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In the Black: Black Star Security by Cynthia Rayne (12)

Chapter 12

“On my signal, we go in hard and fast.”

West had spoken over the comms and Ellie almost screamed in surprise. 

Ellie wasn’t used to having a voice in her ear. And she was on overload anyway.  Ellie had never been involved in a military operation before. 

Maybe coming here had been a bad idea. And yet, she couldn’t let everyone face this without her.

Ellie couldn’t back out now. 

A chorus of “copy thats” came over the line. 

Zane and the rest of the crew weren’t perturbed in the slightest.  If anything, they seemed excited, filled with nervous energy. People who signed up for the military like Tommy and Zane, or para-military groups like Annie and Mack were just a bit crazy. Ellie liked the sanctity of her clean lab, the scientific method.

The compound was in the middle of nowhere.  Black Star Security had arrived in a caravan of Jeeps and parked several miles away, hoofing it so they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves.

 And now they were crouched in position, in front and behind the building, disguised by the shrubbery near the entrances.

Zane was in his element, surveying the area with his night vision goggles.

The nearest house was several miles away.  Dawn was hours from now.  There were no street lamps out here, so the place was pitch black.

West spoke again. “Before we head in, let me remind you.  These bastards have a nerve agent and aren’t afraid to use it.  Everybody put their gas masks on and keep them on until I tell you to take them off.”

She put her mask on, and it was rubbery against her face, hot.  Ellie had used one at the lab, but it hadn’t been this industrial or large.  She felt like the clunky thing was wearing her face instead of the other way around.

Zane turned to her.  “When we breach, you’re staying behind me.  Understood?”

“Got it.” It wasn’t even a question.

“Alright. I’m countin’ it down,” West said. “Three.  Two. One—”

A gunshot broke the silence, ricocheting off the ground.

So much for the element of surprise.

Ellie crouched further down, protecting her head.  They should’ve hidden behind something more substantial.  Where’s a boulder when you need one?

“Shit.  I was hopin’ this would be easy.  Good thing, we have a plan B.  Nox, shoot out the windows,” West ordered.

“It would be my pleasure, Chief. Can someone give me cover?”

Zane peppered the house with gunfire, while Nox expertly took each rear window, one by one, like he was playing a shooting gallery game at the fair. Only he wasn’t aiming at rubber ducks.

“Excellent work.  King, it’s time for tear gas,” West said.  “Let’s smoke these assholes out.”

She held her breath, as Tommy tossed tear gas grenades through the windows.  Almost immediately, the men inside coughed and hacked.

“Breach!” West yelled.

En masse, they ran for the doors.  Nox was the first one inside on their half of the building, and then Tommy. She and Zane brought up the rear. Storm, West, Annie, and Mack were in the front.

Things were chaotic inside. 

There were shouts, grunts of pain, and Ellie couldn’t see a damn thing.  Not to mention, they were in unfamiliar territory.  Smoke had filled the air, and she was grateful for the mask. Ellie held it close against her face, keeping it in place.

A man fired off a shot and then disappeared behind a corner. Evidently, they had caught them unaware. If they’d been tipped off somehow, the sovereigns would have been prepared. Maybe dumb luck had played a role. Had one of them woken up while Black Star was getting into place?

But when they walked around the corner, he was gone. 

It didn’t make any sense.  There was nowhere to run or hide.  They’d covered all the exits. Right?  

Ellie had a terrible feeling.

And then machine gun fire sliced through the air, turning furniture into toothpicks.

“Fuck!” West called. “Take cover.” 

"Come on, follow me. We’ve gotta get you someplace safe." Zane led her down the hallway, and she stayed close.  Adrenaline coursed through her body and the blood roared in her ears. In the distance, she could hear shouts and more gunfire.  

Ellie silently prayed everyone was okay.

He found the entrance to the basement and she followed him down the stairs. The floor was made of concrete, and the door was steel, heavy. 

 Zane pulled on a chain hanging from the ceiling, and the bare light bulb above their heads flickered on. It was cold and musty, filled with a few dozen wooden shelves and hundreds of dusty old Mason jars. Evidently, someone had been canning for a while.

He searched the place methodically.

“Okay, there’s nobody here, and there’s only one way out.” He pointed to the stairs. “You should be secure here.”

“Yeah.” Ellie was shaken. Like Nox had pointed out, she’d never been in a firefight before.

Zane took her by the shoulders. “You alright?”

She nodded, although Ellie was full of doubts.  

“I’ll come back to get you when all of this is over.”

“No, you won’t.”

