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Lead Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris) by Terry Bolryder (5)

Chapter 5

Brittany breathed hard as she stared at the closed door through which the “dragons” had just left.

Lead had gotten there so fast, looked so furious… She’d definitely chosen the right one to ask for help. It bothered her in some ways to be dependent on someone, but after what she’d been through in the past few weeks, she wasn’t taking any chances.

She hadn’t been prepared for Chromium to rip off his shirt like that, a totally calm look in his jade-green eyes as she tried not to pass out at the sight of more beautiful, hard male muscles than she’d ever seen in her life.

Was that what Lead would look like under his clothes?

She reprimanded herself for the inappropriate thought and went into the bathroom to clean up. She’d showered the previous night before bed, wanting to get any last vestiges of the prison off her body. Her hair had dried curly and matted, and she wet it and ran a brush through it carefully, reviving the curls into smooth waves. Then she put a headband on, pulling the hair back from her face. There was a variety of hair supplies, almost as though someone had gone into a beauty supply store and asked for anything a human woman could need.

Which, now that she thought about it, was exactly what the dragons might have done.

So what did it mean, being a dragon? In this modern day, they didn’t exactly have to fly around guarding princesses in castles, and if they showed their true forms, they’d be all over the news.

She guessed that was something she’d have to ask them.

Also, the oracle had said that if she would be willing to teach them about human women, that would be much appreciated. But they already lived here. How could they not know?

They were aliens, but they looked like full-grown men, so why did they need her to teach them? Had they only recently come here?

She sighed, facing herself in the mirror resolutely. The only way to feel better about these guys, to be able to trust Lead about them, was to get to know them.

And since Lead was probably out there with them, it couldn’t hurt to take her breakfast down and see if she could ask some questions and get a little more comfortable.

She pulled down on the soft, blue cowl-neck tunic she was wearing over soft black leggings (again, in the closet in all sizes and colors) and checked herself out. No makeup, but then she’d never been one to wear much, having always had good (if freckled) skin. Her blue eyes were her best feature, she thought, framed with long lashes and slightly tilted up at the corners. Her face was rounded and her lips were smaller than she would have liked, but it matched her fairly petite nose that had a slight point at the tip.

She blew a piece of hair out of her face and decided this was as good as things were going to get.

She walked to the door and peeked out, looking around to see if any dragons were on the top floor. When she saw no one, she crept to the edge of the railing and looked down, hearing voices from the kitchen.

So they were all in there, then.

She walked back in her room to grab her plates (Chromium had brought them after all, and she was sure he hadn’t meant any harm) and headed slowly down the stairs, trying not to make any noise.

The dragons sounded as though they were engaged in a rather raucous argument about sports anyway, so she wasn’t worried that they would hear her.

Her heart began to pound rapidly as she got closer, knowing that at any moment, they would look up and see her. The mansion she’d been brought to was huge and luxurious, with modern furnishings in white and beige and gray, accented with denim and dark blues on the curtains and sofas. Cold and clean, but not sterile.

When she walked into the kitchen, she felt all eyes go to her in a veritable rainbow of colors and wondered how any woman was supposed to cope without fainting when surrounded by so many beautiful dudes.

Some of the wolves, especially the alphas, had been tall and muscular and attractive. Fifi had been exceptionally beautiful. But dragons took it all to another level entirely. Taller, more muscled, more cut, more handsome, more striking, with an entirely alpha, intense bearing that just sort of made her heart feel like a butterfly in the wind.

Forks clanked onto plates as everyone stopped eating and continued staring. She felt heat pool in her entire body as they all appraised her openly. She didn’t know if she’d ever had one man look at her with such keen interest, but never this many at once and never men who looked like models.

She supposed she should start with something simple to break the ice. “I never thanked you for yesterday. For saving me.” She brushed a stray curl behind her ear nervously. “Thank you so much.”

Two dragons, the one with blond hair and the one with dark-gray hair, looked at each other and then at her.

She’d been in shock last night, and though she vaguely remembered hearing their names, she couldn’t recall them.

“You’re welcome,” the blond said.

Lead got up at that point, his hawkish yellow eyes narrowed at the others as he walked around to pull a chair out for her at the head of the table.

Then he sat down on her right, ignoring murmurs from the others.

“I’m sure you don’t remember names from last night,” Cadmium said. “Why don’t we go around the table?”

