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Misadventures of a Valedictorian by M.F. Wild, Mia Michelle (10)

Chapter Ten


Clare! Wait up!”

I froze at the sound of Paul’s voice. For the past two days, I had successfully managed to avoid him by skipping all of our mutual classes. I knew it was cowardly, but I still couldn’t bring myself to face him, especially after what had happened between us the other night.

Tightening my hold on my bag, I darted toward the nearest exit of the building and picked up my pace in an effort to ditch him. I had just reached the stairwell when he grabbed my arm. Stiffening my body, I refused to turn around to look at him.

“Let me go, Paul.”

“Clare, please. Look at me,” he pleaded, keeping a firm grip around my wrist.

I hesitantly faced him. “I said ‘let me go.’ I don’t want to do this with you right now.”

He looked at me for a few seconds before reluctantly releasing me. “Fine. Then, meet me tonight. We need to talk about everything, Clare. You at least owe me that much.”

I shook my head. “I don’t owe you anything, Paul. I told you from the beginning not to expect anything from me. What happened between us was just sex. It didn’t mean anything.”

“Well, it meant something to me.” He swallowed hard, reaching his hand out to cup my face. “I meant what I said before. I love you, Clare.”

Shaking my head, I stumbled backward. “You can’t love me, Paul. We’re just friends… Friends with benefits.”

Paul’s shoulders sagged. “I’ve been in love with you since the moment Kitty and Todd introduced us at the campus bonfire. I tried hinting that I was interested, but you never seemed to notice. You were too wrapped up with Eric to see it. I tried to be patient. I tried to convince myself that you were worth waiting for. But the more time that went by, the more I began to give up hope that you would ever see me as more than just a friend. Then, that night over Thanksgiving break happened. Since then, you’re all I fucking think about. I can still taste your pussy on my lips. I can still remember how incredible it felt to be inside you. Please, I’m begging you, Clare. Just give me tonight. Let me prove to you that I can be what you need.”

A wave of nausea swept through my body. No, no, no! This wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen.

“Paul, I’m in love with Eric. I know how fucked up that must seem to you, especially after we were together, but it’s true. No matter what happened between us, what I feel for him is never going to change.” At least, I didn’t think it would.

An agonized look washed over his face. “How can you honestly say you love him, Clare? I would cherish you. Love you. Just give me a chance, please. I can make you forget about him.” Before I could open my mouth to speak, Paul stepped forward and grabbed me by the waist, planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I clamped my lips together, refusing him entry into my mouth. Desperate to break the kiss, I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him away from me.

“What the fuck?” I brought my hand up to my mouth, glaring back at him, my chest heaving as I fought to catch my breath.

Paul ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the ends. Regret filled his eyes. “God, Clare. I'm so sorry. It’s just… All of this is just making me so crazy.”

He wasn’t the only one. Things with Eric were confusing enough as it was. I felt like everything was closing in around me. Paul’s professed love was the last thing I needed to deal with right now.

“Look, Paul, this is all getting way out of control. Maybe it’s best if we keep our distance from each other for a while. I need some time to make sense of everything.”

Paul flinched, as if my words had somehow gutted him. Swallowing hard, he nodded his head. “If that’s what you want, I’m willing to give you all the space you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.”

Thank you.”

Despite the present drama, Paul really was a terrific guy. I regretted crossing that dangerous line in our friendship—a line we could never cross back over. I was finding out there were a lot of terrific guys out there. Sexy, intelligent, caring men who could make both my body and my heart respond.

As I thought back over the last couple of months and the outrageous agreement Eric and I had reached, on the one hand, I felt empowered. I’d had experiences and fun. But with the sex came the emotional side, and not just with Paul. It was becoming tougher to keep this simple, to keep the questions at bay. I’d hurt Paul even though I’d been clear. Did Eric deserve the parts of myself I was holding out just for him? Was this arrangement with Eric worth all the pain that seemed to go along with it? Could someone like Paul…or Reed…be more if I gave either of them that chance?

Reed Michaels.

The sexy surfer was far more than an island hookup. He had made me feel things that I had never experienced with anyone. The deep connection we had shared was unexplainable and far more than passionate sex. If I was honest with myself, it was probably a good thing that four thousand miles separated me from Reed.

I dug out my phone from my bag and scrolled through my contacts, smiling weakly at Reed’s name on the screen. For what must have been the hundredth time since I left Kauai, I fought with myself over whether to press the green button that would make the call connecting me to Reed.

Maybe if I heard his voice I could make sense of everything. Maybe he was the key to figuring my way through this fucked-up place I’d put myself in. But like so many times before, I chickened out on calling him. I tucked the phone back into the side pocket of my bag, believing that I’d made the right decision to keep that part of my past in the past.

The loud tolling of the bell on the campus clock tower broke me from my trance. Fluttering my eyes, I noticed the evening sky around me. I had convinced myself that I could clear my head with a walk, but obviously I hadn’t thought things through. Not only was I on the far end of campus, I was also wearing the wrong kind of shoes. I winced at the pain in each step, knowing I still had a long walk back. The heels of my feet might never forgive me for this mistake.

