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Narcissistic Tendencies (Dating by Design Book 3) by Jennifer Peel (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five

Nick was waiting for us outside my townhome when Skye and I pulled up after having the best teriyaki bowls ever and one of the best nights, at least for me. Being with Skye made me feel. I missed feelings.

We got out of the car still laughing about some of the memes she showed me at the restaurant. Apparently memes were a major form of communication between teenagers now. Who knew? Some of them were hilarious, though, like all the ones about the new eyebrow styles. I had no idea you could braid your eyebrows or that there were accessories for them. Not trying either trend.

Nick was leaning against the sports car he was renting for the summer. Flashbacks of that poster above my bed hit me. Thankfully, his tight T-shirt was on, but that was alluring all on its own. I had to think of something else, like the kitten that almost came home with me. He was cute and cuddly.

I bet Nick was cuddly.

Where did that thought come from?

Skye gave me a big hug after we exited the car. “Can we go to the shelter again?”

“I would love to, if it’s okay with your dad.” My eyes drifted up at the man who was walking our way, taking in the scene with a look of contentment. The snapping, crackling, and popping was back in my stomach. I took a deep breath to stave it off.

Skye left me for the waiting arms of her dad. He wrapped her up and kissed her head. It was the most attractive sight of my life. I was his relationship manager, I repeated to myself.

“Did you have fun tonight?” Nick asked Skye.

“So much,” she responded.

He kissed her head one more time. “Why don’t you wait in the car? I want to talk to Kate for a minute.”

Oh, no, no. We didn’t need any alone time.

Skye was too obedient. She waved at me. “Bye, Kate, thanks for everything.”

“Bye, honey.” That term of endearment came out of nowhere, but it felt so natural to call her that.

Her smile said she liked it.

“Call me tomorrow when you get to chapter twenty so we can discuss.” I was a little ahead of her because I had no life.

“I will.” She pranced off.

Nick looked between Skye and me; his normally brooding eyes had lightened up considerably. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was happy.

I leaned against my car, nervous as he approached. The steamy Georgia night felt more suffocating with each step he took toward me. My back was now flush with the car, my blouse clinging to me. I had nowhere else to go. And he was close, so close.

“Thank you, Kate.”

“It was my pleasure. You’re lucky to have her.”

He glanced back at his daughter. “I know.”

“I should probably let you go. We wouldn’t want Skye to get hot in the car.”

He pressed his lips together forming a smirk while he pushed a button on his key chain making the car start. “What were you saying?”

“Good night.”

“We aren’t there yet.”

“We’re not?” I bit my lip.

He shook his head in a mesmerizing manner. “You haven’t even asked me how my night was. Where are your manners?”

I smiled, but not because I wanted to—he had this effect on me. “Did you get the research done you needed?”

“There’s always more that needs to be done, but yes, it was a productive night. I think I know what direction I need to go in now.”

“It seems like more than that. You seem almost happy.”

“That surprises you?”

“You surprise me.” I was becoming unguarded around him, saying what I felt. This wasn’t good.

That earned me one of his rare genuine smiles. “The night was more productive than I thought, then.”

He needed to quit looking pleasant. It was more appealing than the brooding sex symbol look he usually wore. “Being productive makes you happy?” My voice was uneven.

“Among other things,” his voice became more intimate.

I held my stomach.

He tilted his head, noticing my body language. “Why do I make you so nervous, Kate?”

I swallowed hard. “You are direct, aren’t you?”

“I find it’s usually the best way to go, but lately I’ve realized there are exceptions.”

“Let’s make this one of them.”

He took a step back. “Okay, Kate.”

I felt like I could breathe again. “Thank you.”

“Are we still on for Saturday?”

“I don’t ever remember agreeing to it.”

“Agree to it now . . . please?”

“Maybe someday that word won’t sound so strangled coming out of your mouth.”

“See how much I need you? Come with us on Saturday.”

I hemmed and hawed.

“You know you want to.”

That was my problem.

“Are you really going to pass up a Bogie and Bacall marathon?”

That did sound like fun, and I said I needed more fun in my life. “Okay, you win.”

His eyes sparkled like someone who got their way. I was sure he was used to it. “We’ll pick you up at six.”

“I can—”

He pressed his finger to my lips. “Unless you think this is a date, your rules don’t apply to me.” He bent down as if he was going to kiss my cheek. “Do you consider it a date?”

He had me dazed and struggling to find air in the hot end-of-July weather. “No,” I managed to eke out.

“Then we have no issues.” He closed the small gap and his warm lips brushed my cheek, leaving sparks behind. “Good night, Kate.”

I placed my hand over the spot his lips left their mark as if to preserve the electric pulse that remained. It almost felt like . . . magic. I stood motionless for several seconds until I came to my senses.

“Have fun on your date tomorrow night,” I called out.

He shook his head and kept on walking without responding to me.

Skye gave me a goofy grin and wave. I could only imagine what the scene with her dad and me looked like.

My sterile environment had suddenly become contaminated with a flood of emotional bewilderment. I was going to have to make an appointment with myself at this rate.


Thank goodness it was Friday. I didn’t have to see any crazed Nicholas Wells fans and I didn’t have to attend the connection meeting because my client didn’t need a match. Hopefully we kept it that way. My mental well-being was counting on it. The only downside was my lunch with Meg was cancelled. Her morning sickness was turning into an all-day sort of thing. Poor thing. Maybe it was a good thing, though, since she texted, I need the down-low on you and Nick.

I’m his relationship manager.

According to Nan, she has a feeling about you two.

Oh great, Nan and her feelings. I’d heard about them. She had them about Kenadie and Jason and Meg and Zander. I’d more than heard about Meg and Zander, I saw with my own eyes how she did everything in her power to push those two together. So she’d made a couple of good calls.

Is Nan there with you?

Not yet. She had a late date last night.

I admit I was curious to know how that went. Has she said anything to you about Jack?

Are you trying to change the subject?

What subject?

Clever, Kate. She’s acting pretty giddy. She says she hasn’t felt this way since she was a girl and her husband asked her on a date.

That’s sweet.

It’s fun to watch between puking episodes.

I’m so sorry. Can I bring you anything?

Between Nan and Zander, I’m good. Yesterday he brought home every flavor of popsicle imaginable because I told him they sounded good.

I never thought I would say this, but he’s a keeper.

You and me both, sister. I better go, the porcelain god is calling.

Take care! Let me know if you need anything.

I didn’t hear back.

I remembered those days. I never thought I would feel better, and just when I started to, it was over. Those were the darkest days of my life. The days where the rules were hatched and started to be honed.

My first rule back then was no men ever. I eased up on it after the dust had settled and my hormones went back to normal. It still took me two years to go on a date. And I’d only had one semi-serious relationship since, meaning we dated for three months on and off. He was a nice podiatrist. We both knew it wasn’t going anywhere. There were no sparks. Nick’s kiss on the cheek did more for me than any kiss from any man, to be honest.

Why was that?

I rubbed my cheek.

What was it about Nick?