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Moving Target by Desiree Holt (23)

Chapter Twenty-Three

Impatient with procedure, Nick and Quinn pulled around to the back of the complex, parked their SUV, and quietly went over the wall. With a stealth born of long years in the business and a connection that required little talking, they crept silently toward the targeted building.

The guard on duty in the lobby half rose from his desk when they entered. “Who are—”

That was as far as he got. Quinn gave the man’s neck a pinch in the right place, and he folded. Nick pulled out the flex cuffs he’d stuffed in his pocket and trussed the man up.

“Elevator card?” Quinn asked.

“Right here.” Nick held it up.

They opened the elevator doors, then flipped the card onto the desk for Kane and the others. Noiselessly, the car rose to the top floor.

The elevator doors to the Gallagher condo hissed open, and Quinn stepped out into the lavishly decorated foyer, Nick behind him. Both men had their guns drawn.

The living room was straight ahead, and for the moment, they were completely exposed. The sound of voices drifted out to him, but fortunately, no one was looking their way. In seconds, they were behind two tall cactus plants that provided some cover while they scoped things out.

The voices were louder now. A woman. A man. More than one man.

Quinn signaled to Nick with his hand. You take the left side. I’ll take the right. But wait until I know where Kate is.

Nick nodded.

Quinn had to be able to see where everyone was, gauge their best chances. Cautiously, he slid forward to a giant schefflera plant and peered through its leafy branches.

“I’m not feeling well.” Kate.

“Don’t worry,” A man said. Not Hispanic, so probably Peter. “Before long we’ll be happy to put your out of your pain.”

“But you said—”

“Peter, will you please shut up.” That had to be Eva. Angry. No, enraged.

“How do you plan to do this?” Peter asked, sounding petulant. “What makes you think they won’t just show up at the door with plenty of fire power?”

Yes, how do you plan to do that, you bitch?

I know people like him. They won’t want to risk Kathryn’s life. The publicity fallout from something like that would be disastrous.” Her voice was tinged with disgust. “As soon as that letter comes through on the fax machine we’re leaving. I’ve already called Luis to have the helicopter waiting.”

What about packing?” Miguel asked. “Are we just supposed to leave everything?”

Eva lifted the briefcase Peter had given to her earlier. “Everything we need is in here. We have more than enough money to buy whatever we need, including houses. Traveling light is less complicated.”

Able now to see everyone, Quinn memorized where each person was and stepped forward. “I think we may just change this situation a little.”

“Quinn!” Kate started forward at the sound of his voice, but Peter grabbed her arm and jerked her back roughly.

Her face whitened and contorted with pain, and Quinn almost killed the man right then.

“How the hell did you get in here?” Peter’s rage was unmistakable.

“Easy, if you know how. It would help if everyone sat on the couch.” When no one moved, he fired his gun at Eva’s feet and snapped, “Now.”

Eva looked at him, her eyes shooting daggers. Everyone moved slowly, aware of Quinn’s eyes pinning them.

“You’re outnumbered, Quinn.” Nolan Hanks rose from where he sat, a gun in his hand.

“You know, you are one lousy son of a bitch.” Nick moved forward, also pointing a gun. “Surprised to see me, asshole?”

“Nah, I figured when I saw your friend here, you had to be somewhere nearby. Give it up,” Nolan told him. “Back out of here, let us out of here as soon as that fax rings, and we’ll let the girl live.”

“Trusting you was my worst mistake,” Nick spat, “but I won’t make it again. No way am I just walking out of here.”

Nolan raised his gun, and his finger tightened on the trigger.

“Bad idea.” Nick shot him three times, once in the arm and once in each leg. “Anyone else? Okay, then. Kate, come over here.”

Nolan had collapsed on the floor, moaning and writhing. Nick stepped over and kicked his gun backwards, keeping his own gun trained on everyone while he picked it up.

Quinn was still covering the room.

Peter tightened his grip on Kate’s arm. “Kate is it? Well, no matter what name she calls herself. She’s not going anywhere.”

“Kate.” Quinn’s voice was like a knife edge. “Walk away from him and come over here.” His eyes swept over her for a brief instant.

It was like a tableau suddenly come to life, and Kate saw it begin to move in slow motion.

Eva pulled her hand from the pocket of her skirt, her fingers wrapped around a small pistol. Kate wrenched herself around, biting her lip against the pain, and shoved her knee into Peter’s groin, freeing herself. She picked up a small but heavy statue from a display table and, gritting her teeth against the pain, heaved the statue at Eva’s gun hand. The woman dropped her weapon, screaming.