By the time I made it to my dorm, every inch of my body was aching from fatigue. All I wanted was to take a hot shower and climb into bed. Maybe I would be able to see things more clearly after a good night’s sleep.

Just as I was about to pull out my keys to my room, Eric’s familiar ringtone sounded from the side pocket of my bag. Ordinarily, I would jump at the chance to hear his voice, but my run-in with Paul had simply pushed me over the edge. Between the two of them, I felt like a ping pong ball being hit back and forth. All of it was sucking the life out of me. Digging out my phone, I cringed and sent the call to voicemail. Maybe ignoring him like this was wrong, but it seemed like the only feasible solution at the moment.

Lacey was toweling off her long hair when I entered our room. When she saw my disheveled appearance, her mouth dropped open. “Holy shit! What happened to you? You look like hell.”

Exhausted, I dropped my bag by the door and collapsed across my mattress, deciding to skip the shower and go straight to bed.

“Can we talk about it tomorrow, please?” I mumbled into my pillow. The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner I could forget about everything.

There was a shuffling noise beside me, followed by a hard kick against my bed. Cursing, I pushed myself off the bed and glared at my roommate, who was towering over me.

“Don’t you listen?”

Lacey nudged me with her hip. “Shut up and scoot over.”

As I shifted myself over on the bed, I eyed the tall bottle in her right hand. “What’s that?”

She let out a low chuckle. “Meet José Cuervo. Your new best friend.”

Hey, this is Clare. Sorry I missed your call…”

I didn’t bother leaving another message. I’d left four. There were at least a hundred rational reasons why she wasn’t answering, but none of them settled the uneasiness that resided inside me. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it.

“Hayward! Stop dicking around and get your ass on that field!” My coach’s angry voice resonated through the empty locker room. With the end of our football season approaching, I knew how important these practices were. If we secured these last two wins, we would be headed to conference playoffs—an accomplishment this school had not seen in years. No matter how messed up my head was, I had to get my shit together. I couldn’t let my team down.

“Yes, sir!” I tossed my phone back onto my bag and grabbed my helmet from the bench. Hustling past my coach, I made my way out of the field house.

For the next hour, I’d give it my all, but the second practice was over, I was heading to Clare’s room. One way or another, I would know the reason for her silence.

Oh, my God! I have the best idea!” Lacey bolted upright in her bed.

Laughing, I reached for the bottle and poured myself another drink. “What’s this brilliant idea?” I happened to think the tequila was the best idea she’d had in a long time. After everything that had happened today, this was exactly what I needed to take the edge off.

“Let’s play Truth or Dare.”

I frowned and set my glass down. “Uh-uh. No way. I hate that game.”

Lacey turned to face me, hugging a pillow against her stomach. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. We’ll just play one round. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Pleeaasse,” she whined.

God, I fucking hated when she begged like that. Having a few drinks in her made it even worse.

“Fine, but just one round,” I warned. Surely I had enough liquid courage flowing through my veins to make it through one round of this game.

Lacey beamed. “I’ll even let you go first,” she offered, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

Rolling my eyes, I started off the game. “Okay, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Better make this question a good one.”

That was easy. I’d been dying to know about something for months.

“So…is it true that the dorm janitor caught you handcuffed in the basement with Brent Morrison on Halloween?”

Without delay, Lacey leaned forward and opened her nightstand drawer. When she held up her hand, a set of shiny metal handcuffs dangled from her fingertips. “Yep. And it was totally worth getting caught. The things that boy can do with his tongue…”

We busted out laughing. God, it felt so good to laugh. Maybe this game wasn’t so bad after all.

“My turn,” Lacey announced, clearing her throat. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” I answered, holding my breath as I awaited her question. Judging from the mischievous look on her face, I knew I was in for it.

“How did you really get your grade up so fast in Human Sexuality?”

Fuck, this was exactly why I hated this game. I looked her straight in the eye and answered the best way I could, without actually getting into the details.

“I already told you. Extra credit.”

The pillow Lacey had been hugging came flying across the room, smacking me in the head. “You little liar! Okay, now you have to do the dare.”

“What? No way! I told you the truth,” I protested.

Lacey shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t believe you, so that means you still have to do my dare.”

Shit. Maybe I should just tell her what really happened with Professor Drake, especially since he’d taken a permanent position at another college two weeks after our encounter. Still, if what happened ever got out, I would lose my scholarship. I simply couldn’t risk that happening, especially given my financial situation.

I crossed my arms, cringing inwardly at what she had up her sleeve. “What’s the dare?”

No matter what she said, I wasn’t running naked down the hallways.

Lacey tossed the handcuffs beside me on the bed. “Now that you know about my sexy encounter in the basement, I dare you to tell me your wildest sexual fantasy.”

My shoulders tensed. I’d never told anyone my wildest fantasy, not even Eric, even though he’d inspired it. Closing my eyes, I clutched the handcuffs in my hand. The alcohol flowing through my bloodstream erased my inhibitions, helping the raunchy confession roll off my tongue.

