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Lead Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris) by Terry Bolryder (19)


Two weeks later

Cadmium peeked around the corner of the hallway and then quickly withdrew, ears burning over what he’d seen.

Brittany and Lead locked in an embrace, as it seemed they’d been perpetually since they’d mated and she’d taken up residence in the mansion.

A pang of jealousy moved through him, and he rubbed his chest as he walked back into the kitchen. He was happy for his friend, Brittany, and for Lead, his captain, but a part of him longed for the same. In addition, as a dragon of Drakkaris, a mate was a necessity for survival.

Still, the way Lead and Brittany were looking at each other was so far beyond everything he’d expected on his planet from an arranged “union.” Lead gazed at Brittany as though she held the universe in her eyes, and she looked at him as though he were the only dragon in existence.

Cadmium longed for that so badly.

He didn’t want to take Brittany from Lead. He just wanted that connection for himself. The two of them were in love, the way he saw in sappy human movies that he secretly enjoyed, though he mocked them along with everyone else.

He wanted someone he could sit out on the back deck with and watch Earth sunsets. Someone he could return to and rest with after missions. Someone he could keep safe.

There hadn’t been many disturbances since they’d rescued Brittany. Marina said now that the female dragon knew that any portal she opened could be reopened and six angry alien dragons might come charging through, she would probably be reluctant to open another. Marina was also working on stronger barriers, and they hadn’t heard anything about another dragon-heart, so things were relatively calm.

For now.

But Cadmium knew things could change in an instant. He’d lived a couple hundred Earth years too long to be ignorant of it.

He saw Arsenic sitting at the kitchen table, breaking green vegetables and dropping them in a bowl, his brow knitted in concentration. Cadmium grabbed one of the skinny, green vegetables and chomped on it, ignoring Arsenic, who swatted his hand.

“Hey, it’s pretty good. You haven’t managed to ruin it. Yet,” he said, teasing Arsenic because it was one of his few joys.

Arsenic simply raised a dark eyebrow and glared at him. “One day you’ll see. You’ll have to acknowledge my superior cooking. My existence in general.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cadmium said. “You’re my brother-in-arms. Of course I acknowledge your existence.”

“Only because I worked my ass off to get into the dragon guard,” Arsenic said. “We both know that royal dragons like you don’t even look at my kind, usually.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Cadmium said, wrinkling his nose. Yes, he’d been raised near and in the palace, but that didn’t make him feel as if he were better than anyone. If anything, it only resulted in more duties. But Arsenic was a metalloid and from the outskirts of Drakkaris and had always been sensitive about it. “It has always been an honor to serve at your side.”

Arsenic appeared embarrassed at that, and the grumpy assassin quickly looked to the side, as if he wasn’t sure what to say to an actual compliment. “Anyway, I’ll prove myself with this cooking just like I’ve proved myself in life. Just wait and see.”

Cadmium just sighed. “All right.” He swiped another vegetable, grinning at Arsenic. “Try not to ruin them.”

“Get out of here,” Arsenic snapped.

Cadmium walked out into the living room, munching his veggie and taking stock of the other dragons. Chromium was lounging on a couch, playing a video game, as he liked to do when he wasn’t cooking. Cobalt was seated in a chair with a book, occasionally watching.

Zinc was probably up in his room. It seemed the mission to rescue Brittany had taken somewhat of a toll on him, and he was taking it easy to recover.

Cadmium tried to help where he could, but his powers didn’t work quite the same as they had on Drakkaris, though he could still suppress Zinc’s poison when he needed to.

“Wanna play?” Chromium asked in a flat voice, looking up at him.

“No thanks,” Cadmium said. “I’m expecting a package.” He smiled and caught Cobalt staring up at him quizzically. “Yes?”

“It’s just… The past few days, we’ve had quite a few packages… Are you doing all right?”

“Of course, never better.” Cadmium lied. The truth was he was a little bit bored. And a little obsessed… with their delivery person.

He had to keep his mind very guarded about it. He didn’t want the other dragons to know yet. Perhaps it was just because she was the only friendly female human face he’d seen, aside from Brittany, or because she always gave him a cheery smile, even if it was the end of the day or cold outside. She was kindness personified, and he always looked forward to seeing her.

To the point that he’d started ordering fairly pointless packages just to see her pretty face.

He had just seated himself on the couch and propped his feet on the ottoman when the doorbell rang, and he popped up eagerly. He shot a look at Cobalt, hoping he didn’t notice his overreaction, but Cobalt just narrowed his eyes and went back to reading.

As Cadmium strode to the door, he straightened his shirt and pushed his hair behind his ears, hoping to look presentable. When he opened the door, she was standing there.

Casey, her nametag read, under a photo of the pleasant face he so cherished.

“Well, hi there,” he said, a wide smile breaking over his face.

“Hi,” she replied, handing him a clipboard as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. He wanted to take her hands in his and remove the chill from them.

Silly dragon.

He signed, which always made him feel sort of important, and then handed back the clipboard. Funny how on his planet, he’d been one of the highest-ranking warriors, and on this one, he got excited about signing his name.

She grinned. “Thanks so much. How are you doing today?” She had dark hair, pretty hazel eyes, and curves for days.

And he wasn’t allowed to touch her. At least for now.

“Good,” he said. “And you?”

“Done with my route,” she said. “You guys sure live way out here.”

“True,” he said.

“Well, here’s your package,” she said, picking it up and handing it over.

He took it, racking his brain, trying to remember what was inside. “See you,” he said somewhat reluctantly.

“Bye!” She gave him a friendly wave and headed down the stairs toward the front drive, and Cadmium felt a kind of sadness as he watched her go. She brightened his day every time she came, even for the few moments she stood at their doorstep.

And when he walked back into the house with his package, despite the fact that there were dragons all around him, he felt totally alone.

He took the box into the hallway and walked to the spare room where he’d been stashing his loot. A sort of impromptu treasure cave. He looked at the pile of boxes, wondering how much further he could go before the others caught on.

But as long as he was able to see Casey’s pretty face, he wasn’t sure he could stop.

He wanted what Lead and Brittany had. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait. So for now, he’d just keep doing his online shopping and hope fate had something in store for one very impatient dragon.

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I hope you enjoyed Lead and Brittany’s story. If you enjoyed it, I hope you’ll give it a review to help other readers find it.

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Also, there are obviously some more dragons on the horizon, so make sure you’re on my newsletter so you can be first to hear when they release!


And if you haven’t read the Awakened Dragons boxed set with the original dragons, you’ll want to grab it while it’s still on sale!

Contains Onyx Dragon, Sapphire Dragon, Ruby Dragon, Diamond Dragon, Amethyst Dragon and Emerald dragon all in one place for the same price of one book! A special gift for my readers.

Turn over for a sample of the Awakened Dragons Boxed Set