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Off Script by Anna Paige (21)


“So, Kaiti, it appears you’ve had quite the introduction into show business,” the reporter, Dahlia something-or-other said, her face a picture of empathy. She wore a smart, expensive pantsuit with her flaxen hair pulled back in a severe twist. Her lips were so deeply red they looked vampiric—which was fitting given the blood-sucker vibe she gave off. She was known for chasing a story hard, not backing down or having much in the way of boundaries when it came to her pursuit of the sensational. Bryce had chosen well. I was about to make her damn day.

“I guess you could say that, yeah.” I smiled.

“How are you getting along with your cast mates?”

I glanced over at the group gathered on the other side of the room. All but Bryce were in attendance. Sky was doing her level best to look relaxed, even though her shoulders practically touched her ears they were so tense. I gave Dahlia a smile. “We’re one big family here. It’s been great getting to know everyone and settling in. Everyone has been incredibly helpful and welcoming.”

“From what I’ve heard, the family might be breaking up, in a manner of speaking. Rumor has it there may be some cuts happening at the end of the season—Skylar Banks being the name most often mentioned. Any comment?”

I looked at Sky, then turned my attention to Dahlia, offering a wistful smile. “Well, I’m still too new to be that far in the loop, but I’m sure the writers know what they’re doing. Everyone’s contracts are up for renewal—mine included—so no one is particularly safe.” I watched Skylar from the corner of my eye. “And if Skylar were to end up moving on from the show, I can only imagine the number of offers that would pour in to snap her up. I could totally foresee a bidding war from other shows desperate for her to grace their productions with her talent. She’s got a lot to offer.” I leaned in and gave Dahlia a wink. “But don’t count anyone out just yet. Savages is famous for its insane season finales.”

Dahlia chuckled and nodded. “Yes, it is.”

I glanced at Skylar and was surprised at the look she was giving me. It was a combination of gratitude and shame as she lowered her eyes. I could have shredded her, had every reason in the world to do that, but I’d built her up instead. Not because she deserved it, but because someone had to take the first step in changing this cesspool of backbiting and scheming into something we could all be proud of. I couldn’t call them out on their shit and then turn around and feed into the problem myself.

We all had to be better than that.

“What about your connection to Gavin Lane? After the video he posted, there’s no denying the two of you are an item.” She consulted her notes. “I’m quoting Mr. Lane directly here: ‘I’m not standing by and allowing anyone to attack or victimize the woman I love.’” She grinned and flicked a look at him over her shoulder before meeting my eye. “Care to tell us how that happened?”

I laughed and caught his eye. “Well, it all started with me cussing someone out in the mall food court…”

“Beg pardon?”

Gavin’s chuckle could be heard on camera, I was sure, as I shook my head. “You had to be there.”

“Well, whatever started it, it’s clear from his video that what the two of you have is intense.”

“That’s the best kind of love, isn’t it?” I asked her with a wink.

“So, you’re in love with Gavin Lane?”

“You have no idea how inadequate that sounds, but to put it simply, yes. I’m most certainly in love with Gavin Lane.”

“It’s always good to see two people so devoted to each other. His declaration of love during his video broke a lot of hearts, of course.”

I shrugged. “Not mine. It was my favorite part, actually.”

Her expression became grave and she asked, “His video wasn’t all sunshine and roses, unfortunately. It addressed a very serious matter that’s been the center of a lot of media attention of late. The surfacing of some extremely private information, an undoubtedly painful memory for you that was made public on the heels of you joining the show. How are you handling it?”

I tilted my head at her. “Look, I really hope you have someone to go over all this with that little bleep button before it’s aired because shit’s about to get realer than you anticipated.”

Her eyes widened and she nodded. “We’ve got it covered. Be as candid as you like.”

I sat back in my chair, relaxing into it. “Well, Dahlia, I’m handling it like anyone else would, I imagine. I was pissed off initially, then embarrassed, and now I’m indifferent to it because I refuse to give it power over me anymore. It’s called working through your shit, and every single person on the planet has to do it. I’m no different just because you guys have labeled me a star.”

“You don’t see yourself as a star?”

“Hell no. I see myself as someone who likes to act and has discovered she’s actually pretty good at it. That doesn’t make me any different from anyone else who has a job they enjoy and excel at.” I looked at the guy behind the camera. “You. Do you like what you do?”

Dahlia looked around and asked, “Are you talking to me or?”

“No, I’m talking to the camera operator.”

He leaned around the camera and nodded, smiling at me. “Liking it even more than usual today, Miss Oliver.”

