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More to Love by Alison Bliss (18)

Jessa was so confused.

After loading her bicycle into the back of his truck, Max had handed her the keys to his truck because he was in no condition to drive. Whether that meant the alcohol or his currently angry state, she had no idea. But he hadn’t said a single word the entire drive back to her home.

She didn’t know what the hell had come over Max at the bar, but she wanted to find out. So once they made it to her house and walked inside, she set her purse down on an end table and said, “Are you okay?”

Max paced the floor like a caged tiger but stopped and glared at her with his one good eye, since the other was almost completely swollen shut. “Yeah,” he growled. “Just peachy.”

Okay, he was still clearly in a mood. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, wrapping it in a dish cloth before handing it to him. “Put this over your eye. It will help with the swelling.”

He was still very much on edge, his agitation prevalent in every move, but as he accepted the ice pack from her, he placed his trembling hand on hers. “I’m sorry I’m acting like this.”

“Okay. I appreciate the apology. But why are you acting like this? What happened tonight?”

His brows collapsed over his eyes. “I…don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Figures. “Okay, then you just let me know when it’s convenient for you,” she said with sarcasm as she pulled her hand out of his and moved toward the bedroom.

A frustrated sound came from behind her, but she made it all the way into her room before a large hand grasped her, gently stopping her motion. “Jessa?”

“What?” Her tone wasn’t friendly.

“Please, don’t. I’m struggling here.”

She gazed up at him. “I can see that. My problem is that I don’t know what exactly you’re struggling with. Why don’t you fill me in?”

“I will…tomorrow. I promise. But tonight? I just want to lie with you and hold you in my arms. Can we do that? Please.”

Jessa wanted to demand an explanation, but something in the way his voice had trembled when he said please kept her from pushing him. “Okay, fine. Let me just change out of these clothes first.”

Max released her arm, and she went straight to her drawers to pull out something to sleep in. Slipping out of her tunic top and bra, she pulled a white tank top over her head and pulled it down to cover her breasts. Then she unbuttoned her jeans and shoved them down her legs until she could kick them from her feet, along with her slip-on sandals.

He must’ve been doing basically the same thing behind her because, as she turned around, she spotted him climbing into the bed with his black boxer-briefs still on. Huh. Weird since he didn’t usually wear anything at all when he was sleeping in her bed. Yep, he was definitely acting strange tonight.

The moment she crawled onto her side of the bed, Max reached for her, pulling her to him and tucking her into his side and then sliding the covers over both of them. He held her tight against him, his warmth infiltrating her skin. Then he turned his head toward her and brushed a chaste, gentle kiss over her lips. “Good night, sweetheart.”

Good night? “Okay, where’s Max and what have you done with him?”

The dimly lit room only held the soft glow of moonlight, but she could see him blinking at her. “What do you mean?”

She pulled her head up to gaze directly at him. “We’re not having sex?”

He settled her back into his arms. “No.”

Was he kidding right now? She lifted her head from his shoulder. “What do you mean no?”

“Not tonight, baby. We’re both tired, and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“When has that ever stopped you before?”

“It hasn’t. But tonight’s different. I just want to hold you while you sleep in my arms.”

With all the odd tension emanating from him, it only made her wonder if Leah and Valerie had been right all along. If they were correct that Max only wanted to be with thinner women, then maybe he hadn’t fallen head over heels for her like she thought. Like she’d fallen for him.

As sad as it was, she felt the need to prove to herself once again that Max was attracted to her. That he wanted her as much as she wanted him. To have that physical connection to him to assure herself that she wasn’t crazy.

Her hand reached out to him and touched the rough stubble along his jaw. “But I want you, Max.”

Still, he shook his head and refused. “I can’t, baby. Not tonight. I’m…just not in the right mind-set right now.”

She leaned forward and brushed her lips gently over his anyway. “I need you, Max. Tonight. Right here, right now.” She ran her tongue over his bottom lip. “Please.”

A desperate groan tore from his chest as he flipped her onto her back and covered her body with his. “Stop. You don’t know what you’re asking me to do.”

Her breath caught in her throat as his erection pressed against her panties. She released a slow breath. “Oh, I’m pretty certain I know exactly what I’m asking you to do.” She spread her legs wider so the evidence of his arousal pushed more solidly into her. A moan sounded from her lips.

His glassy eyes glittered in the darkness, and his overwhelming response was immediate. Strong, gentle hands drew her forward as he took her mouth by force, thrusting his tongue past her lips and diving deep. Her stomach fluttered, and her nipples tightened with anticipation. He must’ve felt them stabbing into his chest because, within seconds, he yanked her tank top up over her breasts and suctioned his mouth over one hardened bud.

Her back arched at the strength of his mouth on her as she tingled from head to toe. Max was normally gentle, slow, and sure in his movements. Leisure strokes. Lazy exploring. But this was…well, not like that at all. His hands moved over her with a frantic pace, his fingers desperately groping wherever they landed.