“She broke my wrist,” Eva screamed. “The bitch broke my wrist. Someone shoot her.”

Esai was bent over, pant leg pulled up, reaching for a tiny Beretta in his ankle holster.

“Down!” Quinn shouted, and Kate dropped to the floor.

Quinn fired at Esai, hitting his gun hand. He wasn’t quite quick enough for Miguel, however, who fired low at Kate.

She felt something sting her side, then a burning sensation flooded through her. She knew she was hit, and a searing pain told her she might also have torn something inside. She breathed through her mouth, willing the agony to pass.

Quinn swore at Miguel and shot twice, shattering his arm.

Kate looked up to see Peter pointing a gun directly at Quinn.

“That’s it,” he shouted, his finger tightening on the trigger. “You’re done.”

“Kill him, Peter,” Eva screamed, cradling her broken wrist. “Shoot him now.”

Kate, fighting not to pass out, forced herself to roll slightly. Sweat broke out on her body everywhere at the effort, and she was sure she was going to vomit any minute. Somehow, through sheer effort of will and overwhelming fear for Quinn, she pulled her gun from her waistband. Her hands were slick with sweat and blood, and she had time for only one brief thought.

Please God, let me remember how to do this.

Then she fired upward at Peter and kept firing, hitting him as his gun went off. She barely noticed the bursts of red that bloomed in the center of his chest, right where her bullets had hit so many times at the shooting range.

The shots had all come so closely together they might have been one, reverberating in the room, bouncing off the tall ceiling. Boom! Boom, boom, boom! Boom!

Kate heard Eva scream again, Miguel swear, glass break, and the thud of a body hitting the floor. Dizziness was overtaking her.

“Quinn?” She didn’t know if she shouted it or whispered.

New voices. Running feet. And finally a vaguely familiar voice, heavy with authority.

“This is the FBI. Don’t anyone move, or I will shoot you. And believe me, I mean every word I say.”

Kate felt as if she were falling, but that was impossible. She was already on the floor, wasn’t she? Someone was trying to pry the gun loose from her hands, but she put all her strength into holding on.

“Kate? Stay with me, Kate. It’s Quinn. You can let go of the gun.”

“Quinn?” She forced open her heavy eyelids to see him leaning over her.

“It’s me, darlin’. Let go now. It’s all right.”

“Your shoulder.” She saw the blood on his shirt.

“I’m fine. Hang on. The paramedics are on their way.”

A babble of voices sounded in the background. Eva’s, strident and imperious. Esai or Miguel, she didn’t know which one, swearing in Spanish. Voices she didn’t recognize. Someone giving orders. The pain was so unbearable this time she didn’t think there was enough Tylenol to take the edge off.

Hands touching her, soft and gentle, but making her wince and cry out all the same.

“Dean.” Quinn’s voice, angry and impatient. “Where the hell’s the damn ambulance? She’s bleeding heavily. Tell them to get here now.”

“Was she shot again?” A voice filled with concern and worry. Whose?

“Yes, but I’m afraid to move her.” Quinn’s voice was shaky. He completely ignored his own wound. “All I can do right now is try to stop the bleeding.”

“Quinn?” She could barely get the word out.

“Right here, darlin’.” His face loomed over hers. “Kate, I am so sorry. I…” He stopped, and she wondered if she was fading away, but then he went on. “This is my fault. All my fault. I love you, Kate, and I let you down.”

She tried to focus on his face, as movement swirled around them. “Am I dying?”

“Not a chance.” He took one of her cold hands in his large warm ones, pouring the heat of his body into hers. “You told me you were a fighter. I’m counting on that.”

Eva, her voice imperious, demanded that she be allowed to call her attorney. The Osuna brothers still cursed angrily in Spanish. There were sounds of token struggles and more strange voices, giving orders, making phone calls.

“Get them all out of here and take them down to the federal building.” A strange voice, one she didn’t recognize.

“Kate?” Jake Garza. Where had Quinn gone? “Kate, the ambulance is here. They need to check you over before they can give you something for the pain. All right?”

“Okay.” Her lips could barely form the word. Her eyelids felt as if they’d been dipped in concrete, but as strange hands did things to her body, she tried to find Quinn. All she saw was unfamiliar legs and Jake crouching on the other side of the EMTs, his face pinched with concern.

“We’re ready to roll,” one of them said. “The wound in her arm busted open, and she’s been hit again in the side, almost the same place as the last time. People need to stop using her for target practice.”

