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Mountain Made Baby: A Bad Boy Romance by Aria Ford (87)

Chapter 11



“What the fuck?” I mumbled. I wasn’t in my own bed. My mind quickly rewound back to last night and reminded me of where I was. I was in Lindsey’s bed. I’d had no intention of staying over when I dropped her off last night. The woman had worn me out. I had never come so hard in my life. I felt dehydrated and needed water. I flexed my arms and then tried to flex my legs. Every muscle in my body was sore. I had never climaxed so hard to the point my muscles were actually pulled. It had been fucking amazing, and I wanted to do it again.

I tried to move, to roll over, but I couldn’t move. More accurately, I didn’t want to move. Lindsey’s naked body was draped over me. The contact with her skin was making me hard, and memories of the way she felt riding me had me ready to do it all over again.

I managed to move my head enough to see the clock on her bedside table. Shit. I was late.

It took some serious machinations, but I managed to untangle my body from Lindsey’s. I pulled the blanket up to cover her nude body but not before taking a second to admire her. Damn, she was gorgeous. My eyes traveled up her long legs, took in that perfectly shaped ass before glimpsing side boob. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow I had gently placed her on, and her long lashes formed perfect half-moons on her face.

Go, man.

I wanted to stand there and look at her naked body all day, but I had a client. A client who was going to be pissed that I was late. I quickly dressed, grabbed my keys and phone off the table by the front door and started to leave, but something stopped me.

I wasn’t going to up and leave like a thief in the night. She would kill me if I ran away after sex again. Searching around, I found a pile of school books with a notebook tucked in between. I grabbed a pen and jotted down a quick note, leaving it on the kitchen counter for her to find.

I raced through traffic to get across town. I had called and left a message, but my client wasn’t answering. This wasn’t going to be good. I walked into the gym, where I had privileges to train, and headed for the pool. The young lady at the front desk, who I usually flirted with, waved, but I didn’t have time.

“Hey, Carson,” I said, walking into the pool area.

My client was in the middle of the pool and ignoring me. Fuck.

“Man, I’m really sorry. My alarm didn’t go off. I tried calling a few times,” I explained.

Carson, who was typically a really nice guy, was pissed. It was obvious by the way he was ignoring me and not coming to the side of the pool.

I was wearing my jeans and T-shirt from last night. I wasn’t exactly ready to jump in the pool and make him listen to me.

I watched as Carson slowly swam from the center to the edge where I was standing. I squatted down, “I’m sorry. You know I’m never late. This was a onetime thing, and it won’t happen again,” I promised.

He nodded. “Good.”

“I don’t have another client until late this afternoon. If you have the time, I’m willing to stay an extra thirty to forty-five minutes to make up for my tardiness.”

That seemed to appease the man. He nodded. “That’d be great. I’ll call my secretary and push back my meeting,” he said, climbing out of the pool.

The guy had hired me to teach him how to be a competitive swimmer but not because he was actually interested in competing. It was one of those bucket list things, and I was not about to turn down a client who could afford to spend money on my services.

Once his phone call was done, I jumped right into trainer mode and busted his ass like he paid me to do. It took a great deal of effort on my part, because all I wanted to do was drive back to Lindsey’s apartment and crawl in bed with that naked body of hers.

After getting through Carson’s session, I headed home to shower and change. I still had a couple of hours before it was time to head to the school pool for Lindsey’s training. I debated calling or texting her, but since she hadn’t, I figured I better not. I had no idea where this was going or if she wanted it to go anywhere.

I arrived early to the pool, hoping to have a few minutes with Lindsey before we had to jump right into the training. She wasn’t there. What if she wasn’t going to show up at all? Maybe I had crossed a line last night.

I sat down on one of the chairs that sat next to the pool and pulled out my phone. Did I, or didn’t I?

Lindsey came rushing through the door a few minutes later. “Sorry!” she said, quickly walking to where I was sitting. “Practice ran late.”

I stood, not sure how this was all going to play out. She dropped her gym bag and stepped closer to me. My hands went to her waist, and I kissed her. It was a standard hello kiss, nothing sexual.

“Hi,” I said, smiling. “It’s okay. You’re not technically late. Not like I was this morning.”

“Oh no, how late were you?” she said, putting her arms around me and leaning her face against my chest.

“Half hour, but the guy was cool with it since I stayed almost an extra hour.”

“Good. Sorry, about that. I guess I should have set an alarm clock.”

I shrugged. “I had no intention of falling asleep.”

She stepped out of my arms, and I cringed. That had sounded bad. It wasn’t how I intended it at all.

I watched as she jerked off the sweats and pulled her hoodie over her head.

“Lindsey, I didn’t mean it like that. I only meant I hadn’t planned on falling asleep with you draped on me. I didn’t say I minded.” I walked to her, grabbed her elbow, and pulled her back up.

I kissed her nose and then her lips. “I liked it. You wore me out.” I winked.

She blushed. “Thank you for leaving the note. I’ll admit I was a little pissed when I woke up, and you were gone without even a goodbye.”

“I wouldn’t do that, Lindsey. Not to you.”

That seemed to placate her. “Thank you. I appreciate that. I was a little worried.”

“Don’t. You don’t have to worry, Lindsey. I wouldn’t treat you like that.” I said the words, meaning every one of them. I know I fucked up that first time, but I needed her to know she wasn’t simply a piece of ass. She was more than that. What, I didn’t know, but I would figure it out.

My ringing phone interrupted the moment. I looked down at the chair where my phone was sitting face up. Brian’s face filled the screen.

Lindsey looked over and laughed. “Perfect timing. That’s not awkward at all. I swear the guy has a camera on me all the time or something. It’s like he knows, like he senses us together,” she joked.

I laughed but didn’t feel it. This whole thing was getting out of hand. I had to do something. It was either stay away from Lindsey or tell Brian I wanted to date his sister. Neither option was all that appealing, and both would likely end badly. Brian would lose his shit if he knew we had sex.

“We’ll worry about that later,” I told her, hoping to put it off a little longer.

She turned to grab her cap and goggles, bending over to dig in her bag. Her pert ass was too tempting to ignore. I playfully slapped it before squeezing her left cheek. “Fuck, your fine ass is making me hard,” I said, leaning over her back to whisper in her ear.

She stood upright, turned around, reached her hand between my legs and squeezed. “You’re right,” she said. “Too bad I have training to do.”

I watched her spin around and walk away, sashaying her hips as she went to the ladder and slowly climbed down the stairs. The woman was playing with fire. I managed to keep my head in the right place and put her through a rigorous training regimen. She was going to be ready for those Olympic trials. I would make her a champion.