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Lobo: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides (Book 7) by Tasha Black (22)


Lobo thought his heart would explode with joy. She was his, and he was hers. She would not send him away.

The air between them crackled with electricity. He could sense her need for him coming off her in waves. She craved his touch, nearly as much as he yearned for hers.

And now that her heart and mind belonged to him, claiming her body had gone from a longing to a biological imperative.

He pulled her close and leaned down to brush her lips with his.

She sighed with pleasure.

Just like last time, he felt the wash of awareness, as if the kiss allowed him better access to her emotions.

Love you, want you, need you inside me

He was choked with the passion of her response. She loved him. He was whole now. He was hers, forever.

But he wasn’t about to wait another second. He slid her t-shirt over her head and laid it on the ground. Then he pulled his own shirt off and laid it beside hers, slid off his shoes and shimmied out of his jeans and added the jeans to the makeshift bed on the grass.

When he looked up he saw Veronica rolling her shorts into a pillow.

He drank in the sight of her generous curves. Her honey skin glowed pale in the moonlight, interrupted only by her dark underthings.

“Lie down, my love,” he told her tenderly.

She lay down and smiled up at him.

I trust you.

Again his heart surged as if he would die.

He lowered himself beside her, cradled her cheek in his hand.

“I love you, Veronica,” he told her, unable to contain the words any longer.

“I love you too,” she told him solemnly.

He kissed her again, this time with all the bottled up passion he’d hidden away when he thought he was facing death or deportation.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging as if she would never let him go.

At last his need for oxygen began to battle his need to kiss her forever. Reluctantly, he left her mouth, kissing his way down her neck.

Veronica shivered.


He smiled and kissed his way between her breasts.

“Oh,” she sighed, as he popped open the clasp at the front of her bra.

He peeled back the fabric slowly. He’d never actually opened a birthday present, but he felt like he finally understood the feeling.

Her breasts sprung out, eager as puppies for his touch.

He caught one bouncing nipple between his teeth and nipped gently, then stroked it with his tongue and sucked.

Veronica arched her back and whimpered.

Encouraged, he tried the same on her other breast. Somehow, tonight, teasing and toying with her beautiful breasts was even more exciting than it had been the first time.

Human males in movies and books indicated that mating with new and different women brought greater excitement.

But Lobo was already beginning to see that this could not be right.

Knowing that Veronica loved him, that she wanted him, stoked his lust. He dreamed of a day when they would have done this a hundred times, or a thousand - when he had refined his methods of pleasuring her to such an extent that tonight’s efforts would seem rudimentary in comparison.

Except that being with Veronica could never be rudimentary.

As if to demonstrate this surety, she gasped and arched her back, sinking her nails into his shoulder blades.

He felt such a wave of sympathetic lust from her that he was unable to restrain from pressing his aching cock against her thigh to give himself some slight relief.

She moaned and wiggled.

So big, so hard

He abandoned her breasts, kissing his way lower, lower, until he was nuzzling the fragrant satin between her thighs.

“Oh,” she whispered, stilling.


He could not deny her, even if he’d wanted to. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of her underthings and tugged.

She lifted her hips, allowing him to remove them completely.

When he returned to her he was nearly breathless with desire.

Veronica, his Veronica, lay naked and writhing with need before him.

He lowered his head to taste her.

Veronica whimpered as he slid his tongue along her opening without penetrating.

Her exquisite flavor burst on his tongue - spicy and rich, he couldn’t get enough of it.

Veronica mewed and whined as he spread her open with his hand and lapped at her.

He was insatiable, he wanted, needed to taste every drop.

But with each lash of his tongue the sweet dewiness only multiplied until he was nearly drunk with it, and sweet Veronica’s sounds of pleasure were quickly devolving into cries of anguish.

“Poor darling,” he crooned against her thigh.

Please, please, please

“Please,” she moaned out loud.

He nudged a finger between her folds, reveling in the welcoming heat of her, his cock throbbing jealously.

Veronica’s thighs trembled.

He moved his finger in and out slowly.

“Oh,” she whimpered.

He lowered his head to lick around his fingers.

When he felt her sex begin to tighten around him, he slid his tongue up to search for the epicenter of her pleasure.

He found the sweet little nub and licked eagerly, delighting in its lovely texture, stiff and pliant at once.

Veronica moaned excitedly.

He wrapped his lips around it and sucked gently while working it with his tongue.

She cried out again and her thighs stiffened.

Then he felt her entire sex convulsing around his finger, squeezing and massaging his hand and tongue as she sang out her pleasure into the stillness of the night around them.