Marshall stood at the top of the stairs. He was five feet ten with light brown hair and brown eyes. There was a cruel twist to his thin lips.

 Zane raised his weapon, but Marshall pulled out a plastic packet.

 She recognized the label instantly. “Stop, Zane.”

“What? Why?”

Ellie could barely breathe, let alone think.

“He’s holdin’ a packet of Anubis.”

“We’re wearin’ gas masks.” He hadn’t taken the shot but kept Marshall in his sights.

“Yeah, but it will evaporate into the air, even without the bomb. We want to apprehend them, not kill everybody.” Ellie wanted to hand them over to the FBI in one piece.

“This is over, Marshall,” Zane said. “There’s nowhere to go.”

He chuckled. “I wouldn’t say that. There are quite a few mine shafts around here if you know where to look.”

“Dammit.” According to Storm, the satellites were useless underground. Everyone had assumed the mineshafts had been locked away. What if they got away before the FBI made it here? “Marshall, I know you’re angry, but you don’t wanna kill people.”

“No, I don’t Ellie,” Marshall said. “But I’m not afraid to make the tough calls for the greater good.”

He had a half-mask hanging around his neck, a respirator.  It hadn’t offered any protection from the tear gas, as evidenced by his red-rimmed eyes.  His face was wet, so he must have rinsed them under the faucet. However, the mask would protect him from Anubis.

“How is killin’ folks good?” Zane demanded.

“Sacrifices must be made for everyone’s freedom.  Our forefathers understood the concept and put the country’s needs in front of their own.”

“Let me guess, you’d like to think you’re the modern version of Thomas Jefferson.” Zane shook his head.  “You’re not a patriot, I am.”

Marshall sneered at Zane. “I see you’ve got yourself a new man.”

That was still up in the air, but she doubted Marshall cared about her love life.  She doubted this was about her at all.

“All you women are alike. When hard times come knockin’ on your door, you move on to the next man.”

“You don’t have a clue what you’re talkin’ about.”

 “You’re right, but I do know something.”

“And what’s that?” Zane growled.

“This door locks from the outside.” Quickly, he jabbed the packet with his pocket knife and tossed it down the stairs.

“Move!” Ellie yelled, shoving Zane out of the way. Even a drop or two on a person’s skin could be dangerous.

 Marshall slammed the door shut. “Nighty night. I hope none of that landed on you.” He laughed, and then he was gone.

The gas was odorless, colorless, seeping into the air without a trace. Yet another reason why it was so deadly.

“Are you okay?” Ellie asked, clutching her mask.  “Did any of it get on you?”

Zane ran a hand over his body.  “No, I’m clean. What about you?”

“I’m okay.”

The gunfire had stopped upstairs, but they had no way of knowing if their side had won the day. 

“So, what do we do?” Ellie asked.

Mindful of the spill, Zane headed up the stairs, just to check. The door rattled when he tried to open it but didn’t budge.

“Wait it out.” He sighed. “And hope King or one of the others comes lookin’ for us.”

And then her nose started running.

 “Oh no.”  Ellie gulped.

“What is it?” Zane peered down at her, but Ellie couldn’t make out his face. It was hard to see through the mask because it was foggy from her panicked breath.

“My gas mask. There’s something wrong with the seal.” Evidently, some of the Anubis was seeping in.  She frantically pressed it tighter against her face, but it wasn’t working.

“What?  I don’t smell anything.  How do you know?”

“You wouldn’t.  It’s a silent killer, but a runny nose is the first sign.”

“No, you’re just freaked out.” Zane’s eyes were wide, and he shook his head. “It’s gonna be fine.”

“Oh God, it’s not working.”

She never should’ve taken this gig. It was wrong, and she knew it from the start.  Ellie supposed it was ironic, or perhaps fitting.

 She thought back to all those mice, pressing themselves against the cages, desperately trying to get out. And now she was going to die like the animals she’d killed.

“We have to get out of here.”

“We’re trapped.” Her eyes had already begun to water, or maybe it was tears streaking down her face.

“I’m gonna shoot the lock out. Stand back.” Zane took aim.   

“It's steel.  The bullet will ricochet, and it might kill one of us.”

“And you’re gonna die if we don’t get out of here. I’ll take my chances.”

“Zane, stop.”

Zane knew it was a bad idea, but he was frantic, desperate.

“I can’t.”  He clutched at her mask, as though he could fix it through sheer will alone. 

Ellie didn’t have much time left.  The symptoms would rapidly escalate from here on out.  If she didn’t have a heart attack, Ellie would be on the floor convulsing until she lost consciousness and then died.