“It’s late at night, and I’m on the football field with Eric. He’s wearing his jersey. He ties me to the goalpost, naked, while two other players join us. Their hands and mouths are all over me. They take me, one by one, until I’m begging for them to fill me up. When we’re done, Eric takes me back to the showers for a private round.”

I opened my eyes, catching the wide smirk on Lacey’s face. It was then I saw she was holding up my phone.

Lacey ended the call and glanced back up at me. “What? Eric was calling your phone. I didn’t want to be rude and stop you in the middle of a dare. Besides, you probably made the boy come in his pants. Who knew you were such a dirty girl?”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “You are so dead.”

The sudden knock on our door sent a wave of panic through me.

“Don’t let him in yet. I look like hell,” I warned, trying to smooth back my tangled hair. I had barely stood from the bed before Lacey was opening the door to our room.

“Hey, Eric. Come on in.”

I nervously turned my head, our eyes locking instantly. Eric was drenched in sweat. He looked like he had come straight from the gym. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, until Lacey broke the awkward silence that filled the room.

“You know what? I think I’m gonna go crash in Tatum and Katie’s room tonight,” she announced as she grabbed the near-empty bottle of tequila from the table and slipped it beneath her shirt to conceal it. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Lacey sang as she closed the door behind her.

Eric eyed me cautiously from across the room. The concern on his face was evident.

“Are you avoiding me for some reason? I’ve been trying to reach you all day.”

I dropped onto my bed, unsure of how to answer him. “I’m sorry. I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”

Eric pulled out my chair and took my hands in his. “Talk to me, Clare. Don’t push me away.”

I sighed. “I think I ruined my friendship with Paul. You probably don’t want to hear about this though.”

“He loves you,” he muttered, his expression tight.

I shrugged because I couldn’t lie. Paul had told me as much.

“But I don’t love him. I love you.”

He released a sigh. “But you care about him. It doesn’t take long for those feelings to deepen, believe me.” He placed his hand on my chest. “Anyone who holds a part of your heart keeps you from fully giving it to me. I want all of it, Clare. I won’t share it with anyone.”

I lifted my gaze to his, fresh hope breaking through my malaise. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you were right. We can’t keep doing this for much longer. I already know what I want. I just need to know that’s what you want too.”

I shook my head quickly, but it only made me dizzy. “Eric. No, that’s what I want too. I just want to be with you. No one else.”

He brushed my hair back and tucked it behind my ear. “You’ve got three weeks, Clare. Three weeks to face your desires and decide if you’re willing to give everything and everyone else up for me, and only me. Come Christmas, we either commit to each other completely, or we walk away from each other forever.”

A feeling of panic washed over me. “But I don’t want to lose you.”

“You haven’t lost me, Clare. I just need to know without a doubt that it’s only us you want.” Eric pressed a kiss to my forehead. “We’ll talk about it later.”

Full of desperation, I grabbed him by his shirt. “No, please don’t leave me. Just stay with me tonight.”

He frowned. “That’s not a good idea, baby. Between the alcohol and our talk, you’re too vulnerable. As much as I want you, I’m not going to take advantage of you like this.”

“We don’t have to do anything. Just hold me until I fall asleep. Please,” I pleaded.

Eric reluctantly took my hand and tugged his shirt over his head, leaving his shorts on as he crawled into my bed. I pulled the covers up over us and scooted toward him, slipping into that perfect little nook. He gently stroked my hair with his fingertips. Soon, the rhythmic beat of his heart began to lull me to sleep. In those beautiful moments before I slipped away into slumber, I savored the feel of what forever could be like with Eric.

Where the fuck are you?

I hit send on the text and set my phone down on the table as I waited for Travis’s reply—not that I expected one anytime soon. He was already over an hour late as it was. I was beginning to wonder if he was even going to show up.

Bracing my elbows on the table, I raked my hands through my hair. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop thinking about Clare’s fantasy. The fact it involved me made it even more important, especially since we now had a deadline on this open relationship. As much as it hurt to think about sharing her with other guys, losing her would hurt more. Maybe by giving her this fantasy, I could somehow prove to her that I would do anything for her, even if it meant sacrificing my heart in the process.

My thoughts were interrupted when the waitress arrived with my order. “Here we are. A number three special with cheese. Can I get you anything else, sweetie?” She set the large plate of food in front of me.

I held up my hand. “No, thanks. I’m good.”

“Just let me know if I can get you anything.” The older lady patted me on the shoulder before moving to check on her other customers.

The double cheeseburger and fries on my plate looked delicious, but I wasn’t the least bit hungry. I’d only ordered it because I felt guilty holding up a table in her section while I waited on Travis’s slow ass. I swore the boy would be late to his own funeral.

I was checking my phone when Travis slid into the seat across from me. “Sorry I’m late, dude. I had to give Lucas a lift into town.” He eyed my plate. “You gonna eat that?”