“I’ll ride with her.” Jake.

“Quinn?” she croaked.

“He’s here. They’re fixing his shoulder.” Jake moved away so the paramedics could fit her with the oxygen and hook her up to the portable EKG machine. As they lifted her she heard him swear. “Damn it, Quinn, let them patch you up. No, you can’t…”

She forced one eye open. Jake, again.

“Quinn?” She could hardly get the word out.

“Being taken care of. You’ll see him at the hospital.”


“He’ll be fine. I promise.”

A hand grasped hers on the ride to the hospital. And then she faded, the shot they gave her dropping her into a blessed oblivion.


Kate felt the movement of the gurney along the halls, the slap slap slap of the rubber wheels on tile, the thudding of feet in surgical booties.

“Kate, can you hear me?”

“Mmm?” She was trying to swim up through inky waters, but something heavy kept pushing her down. She tried to breathe, and a pain so sharp it took away her breath altogether stabbed at her.

“Kate, remember me? Dr. DeWitt?” He was leaning over her, his mouth close to her ears. All around him nurses worked to complete their Strikes as his patient was wheeled toward the surgical suites. He took one of her hands in his. “If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.”

She gripped his hand as hard as she could.

“Good, good. Listen to me. You’ve been shot again and done some damage to your previous wounds. We have to do some quick repair work on you. Do you understand?”

Another squeeze.

“We ran a full blood panel, something we always do even if you’ve just been a patient. Things can change, you know.” Pause. “We found elevated levels of hormones. There’s a good possibility you’re pregnant.”

Pregnant? Really? Happiness flashed through her. She was having Quinn’s baby? Then, as fast as it came, the feeling dissipated. What if Quinn didn’t want it? What if… “Quinn…”

“He’s being taken care of. They’re removing a bullet from his shoulder, but he’ll be fine.”

She forced out the words. “Hope so.” She tried for another breath. “Don’t tell…”

“You don’t want him to know?”


DeWitt shrugged. “It’s your choice, of course. Well, we’ll take good care of you upstairs and be extra careful.”

She squeezed his hand again. “Thanks.”


Quinn was still flat on his back in Trauma Three when Jake walked in. A massive bandage covered his right shoulder. He glanced at Jake.

“Come to claim the body?”

“Come to beat it back to life. How’s he doing, doc?”

The ER doctor finishing up with him looked at Jake. “He refused anything but a local anesthetic. He’s a wild man, even with all this pain. He absolutely has to stay here overnight. I don’t know what to do short of handcuffing him to the bed.”

Quinn shook his head. “Not going to.”

Jake moved to where Quinn could see him better. “Kate’s in good hands, Ace. She’ll be fine. DeWitt just took her upstairs again. He said if you behaved yourself and stayed right here, he’d find us and let us know when the surgery’s over.”

“Go…check on her.” The words felt as if he’d dragged them from the bottom of a barrel. “After.”

“Okay. You’ll be able to. But you won’t do her any good if you kill yourself being stupid.”

“Nolan?” he asked.

“Unfortunately not dead.” Nick said, walking into the room at that moment and standing on the other side of the bed. “In the prison ward at University Hospital awaiting his own surgery. If I hadn’t wanted him so badly for trial I’d have blown his head off.” His face was twisted with pain. “Quinn, I don’t even know where to begin to apologize for this. I can’t—”

Quinn made a feeble hand wave at him. “Happens. Do…your best but shit happens.”

He watched Jake exchange a look with Nick.

“Can you hang out here a while with me until we get news of Kate? This idiot thinks he’s going to get up and go looking for her.”

“It’s the least I can do.” Nick’s eyes were bloodshot, and he looked as if he’d stared death in the face, but he had pulled himself together. “Why don’t I go get us some coffee? Can the walking wounded have any?”

The nurse adjusting the IV drip in Quinn’s arm nodded. “We’d just as soon he let this medication work on him, but with all he’s been through, I don’t guess a cup of coffee will do him any harm. If he’s still awake to drink it.”

Quinn rolled his head to look at Jake as soon as the nurse had left. When he spoke, his words were slurred. “I have to go home. Yank this damn needle out.”

He reached for where the IV needle was taped to the back of his hand.

Jake knocked his arm away. “Are you crazy? They just dug around in your shoulder. You really ought to let them keep you here tonight.”

Quinn shook his head. “Have…to get home.”

“I thought you wanted to see Kate? Take a little nap, and by then, she should be in recovery.”