He kissed her hungrily as one hand slid into her panties, and he inserted two rough fingers inside of her. Gasping, she squirmed against him, but he held her in place as he thrust into her tight wetness and ground his palm against her mound. She moaned loudly, her body straining against his as her fingernails scraped long and hard across his back. Grasping with want. Clawing with need.

There were no gentle caresses. No tender touches or kind words. This was all about immediate gratification. Primal. Raw. Plain and simple, she needed him, and he needed her. And if Jessa had it her way, both of them were going to get just that.

She started to slide her panties down, but Max immediately stilled her hands. Then with one firm tug, he tore the sheer scrap of fabric from her body and freed himself from his own underwear. Okay, apparently he was going to make sure they both got what they needed.

A strong arm snaked around her waist, and a firm hand grasped her hip. With a quick shift of his own, he yanked her onto his hard length. He groaned as her body closed around him, and even though the fullness was almost too much to bear, she surged upward to meet his thrust head-on anyway.

Oh God.

Wetness emanated from her sex, lubricating her sheath for the glide of his cock. Running his calloused hands under her, he palmed her derrière, giving it a squeeze. Then he pressed on her clit with his thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure, as he thrust into her over and over again.

She was so deeply engrossed in the way he was screwing her senseless that, within seconds, she came full-on in a screaming orgasm, one that snuck up on her fast and obliterated her into a thousand pieces. Breasts heaving and her breath panting, her body went limp while Max took his own pleasure.

It didn’t take long, thank goodness. The man was so hard and long inside of her that it was starting to get a little uncomfortable. So relief swept through her when he finally buried his face into her neck and flew over the edge as well.

He collapsed on top of her, though he kept most of his weight on his forearms to keep from crushing her. But as they lay there together in the moonlit room for a long while, panting out rapid-fire breaths, Jessa reached a conclusion.

She had no doubt that Max was definitely into her. No one could fake that kind of sexual attraction. Ever. The man had come fast and hard, yet he was already starting to move inside of her again. If that didn’t tell her that he wanted her, then nothing would.

Max rocked into her gently, easing himself in and out with a slow rhythm. His eyes closed, and a pained expression took over his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Sorry? For what? Giving her a mind-numbing orgasm?

*  *  *

Max couldn’t put it off any longer.

He’d been leaning against this tree in the park while trying to gather the courage to do what needed to finally be done. The moment Jessa stepped off the truck and closed down the outside window, he knew he needed to go to her. Before she drove away and he had to have this conversation at the kitchen in front of Mario. Or even worse, in front of Logan and Valerie.

He’d spent the entire day trying to figure out what he was going to say and how he was going to explain it all so he didn’t come out looking like a jackass. Yeah, that hadn’t happened. No matter how he put it, it looked bad, and she was going to be mad. So pissed, in fact, that he wouldn’t blame her if she tried to kick him in the nuts.

It wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it after last night anyway.

He should’ve just come clean with her and told her what was bothering him. But instead of telling her the truth, he spent the whole night locked together with her in one long lovemaking session that hadn’t ended until the wee hours of the morning. Actually, what they had done couldn’t even be considered making love. He’d taken her out of desperation, claiming her body and marking her as his.

It wasn’t a bad way to spend his night, but that sexual rendezvous had severely deviated from the plan he’d outlined in his head. He’d only meant to hold her all night, reminding her how good they felt together and showing her that they should be together. He’d hoped that would help all the stars align, and it would be the one memory that she’d hang on to while deciding their fate.

Damn that fate and stars shit.

Max sighed and headed for the truck. He could hear her putting things away inside and knew he didn’t have much time left. He rapped on the door with his knuckles and then stepped back and waited for her to open it. Within seconds, she did just that with a huge smile on her face. The same one she was wearing this morning when he’d kissed her good-bye.

“Hey,” she said. “I didn’t know you were going to stop by this evening. I thought I’d see you at my place later tonight.”

“Yeah, about that…” He ran his hand through his hair. “I think we need to talk first.”

She gazed at him curiously but shoved the door open wider. “Okay, come inside then while I’m finishing up the last few things.”

He stepped past her and waited for her to close the door behind them. Then she walked over to him and gave him a friendly kiss. “I missed you today.”

Max cringed inwardly. God, he hoped she’d understand and forgive him. “I missed you too.”

“So what’s on your mind? What did you want to talk about?”

“Well, I…I guess first I want to apologize again for last night. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She leaned into him, wrapping her hands around his neck. “Oh, you did,” she said with a smile. “I’m deliciously sore today. Every time I move, I remember last night.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, lowering his head.

Jessa squinted at him. “For what? If my multi-orgasms didn’t clue you in, I’m pretty sure I enjoyed everything we did. You didn’t? Because I know you had several yourself.”