Shaking my head, I slid the food across the table. “Help yourself.”

“Thanks, I’m starved.”

He wolfed down the thick double cheeseburger in three bites. I’d never seen anything like him. He was like a human vacuum cleaner.

“So, what’s up?” He grabbed a mouthful of fries.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned into the table, checking to make sure no one was listening around us. “First, I need to know I can trust you.”

Travis narrowed his eyes at me, pushing the now empty plate to the side. “Of course you can trust me. I’m your best friend.”

“I know that, but what I’m about to ask of you involves some pretty deep shit.”

Travis looked over his shoulder and then leaned in, dropping his voice. “What’s going on, Eric? Are you in some sort of trouble?”

I shook my head. “No, no, it’s nothing like that. It’s about Clare.”


I nodded and cleared my throat. “I’m planning on surprising her with something, and I need your help to pull it off.”

A look of relief washed over him as he relaxed back against the back of the booth. “Shit, dude. You had me scared there for a minute. I thought you were going to ask me to help you bury a body or something.” He laughed before continuing. “So what do I need to do?”

I shifted nervously in my seat. “Well, that’s just it. You’re part of the surprise.”

“Me?” Travis snorted. “You want me to jump out of a cake naked or something?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

This conversation was getting way off track. I had to reel it in quick.

“Do you remember our threesome in Coach’s office?”

Travis shot up in his seat and looked around us. “Keep your voice down. Of course I remember. How the hell do you think I could forget about something like that?”

“Apparently, Clare’s been thinking about it a lot lately. I overheard her talking to her roommate about a fantasy of hers.” Reaching in my pocket, I retrieved the set of handcuffs that I’d stolen off Clare’s bed. I knew they belonged to Lacey, but I didn’t think she’d mind if I borrowed them for a bit.

Travis smirked. “Nice. So she wants to make things kinky.”

“Actually, it involves more than just those.” I eyed the cuffs on the table. “I need another guy with us, someone we know we can trust.” I had to be careful of our selection. If any of this got out, it could ruin her reputation, not to mention possibly getting us all kicked out of school.

Travis’s eyes widened. “You mean like a gangbang?”

“Shhh!” I shot him a hard glare.

“Sorry, man.” Travis eyed me. “Are you sure about this? It’s just a fantasy, Eric. It doesn’t mean you have to actually bring it to life. Besides, I thought you loved her.”

“I do love her. That’s why I’m doing this.”

He blew out a breath. “Jesus. Don’t you think this is a little extreme?”

“Maybe, but it’s necessary.” He had no idea what lengths I would go to when it came to Clare. “So, are you in or out?”

He shook his head, but his expression grew more serious. “Yeah, I’m in. I just hope you don’t regret doing this.”

There was no room for regrets, not now at least. “Any ideas about who we can bring in on this?”

“I don’t know, man. Let me think.” He rubbed the back of his neck and then straightened in his seat as one of our teammates walked through the door of the café. He motioned his head in that direction. “What about Tyler?”

Tyler Randall was probably the last person I would have picked, especially knowing how inexperienced he was with girls. He drunkenly admitted at one of our team bonfires that he’d only had one blowjob in his life. Throwing him into a gangbang would be like throwing him into a lion’s den.

“I don’t know, man. Don’t you remember what he admitted to at the bonfire? He’s still a virgin.”

“That’s what makes him perfect. Think about it. Not only is the dude clean, he’s also transferring to the University of Florida in the spring. After Christmas break, he won’t be around to run his mouth about anything.”

I allowed the idea to run through my head. I had to admit, Tyler was a perfect candidate. There was just one problem.

“But how do we get him to agree to something like this?”

Travis winked as he waved Tyler over to our booth. “Just leave that part to me, my friend.”

The truth will set you free. At least, that was what I was hoping when I made the phone call to Megan. She knew me better than anyone, which was why I should have told her the whole story about Eric from the beginning. If anyone could help me wrap my brain around this, she could.

“Shit, Clare. Why would you agree to something like this?”

I blew out a breath. Not only had I expected the scolding, I deserved it.

“Because I didn’t want to lose him. I love him, Megan. I thought it was the only way to have him in my life.”

“I just don’t get it. Eric told you he loves you. Why isn’t that enough to end all of this? It doesn’t make sense that he’d want to keep this ridiculous agreement going for three more weeks.”

“He thinks there’s some lingering desire that’s holding me back from being with him.”

“Well? Is there?” Megan asked.

I hesitated with my answer. Part of me was ashamed to admit it, but I’d already told her this much. I might as well come clean about everything else.

“Yeah, there are a few things. I had this connection with someone that I’ve never quite been able to shake.”

“Who? You mean with this Paul guy?”

“No, that was just physical. This was much deeper.”

“Maybe you need to meet with this guy so that you can sort through your feelings.”

My shoulders sank. “I wish it were that easy, but unless you can find some way to magically transport me back to Hawaii, that’s kind of impossible.”

A loud gasp filled my ear. “Reed? But I thought he was just an island hookup?”

