone at the moment. I’m on the verge of losing my shit and I don’t want her to be in the firing line. ‘Mr Weston, please, I need to speak to you urgently. It’s about your father.’

‘Fuck my father,’ I retort.

‘Please,’ she begs. ‘It’s important.’

The desperation in her voice has me rising from my chair. I stalk across the room.

‘Please just give me some time calm down,’ I say when I open the door.

There’s concern on Amy’s face—she actually looks like she is on the verge of tears.

‘It’s your father, Mr Weston—he’s … he’s dead.’




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