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Lilly: A Silent Sons MC Novel Book Three by Ambere Sabo (6)

Chapter 7



Sunlight blinds me as I open my eyes to a too bright room. I barely remember checking into the hotel or even getting this room for that matter. Sitting up, I look around. I’m still in the pajamas I wore when I left Ma’s. I must have passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Now, I need to figure out exactly where I am, so I can decide what my next move is.

Rolling over, I swing my legs around to get up from the bed. Every muscle in my body protests. Damn near twenty-four hours on the road will do that to a girl. And the thought of getting back in my car right now makes my stomach churn. Who knew it was possible to be this sore from just sitting? Maybe one more night here isn't such a bad idea.

Grabbing the keycard from the desk, I make my way out of my room. Turning, I glance at my door. Room 226, so I'm on the second floor. Heading downstairs I head to the front desk. I barely remember any of this from last night.

Note to self: never let yourself get that exhausted again. I'm lucky I didn’t wreck last night.

“Hi,” I tell the girl behind the front desk, as she peers up at me. “I’m in room 226. Is it possible to book another night?”

“Let me see. I think we're almost booked tonight with the festival,” she explains as she begins typing away at her computer.

“Festival?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

“Um hmm,” she says without looking up at me.

“Looks like you're in luck,” she says with a smile. “We still have a few rooms left. Do you want me to charge the card on file?”

“Yes, please.”

She charges my card and makes me a new room key. “This weekend is Flagstaff’s Hullabaloo Festival downtown. It can be a pretty good time if you're looking for something to do.”

“Um, I'm not sure right now. All I can think about is food,” I tell her as my stomach starts to make itself known.

“If you’ve got a good appetite, head across the street to The Country Host. They know how to do breakfast right,” she says with a smile handing me the key.

“Thanks! I’ll give it a try,” I say to her as I grab some brochures on Flagstaff. Apparently, I’m in Northern Arizona. Thank God for hotels and all the junk they stash in their lobbies. Asking where I was might have come across as a bit odd.

Heading back upstairs, I change into some capris and a tank top. With quick fingers, I throw my hair in a messy bun then head back downstairs in search of the only thing that matters right now, food.

The weather outside is nice. If not a bit chilly for May. I always thought Arizona was mostly desert, but this is definitely not the desert. Looking around before I cross the street, I can see a few mountains in the distance. It makes for a beautiful view.

Breakfast is delicious. Not only is the food the epitome of comfort, but the staff really makes the place. I can’t help but giggle when my older waitress starts giving the table of boys beside me shit for coming in hungover. They don’t look like they’re even be out of high school yet. Her main concern is that they weren't driving drunk.

I haven’t seen much of this quiet, little city yet. But if this place is an accurate glimpse of the people here, maybe I can hide here for a bit. Who’d even think to look for me here, anyway?

Back at the hotel, after a much needed food-baby induced nap, I start looking through the brochures. Apparently, this is where they first discovered Pluto and is one of the world’s first dark cities. Whatever the hell that means. I’m also not too far from the Grand Canyon.

I was supposed to get to see all of this after I graduated high school. Ma had this whole trip planned out. We were going to head to NOLA to celebrate first. I've loved that city since the first time I laid eyes on it at six years old. Then we would’ve been off to Carlsbad Caverns, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, all of it. Instead, I decided to start at UT over the summer and all we had time for was NOLA.

I always thought I’d have all the time in the world to see things, to travel, to spend time with Ma. I wish more than anything right now I would’ve taken that trip with her. Made the memories I should’ve.

Thinking about her now makes my heart hurt. She’s probably worried sick. Leaving a note wasn’t really on my mind when I left. I need to call and let her know I’m okay, but I have to get a phone first.

Later I find myself wandering the Hullabaloo Festival, watching the families with their children. All of them smiling as they mill about getting their faces painted, shopping the local vendors, grabbing a beer, or just spending time together. For just a moment, I envy the normalcy of it all. I doubt any of them have ever had to worry about being snatched from their homes to be forced to become someone's bride.

Grabbing a burger and a beer, I find a spot to sit and eat, completely content to people watch. I make up stories in my head about what they do for a living, how they live their lives, who they love. Long after my food is gone and the sun has started to set, I still sit just watching.

“This seat taken?” a voice draws my attention to my left.

“Oh, um, no. Go ahead,” I tell the tiny woman in front of me.

“You here to see The Boombox Bros?” she asks.

“The who?”

“The Boombox Bros,” she says, pointing at her tank top. “They’re about to perform.”

“Oh,” I exclaim, understanding dawning on me. “No, I don’t know that I’ve ever heard of them. I’m not from around here.”

“Well, you’re missing out. They’re amazing. I’ve never seen them live, so this is a treat for me. Getting to see them is the only reason I’m not kicking your ass for running right now,” she casually throws out.

My heart stops in my chest and breathing just isn't happening. What the fuck did she just say?

“Come on, Lilly, how far did you think you’d get before someone found you?” she asks, giving me a side-eye.

I don’t even hesitate, I’m up, trying to get off of the bench and as far away from here as possible before she can blink. She grabs my wrist. “ If you make me miss this show, I will not be pleasant when I find you again. And I will find you again, Lilly. There is no question about it. Now, sit. I’m an ally. There's no need for you to run from me.”

My mind races. Enterrador would never send a woman to come for me. Looking over the small woman, I don’t think there’s any universe where she’d run in his circle. Her light caramel skin tells me she’s probably Hispanic, but the vibrant blue hair she’s rockin’ definitely doesn’t scream cartel.

“Explain,” is the only indication I give that I’m not running.

She huffs out a breath, “I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’m a hacker, Lilly. I’ve been helping Snoopy gather information on Enterrador. The only reason the cartel and the Sons don’t know you’re here right now is because I took care of your papertrail. Debit cards are not the way to go if you're trying to stay hidden, by the way. Now, can you please sit so I can watch the show? I'll explain everything else when it’s over.”

I sit back down for one reason only, if she found me once I have no doubt she can do it again. Why did I think it would be as easy as just running away?