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My Dad's Rival's Secret Baby by Jamie Knight (40)





“Holy fuuuuuuuuck!” Mariah yells, as she’s in the throws of labor a few months later.

I feel so bad for her pain and wish I could do something to take it away. I’ve done all our Hypnobirthing exercises with her, I keep bringing her wet washcloths and offering her massages. It seemed to help for the first twenty-four hours or so, but now all she wants is this baby out of her, and I can’t blame her.

“The baby is almost here,” the doctor says, with an excited grin on her face. “Daddy – you can come down here and see her head if you want.”

The word “daddy” hits me like a gust of wind. I still can’t believe I’m about to be a father. Letting go of Mariah’s hand, I go stand next to the doctor and see curly brown hair on the baby’s head.

“There’s hair!” I call out. “Lots of it!”

“There sure is,” the doctor says. “And here comes the rest of the baby. One more push, Mariah, you’re doing great.”

Mariah gasps and breathes deeply before delivering the last one push that brings our baby out into the world.

“Good job, honey!” I shout. “You did it! You did it!”

The doctor pulls the baby out and announces, “It’s a girl.”

I smile, because it’s what I’ve wanted all along. I vow silently to my daughter to be a good father to her – a better father than mine was to me and Mariah’s was to her. I’ll support her in whatever she wants to do, and would happily pass down my real estate company – Mariah’s and my real estate company, I correct myself, since I know that she and I will continue to build a vast fortune together – to her.

I don’t have much time to reflect on my promises, because the doctor lays the baby on Mariah’s chest and asks, “Do you want to cut the cord, Daddy?”

“I sure do,” I answer, even though I have to admit to myself so that I’m fucking scared to do anything that could go wrong.

“It’s okay,” the doctor says, as though sensing my fear. “You can’t hurt her.”

She shows me what to do and I do it, without causing any major damage, as far as I can tell. Then I head to where Mariah is holding the baby and join her in mutual admiration.

“She’s so beautiful,” Mariah coos.

“She really is. Hello, adorable.”

The baby had been staring up into Mariah’s eyes, but when she hears my voice, her pretty brown eyes move up to look into mine.

“Yes, hello,” I tell her. “I’m your daddy.”

A nurse who has been in the room takes the baby to clean her and weigh her, and then brings her back to Mariah’s arms and says, “Once she has eaten some, Daddy is welcome to hold her.”

Mariah tries to nurse her for a little bit, cuddling her and encouraging her. It’s slow going, but finally the baby latches on and suckles some.

“Good job,” a nurse says. “She was very determined to get that right.”

“She’s got a lot of determination,” I agree. “Just like her mom.”

Mariah looks up at me and laughs, but it’s a weak one and I can tell she’s getting tired.

“I’m so proud of you,” I tell her. “You did great, Mama.”

“Thanks,” she says.

I know this is an opportune time to be feeling horny, but I can’t wait until the mandated recovery time period has passed so that I can properly ravish my not-pregnant-anymore wife. I guess I just find her irresistible no matter what else is going on.

I keep my thoughts to myself, though, because I’m sure it’s the last thing Mariah wants to think about right now. But once some time has passed, I’m going to take her on our delayed honeymoon and do all the things we’ve talked about doing with each other that we were waiting until then to do. I can’t wait.

After the baby has eaten a little, Mariah looks up at me and says, “Would you like to hold your daughter?”

“I sure would,” I answer.

From the moment she’s placed in my arms, I’m instantly in love.

“Hello, little daughter,” I tell her, smelling her new baby smell and touching her soft skin. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“What should we name her?” Mariah asks.

I smile as the idea comes to me instantly.

“How about Shelly?” I say.

She nods. “I like it.”

I bend down to kiss her while still hugging our baby – Shelly. “That’s good, because I love you.”

“I love you too,” she says, as she kisses me back.

And so our family will make our way in this world, together forever, no matter what.




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