“There was something there between us that I can’t explain. As much as I love Eric, I just haven’t been able to shake Reed from my mind.” I paused, toying with the ripped hem of my jeans. “Anyhow, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’ll ever see him again anyway.”

Megan remained quiet on the other end of the line.

It was a rare thing to render Megan speechless. I was about to make a joke about it when I glanced up at the large round clock that hung on the coffee shop wall. I had promised Eric I’d meet up with him.

“Shit, I’d better go. I’m late. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Thank you for listening.”

“Promise me you’ll be careful with all of this, okay? I just want you to be happy, whether that’s with Eric or not.”

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I hurriedly gathered my things and shoved my phone into my pocket. The sudden buzz of my phone halted me in mid-step. Retrieving it, I read the message on the screen from Eric.

Meet me at the field house.

I shot a text to Lacey and then I sent Eric a reply.

On my way.

The field house was dark when I arrived. I could’ve sworn Eric’s text said to meet him here. Squinting my eyes, I noticed a dim light spilling out from one of the rooms at the back of the building. Hesitantly, I took a step forward.


Using the flashlight on my phone to guide me, I crossed the workout room and headed toward the long hallway. Once I entered the locker room, I could hear the distant sound of water running. Eric must have decided to grab a quick shower after his workout.

As I glanced around the abandoned locker room, my eyes lit up with possibility. If we had the place all to ourselves, maybe Eric could use a bit of company.

I slipped off my shoes and quickly began disposing of my clothes, tossing them on a long wooden bench. A thick layer of steam poured from the showers, making it impossible to see anything from the doorway. Squinting, I inched forward. I finally made out the silhouette of a tall, muscular figure standing beneath the water. My heart raced with anticipation as I stepped my bare foot onto the wet ceramic floor. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Eric’s face.

The steam suddenly parted, and I made out a very familiar backside…Travis’s. Guilt stricken, I looked away. But the temptation was too much to fight. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I allowed my gaze to follow the thick layer of soapy foam that trailed down his perfectly sculpted back, continuing downward until it coated his perfect ass.

Sweet Jesus, I never knew soap could be so erotic to watch.

Travis braced himself on the shower wall and ducked his head beneath the spray to rinse his hair. I bit my lower lip, drinking in every inch of his naked body. When he turned to the side, I caught a glimpse of his gloriously long cock.

My core clenched at the memory of how wonderful he had felt in my body. Like Eric, Travis was very well-endowed—a fact that made our threesome one I would never forget. Secretly, I longed to be deliciously stretched like that again. Maybe that was why my mind had conjured up the wild fantasy of being taken by multiple men in the first place.

I shut my eyes and shook my head, trying to blink away my dirty thoughts. When I reopened them, Travis was smiling at me and stroking his thick shaft. I was just about to turn when heat from another body blanketed me from behind. When I glanced down, I recognized Eric’s hands as he slid them across my bare stomach.

“Like what you see, baby?” He pulled me back against him, pressing his erection into my bottom. I spun around in Eric’s arms.

“I-I’m sorry. I thought it was you in here. I was going to surprise you.”

Dressed in his football jersey and workout shorts, he stared down at me with those penetrating eyes, the ones that wielded complete control over my body. The heated expression on his face caught me off guard. Was he somehow turned on by all of this?

Eric’s mouth turned up slightly as he cupped my face in his hand.

“Are you really sorry?” His seductive tone sent a shiver through me. He walked me backward until my back hit a wet body.

Travis reached for my hips and brushed his mouth against my ear as he spoke. “Don’t be sorry, Clare. I’m not.”

“W-What’s going on?” I stuttered, nervously looking up at Eric for some sort of explanation.

Eric ran the pad of his thumb across my jaw. “As much as I want you all to myself, I think there are some things that you need to get out of your system. It’s the only way to help erase those doubts in your head.”

His smoldering gaze enslaved me. Eric whispered against my trembling lips. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I breathed, fluttering my eyes. God, I didn’t think I could ever say no to this man.

“Good girl.” He broke our stare, nodding at Travis. A flash of black silk was the last thing I saw before it covered my eyes. I felt a firm tug from behind as he secured the blindfold in place.

“What are you doing?”

Eric placed his finger over my lips. “You’re about to find out.”

In one swift motion, I was swept off my feet. I could tell by the feel of the jersey against my skin that Eric was carrying me. Cool air hit my face as we walked out of the shower room. I turned my head toward the sound of the metal door opening. Where was he taking me? When the smell of freshly cut grass invaded my nose, I flew into a panic.

He’s taking me out on the field? Has he lost his mind? We’re going to get caught.

“Are you crazy? Someone will see us!” I shrieked, slapping my hand against his chest.

Eric eased me to my feet. He brushed his hands down my arms as he spoke. “Relax, baby. No one’s going to see us.”

His words did little to calm me. “How can you be sure? What about campus security?”

“They don’t patrol this end of campus again until three a.m. Everything is fine, I promise. Just trust me.”

I did trust him. Completely. I knew he wouldn’t risk something like this without taking every precaution, especially knowing how much was at stake for each of us.