 “It’s okay, Zane.” Her voice cracked. “I want you to tell my brother—”

“No. Don’t you dare tell me goodbye. You’re gonna talk to King soon.” Zane pulled her closer, holding her.

“Zane, please, let me say my peace.”

“No, because you ain’t goin’ anywhere. I am.” Before she could stop him, he whipped her mask off, and replaced it with his own. Then Zane put her mask back on his face.

“No! What are you doing?” Ellie gripped his arms, but he held her hands, keeping her from taking it off.

“Savin’ you.”

 “Stop! You’ll die.” Ellie tried to get away, but he held her fast.

“I don’t give a damn.” His nose had begun to run, too. It offered him some protection, but not enough. Not nearly enough.

“I do.”


“Because I love you,” Ellie whispered.

She heard sirens in the distance.  Apparently, the cavalry had arrived, but not fast enough.

“You do?” Pure joy illuminated his face, momentarily taking away the pain.

“Yes. I fell for you a long time ago, but I shoved it away.  In these past few days…”

“You don’t have to say it.  And you already know I love you, too.”  Zane staggered and fell to his knees, and she went down with him.

“Zane, stop it.  I can’t let you do this.  I don’t want you to die for me.”

This was worse than facing her own mortality.  She couldn’t stand here, and do nothing, while he died a painful death right in front of her.

She tried to take it off again, and he shook his head.

“Don’t take it off. Your life matters more to me than my own. Even if I…just keep it on, no matter what.  Please?” His voice was weak and thready.

The “please” undid her.  Ellie stopped struggling.

His eyes rolled up in his head, and he collapsed on the concrete. Zane’s grip on the gun loosened and it went skittering across the floor.  

Oh, God. Was he dead?

“Zane! No!” She bent over him, clutching his chest. “Zane! Zane! Can you hear me?”

His breathing was labored, and he wheezed, groaning with each breath. Still alive.

“God damn you. Why did you do that? You didn’t have to. This was my mess, not yours.”

But Zane stopped breathing.  

Ellie thought about performing CPR, but she’d have to take her gas mask off to breathe for him. And Zane had made her promise.

“Wake up, Zane! Don’t leave me.” Ellie wrapped her arms around him, but two big hands pulled her off.

“Let me go!”

Tommy was standing above her. Over his shoulder, the basement door hung wide open. Ellie hadn’t even heard Tommy come in. She’d been too focused on Zane.

“What happened?”

“We were exposed to the gas.” It was dose-dependent. She hadn’t breathed as much of it in, but Zane had. “Marshall dumped it by the stairs. Zane’s not breathing.” 

Tommy touched his ear and spoke. “We need an ambulance. Zane was exposed to Anubis, and he’s down. Repeat, he’s down. There’s a gas spill in the basement, so tell everyone to stay away.” And then he turned his attention to her.  “Here, let me help.” Tommy knelt beside Zane and examined him, feeling his pulse. “Was somethin’ wrong with his gas mask?”

 “No, mine was defective, and he gave me his.” Zane’s face was pale and waxy.  

“Fuck! We should’ve bought new ones.”

“I know.”

What if he didn’t make it? What if he died? It was all her fault. All of this

“Come back to me,” she whispered.



 “Hello, Miss King.  I’m Joe Hampton, the district attorney.  Can I get you anything? Water?  Coffee?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you.” He was being polite, trying to lull her into a false sense of security.  It wouldn’t work.

A week had passed since they’d breached the compound.

  By some miracle, Zane had survived, although he was in a coma, in intensive care. Ellie had wanted to stay with him, but the FBI had taken her into custody after she’d been treated and released.  She’d been in a holding cell, ever since, although Storm had paid her a visit and gave her all the details.

The sovereigns had all been captured or killed.  Marshall had been shot by an FBI agent who’d hit him right between the eyes.  He’d died on the scene.  Good riddance. Ellie was glad Marshall was gone. The world was a better place without him in it. The Memorial Day parade had gone off without a hitch and no one had been hurt.

The rest were in jail, even Dave. Black Star had told the FBI he’d been extremely cooperative, and she hoped Dave got a lighter sentence. Without his help, they couldn’t have prevented the attack.

Storm said the FBI had interviewed Black Star but released everyone shortly after.  She suspected Storm had called in a favor or two. Or maybe he had blackmailed them? 

After all, he’d said he knew where the bodies were buried.  Storm had tried to intercede on her behalf, but it was a no go.  They wouldn’t even entertain the prospect of releasing her.