“Kaiti, please.” I gave him a smile back.

Dahlia clearly didn’t like being ignored. “I’m confused, where is this going?”

I looked at the cameraman again. “Have you gone through shit in your life—bad shit, good shit, even embarrassing shit you don’t want anyone butting into?”

“That’s an affirmative, Kaiti,” he called from behind the camera, humor in his voice.

I pointed in his direction, basically into the camera. “My point exactly. Everyone struggles and gets hurt and hurts people they shouldn’t. No one is perfect and no one’s life is perfect. It’s not supposed to be. But you people”—I gestured to her with a small smile that let her know I had her number— “you smell blood in the water anytime some celebrity—and I use that term loosely—has real-life problems. I don’t know which came first; celebrities pretending to be perfect or the press expecting them to be, but it’s all bullshit. Perfect only happens in movies. In real life, shit happens. Period. So, I was victimized as a teenager. That’s my story to tell—or not. My shit to work through. My life. What business is it of anyone else’s? Why does anyone care?”

“Well, part of being in the entertainment industry

“Is being expected to live up to some insane standard that is completely unattainable? Yes, we just covered that, Dahlia. You want perfect but you also want real and it can’t be both. You want to know how far from perfect my life is? Right now, outside this very building, stand the two pieces of human excrement who were supposed to be my parents. Right now, they are out there, seeking me out for the first time since I was ten years old—when they abandoned me. That’s real.”

Her mouth dropped before she managed to get her shit together, the smell of fresh blood in the water making her eyes gleam. “And what do you think about that? What do you plan to do?”

“I don’t have to think about it. I’m going to handle my shit, that’s what I’m going to do. Do exactly what’s best for me. Walk away without a word. Because at the end of the day, I don’t need them. I’m not the same person they abandoned and I have no intention of going back.”

I smiled as I looked over at Gavin—who was clearly stunned by the news of my parents resurfacing. Evie, bless her, was holding onto his arm… just in case. I gave him a reassuring look and continued. “The first time I met Gavin—after I threw him out and he came right back for more—I told him something that, at the time, I truly meant. I told him I thought actors and actresses were brave to walk out on stage and slip into someone else’s skin, into someone else’s head, and become those characters. Now, though, I know that was wrong. It’s not brave to pretend to be someone else—it’s brave to step up and be exactly who you are without giving a fuck what anyone else thinks. And that’s precisely what I intend to do; be unapologetically and authentically who I am. And who I am is a woman who has no use for drama that isn’t from a script. Not from my parents, not from that video, and not from people like yourself who seem to conjure it from thin air for the sake of headlines.” I offered Dahlia a final smile. “I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out this morning. Thank you for conducting my first—and last—personal interview. I’ll gladly talk all day about Savages but my story is my own, and I won’t be explaining myself to anyone again. From this point forward, what you see is what you get.”

Dahlia gave me what I thought was a genuine smile and stood, offering her hand. “You’re quite something, Ms. Oliver. It’s been a pleasure chatting with you.”

I shook her hand briskly and handed back the small mic that had been clipped to my top, eager to move past her to return to my friends. The same way I was moving past the bullshit and getting on with my life. “Likewise. I’ll have someone come and see you out. And please apologize to whoever is stuck having to bleep out my sentence enhancers. They’ll be working on it for a while.”

She chuckled as I walked away. “I’m betting they’ll be smiling the whole time.”

* * *

“Will you autograph my butt?” Michael chuckled, pretending to fanboy as he tugged the back of his jeans down. Gavin promptly kicked him in the ass, but not as hard as he might have a week ago.

“Fuck off, I get the first autograph.” He narrowed his eyes at Michael.

“And where would you like it?” I leaned into Gavin’s side and pinched his butt as we walked down the hall toward the common area.

He smirked down at me. “What are my options?”

Michael scoffed. “If you’re trying for your cock, she’s gonna need a shorter name or it won’t fit.”

Gavin tripped him.

As Michael caught himself on the wall, he glared back over his shoulder and Gavin chuckled. “Sorry, forgot to tuck this monster into my sock this morning and it got loose. I’ll wrap it around my leg or something so it doesn’t trip you again.”

“You’re so full of shit.” Michael rolled his eyes, quickening his pace so Gavin couldn’t sweep his foot again.

“Actually, it’s not much of an exaggeration.” I mused loud enough for them both to hear.

Gavin laughed. Michael made a retching noise as he increased the gap between us.

Everyone else was loitering near the conference room or otherwise occupied—like Joey and Evie, who both went MIA shortly after the interview.