When Eric sealed his mouth to mine, I immediately opened, eager to intensify the kiss. Each swipe of his tongue seemed to erase more of the fear from my body. I didn’t notice that I was walking backward until I felt cold steel against my back. Instantly, I knew it was the goalpost. He was trying to replicate my fantasy

Grabbing the sides of my face, he deepened our kiss and pressed me harder against the pole. I was so lost in our connection that I didn’t realize my arms were being lifted above my head. Before I could protest, I heard the grinding sound of the handcuffs as they locked into place. I stepped forward, feeling the tension on my arms as I tugged against the post.

Relying on my senses, I swallowed hard, both terrified and exhilarated by what was happening around me.

“Relax, baby. We're going to make this a night you will never forget.” Travis breathed as he pressed his mouth against the nape of my neck, trailing delicate kisses across my shoulder.

Suddenly, a hand brushed across my chest. “Your tits are so fucking perfect,” Eric rasped from my opposite side before engulfing my breast into his mouth. I threw my head back and groaned as he flicked his tongue against my nipple.

Before I could recover, I felt a hand on the inside of my thigh.

“Open your legs up for me, Clare. Let me see how wet you are for us.” Travis added pressure against my thigh, urging me to spread my stance. I obeyed his command and shivered when his hand continued its journey toward my pussy.

“Goddamn,” he growled as his fingertips brushed across my drenched opening. “She’s already soaked. That greedy little cunt wants our cocks, doesn’t it?”

My answer came out in a cry when Eric’s teeth sank into the flesh of my nipple. I tried to catch my breath, but Travis caught me off guard by plunging his fingers into my pussy, feverishly pumping his hand in and out of me. The delicious combination of pain and pleasure was enough to trigger the beginning of an orgasm.

“Oh, God,” I screamed. I was just about to come when both Travis and Eric released me, leaving me primed and miserable. The ache in my core was so heavy that I began rocking my hips back and forth, desperately seeking some sort of relief.

“Not yet, baby. I want you to come on my cock,” Travis panted against my ear.

The sound of the condom wrapper opening was heaven. Shaking with need, I began to whimper. “Please,” I begged, my voice trembling. I didn’t care who fucked me. I just needed someone inside menow.

A hand trickled down my spine, sending shivers through my body. “Shhh. Be patient. Travis is going to make you feel so good, baby.”

In my next breath, I was being hoisted up with two sets of hands. I felt my legs being positioned around Travis’s waist as my arms were pulled behind my body, within the range of motion allowed by the cuffs.

“Give it to her. Make her fucking scream,” Eric commanded.

With a low moan, Travis slowly pushed his length into me. My mouth fell open as his massive girth stretched my inner flesh.

“So fucking tight. Just like I remember,” Travis gritted out.

Each powerful thrust yanked my arms against the restraints.

“That’s it. Fuck that sweet, wet pussy. Make my girl come,” Eric coached from behind me.

Biting through the pain in my wrists, I begged for him to give me more. “Harder, Travis. Fuck me harder.”

Travis let out a loud curse, slamming into me with such force that it stole my breath. “That’s right, baby. You’ve missed this cock, haven’t you?”

“Yes, God, yes!”

The sharp sensation of his fingernails digging into my flesh triggered the delicious build in my core to intensify. My orgasm was right within reach, yet something seemed to be holding me back.

Eric’s hand was fisting my hair, anchoring my head back against the goalpost. “Give it to him, Clare. Fucking come hard on his cock,” he ordered, keeping his grip tight.

Eric’s domineering tone was all it took to send me spiraling out of control. Clenching my inner walls, I shook in Travis’s arms and cried my orgasm across the field. Travis held me still until I had come down from the climax.

“Jesus Christ, I almost came,” he breathed, easing himself out of me. Travis gently lowered my body down until I felt the ground beneath my bare feet. He held me steady while Eric worked to free me from the cuffs. One by one, my aching arms dropped to my side.

Travis rubbed my sore arms. “I’ve got you.”

I heard Travis’s voice in front of me and felt Eric’s warmth behind me, his hard cock pressing into my bottom. Smiling, I ground my ass against his hardness, begging for him to take me next.

The sound of approaching footsteps made me jump. Terrified that we’d just been caught, I buried my head into Travis’s chest. “Who’s there? What’s going on?”

“It’s okay, Clare. I promise.” Travis kissed my forehead. “Take the blindfold off. It’s time to let her see.”

With a small tug, the silk fell from my eyes. I blinked hard, struggling to clear my vision. When I finally regained my focus, a shirtless football player stood before me. A pair of gray exercise shorts hung loosely from his lean hips. The black helmet on his head concealed his identity—a detail I found both erotic and terrifying. The mystery guy took a step forward, causing me to tremble.

“Breathe, baby,” Eric whispered behind me.

“Who is he?” My voice shook.

“He’s a friend, Clare. That’s all you need to know.”

Friend or not, I didn’t want him out here watching us. Besides, what if he told someone?

