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Hot Man Wanted by Tia Siren (5)

Chapter 5


“So I did it,” I said.

Winston was huffing and doubled over, trying to catch his breath. We’d only been playing squash for ten minutes, but he was already exhausted. He lifted his head to look at me, and I saw the blatant confusion on his face.

“Did what?” he asked.

“You know, the bet? I met up with some chick off that site like we said.”

“Dude!” he said. “Tell me all about it. How was it?”

“Well, she had this ad posted about how the guys she’s been with have never made her come, and she was looking for a man to make her come for the first time.”

“Oh, god,” Winston groaned. “That sounds like heaven. What’d she taste like? What’d she look like? Dude, I need details!”

“We were fucking interrupted by some foul-mouthed intrusion named Frank,” I said.

“She had some dude bust up into her place while you were face-planted between her legs?” he asked.

“Nope. Frank’s a girl, but yeah. Just shoved her way into Ash’s apartment.”

“Ash?” Winston asked.

“The girl I was tongue deep in.”

I hit the squash ball, and we played a round. The ball sucker punched Winston in the gut, and I couldn’t help but double over and laugh.

“You’re shit at squash,” I said. “No matter how much you play.”

“Squash is a shit game,” Winston gasped. “I’d rather play poker.”

I couldn’t help but think about the possibility of meeting up with Ash again. Part of me wanted to see how she was after last night, and part of me just wanted to feel those thighs shake around my face.

Jesus, I’d almost fucking had her. She had been locked and loaded, and I had feel her clit physically throbbing against my tongue. I would've sent her over the edge time and time again, and then when she was spent, I would’ve rolled her over and fucked her until she passed out and fell asleep.

“Well, you still gotta meet up with her,” Winston said. “If you didn’t fulfill what she wanted, then you weren’t really with a real girl yet.”

God, I had been hoping he’d say that.

“Well, her apartment is now double booked with her foul-mouthed friend, so I’m not sure where the hell I’d take her. Mother would wonder why I needed a hotel and go on a tangent about taking Eva instead, and I sure as hell am never bringing her back to my room.”

“I still can’t believe you live with your mom, dude,” Winston said, chuckling.

It wasn’t that I wanted to live with my mom, but I knew how she got when she was alone. My father had passed away a few years back, and ever since then, her icy demeanor had just gotten colder and colder.

She isolated herself more and rarely left the house, and when she did, she always came back with more Botox in her face or another facelift she obviously didn’t need. When push came to shove, I was worried about what she’d do if I left her alone. So, I stayed and put up with her bullshit.

“Just bring her to my place,” Winston said. “I’m hardly at it anyway.”

I shoved his shoulder when he smirked, but the idea did hold merit. But what did I tell her? Did I say it was my best friend’s space and admit I was still living with my mom? Did I tell her it was my place and risk lying to her? I mean, I wasn’t going to see her after our unfinished business was resolved, but a woman like her deserved more than that. She was warm and kind, and the last thing I wanted to be was a liar.

“Thanks,” I murmured. I pulled out my phone, opened the dating app, and sent Ash a message.

“I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to.”

“I’m really sorry for last night,” she responded.

“Don’t be. I have a best friend and he can be a real dick. I get it.”

“She’s not a dick. She’s just…”

“Selfish?” I finished.

She didn’t respond for a while, and I got worried that I had made her angry. But the next message that popped up relaxed me quite a bit.

“What are you doing tonight?” she asked.

“I was just about to ask you that same question. How would you feel about coming over to my place?”

I cringed when I read that sentence before I sent it. The pit of my stomach sank to my knees, and something inside me screamed to correct it. I mean, it was just Winston’s place. Who the fuck cared if I told her it was mine? It bypassed a conversation I didn’t want to have with her anyway, so what did it matter?

Apparently, it mattered to my conscience. It was nice to know I still had one.

“I feel we could bypass Frank doing that,” she messaged.

“So, would you like to come over tonight?” I asked.

“I’d love to.”

“Good. I’ll send a car for you. It’ll take you to my place.”

“A car? Fancy stuff. Will it have champagne, or is this get-together BYOB?

I smiled at her banter and almost didn’t realize Winston was looking over my shoulder.

“Atta boy!” he cheered.

“Just bring yourself. I’ve got everything else,” I sent her.

“Looks like you’ve got a phone call to make,” he said with a wink. “Let me know how it goes!”

I went home and cleaned up before taking the car and going straight to Winston’s. I told the driver what time to pick Ash up and where, and then I told him he was free to do whatever until then. I set out making Winston’s apartment perfect and kept rehearsing what I’d tell her when she got here. I’d tell her it was actually my friend’s place but that I didn’t want to get into the story of why I didn’t have my own.

I’d apologize for lying, and I’d tell her I hoped she would forgive me, and if she had questions I’d be an open book. I wanted to taste her again, and I’d tell her anything she wanted to know if it meant I could.

I set up candles on the table and lit some in the windowsills of the apartment, and after I was done cleaning some things and removing some of Winston’s personal effects, I called around to some of the eateries in town. I found someone who could bring over some finger sandwiches and baked bread crisps and dips, and I left the apartment to go pick up a bottle of wine. If I was going to reveal to her that this place was actually my friend’s, then I needed to make sure I schmoozed her nice in order to make up for it.