He closed his eyes. “You…take care of her. I’m…poison. Just wanted…to see her…myself. ’Sall.” Even saying the words, he felt as if a knife had carved a hole in his heart.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Quinn made a supreme effort to rally and get his words out. “I…promised to take care of her. Keep her safe. Then I let her get shot, kidnapped, and shot again. Me, the big protector.”

He should have been the one it all happened to. She was better off without him, even if letting her go was destroying him.

“Shut up,” Jake ordered, worry lining his face. “Quinn, you look like shit. I’m calling the nurse back in.”

“No.” His eyelids fluttered shut, but he forced them back up. “Promised her, Jake. Made her a promise and look…what happened. Why would she even want anything to do with me? I’m better off out of her life. I can’t keep anyone safe. Ever.”

Jake stared at him. “That is just so much bullshit. I don’t even want to hear it.”

The door opened, and Nick walked in carrying a cardboard tray with three cups of coffee. He handed the cups around, and Quinn roused enough to take a healthy swallow of his, but Jake grabbed the cup as it started to fall. In seconds, he was asleep.

When Quinn awoke, for a moment he was disoriented. He had slept but was still edgy and unsettled.

“Nick.” His throat felt as if he’d swallowed nails, and he had difficulty swallowing.

“Yeah, buddy?” Nick was there in an instant.

“Need you to drive me home.” Nick didn’t respond so Quinn looked at Jake. “I guess he won’t do it.”

“You’re damn right—” Jake began.

“Home?” Nick stared at Quinn. “Are you crazy?”

Quinn sat up gingerly, testing his shoulder and wincing involuntarily. “Yes, home. Hand me my shirt.”

“You’re insane,” Nick told him. “You’re in no shape to go anywhere. And what about Kate? An hour ago you were ready to punch out anyone who wouldn’t let you see her.”

“Had…time to think. You…check her.” He had difficulty getting the words out.

Jake looked at Nick. “The medication must have addled his brain. Now he’s got this dumbass idea that all this is his fault and she’s better off with him out of her life.”

Damn right.” Yet the thought of cutting her out of his life nearly split his heart in two. A pain such as he hadn’t felt in a long time threatened to overwhelm him, smacking into him like a hard body blow.”

“Don’t tell me he wants to go crawl into his cave again.” Jake looked at Quinn. “Dumbass.”

“My…choice,” Quinn insisted and started to pull on the tape over the IV needle.

“Wait, will you?” Jake grabbed his hand and reached for the call button. “At least let the nurse do it so you don’t cause yourself any more damage.”

But the pain from the intravenous needle was nothing compare to the emotional pain that invaded his entire body. He was sick with it, consumed by it, knowing how bleak his future was going to be.

When the nurse came into the room, she stared at Quinn first, then gave Nick and Jake a dirty look.

“Out,” Quinn told her. “I want out. Right now.”

She frowned. “You’re not in much shape to be leaving.”

“Don’t care. Have to leave.”

At last, she just shrugged her shoulders and set about disconnecting the IV. She placed a bandaid over the place where the needle had been inserted.

“Try not to kill yourself,” she told Quinn.

If only.

“The doctor left a form for you to sign yourself out Against Medical Advice if you insisted,” she went on. “I’ll get it. Then you’re free to go.”

Quinn scratched his name on the clipboard the nurse brought back, then inched his shirt on with Jake’s reluctant help.

“I’m going home.” He groaned again, and his words were slurring. “You can take me, or I’ll figure out how to get there myself.”

Jake exchanged a glance with Nick, then nodded. “Okay. If that’s what you want. You sure can’t go anyplace by yourself.”

“And can you please just play chauffeur and keep your mouth shut?”

The nurse had given him a prescription to fill for pain meds, but he didn’t think there was a pill in the world that could cure what was wrong with him. The light had left his life, the only thing that had brought him to life again. He closed his eyes, and Kate’s face swam before his eyes, her gorgeous eyes filled with love for him.

That love had nearly gotten her killed. She was much better off without him. But her laughter wouldn’t be echoing in his house any longer. He’d never feel her warm body cuddled up to him in bed again. Never cradle her breast in his palm as they slept or feel his cock harden against the curve of her ass. Never be able to sink himself into the lushness of her warmth.

Too bad the bullet had missed vital organs. The shooter would have done him a favor if he’d killed him, because his life was never going to be worth living again.

He leaned his head back against the seat and gave himself over to the tears coursing down his cheeks.




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