I shot a look over at Eric. “I don’t care. Tell him to leave.”

“He’s not going to leave, Clare. I asked him to come here.”

My brows furrowed with confusion. “What? Why would you do that?”

He placed his hands on my shoulders. “Because I wanted to bring your fantasy to life.”

“But I thought that was what we were doing before.”

Smiling, he cupped my face in his hands. “No, baby, that was just the warm-up round. Get ready. We’re about to make your wildest dreams come true.”

I shut everything inside me off, like I’d flipped a switch. It was better that way. If I allowed myself to get emotionally involved in this, I would lose my mind. I had to do this for Clare…for us.

“On your knees.” Pressing down on Clare’s shoulders, I urged her to the ground, and then tugged the football jersey over my head. I pulled my shorts down, took my cock in my hand, and stroked up and down the length. “Open that pretty little mouth up for me, baby.”

I pumped my dick harder in my hand. Clare opened her mouth and stared up at me with those fucking incredible eyes, her gaze full of lust and need. I bit down on my bottom lip and watched as my cock disappeared between her lips. Greedy for more, I grabbed the back of her head, urging her to take all of me. I let out a loud groan when I felt the tip of my dick hit the back of her throat.

I cursed as she sealed her lips, creating a vacuum around my cock. Hot and moist, her mouth was like perfect sin. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep control.

Tyler had his cock in his hand, no doubt eager for a taste of my girl. I gave him a nod, signaling him to join us. Once he was in front of her, I gave the command.

“Stroke him, Clare.”

With her mouth still wrapped firmly around my dick, Clare reached over and took Tyler’s shaft into her hand and pumped up and down. Tyler let out a loud, appreciative moan beside me. Still biting the inside of my mouth, I became entranced at the way her hand was moving over his cock. I could feel my climax building, but I had to fight it. I wasn’t ready to come. Not yet. Not until I had sunk deep into her pussy.

When Travis stepped beside me, Clare wrapped one hand around his length, working both dicks with her fists in perfect sync.

“Suck them, Clare. Show them how incredible that mouth feels.”

There was a loud pop as she released me from her mouth and moved toward Tyler. When he slid between Clare’s plump lips, a pang of jealousy hit me hard. I fought against it, refusing to allow it to overtake me. I had to maintain control. No matter how much it fucking hurt to watch.

Clare switched to take Travis into her mouth, continuing to stroke up and down Tyler’s length. I dropped to my knees behind her and delivered a hard blow against her ass cheek, eliciting a muffled moan around Travis’s cock. When I repeated the action, she released him from her mouth, allowing me to urge her forward until she was on all fours. The beautiful view of her behind had me hard as fuck. I had to remind myself to not be greedy, to not take what I so desperately wanted to claim as mine.

As I spread her cheeks apart, her beautiful pink rim puckered out in anticipation. I wet my thumb, teasing the outside of the muscle before slowly sinking my finger into her. Clare let out a loud moan that shook through her body. My dirty girl loved anal play.

I added pressure, rotating my finger. Her greedy ass tugged hard against me, causing my cock to twitch. I retrieved my thumb from her opening and cursed at the way the muscles around her rim tightened back into place. It was as if they were taunting me for more. Right now, I would love nothing more than to fuck that ass. But I couldn’t be selfish. Not tonight, at least.

I moved my hand forward, smiling at how drenched her pussy was. I eyed Tyler. “She’s ready for you.”

Nodding, he reached for one of the condoms on the ground, quickly ripping open the package.

“Go ahead, take her,” I ordered, moving to the side to allow Tyler to kneel and position himself behind her.

He settled a trembling hand on her hip, using his other to align himself to her opening. I couldn’t help finding amusement in his nervousness. No doubt about it, losing his virginity to Clare Winston would be something he’d never forget.

Tyler let out a loud curse from beneath the helmet as he sank into her pussy, stilling once he had fully seated her. Part of me envied him in that moment. I remembered the first time I’d been inside her. There was nothing in this world that could ever top that feeling.

Clare pushed against him, moaning.

“Move, she needs you to move.”

Tyler pushed forward, picking up his pace with each thrust into her. Clare’s eyes rolled back as the orgasm overtook her. Releasing Travis from her mouth, her eyes lifted to meet mine just as she screamed out her release.

“Holy fuck,” Tyler shouted, pulling out of her. He knew the rules. Condom or not, no one was coming inside that pussy except me. And right now, I was aching to be balls deep inside her.

Dropping to my knees, I grabbed Clare by the waist and turned her until she was straddling me. Pellets of sweat glistened across her skin. Her beautiful face was flushed, her body still trembling from the multiple orgasms. I wouldn’t be giving her time to recover. I was about to make her forget her fucking name.

I held her hips and shoved my cock up past the tight, wet lips of her cunt until I was completely consumed by her body. The strangled cry that escaped her lips woke the savage inside me. Holding nothing back, I fucked her, hard and unapologetically, until she was screaming out for more.

“Yeah? Do you like that, baby? Do you like how my thick cock feels inside you?”