She looked around, and memories slowly came back to her. “Um, I remember Arsenic,” she said, looking at the man with sharp, pirate-esque features and shoulder-length hair that was black and streaked with bits of silver and white. His green eyes glared intensely, reminding her of poison. However, when she got his name right, a smile lit his face, curving his full lips up at the corner.

She focused as she looked around at the others. “Chromium, who I met this morning.”

Chromium nodded. He had layered white hair that went just below his shoulders, and it was thick and masculine despite its length. His skin was tanned and smooth, and his eyes were a beautiful, creamy pale blue-green.

Next to him, a man with light-gray hair that appeared almost blue in this light spoke up. “Chromium says he’s very sorry for scaring you this morning. It won’t happen again.”

She looked between them, wondering why this man talked for Chromium.

“He’s my cousin,” the man said. Looking again, his short gray hair definitely had a blue tint to it, and his eyes were a deep, deep blue like blown glass. His features were sharp, authoritarian, with a long, straight nose and hard jaw. She remembered now.

“Cobalt,” she said with a smile.

The man gave her a warm grin. “That’s right.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said. “And you, Chromium.” She bit her lip nervously. “Uh, so does he not talk?”

“I talk,” Chromium said quickly, and she blinked. His voice was melodic. Low. Pleasant. Why didn’t he use it more?

“Dragons don’t have to use their voices,” Cobalt said. “Most of us can read each other’s minds. Chromium has always preferred that. Not that he says much there, either.”

“Oh,” she said.

“I’ve always liked using my voice,” Cadmium said. “But not everyone does.”

Arsenic snorted. “And no one as much as you, Cadmium.”

The others chuckled, and she looked over at the gray-haired man next to Cadmium. This one had drawn her attention even last night due to his dark-gray eyes that seemed to hold so much sadness.

What had happened to him?

“On that note,” Arsenic said. “Remember that we should all try to speak out loud and not read her mind either. Just close those channels off.”

“Why?” Cadmium asked. His blond hair was cut in flattering layers around his handsome, almost pretty-boy face, and his smile was perpetually teasing, with a dimple on one side.

“It’s rude, idiot,” Arsenic said.

“So is calling someone an idiot,” the gray-haired man said with a smile. His dark-gray hair waved to just below his jaw and some fell over his forehead. He was classically handsome, the type you’d see in a chick flick playing someone’s boss, but with more exotic-colored eyes and hair.

“I’m sorry, but I’m drawing a blank,” she said apologetically.

He had the calmest expression of any of them as he gave her a pleasant smile, so why did she feel there was something dark hiding behind it? “Not a problem. I’m Zinc.”

“Zinc is actually next in line for the throne of Drakkaris, but he joined the dragon guard to stay busy while he was waiting,” Cadmium said.

“I can speak for myself,” Zinc said gently, and Cadmium sat back in his chair with a frown.

She could tell the two men were close. “Nice to meet you, Zinc.”

“You as well, Brittany.”

She turned her attention to Lead, who was poking at his scrambled eggs ruefully. “Lead?”

He looked up sharply. “Yes?”

She realized his hawkish eyes were accented by long lashes that winged up at the ends. A long scar went across the bridge of his nose from under one cheek, but it was thin, and with his tanned skin, she hadn’t noticed it before.

He was handsome but in a coarser way than the rest. He reminded her of someone who might play a warrior in a movie. A genetically modified warrior with beautiful dark hair and yellow eyes. His face was square, his nose slightly hooked, his lips surprisingly soft and full above a hard, wide jaw. He could have been carved from granite by a merciless artist who decided at the last minute to soften the eyes and mouth.

“What are you thinking?” Lead asked quietly. “You are studying me, and I’m not going to read your mind.”

“Nothing,” she said, shaking her head and looking down at her breakfast to hopefully hide the blush rushing to her cheeks. All of the men were beautiful, but something about Lead drew her in most of all.

After a few bites, she’d calmed herself and raised her head to keep talking.

“So what are some alien dragons doing here in New York?”

They all looked around for a minute, and she suddenly realized they felt just as awkward about this whole situation as she did. Unlike the wolves, who seemed utterly aware of everything, these men looked as if they were uncertain and new to things as well.

“Um. We. Uh,” Cadmium stuttered.

“I’m not sure how much we should say,” Lead said.