“Of course I enjoyed it,” he said, then shook his head. “It’s not that. I just feel bad because I shouldn’t have…” His words trailed off.

“Shouldn’t have what? Been so rough with me? Is that what you’re worried about?”

“Well, yeah, that’s part of it. I’m not normally that…demanding.”

Jessa laughed. Loudly. “I have news for you, Max Hager. You’re always that demanding in bed. You just normally do it in such an unhurried manner that it doesn’t come across as demanding. Most of the time anyway. But I’ve slept with you enough times to know better. You’re usually slow and steady, whereas last night you were fast and insistent. Trust me, I love both.”

He scowled. “Maybe, but I don’t like making you feel like I’m a rutting bull trying to get my rocks off on the first female I come across. You know I’m not like that with you. You’re different.”

She cocked her head. “So you’re saying you’ve been that way with other women?”

Of course she picked up on that right away. He cringed. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, it wasn’t like I treated them poorly. The whole act just didn’t mean as much with them. It was all about the sex. That was pretty much it. There were no feelings involved with those women. At least nothing more than a mutual attraction.”

“In other words, they were one-night stands?”

Max nodded. God, why was he telling her all of this? It only made him sound worse. Not the smartest thing to lead with, dipshit.

Her hands moved onto his chest. “Max, I know you have had other women. It’s not like I thought you were a virgin when I met you.”

“I know, but—”

Jessa placed one finger over his lips. “Listen. We both have had past sexual experiences. I’m not going to hold that over your head anymore than I would want you to hold mine against me.”

He pulled his head back so he could talk. “We’re getting off track. The reason I’m here doesn’t have anything to do with that. I need to tell you—” The words stalled on his lips as she unzipped his pants. He swallowed hard. “Jessa?”

She knelt down in front of him and licked her lips. “Mmm-hmm?”

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Don’t worry. I locked the door,” she said, grinning. “I’ve been wanting to do this to you since almost the first day we met.” She opened his jeans, freeing his rapidly hardening member.

Holy hell.

Her hands glided over him, and his legs damn near gave out from under him. Lord help him. He would almost swear the woman was ambidextrous. Probably from all the stuff she does in the kitchen that requires the use of both hands. Normally, he didn’t mind benefiting from it, but right now…Well, this wasn’t what he was supposed to be doing. “Jess, wait.”

But it was too late. The moment he got the words out, her warm mouth surrounded him and caressed up and down his shaft. He grunted, and his hips thrust forward involuntarily as he braced himself against the counter. Something hot moved swiftly through him as need coiled into a tight ball in the pit of his stomach.

Christ. What the hell just happened? He marveled at the mystic power she had over him. One minute he was trying to tell her the truth no matter what, and the next, the woman had her mouth on him and his body so twisted up that his brain had malfunctioned. His hand had even reached out to stop her, but instead ended up knotting into her hair and pulling her mouth farther onto his length.

Her greedy mouth obliged him, sucking him hard, and then licking softly around his shaft before curling her tongue over his engorged head. “You’re so hard,” she said, taking him into her mouth once more.

He groaned. “I won’t be much longer if you keep doing that…and we’ll probably have a mess to clean up.”

She didn’t seem to care. She increased the suction, and flames of hellfire rose up inside him. Sweet Jesus. Just watching her mouth form over the shape of his cock had him already about to come, and she had barely even started on him. What was it about this woman that made his entire system go crazy with desire?

A knock sounded on the door, and he cursed under his breath. Damn it, he was so fucking close. “Ignore it,” he whispered.

Unfortunately, she didn’t listen. She stopped and rose to her feet. “I can’t. If it’s one of the girls, they have a key to that door. The last thing I want is for one of them to walk in on us like this.”

Damn it. He tucked himself back inside his jeans, which was one hell of a feat since he was still as hard as a rock. As she started to move away, he grabbed her and pulled her back to him for a kiss. “Hurry back then.”

Jessa headed for the door but waited for Max to right his clothing completely before opening it. When she finally swung the door open, an older gentleman with salt-and-pepper hair stood a few feet away but smiled politely up at her.

Impeccable fucking timing, dickhead.

“Oh, hi there. Can I help you?” she asked.

“Are you the owner of this food truck, ma’am?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m Jessa Gibson. But I’m sorry. We’re closed right now. If you want to come back tomorrow between—”

“Oh no,” the man said with a chuckle. “I’m not here to eat. Although I will say I’ve heard how delicious your food is, and I can’t wait to try it for myself.”

“Um, okay,” Jessa said, confusion filling her voice. “So what is it that I can do for you, Mr.…uh…”

“Halloway. Jerry Halloway, to be exact. Feel free to call me Jerry.”

“All right. Well, Jerry, what can I help you with?”

“I was just on my way home and happened to be passing by when I spotted your truck still parked over here, so I thought I’d stop in and introduce myself.” He smiled wide. “I’m the new city health inspector.”

Max’s head snapped up. Oh fuck.