Clare struggled to gain enough air to answer me. “Y-Yes!”

I sank my fingernails into her flesh, urging her to move faster against me. “Then, give it to me. Come on my fucking dick.”

“Eric!” she screamed. When the warmth of her release drenched my shaft, I knew it was time. As I turned my head to the side, Travis and Tyler were fisting their cocks beside us.

“Now, Travis,” I ordered, pulling Clare down against my chest, so her ass was high and open for him.

Travis had already rolled a new condom down his length. He moved behind her, grabbed the base of his cock, and, coating himself with her thick arousal, positioned himself at her rim.

I studied Clare’s face as he entered her body, making certain that we weren’t hurting her. All I could see was love and trust on her features.

She gasped, tensing in my arms. Once he was fully inside her, he froze in position, allowing her time to adjust to the fullness.

“Are you okay, baby?”

“God, yes.” She panted. “More…I want more.”

I held her against me, allowing Travis to control our movements. From this angle, I could feel the pressure of his cock pressing against the wall of muscle in her core. The sensation was so intense that it was everything I could do not to fucking explode inside her, right then and there. Tyler stepped closer, feverishly fisting his cock as he watched us fuck her. As if by instinct, Clare turned her head toward him, opening her mouth to receive him. His cock disappeared between her lips as he threw his head back and grunted as he released into her.

It was all I could do to hold on. Travis changed up things by rotating his hips. The slow shift was enough to cause Clare’s inner walls to tense against us.

“Yes, oh, God. Just like that. Don’t stop. Fuck…fuckfuck!”

Clare screamed out her climax, triggering Travis and me to follow with our own.

I shouted out her name and held her hard against me as I came.

When Travis recovered, he placed a tender kiss on the middle of her back and eased out of her.

I tightened my embrace, savoring the fleeting contractions of her inner walls against my cock, aftershocks from our earth-shattering orgasm. Each gentle tug of her core made my balls ache for more. Gritting my teeth, I fought the urge to come again as I waited for Tyler and Travis to leave the field.

As they staggered away, leaving us alone, I rolled her to her back. Spreading her thighs apart, I took a moment to stare at her perfect pink opening.

She didn’t know it yet, but this wasn’t over.

Bringing us both beneath the spray of the water, I placed a trail of delicate kisses across her shoulder and pushed my erection against her ass. Even after an intense follow-up round in the shower, I was ready to go again. I was desperate to stay in the moment with her. Desperate to string all of the seconds together. I was terrified if I let her go, this would be the end. Had this proven enough to her tonight? Had I erased enough of the doubts in her head?

Clare turned around, her eyes heavy with satisfaction. God, she was breathtaking. How could I ever have doubted that she would be enough for me?

She wrapped her arms around my neck before placing a tender kiss on my lips. “You’re insatiable, you know that?”

“That’s your fault. You’re addictive.”

“If we go another round, you’re going to be carrying me around campus for the rest of the week. I can barely stand as it is.”

“Mmm. I don’t have a problem with that,” I teased, walking her backward until her back was against the tile.

Clare giggled when I nuzzled into her neck, biting down on that sensitive spot right below her jaw.

She playfully slapped my chest. “Go get me a towel. I’m turning into a prune.”

“Oh, really?” I grabbed her by the waist, spun her around, and delivered a hard slap across her bottom. “Nope, that ass still looks pretty perfect to me.”

“Oh, my God, you’re impossible.” She laughed, using her hip to shove me out of the shower. “Now, go!”

I held my hands up. “Okay, okay. I’m going. No need to resort to violence,” I teased.

As I wrapped my towel around my waist, my eyes caught the outline of my handprint that still lingered on her backside. The bright pink color that adorned her skin made my cock twitch. It took every bit of self-control I had not to take her up against that shower wall again. Jesus, would I ever get enough of this woman? Swallowing hard, I made my way to the locker room to grab an extra towel from my bag.

The sight of her clothes lying on the bench made me smile. My little seductress. In such a short amount of time, Clare’s shyness had morphed into a sexy confidence—one of the only positive things that had resulted from our arrangement. I only hoped she felt the same way when she looked back on all of this.

I had just unzipped my bag when the screen on Clare’s phone lit up, illuminating the dim locker room. I didn’t want to violate her privacy, but my insecurity and curiosity trumped every rational thought that resided in me. Unable to restrain myself from looking, I picked up the phone. My heart plummeted as I read the message displayed on the screen. It was from Reed.

Megan told me everything. We need to talk. You need to know how I feel about you.




Every emotion seemed to come at me at once. As I stood there shaking, I knew I held the fate of our future in my hands. The line between right and wrong was obvious, but that didn’t stop me from crossing it. Before I could talk myself out of it, I had already sent the reply from her phone.

It’s too late. I’ve already made my decision. Don’t contact me again.

I deleted the texts and returned her phone to where I’d found it. The guilt of my actions was heavy, yet bearable…especially if it meant protecting what was mine.

One harmless lie couldn’t hurt us.




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