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Imposter: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance by J.J. Bella (9)


"It's just pretend," said Scott. "You know, a little make-believe."

"Make-believe?" Ashley demanded. "I'm not a goddamn four-year-old!"

Scott tapped on the partition and gestured for the driver to take them back home.

"I told you he was old-fashioned," said Scott as the car began moving.

"Yeah, you did. But when you said ‘old-fashioned' I figured you meant he'd call me ‘sweetie' or something. How was I supposed to know that meant you were going to pretend to be engaged to me?"

"Listen, there's nothing to it. You're already living with me, right? So, all you have to do now is introduce yourself as my fiancée and wear a ring. Nothing to it."

"That's really easy for you to say," said Ashley, crossing her arms over her chest. "You don't have to do anything."

She's so damn cute when she's mad, said Scott, his eyes on Ashley's tiny nose, now scrunched-up in anger.

"I'll make it worth your while," said Scott. "I'll give you a little raise, and when this is all said and done with, I'll get you set up in a great apartment in the city. In exchange, all you have to do is tell a little white lie every now and then."

"You don't get it," said Ashley as the car made a slow left turn, "this isn't about not getting paid enough for the job; this is about having to go along with a lie that you didn't consult me about first."

"I'll do all the work," said Scott. "All you need to do is introduce yourself as my fiancée and look pretty."

Ashley wasn't pleased, Scott could see that she was starting to realize that she was in for the long-haul, whether she liked it or not.

"Fine," said Ashley. "But only because I really like this job."

"And working with me," said Scott with a smile.

"And working w-" Ashley stopped, realizing what she was about to say. "Hey!"

She gave Scott a playful swat on the arm. Scott smiled again, seeing that she was getting over her anger.

"But what about the investor?" Ashley asked. "Won't he know something's up when we're, you know, not married?"

"I'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Maybe I'll just tell them I found out you were into meth and really freaky porn."

Another playful swat on the arm.

"Fine, fine," said Ashley. "But only because the presentation was a success."

"That it was," said Scott. "Michael's not an easy man to please; you did some great work."

"Thanks," said Ashley.

Before Scott could say anything else, a vibration in his pocket alerted him to an incoming call. Slipping his phone out, he saw that it was Michael.

"Hey, Michael," said Scott.

"Scott! I forgot to mention, we're having a little get-together down in Santa Cruz tonight. It'll be some business partners that I think you'd love to meet. Not to mention, it'll give you a chance to show off that fiancée of yours."

"Sounds great," said Scott.

"What?" mouthed Ashley.

"Excellent. I'll email you the information. See you there."

Hanging up, Scott put his phone back into his pocket.

"Ready for your first acting gig?" he asked, a scheming smile playing on his sensual lips.

* * *

It was later in the evening, and Scott was finishing putting on his tuxedo in the mirror of his bedroom. He took a long look at himself in the mirror, making sure that not a strand of his blond hair was out of place.

I can't believe she went along with it, he thought to himself, adjusting his bowtie. I was half-expecting her to walk out of the meeting right then and there. Maybe she's more of a schemer than I anticipated. Might make her perfect for this business.

Content with his appearance, he left the bedroom and went down to the living room, where Olivia was waiting, a small red suitcase next to her on the couch for her sleep-over at a friend's this evening.

"Someone's looking fancy," said Olivia.

"Thanks, little lady," said Scott, adjusting a cufflink.

Then, the click of heels sounded. Moments later, Ashley appeared in the hallway wearing a form-fitting, red dress that flowed down her body highlighting her comely curves. Her strawberry-blonde hair was worn down, her thick tresses draped over her bare shoulders. Her face was done up with a subtle application of make-up, just enough to highlight her full lips and sparkling green eyes. A pair of red heels completed the look, and Scott felt his eyes go wide as he looked at her. He never in a million years would've guessed that gawky girl her knew so many years ago would've ended up looking like this.

"Woooow," said Olivia. "You look like a princess!"

"Thanks," said Ashley, stepping into the living room, seeming to Scott to be a little unsure of herself in her glamorous outfit.

"You look wonderful," he said, his tone sincere.

Ashley smiled, but before she could speak, a rapping sounded on the front door.

"That's them!" shouted Olivia, springing from her seat and running to the door.

She opened it, revealing a pair of young girls who Scott recognized as friends of Olivia's from school. As soon as they laid eyes on Olivia they began beckoning her out with them with loud, girlish voices. Scott and Ashley said their goodbyes, and suitcase in hand, Olivia left with them.