Skylar had offered me a nod as I passed her on my way out and I did the same. Feeling generous, I threw in a small smile, which she quickly returned.

It was the only acknowledgment we gave to the shift in our relationship, but it was enough for the time being.

Maybe we’d get past all the bullshit and actually be something resembling friends. Maybe not, but we were done being rivals—seeing each other as competition—and I was glad of it.

Sighing, I wrapped my arm around Gavin’s and leaned into his side as we walked. “Can you believe the day is just starting? It feels like it’s been a week since we rolled out of your bed and headed down here.”

“It’s definitely been an eventful morning,” he agreed softly. “How are you handling everything?”

I nuzzled his shoulder, the smell of his cologne relaxing me further. “I’m better than I thought I’d be. It’s been a crappy few days but I think I’m on the other side of it now.”

“What about your folks?”

I blew out a breath, feeling tired but content. “I asked Joey to have them removed from the property with a warning that a camera crew was headed that way and would be thrilled to make their abject abandonment of TV’s newest star their next viral story.”

He laughed softly. “So, you finally admit you’re a star?”

I scoffed. “Not even close, but it served a purpose to make them think that. I’m willing to bet my so-called parents hauled ass. Again.”

“And you’re sure you don’t want to know why they were here?”

“Nope,” I chirped, almost happily. “I got what I wanted. I got to choose to live without them the same way they chose to live without me.”

“But, baby, you’ve been living without them all this time.” He sounded confused, so I stopped us, pulling him around to face me.

“Yes, but until today, it was their choice that dictated that, not mine. Now, I’m in charge of who is and isn’t in my life. And I don’t choose them. I have all the family I need.”

He smiled, nodding. “You covered a lot of ground today didn’t you, new girl? How’s it feel to tell pretty much the entire world to fuck off?”

I chuckled and gave him a huge grin. “Almost better than sex.”

He raised a brow. “As long as you said almost, I guess we’re still okay.”

“Oh, we’re so far beyond okay, Hollywood.” I rose up on my tiptoes and kissed his chin. “Too bad we can’t make good on that hooky idea, because I’d love to take you to the beach and help you get sand in unfortunate places.”

Just then, Evie came skipping down the hall toward us, all smiles. “Let’s hit the beaches, bitches.”

Gavin and I both groaned.

Adulting sucks.

I pouted as I said, “We can’t. We’ve got scenes to get done today and I already torched Bryce’s microwave—I doubt he’s in the mood to give anyone a pass.”

She shook her head, all smiles and sunlight. “Well, something must have changed his mind because he hit Joey up on his radio and said to send everyone home for the day. Sounded like Bryce had somewhere to go or something.”

Gavin and I shared a bewildered look.

“Really?” he asked, frowning. “He’s only shut down the set a couple of times in all the years Savages has been in production—and both times it took major hurricanes to get him to do it.”

Evie shrugged. “Something came up and he’s already gone for the day. He told Joey to have everyone here insanely early tomorrow, though, so we better get our asses to the beach so we can milk every second of fun we can out of today.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Gavin shrugged.

I wrapped an arm around his waist and smiled. “I get to tell the world to fuck off and lay on a private beach with my favorite people? Best. Day. Ever.”

* * *


When we arrived the next morning, dawn was still a couple of hours away and the whole set was abuzz. People were whispering in small groups and the normal blur of activity was in hyperdrive. I heard several ‘good mornings’ but the voices belonged to such quickly moving bodies that I couldn’t pinpoint sources.

Kaiti stood by my side, a faint frown on her face as she took it all in. “Why am I having flashbacks to the time Evie had a huge party at her place and her parents decided to come home early? This is what it was like—the two of us twirling around the room like twin Tasmanian devils cleaning up the empty beer bottles and stale chips, trying to race the clock.”

“You think this is a mad dash to get the set straight?” I eyed the runners who were actually running and the PAs who were talking rapid-fire into their headsets.

“I don’t know what it is. Let’s find Bryce and see what the hell is going on.” Kaiti tugged my hand as she bobbed and weaved through the cluster of crew members.

When we got to Bryce’s door, it was closed. And locked. Kaiti knocked but no one answered.

We stood there for a minute, wondering what the hell was going on. Bryce should have been here by now. Especially after shutting down production the day before.

“Something’s up. Something big,” I muttered, squeezing Kaiti’s hand.

She cast a worried look in my direction and nodded. “Yeah. I think you’re right. If this is about your video, or my interview, or any of the shit that’s gone down over the last few days, just promise me it won’t affect us. We’re going to be good no matter what, right?”

