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Picture Perfect Lie (Kings of Castle Beach Book 1) by Marquita Valentine (7)

Chapter 6


Hazel is sleeping in the pack n’ play. Her noisy breathing and tiny grunts help me keep time until Knight returns to our room.

I don’t think I did anything wrong, but he all but ran out of the room. It was probably for the best because when he had me pinned on the bed, all I could think about was kissing him.

Maybe I’m reading too much into our situation.

Maybe, just maybe, he’s a nice guy helping a woman who is down on her luck; instead of a man who thinks if he helps said woman, he might be able to get in her pants.

Or I could get into his pants. Run my hands down the hard planes of his body, kiss his perfect lips, and feel his back as the muscles flex under my palms.

I groan, turning to bury my face in my pillow. “Not now, stupid hormones.”

Flopping onto my back, I force myself to relax, using the breathing techniques I learned in one of my many yoga classes. If only they could see me now, stranded in an airport with a handsome soldier and—

“Not helping.” I close my eyes, going over the moment I arrive at home that I’ve been rehearsing in my head since we left LAX.

In an ideal world, one in which my parents are humans with emotions other than anger and disappointment, I introduce Hazel to them. I show them how perfect she is, let them count her fingers and toes. Marvel over her sweet disposition, and coo over her blonde curls that are really starting to grow now.

They beam at me, love in their eyes as they agree Hazel is the most amazing baby ever to be born. We go inside the formerly cold house that was my home and have dinner like a nice, normal family.

I tell them how happy I am to finally be where I belong. That I’m so sorry it took me so long to find my way back, but now that Hazel and I are there...

Suddenly, my mother jumps up from her chair, rounding the table to hug me while she whispers there’s nothing to apologize for. My father joins in, his big, strong arms the comfort I’ve always needed as a little girl and teenager as he hugs me.

We’re so happy you’re home,” they say in unison. “The past is done, and we can start over.”

Tears spring to my eyes, real tears, and I scrub them away.

My heart pinches as that beautiful, ideal world fades away.

“If only,” I whisper. After another few minutes of waiting for Knight to return, I finally fall asleep.


LAST NIGHT, WHEN HAZEL woke me up for her near-dawn feeding and I stumbled my way around the room, I found Knight stretched out on the sofa, his large frame making it look tiny. The blanket he’d grabbed from the end of the bed barely covered him, so I dragged the extra comforter from the closet and tucked him in properly.

I even let myself brush back his short, dark hair.

I sigh thickly.

“You okay?” he asks as we finish eating breakfast.

Nodding, I gulp down the last of my apple juice. “A little nervous is all.” My plane leaves in less than thirty minutes, but the gate is right next door and I’m already checked in.

He smiles at me, and my heart flips. It would be so nice to see his smile every morning. “I’m telling you, Cam. As soon as they get a peek of Hazel, it will all be over for them.”

“From your lips to God’s ears.” Only God’s not the one I’m worried about because my mother doesn’t listen to him. Instead, she prays to the god of grudges. There’s no such thing as a prodigal son or daughter reunion for her. If anything, she’d say the parents were too soft and should have let their son continue to live and eat with the swine.

Knight grabs our plates. “Again, you have options.”

“I know.” I watch him walk away, a prelude to what will be happening for good when Hazel and I board the plane.

My throat grows tight.

How can it be so hard to say goodbye to Knight after only knowing him for twenty-four hours? Will I ever see him again?

The answer comes to me, as clear and firm as when I decided to have my baby.

I will see him again.

He will come home safely.

“Ready, Momma?” He flashes one of his grins, taking Hazel from where she’s lying beside me in the wide chair. “She said she wanted to be held. Didn’t you, honey?”

She stares up at him, blue eyes intent. It’s like she can understand every single word he’s saying.

“Consider letting your momma sleep longer than three hours at a time. She’d like that.” He catches my eye and winks.

“Her momma would also like for you to come home safe.”

Knight gives me a killer smile, one so full of confidence that my heart beats faster. “I’ll do my best.”

We make our way to the gate, my footsteps dragging to make this moment last even longer. “I hope we didn’t keep you up too much.”

“Actually, I slept like the dead.” He nods at one of his fellow soldiers. “And I got something for you, for the ride home. You’ll need it.”

Before I can protest, a stroller with a car seat attached to it is wheeled up. “What in the world?”

“We got together and uh, took a little reconnaissance trip to Target last night.”

Tears pool in my eyes. “I can see that.”

“You can use the car seat for up to six months and the stroller a lot longer. That way you won’t have to worry about riding in the Uber for two hours without one.”

I stare up at him in amazement. “I don’t understand.”

“Hazel told me she needed something to sit in, so...” He shrugs. “I couldn’t tell her no.”

Knowing he won’t take it back and I really do need the car seat and stroller, I rise on my toes and kiss his cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper against the dark stubble of his jaw, then I fix my attention on his buddies. “And y’all, too.”

They grin, replying with, “You’re welcome, ma’am.”

There’s a final call for families needing assistant or those with small children.

“I guess that’s us.”

“I guess so.”

Finally, I take Hazel from him. “Thank you... again.”

“No need. I’ve—it was—you... you’re welcome.” He grabs the stroller. “Let me get this checked in for you.”

We walk to the front desk, and in a matter of seconds, everything is taken care of.

“You be safe, okay? Don’t do anything too heroic,” I tease, then bite the side of my lip. I swear my pulse is pounding so hard that everyone can hear it. “Take care, Knight.”

His silver eyes search my face. “Yes, ma’am.”

Unable to take our goodbye a second longer, I force my feet to move, force myself not to look back. It doesn’t get easier as I make my way down the gangplank.

When I finally look at my ticket and realize he’s bought a first-class seat for me, I burst into tears.