"Well," said Scott, his eyes on Ashley's body. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

The car was waiting for them out front, and during the forty-five-minute drive down to Santa Cruz, the two enjoyed a glass of sparkling wine, as they talked in excited tones about the future that lay ahead of them in their business.

I brought this girl on as an assistant, Scott thought to himself as he watched Ashley place her full lips on the rim of her glass and take a slow sip, but she's got more of a business sense in her than she realizes. She could go far in this city.

Just about the time they finished their wine, the car pulled up to a massive, multistory beachfront home, a large, curved driveway in front that was lined with luxury cars. The sun was dipping below the ocean, brilliant oranges and whites swirling in the air around it as it sunk beneath the horizon. Looking out of the window of the car as they pulled in front, Ashley could see dozens of well-dressed men and women gathered here and there. She at once felt as though she was entirely out of place.

"Are you sure I'm going to fit in here?" she asked, her eyes scanning the crowds.

"You'll be fine. Just stick with me and I'll do the talking. Just remember: we met a few months ago at a coffee shop in the Haight, and we've been inseparable ever since."

"Got it," said Ashley as their driver parked the car, got out, and opened their doors.

Scott walked around, and in true gentleman fashion, helped Ashley out of the car. She slid her arm around his as they walked towards the house.

I know this is all pretend, thought Scott, but I have to admit- there are worse girls to have on your arm.

Ascending the stairs that led to the large front doors, Scott saw the eyes of the nearby men lock onto Ashley. Just as he thought, she wasn't going to go unnoticed this evening. Two members of the serving staff pulled open the front doors as the two approached, revealing a mansion interior that was as opulent as it was spacious.

Stepping in, Ashley gasped at the wealth on display, from the Ancien Regime furniture to the crystal chandelier that hung overhead, bathing the dozens upon dozens of attendees in soft, orange light. A grand, spiral staircase led to the upper floors, and a chamber orchestra filled the space with classical music. It was a party of class and sophistication that stood out in stark contrast to the new money flash that Scott was used to seeing in the valley.

"Scott! Ashley!" called a familiar voice.

The pair turned and saw that it was Michael, a glass of champagne in one hand, his other arm wrapped around a dark-haired, blue-eyed girl of delicate beauty and Eastern European features who scanned Scott then Ashley, her eyes in scheming slivers.

I wouldn't have figured Michael to be the cradle-robbing sort, thought Scott, noting that the girl looked to be around Ashley's age.

"Welcome, welcome," he said, beckoning them to come closer. "Glad to see you both here on such short notice!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," said Scott, shaking Michael's hand.

"And look at you," Michael said, giving Ashley a hug followed by a kiss on the cheek. "You're the picture of loveliness."

Scott watched as the girl at Michael's side shot Michael a quick, harsh glance.

The jealous type, I see, thought Scott.

"Both of you, I'd like you to meet my wife, Karen," said Michael.

"Pleased to meet you both," said Karen, her voice laced with a Slavic accent.

"Come, come," said Michael. "I'd like you both to meet the owner of this place. Great connections to be made here."

"Actually," said Ashley. "I think I need to, ah, freshen up. Long car ride."

"Oh, of course," said Michael. "Ladies room is just down that hall."

He pointed to one of many hallways that led from the spacious entry room.

"I'll be just a moment," said Ashley.

* * *

Ashley weaved through the crowds, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the whole affair. She kept her clutch held tight and close to her body as she made her way to the restrooms, trying to ignore the pair after pair of eyes that fell onto her body. Soon, she reached the hallway. Looking down it, she saw that it ended in a pair of glass doors that led out onto a small terrace. Ashley decided that stepping outside and getting some fresh air was just what she needed.

After taking a brief trip to the ladies room, Ashley made her way to the glass doors. Opening them, she sighed with contentment as the cool evening air touched her skin. She shut the doors behind her, silencing the din of the party, and stepped out onto the small, gray-stone terrace. A few couples were out there already, all watching the sun set into the ocean. Ashley placed her hands on the cool stone of the chest-high wall and looked out and allowed her thoughts to collect.

But before she could regain her bearings, a voice called out to her, a familiar voice.

"Ashley? Ashley Wilson?"

That couldn't be…thought Ashley, spinning around on her heels.

But it was. Standing before her, as striking as she'd ever been, was Regina.