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Korus (Warriors Of Cadir) by Stella Sky (75)

Amber Lynne


Two weeks have gone by since I had talked to the commander. I had discovered something in that time that changed everything: I was pregnant. I could not believe it. One night with an alien and this was the result. It had affected me so much that I’d shut down. I could not do anything but think about this pregnancy.


What would I do? I couldn't go back to Earth now. Earth was no place for an alien-human child. Nykon had told me that he was going to speak to the leaders about preventing me from going to the war games; now it was more important than ever. My child's life was in danger if I went. There was so much confusion and I did not know what to do. I could tell no one. I could not tell the commander; we had promised to stay away from each other. He was in training for the war games, and the outcome could bring peace. I did not want to tell him this news and have him be even more distracted. It could cost him his life, and I would never forgive myself. I could not tell Gina; she would let it slip somehow. She would speak to me about it in the market or some other place that anyone could overhear. So I could not tell her. I had to keep it a secret.


But I was surprised when the commander showed up at my door. It was dangerous. Anyone could have seen that he came down the hallway: one person in particular. His ex-wife Keirin. I still had not told him about her. I had been limiting my contact with him; I never knew who was watching. Now that I was not treating him, days would go by that I did not see him. I would just catch a glimpse of him as I walked in the training yards. That was always enough to set me on fire.


Then he showed up at my door. It made me nervous. I was in a panic. But there was also comfort in being alone with him. I wanted to tell him that I was pregnant, but I knew that I could not. But I let another piece of information slip. I told him about his wife threatening me. His response was to protect me, and that response made me feel good. It made me feel so good that I kissed him. I could not help myself. I was lost in the moment. I was lost in the fact that this alien was now the father of my child. I ached to tell him, but I could not. Instead, I just kissed him and let my body do the talking for me.


“Fuck, I’ve missed you. I miss the way you smell and feel,” he whispered.



Then he groaned and stood up. He picked me up from the bench. He scooped me into his arms and carried me. I knew that he was carrying me to my bed and I was happy. I wanted him inside of me so badly. I had thought of nothing else for so long. It occupied my mind at all times. I wanted to see him naked, and I wanted to feel his hot blue skin against my naked skin.



“I want you too,” I said. I wanted to shout that I loved him. I wanted to say, I have your baby inside of me. But I could not. It was a bittersweet hold of my tongue, and all I could do was kiss his neck so that I did not say anything. I moaned eagerly.


He lay me down softly on the bed. Then he grabbed the tie of my dress on my neck and untied it. He hungrily peeled the fabric off of me. My breasts were exposed, and he devoured them, his lips pressing hard against them. I arched my back up wanting more and more of him.



“And you are so hard, alien,” I said as I grabbed onto his cock pressing against the fabric of his uniform.



“I must have you now,” he said as he placed his body between my thighs.


“Wait. You are too heavy,” I said pressing my palms against his chest. I suddenly felt a need to protect my belly. I wasn’t sure what it was like to be pregnant with an alien baby. But I felt like we should be careful. He was three times my weight.



He smiled. “I like the sound of that,” he said as he stood up and quickly undressed. Then he lay down on the bed. It reminded me of him lying on the table of the treatment rooms. This was what it had been like to be tortured by his body in front of me. Not being able to do what I really wanted to do to him, but now I could. I rubbed my hands on his chest up and down, happily doing what I wanted to do. I kissed his hard abs and his hard chest. Then I straddled him. He looked at me and smiled.