If she wanted out, Ellie was going to have to do it herself.

He cleared his throat. “You’re in a great deal of trouble.”

“For stoppin’ a terror attack?” If Black Star hadn’t intervened, the sovereigns would’ve killed innocent people at the parade.  “The way I see it, we saved you from an even worse version of the Boston marathon bombing.”

His lips thinned, and his cheeks flushed with anger.

She remembered what Storm had said about heard trump card.  It was nearly time to play it.

 “You’re being charged as an accessory.  After all, you provided the terrorists with the weapon they used.”

 “Actually, they stole it.”

“Yes, using your missing key card, which you failed to report.” Mr. Hampton sighed. “I came here to offer you a deal.  In exchange for your testimony and cooperation, I’m prepared to offer you a five-year prison sentence.”

 “And if I decline?”

Hmm. Stormy was right. In the scheme of things, five years wasn’t much of a sentence for the crime she was being accused of.

“Then you could be facin’ up to twenty years or more.” He leaned forward.  “You won’t get a better offer.  And I will tack on every single charge I can think of, if you turn this one down.”

“I didn’t do anythin’ wrong.”

“Not from where I’m sitting.” His expression was harsh, but his tone softened.  “Be reasonable. You’re a young woman, and you can lead a full life afterward.  When you think about it, five years is nothin’.”  

He was lying.  Five years in federal prison would feel like an eternity.  

“Or you can spend twenty years locked up instead.”

“Yes, I could move on afterward, but I’d be convicted a felon.” She would have trouble finding a job, wouldn’t be able to vote, and people would treat her like a social pariah. 

No one had forgiven O.J. Simpson, and he hadn’t been accused of committing domestic terrorism.  Ellie wasn’t fooled.  Nobody would touch her with a ten-foot pole.

“If you do the crime, you do the…” He smirked.  “Well, I’m sure you know how the rest of the sayin’ goes.  Tick tock, Miss King.  My time is limited. What do you say?”

“Edward Snowden.”

He blinked, clearly not expecting her answer. Snowden had disclosed the federal government was spying on its citizens, without probable cause.  It had caused a firestorm, both here and abroad.

“Excuse me?”

“If you think that situation was messy, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

He frowned.  It wasn’t quite a crack in his formidable façade, but she’d managed to wipe the smug expression off his face. 

At least she’d made some progress.

“We’re talkin’ about the government manufacturin’ chemical weapons, which have been banned.  The United States signed an agreement with other members of the United Nations, and then reneged on it. This kind of violation has international implications.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, but his face was utterly blank.

“I’m bettin’ there are several members of Congress who don’t know about it, but they’re gonna find out. And I’m sure there will be hearings for months and lots of unfavorable news coverage. We’re talking 24/7 wall-to-wall stories on chemical weapons and lots of tragic pictures of people who’ve been gassed around the world. And we didn’t even cover world leaders. Countries will be lining up to censure the United States.” She raised a brow. “And I think our ambassadors are gonna have some very uncomfortable discussions.”

He coughed.  “Of course, this is all theoretical.  You don’t have any proof of wrongdoing.” She could read the silent question in his eyes.  Do you?

 “You must think I’m an idiot.  Of course, I have proof.” Ellie didn’t even have one shred of documentation. She was winging this, praying he’d believe her act.

Hampton watched her carefully, missing nothing. “I assure you, I don’t think you’re foolish. In fact, I’d say you’re an astute young woman.”

“Yes, I am, and we both know you don’t want this to go to trial, but I do.” She smiled.  “I want to do interviews with all the major networks, and maybe big newspapers too, like the New York Times or the Washington Post.”

 “I see.  Allow me to make you another offer.  Perhaps I wasn’t as generous as I could’ve been.  How about two years?”

Ellie shook her head. “You’ll give me probation. And I’ll be convicted of a misdemeanor, not a felony. In return, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

He scowled.

“Do we have a deal?” She held out her hand.

After a moment’s hesitation, he shook it.


Zane’s vision blurred, and he drifted in a haze, pleasantly numb, somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

Zane was groggy, disoriented. He couldn’t figure out where in the hell he was. All he knew was the place was white, gleaming white, like teeth in a toothpaste commercial.

And then everything snapped into focus.

His throat burned and sucking in oxygen felt like a chore. That’s when he felt two plastic things up his nose. They made his nostrils ache.

Hospital. I’m in the hospital.

Christ, I hope West got us an excellent medical plan because we all end up here sooner or later.

