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Korus (Warriors Of Cadir) by Stella Sky (107)

Chapter 3

Bridget Thomas


I could not stand him. He was getting on my last nerve. Even his flowing silver hair and startling blue eyes could not overshadow the fact that this alien was downright rude. Maybe I would have been better off on my own since he barely spoke anyway. He was not one for conversation, and it was all that we had when we were stuck in the middle of an unknown planet.


I often talked when I was nervous or scared; it helped to relieve the anxiety that I felt. But he was not being friendly, and it pissed me off. I hated my body for responding to him every time he did something that turned me on.


Even the way he tracked footprints in the sand was sexy. I had a scientific mind, and he was definitely a fascinating science specimen, but he was brash, frustrating, and I wanted to slap his arrogance off his face. He seemed to hate humans, and I didn't understand that. If he hated us, then why the hell did he take us from Earth? Although this creature was blue-skinned, extremely tall, and physically well sculptured, there was something that he had in common with men from Earth; he was a jerk. I would have to come to terms with that, and I only hoped that we found the others soon. I did not want to spend another minute with this alien. For the time being, I trailed him through the desert following these tracks, whatever made them.


“Stop,” he said suddenly. He stopped as we followed the trail of tracks. I stopped and looked up from the sand. He was looking off into the distance. I followed the direction that he was looking in.


“What is it?” I couldn't see anything but the horizon.


“There is movement out there. I can see it. It is heading in this direction,” he said. I looked again; I didn't see anything. But maybe these aliens had better vision than humans; their bodies were certainly superior to ours, and he was much taller.


“I don't see anything. Are you sure?” I asked.


He turned and looked at me, giving me an angry look. Even with anger on his face, he still looked incredibly attractive.


“I said I saw the movement, human. Do not doubt me. We need to get off of this trail and out of you,” he said looking around.


“I was only asking because—” But he didn't let me finish.


“There. That wall of rocks will do for now. Come, human,” he said.


I sighed and followed him as he walked to a large rock wall and boulders about five hundred yards away. I didn’t like that I was not part of the process of making decisions. It was pissing me off even more. I turned back in the direction of the movement and still did not see anything.


“Hurry, human,” he said. I jogged a little to catch up with him. He was walking very fast. Soon we reached the rock walls. He walked around very quietly. He kept turning in the direction of the movement. Now, I could see a little clearer. He was right; there was something out there, but I still could not see what it was.


“Shit. It is worse than I thought,” he said.


“What is it?”




“What? Are you fucking kidding me?”


“We have to hide,” he said. He frantically began to look around the walls. I could not believe it. He couldn't be serious. Did he really mean cyborgs? Maybe that word meant something else to him and the Kynon. It couldn't mean what it meant on Earth; we didn't even have them for real on Earth. But then again, I had never known there were aliens out there.


“Do you really mean cyborgs? As in half man half machine?” I asked.


“Here. Come; there is a crevice,” he said, not answering my question. He disappeared into a crack in the wall; it was very large. I followed him into the darkness. It opened up into a small cave. It was cold and dark. It smelled fresh. Suddenly the cave lit up with a soft green glow. I saw that his arm was glowing. It was his armband cuff. It had a small light on it. He was using it to look around. I was impressed. What other interesting gadgets did he have on him? I looked around at the walls and touched them. It was wet.


“Water! See! I told you so! I was right. I was right. This water is coming out of the walls.” I said, excited to be right.


“Quiet, human!” he whispered loudly with a stern tone. “Do you want the cyborgs to find us?” he said.


“You just can't admit that I was right, can you? There is water here. If we had something to catch it in, we could have a drink. Can't you at least thank me for being right for once?” I said narrowing my eyes at him.


He sighed. Then he pointed his wrist at his belt to give off light. He opened a small compartment on it. He pulled something out. I watched as he unfolded a silver piece of material. It folded out into a canteen sack. “Here. Catch all the water you want, just do it quietly.”


I smiled. He wasn't going to admit verbally that I was right. But him handing me this let me know that he was at least giving in to the fact that I had been right about something. I pressed the opening of the canteen against the walls dripping with water. It slowly started to fill up. When it was about halfway full, I took a small sip. It was cool, refreshing, and delicious. Maybe some of the purest water that I had ever drink.


I handed him the canteen in the soft glowing green light.




Grabbed it out of my hands and mumbled, “Thank you.” He took a drink.


“What? What was that?” I said wanting to hear him say it louder and mean it.


“I said thank you,” he growled as he pushed the canteen back toward me.


“You don’t have to be a dick about it,” I said.


“You don’t have to—”


“There! Over there!” something shouted from outside. In seconds his hand was over my mouth again. The space went completely black as he turned his light off. We could hear the computer-like voices from a group outside the rocks. I knew that it had to be the cyborgs. What else would have a digital-sounding voice like they did? I was quiet as I breathed against Vnor’s large blue hand. My heart was pounding. I was terrified. I did not know what these things were, but I knew that there were more of them than us two. They knew that we were hiding, and it wouldn’t be long before they found us. I was glad that I wasn’t alone. Even though I hated this attractive alien, at least he was a companion in this.