“We came over to find mates,” Arsenic said sharply, cocking his head. He seemed the type to blurt anything out just to see someone’s reaction. His green eyes felt almost hypnotic they were so vivid.


“Human women to mate with,” he said. His mouth curved in a side smile, revealing one sharp canine. “Sex.”

Lead stood, shooting him a glare of warning. There was that flush again.

Hopefully, when she got used to these men, it would stop.

“Such things are not honorable to speak of in front of a lady,” Lead said, hands planted firmly on the table.

Arsenic rolled his eyes. “He’s become even more of a stick in the mud since we got here.”

Cobalt nodded. “Nonetheless, we should be careful.” He seemed like the thoughtful one, always weighing something out before he said or did it.

She was sure Arsenic must have been joking about the sex thing, because men like this could surely have sex whenever they wanted it just by snapping their fingers. She decided to let that one go.

“So since I’m behind and still working on my breakfast, why don’t you all go around the table and tell me more about yourselves?”

“Even better,” Cadmium said, eyes rakish. “Why don’t we each introduce the person on our right?”

Zinc shrugged. “Fine by me. Who wants to go first?”

“I will,” Lead said. “This is Zinc, of the family of zinc dragons. Defeater of the Altac behemoth, conqueror of Squimoth, and heir to the throne of Drakkaris.”

Zinc gave Lead a patient look. “Perhaps some more personal aspects would be more relevant to our guest.”

“Oh, right,” Lead said, running a hand though his thick, dark hair. It looked silky, and she wondered what it would feel like if she put her hands through it. Would he let a girl wrap a hand in it during sex?

So inappropriate.

She shoved a strawberry in her mouth and tried to let her mind clear.

“So, Zinc. Quiet. Keeps to himself. You can find him hiding in his room or occasionally doing dishes or cleaning. He likes… uh. What do you like? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you enjoying yourself.”

“Likewise,” Zinc said smoothly, turning to Brittany. “Since you’re on his left, I’ll be the one to introduce Lead.”

She nodded.

“Workaholic, as you humans would call it. Warrior, but a complete bore off the battlefield. Great to call on for backup, horrible to watch movies with. Overly protective of people he cares about.” Zinc’s teasing eyes softened. “Loyal. A great friend.”

“Aw, don’t make me jealous,” Cadmium said sardonically from Zinc’s right. “Besides, you’re supposed to introduce me.”

Zinc sighed and smiled at Brittany as if to apologize for his friend. “This is Cadmium, royal advisor to the heir, myself, and all around good dragon. My closest friend since childhood. Trustworthy, but more with men than women. He has sort of a… taste for romance.”

Cadmium met her eyes with a wink, and her jaw dropped slightly.

“He’s who you might go to for a good time, as long as you specify what you are wanting from him in advance.”

Another wink, slower this time.

“Al-all right, I think I get it,” she said.

“Of course, he’s a warrior like the rest of us, but he worked primarily in the castle amongst the royals of Drakkaris and only left when needed in battles.”

“I see,” she said. “Drakkaris sounds like a very interesting place.”

Zinc opened his mouth eagerly, but Cadmium shook his head.

“Don’t get him started. We’ll be here all day.” He nodded to Cobalt, who was sitting next to him. “This is Cobalt, court librarian and expert on everything Drakkaris and, recently, Earth and its shifter population. If you have questions about us or our mission or shifters in general, go to him. He’s book-sexual, so I think you’d be safe.”

Lead cleared his throat angrily. “To clarify, you will be safe with anyone because no one is going to touch you without your consent or invitation, unless they want to lose their dragon jewels, if they catch my drift.”

Cadmium gasped, hands going below the table protectively in a mocking gesture, and Arsenic rolled his eyes.

“Of course not,” Arsenic said. “We aren’t rapists.”

“Anyway, as I was saying,” Cadmium said in a relaxed voice. “Cobalt likes books more than people and can be found in our rather extensive library. Get info from him.”

“I can be interested in other things than books,” Cobalt said, looking up at Brittany with a slight flush on his high cheekbones. “Really, Cadmium.”

Cadmium shrugged. “Also, Zinc forgot to add that I’m an all-around good time, so if you get tired of these stuffy butts, come and see me, and I’ll cheer you up.”

“He also watches entirely too much human TV and goes on dating websites to try and learn about human women,” Arsenic muttered.

Cadmium looked slightly embarrassed but just gave her a chagrined shrug. “Guilty as charged. Which just makes me an expert, right?” He wiggled his eyebrows, and she laughed.