I offered her a reassuring smile.

“You two, get in here!” Bryce called from the other end of the hall.

We looked up and found him sticking his head out one of the larger offices that were only used when the execs were around.


I’m so fired.

I threaded my fingers through Kaiti’s and lifted our joined hands to my lips. “No matter what, Kaiti-girl.”

She nodded and squared her shoulders like the badass she was, and we marched down the hall toward an uncertain future, knowing the only thing they couldn’t take from us was each other.

And that was all that mattered.

* * *

“You what?” I looked over at Bryce, my mouth dropping open. “You’re not serious.”

“Deadly,” he confirmed, as relaxed as I’d ever seen him. More relaxed than he should have been given the bombshell he’d just dropped.

I looked to Stuart—Stuart Clancy, the executive producer, basically the be all and end all of decision-makers for the show—and he nodded in agreement.

“Are you fucking crazy?” I looked between them, too stupefied to care about censoring myself.

Stuart shrugged. “Probably. But we’re also right. This is what’s best for the show and I suggest you get on board because opportunities like these don’t come around every day, son.”

Kaiti was sitting at my side, mouth agape as her eyes darted around the table. Clearly, she was as stunned as me.

“And what about Kaiti?” I finally thought to ask.

Bryce and Stuart both glanced her way before returning their attention to me. “What about her?”

She swallowed loudly and spoke up. “I think he’s wondering if I’m on your shit list. Basically, am I getting axed because of all the drama?”

Stuart smiled and shook his head. “Nah. We’re used to drama from the talent. You aren’t a true star until you have some sort of scandal under your belt. And you handled yourself quite well, under the circumstances.”

“Um…thanks?” she said, clearly not believing that neither of us was in trouble.

Hell, not only that, but I’d just been offered a huge promotion.

Taking Bryce’s place as director.

I’d always thought about going into directing but with the crazy shooting schedule, I knew I’d never have the time to dedicate to directing my own production. I’d told Bryce as much on several occasions, back when we’d hung out a lot.

He held my eye when I looked over at him. I realized then exactly what he’d done, what he’d just sacrificed—for me.

“Bryce, you’ve been directing this show from the beginning…” I hated how choked up I sounded, but goddammit I was. He’d taken a huge step back from his own career to give mine a boost and I wanted to hug him and choke him in equal measures.

“I have. And now I think I need some time away from it all. I love this show. It’s partially my creation, but it’s not my life. It’s time I hand over control so I can focus on the things that matter.” He offered me a sad smile. “Like repairing old friendships and nurturing new ones.” His eyes darted to Kaiti as he said the last before resettling on mine. “You’ll absolutely kill it as director. Anything you need help with, Joey will be right there beside you to fill you in.”

“Joey?” My eyes widened in surprise.

“Yep. He’s earned it. He’ll be taking over as associate director as soon as he can find a suitable replacement to take over with casting. I think he has one more hire to make before he hands the position over, though.” Bryce looked at Kaiti, giving her a warm smile. “He’s been itching to bring on that friend of yours to help out in makeup, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing her around here soon.”

By the time we left Stuart’s office, we were both stunned silent.

Everything had happened so fast. One minute we’d thought one—or both—of us was about to get the ax, and the next, I was the new director and Kaiti was pretty much guaranteed an extended contract. Bryce and Stuart had sworn us to secrecy, of course, but it was confirmed that Tia Savage was about to get killed off.

Tia would be going out with a bang, literally, after being revealed as the person who’d caused the deaths of the founding four, though she’d been aiming to only kill her—and Tyler’s—absentee father at the time. It was going to be an epic season finale, that was for sure.

Kaiti almost looked disappointed at the news that Skylar was leaving the show, and I really wanted to kiss her for that. For her compassionate heart, the one that had endured so much but never turned cold. She continually amazed me.

Before we left the meeting, she’d hugged Bryce and whispered in his ear until he nodded and looked down at her in wonder.

Yeah, she was something special, my Kaiti-girl. And I was so incredibly fortunate to have found her.

Once we both snapped out of our stupors, she slapped me on the ass and started walking down the hall ahead of me, a saucy sway in her hips. “Come on, Hollywood Director. I want to measure that new chair of yours to see if it will fit in your trunk.”

I chuckled, reaching out to cup her ass when I caught up. “Why would it need to fit in my trunk?”

She stopped and waited until I was pressed against her back to look over her shoulder and wink. “Because we’re taking it back to our place and testing it to see if it will hold us both. Naked.”

God, I fucking love this woman.




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