Wait a minute. Ellie. What happened Ellie?

The last time he’d seen her, they’d been in the warehouse. Had she made it out alive?

“You’re awake.”  Suddenly, King was standing over him, and his brows were pinched together.

“Where is she?”  His voice was scratchy, hoarse, as though he hadn’t used it in a long time.



“Relax. Ellie’s stretchin’ her legs and gettin’ us some coffee.”

He closed his eyes. “So, she’s okay?” 

“Yeah, she’s just fine. Don’t worry.” He pressed a hand to Zane’s chest and pushed him back against the bed. “Take it easy, brother. You need to rest.”

 “How long have I been in here?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

Zane swallowed. “Sayin’ goodbye to Ellie.”

“You’ve been here for nearly a week, going in and out of consciousness. The doctors weren’t sure you’d make it at first.”

“What’s the prognosis?” Had he done any permanent damage to his body?

“A full recovery, but you’re gonna be in a lot of pain. Your lungs are scarred from the gas, and the wounds have to heal. And you’re gonna be on oxygen for a while.”

Pain he could handle. Zane was used it.

“Why’d they tell you all of this?”

 “I wouldn’t have been able to get anythin’ out of the doctors if we hadn’t signed all that legal paperwork.”

Oh, that’s right.

When they’d started working at Black Star Security, West had them sign a medical power of attorney forms. They’d taken some precautions in case one of them was injured on the job and needed immediate medical attention. Like now.

He and King had power of attorney over one another.  Zane supposed he was lucky King hadn’t voted to pull the plug on him, while he was out.

 “Don’t sweat it, brother, I got your back. Always.” King seemed to sense what he’d been thinking.

“Even if you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you, I just wanted to punch you in the face, that’s all. We’re still brothers in arms. Nothin’ can change it.” King got all misty-eyed. “Especially after what you did for her.”

“I’m just glad she’s okay.” Zane hadn’t thought about it twice.

 “It’s a goddamn miracle. You really love Ellie, don’t you?”

“There’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do for her. Nothin’.”

“I can see that.” King nodded, and there was something almost approving about it.

Before he could reply, King bent over Zane and scooped him up in a bone-crushing hug.

“Ugh! Ouch!”

“Right. Sorry.” King pulled back and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “I guess I don’t got a choice now.”

“About what?”

“You. Just so we’re clear, I don’t think you’re good enough for her.”

“Yeah, but you don’t think anyone is.”  Zane didn’t take it personally.

“Damn straight. Besides, I can’t watch her 24/7. Ellie might kick my ass.”  King sounded put out, as though he’d seriously considered it.

“The lady’s frown on stalkin’, so I’m told.” 

His lips twitched. “Yeah, but you ain’t so bad. I could probably learn to deal with you.”

Zane could hardly believe his own ears. “Does this mean I have your blessing?”

“Don’t push it.” He grunted. “It means I ain’t gonna stand in your way. And I won’t beat you up again unless you deserve it. If you ever hurt her—"

“I know. They’ll never find the body.”

“Are you done threatenin’ him?”  Ellie stood in the doorway, with two Starbucks cups in her hands.

“No,” King said dryly. “Why don’t you come back in a bit?” 

She didn’t even look at King. Instead, she focused on Zane.

His heart clenched. Zane had thought he’d never get to see her again, and here she was, like a dream or a mirage.

“Leave, Tommy,” Ellie said.


“Go!” She pointed to the door and pressed a travel cup into his hand on the way out. As soon as he was gone, Ellie tossed her purse down, dropped the coffee on a nearby table and was by his side in a matter of seconds.

Ellie leaned over Zane, cupping his cheek.  “You could’ve died.”

“I didn’t.”  He closed his eyes, drinking in her touch.

“You got lucky.”

“I made a calculated risk.”

“You are so…” Ellie drifted off with a sigh. “So, what happens with you and me?”

You tell me.” He held his breath.

They’d said a lot of things to one another in the past few days, while under extreme conditions. Did she feel the same way after the heat of the moment had passed?

“I love you, and you love me. But do you wanna give us a shot? I mean a real chance, no backin’ out or pullin’ away, even if you think I’d be better off without you.”

“Are you sure you wanna be with me? You’ve seen me at my worst, Ellie.”

“And I’ve witnessed your best, too. You were willin’ to die for me, Zane. A girl can’t ask for anything more.” 

“If you’ll have me, I’m yours. I guess I always have been.”

“Then I’m yours, too.” She leaned down and kissed him.

And just like that, all the pain went away.





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