“I suppose.”

She heard a low growl from Lead, but when she looked over, he appeared normal, and she thought maybe she’d imagined it.

“This is Chromium,” Cobalt said. “My cousin and dearest friend. The personal bodyguard of the royals of Drakkaris and specialist in difficult missions. What he lacks in verbosity he makes up for in strength, compassion, and worthiness on the battlefield. His accomplishments could fill several books, and I personally think it’s a good quality of his that he would never regale you with them.”

Chromium looked down, a bashful grimace on his face. Then he gave Cobalt a nod that looked like some kind of thanks.

“Additionally, he loves video games, so if you are a human that likes that sort of thing, I’m sure he would love to play them with you.”

She eyed him, unable to imagine the huge, beautiful warrior doing anything so… geeky.

Chromium looked around the table as if asking what he should do, then glanced at her nervously. Then he straightened up, looking into her eyes.

“This is Brittany. She is pretty and sexy. I would like to mate her and

He stopped when Cobalt grabbed his arm and stood. “Well, that’s enough breakfast for us. Cadmium, you want to go play Mortal Kombat with Chromium?”

Cadmium nodded quickly, walking over to slap Chromium on the back. “Let’s go, buddy.”

Chromium pulled away, looking stubbornly at Brittany. “What did I do wrong this time?” He looked at the others. “You don’t have to coddle me.”

“Wow, that’s more words than I’ve ever heard from him,” Cadmium said in awe.

Chromium glared darkly. “Some of us only talk when we have something to say.” He held his spot next to Brittany and looked at her with clear, sea-green eyes. “I meant what I said. You’re beautiful. Sexy. We’d all like to mate you.” Then he stood and walked out of the room, pausing at the doorway with a grin. “Funny how I’m the silent one, yet only I’m willing to state the truth.”

The room went quiet, and then Cadmium scraped the ground as he pushed his chair out and stood to follow Chromium. He gave Brittany a deep bow and a smile and then disappeared from the room, leaving the rest of them in awkward silence.

She looked around the table, her eyes resting on Arsenic, who seemed to be bluntest. “Is that true?”

Arsenic looked at Lead, and she realized that even though she saw Arsenic as a loose cannon, he clearly respected Lead as his leader. “Well…”

“No one is going to mate you,” Lead said. “We were not given that as our mission.”

“But what does Chromium mean? And why would men like you want to mate me?”

“Are you kidding?” Arsenic said, leaning back with folded arms. “I hope that’s a joke, because you can’t be that stupid.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not stupid. Rude.”

“Sorry,” Lead said. “Arsenic is too sharp-tongued for his own good.”

“He simply means why would a beautiful woman like yourself doubt that we could desire you?” Zinc asked.

She bit her lip. “Well, Fifi, the wolf who helped me, did say that dragons sometimes mated with human women. But what about the women on your planet? I’m sure you had your pick.”

Zinc and Lead exchanged cryptic glances.

“Well,” Zinc said. “We sort of have… not enough females on our planet. And we are closely related to the dragons here, who have successfully mated with humans, so…”

“But that isn’t our mission right now,” Lead said quickly. “So you don’t need to worry about it. Right now, you just need to recover and let us protect you.”

She sighed. “So I’m just supposed to relax and have fun?” She was glad she hadn’t really left anyone behind, because at this point, they’d be really worried about her.

“As much as you can. And you know, help us understand human women, if you want to.”

She thought about it for a second. “Sure. I mean, I still owe you all.”

Cobalt stood. “I’m headed down to the library. If you have more questions, I’m happy to answer them.” He smiled. “Plus, I would love to see you.”

“There you go,” Zinc said. “Your first outing. I’ll do the dishes with Lead.”

Arsenic gave a shrug and, with a short nod at Brittany, exited the room.

Brittany looked at Lead, who just stared back silently.

“Um, I guess I’ll be going, then,” she said, standing and setting her napkin aside. “Are you sure you don’t want help cleaning up?”

Zinc stood, rolling up his sleeves. “We’ll be just fine,” he said. “Go see Cobalt and get whatever information you might need. The library is downstairs, first door on the left.”

She sighed. “Okay. Thanks again.” She looked at Lead. “I’ll see you later?”

“Sure,” he agreed.

So she left the room, heading for the stairs down to Cobalt.