My phone vibrated fifteen minutes before she was supposed to be there, and when I saw she was on her way, I went and found a mirror. I smoothed out the suit coat I had on before buttoning it, ran my fingers through my hair once more, and then turned on the playlist I had put together once I’d picked up the wine.

I wanted everything to be perfect because I wanted this to be a night she would never forget. I wanted her to remember the first time my tongue made her come, and I wanted every encounter she had from here on out to pale in comparison to this.

But something in the pit of my stomach continued to flop around.

The knock at the door sent shivers down my spine, and when I opened it up, I couldn’t fucking pick my jaw up off the ground. Ash was dressed in this polka-dotted dress that shoved her tits up to her chin and cinched her waist in, and the dotted heels she was wearing flexed her meaty thighs in ways I didn’t think were possible.

Dear Jesus, I wanted to throw her onto the couch and bury myself into her right then and there.

“Fancy meeting you here,” she said, smirking.

“I know. I was expecting someone a little more perky,” I quipped.

“Oh, I can be perky,” she said as she stepped in.

“Is that so?”

I turned around and watched her pop a crisp into her mouth, and I was in awe of how confident she felt around me. She just barged right in with her smile and her swaying hips, eating food she knew was set out for her and looking around the apartment that wasn’t mine.

Shit, how was I going to start this conversation?

“Wine?” I asked.

“I’d love some,” she said, smiling.

I poured us each a glass and went to stand by her side. We stood in silence for a while before I took a deep breath through my nose. But she beat me to the punch before I could admit the truth behind “my” apartment.

“I believe someone mentioned some unfinished business.”

I watched her eyes slowly glance over to me, and the way she bit her lip was going to be the death of me. The innocence behind her eyes was a stark contrast to the nipples I saw puckering underneath her dress, and I felt myself growing rock-hard for her.

I set my wine glass down and slowly took hers. Once I’d set it down, I wrapped my arms slowly around her waist. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed into me instantly, and soon my lips were encompassing hers in a slow, fiery kiss.

Her lip gloss tasted of vanilla and cherry blossoms, and I ran my tongue along her lips so I could taste every inch of her. My mouth swallowed her groans, and my cock throbbed against her leg. When I finally pulled back from her swollen, pouty lips, I took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

Her eyes held mine while I backed toward the door. When I tossed it open, a yapping sound emanated from the corner. Something small buzzed by my legs and caught me by surprise, and by the time my eyes landed on the dog, Ash was already squealing in delight.

“Oh, my god! She’s so cute!”

My eyes were wide with horror at the sight of the small, scruffy rat dog, and my mind whirled a million miles a second. A dog? Why the hell hadn’t Winston told me he had a dog? Why the fuck had he not told me he’d locked the damn thing up in the one place we were going to end up tonight?

“What’s her name?” Ash asked.

“His name is…Huck,” I spewed. “I, uh, found him on the street and decided to take him in. He was pretty good and obviously malnourished, and he just sort of stuck around.”

“I don’t blame him.” She smirked at me.

Shit, I’d just dug myself a deeper hole than intended. I rubbed my hands along my face and tried to cast the thought out of my mind, but I couldn’t help the lurch in my stomach at the idea of lying to her once again.

My god, I didn’t want to tell this woman about my mother. If she knew the apartment wasn’t mine, she’d ask where I lived. I’d have to tell her I lived with my mother, which would prompt lead to her asking why, and I sure as hell didn’t want to talk about any of that bullshit.


My cock strained against my pants as Ash set the yapping rat down. When she turned toward me, Her eyes flicked down to my pulsating dick.

“Looks like someone’s happy to see me again,” she said.

I strode over to her and picked her up off the ground. She squealed and giggled in delight, and the noise sent shivers of happiness down my spine. Her smile was infectious, and I could smell her juices already flooding her luscious thighs. Soon, I was dropping her onto the bed and nibbling down her neck.

“Oh god, Mason,” she said.

I sucked in thick patches of skin while my hands traveled all along her body, but that damn dog came up behind me and nipped at my feet.

“Hey!” I yelled before I turned around. Ash was panting and her chest was flushed, and the moment I had reared up, the dog stopped.

“Thank you,” I said, but when I bent back down to pull Ash’s tit into my mouth, the dog started yapping again.

“Dammit,” I said.

My blood was boiling. Fucking Winston and his damn rat dog. Here I was with a throbbing erection and a thick, beautiful woman ready and waiting for me to ruin her for anyone else, and this dog couldn’t keep his trap shut long enough for me to do anything. I got up and tried to toss the dog out of the room so I could shut the door, but every single time I took a step toward the dog, it ran away.

“Jesus, really?” I exclaimed.

“Poor thing,” Ash pouted.

“Yeah,” I mumbled. “Poor dog.”

I was at my wit’s end with this entire situation. First, her loud-mouthed, rude-as-hell friend barged into her apartment, and now this unprecedented fluffy rat wouldn’t shut up and leave me alone long enough to taste the sweet pussy I was working so hard to have! But, like the angel she was turning out to be, her voice filled the foreign bedroom with the greatest idea I’d heard in months.

“Why don’t we just go for a drive?” she asked.