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Playing the Billionaire (International Temptation) by MK Meredith (14)

Chapter Fourteen

Mateu felt London’s eyes on him as if he was being lit by a spotlight. He’d caused much worse situations… What the hell was he thinking?

If she only knew.

Hòstia! Why was his tongue so loose? Maybe it was the fact he’d been faced with her delectable body, naked and warmed by the sun for the past few hours. His American friend was fearless, even if that fear was sprinkled with a bit of self-doubt. What woman would traipse back to a car naked? None he’d ever dated. If only she didn’t accept him funding her vacation so readily—even though part of it was technically Huntington Place, she didn’t know that. But more, if only their meeting hadn’t been based on a job, manipulated by his deceit.

He’d never had difficulty keeping his secrets close. However, around London he seemed to be an open book, and that was not conducive to what he needed to do, no matter how much he wished he didn’t have to.

That was new, too.

Working the job, getting what he needed to keep the hotel franchise moving, had never bothered him before. He rarely pushed beyond his personal ethics, but he was by no means timid when it came to business.

He just had to remember what he was fighting for.

With a teasing glint in her eye, she tugged ever so gently on the towel. “You are playing a dangerous game, my friend.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’m the one playing the game here.” The expression on her face was teasing and full of light. But her comments lately worried him.

Could she know? There was no way she would have anything to do with him if she did. That reality hit him with a swift punch of disappointment. She could never know.

“I bet you’re very, very good at games,” he said.

With thoughtful eyes, she replied, “You might be right.”

“My driver should be on the south side of the parking lot. Almost there.”

She crisscrossed her arms over her chest as he gripped the towel tighter at his hip.

“Now you know why we left our phones and wallets in the car. The dippers here are awful.”

“You knew this would happen?” She fell into step with him as naturally as if they’d choreographed it beforehand.

He laughed. “I didn’t know anything of the sort, but I usually never turn my back on my things.” Flexing his fingers at her hip, he continued, “You distracted me with your beautiful skin and those damn eyes that I can’t seem to get enough of.”

She looked up at him with a slight frown puckering her brow, then seemed to shake it off. “Please, you’re the distraction.”

He studied her hard. Why did it have to be this way with her? “Maleït.”

“I don’t know what you just said, but I agree.”

For his own piece of mind, he needed some distance. A lot more distance than her naked body pressed shoulder to hip along his. Scanning the lot for his driver, he squinted against the bright light of the sun. “There, over by the road.”

As carefully as they could, they tiptoe-ran toward the other side, grinning sheepishly as couples enjoyed their predicament. “I can’t believe they’re laughing at us.”

“I can. Locals know better than to get their things stolen.”

Crossing her arms tighter about her chest, they approached the car. His driver stepped out, with wide eyes and a wider grin. “Senyor.” He opened the door, but as they crossed the last expanse of hot asphalt, London stumbled. “Oh!”

One corner of the towel ripped from Mateu’s grip, leaving her completely bare in front of the Avinguda del Litoral at rush hour. Horns honked and shouts of appreciation drowned out the ocean waves and calls from the seagulls overhead.

“Oh my God!” she cried, dropping her hands from her chest and madly grabbing for the towel. With one quick yank, the only thing covering his untimely arousal was efficiently removed, leaving him in a raging full frontal before Barcelona.

Merda!” Dashing toward the car, he yelled to his driver. “Get the door.”

Without waiting for London, he dove to safety away from the catcalls and intrusive cell phones that were either taking photos or shooting video. His stomach hurt so hard from laughing, and he couldn’t catch his breath.

London followed right behind him, but with the towel securely wrapped from her chest to thigh. “I’m so sorry.” Her apology reached him riding the crest of her laughter. “Seriously. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

The driver tossed in his coat, then closed the door. Mateu glared at her playfully in the dim, cool interior of the car. “Why don’t I believe you?” He handed her the coat and pulled the towel over his waist.

But her “thank you” was heartfelt as she slipped her arms into the sleeves of the oversize jacket. It was everything he could do to stay on his side of the seat when it would have felt so natural to pull her into his arms.

Checking his phone, he swiped through the screen to his notifications. Three missed calls from Huntington himself and two emails. He read through each, forcing himself not to punch his fist through the window as he read. He wanted to set up a meeting. That was never good.

If Mateu couldn’t get the job done, not only would he have to work part time from the central office, but he also worried that if the dip in performance wasn’t seen as a regional error Huntington could break ties with Espasa Orchards altogether. A tight, burning knot filled his chest. If it were just him on the line, it wouldn’t matter.

“Is everything okay?” London asked. “I mean, getting caught with your pants down in Barcelona notwithstanding.”

With a shake of his head, he forced his brow to relax. “But of course.”

“You look like you want to murder someone.” Then, tilting her head, she amended, “Or more like someone was murdered.”

She laid her hand on his forearm with a gentle shake. “Our little adventure wasn’t all that bad, was it?”

As they rolled to a stop, he nodded toward the hotel with a chuckle. It sounded hollow to his ears. “Not bad at all. My driver will take us to the back entrance and grab us robes.”

“Oh, I almost forgot.” She withdrew something from her bag and pushed it toward him like a peace offering. “I have something for you.”

“Trying to buy my forgiveness for stranding me naked for all of Barcelona to see?”

“There are a million women out there singing my praises.” She teased, a salve to his soul.

He rolled his eyes, but he was willing to forgive anything at the knowledge of her naked in his car. He ran his fingers over the top of the simple white paper box as he adjusted to try to find a comfortable position in his tortured state. He carefully lifted the lid and inside found two brown glass bottles. “What’s this?”

“My mother loves experimenting with oils. It seemed fitting to share these with you, because the base is lemon. One is a rub for sore muscles, the other you add a drop of into a daily glass of water. They both help with inflammation. I thought your dad might be able to use them.”

To say he was touched was an understatement. The thought that went into such a sweet gift humbled him, and he stared at her unable to form words. She was too many things and, at the same time, he’d never get enough. “This is sweet and thoughtful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she said softly, holding her bag like a shield in front of her body. “I guess our adventure is over for the day.” She sighed with a sad look in her eyes. “It might be time for me to finish my vacation on my own. You’ve been so lovely, but I’m keeping you from your work. Besides, I still have to find a Spaniard to kiss.”

She was having fun at his expense, because the way it turned his stomach was very real. Her charm and generosity, her intelligence and wit were his—at least in that primitive part of his mind that made him feel like he had any rights. But the truth was a stinging slap of wake-the-hell-up.

“Nonsense. Don’t think of it again. Besides, we can’t be finished yet. I have a special surprise set up this evening, and don’t forget the private Picasso Museum tour. I’ve already told my cousin we’re coming.”

He had no right to expect anything from her. Not really. Not her loyalty, not her company, certainly not gifts.

And it shouldn’t bother him who she spent time with or how.

The truth was a bitter pill to swallow because it did, and he couldn’t do a thing about it. Not with the hotel’s rating status threatening his family’s livelihood, not with so much on the line.

Holding her gaze, only one thought filled his mind.

But he had to try.