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Prairie Fire by Tessa Layne (27)


Parker wanted to kick something. It was like the winds of fate were conspiring against them. They were just making progress, and now she’d been called up. And he would be too, in a matter of days. He just knew it.

Two steps forward…

“Governor of Colorado called for our Bambi Buckets. I brief at the asscrack of dawn. Which means I need to get checked into the hotel before my rest period starts.”

If Colorado’s governor had called for additional National Guard, it probably meant structures were involved and potential loss of life. Or they’d had multiple fires spring up at once. With the fire preparedness level at five, he’d bet money his crew would be called back soon. Especially because their most recent assignment had lasted less than two weeks. Question was, would he be working the same fire as Cassie?

His heart sank to his toes. Once they deployed out of state, the possibilities of working the same fire were minimal at best. This wildfire season had sucked. And maybe it was just him, because his personal stakes were suddenly so much higher, but it seemed like the fires kept getting worse and worse. More runaway crown fires, more shelter deployments, more loss of life.

“You have to go?” He said it half in jest. If he had his way, she’d stay here, far away from smoke and heat. But he already knew the answer. Cassie would never back down from the chance to pilot a helicopter.

She rolled her eyes and laughed a little. “Of course.” Her voice went up at the end. “And I have more mountain experience than anyone on crew right now.”

His heart gave a painful twist. “Promise me you’ll be careful. I hate that I’m not going with you.” He’d been utterly unprepared for the reality of being left behind so soon. He’d always been the one to leave.

Cassie’s face softened with understanding. “I’m always careful. And I’m not flying off into combat. Not this time.”

“I should be going with you.”

She snorted. “Right. Like you even have a say. I appreciate your chivalry, but you can drop the Superman act.”

“Fires are blowing up all over the west, they don’t have enough bodies for all the fires. If the Colorado governor has asked for outside guard help, it’s a big fire, and we’ll probably get called up by the NICC at any moment.”

He’d spent time this afternoon scouring the fire reports online, trying to determine when he and the crew would be called up next, and where. There were eight active fires in Wyoming, twenty-two in Idaho, forty-six Montana, fifteen in Washington, six in Utah and as of this afternoon, seventeen in Colorado. That didn’t count the dozens of fires in California and Nevada. The whole west was on fire. Given his limited understanding of resource allocation, he figured they’d be sent to Colorado next.

Her eyes filled with concern. “That’s very romantic of you, but let’s be realistic. Colorado is half mountains. And you just got back from a job. With a fatality. You need rest.”

“No way I’m going to let you get all the glory.”

She chuffed out a laugh. “And I’m not going to let you play the hero when you’re wiped out.”

“Don’t have much choice, sweetheart.”

She burrowed her head underneath his chin. “Well then. We don’t have much time.”

“Time for what?”

She tipped her head back, a devilish grin curving her mouth. “What do you think? The question is where?”

He laced his fingers through hers and started walking. “We’ll sneak into the barn another time.” Although the idea of her flushed and mussed with straw in her hair was immensely appealing.

By the time they reached his bunkhouse, Cassie had already slipped her hands inside his waistband, and his cock pressed eagerly against his fly. They burst through the door, and he turned, toeing it shut with his boot. The last of the evening light filtered into the main room, and they stood, silently removing their boots.

Cassie caught his eye, hand at the buttons on her shirt. Giving him a grin that turned his blood molten, she worked the buttons loose, one at a time, pulling the tail out of her jeans when she reached the bottom. Keeping her gaze on him, she pushed down her jeans and stepped out, giving them a kick. Then she crossed the distance between them.

He reached for the buttons on his shirt, but she shook her head, and set to work, pushing the cotton off his shoulders in moments. Then her hands rested on his belt. Making a little noise in the back of her throat that went straight to his straining cock, she loosened the belt, and pulled on the waistband, elastic and all.

As soon as the pants were below his hips, his cock sprang free with a little bob. She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Miss me?”

With a groan, he pulled her into his arms. “You have no idea how much.” He pulled her flush against him, his cock nestling against her belly, and claimed her mouth. As he thrust his tongue into her sweet recesses, something loosened deep inside. She responded with equal fervor, setting off a cascade of sensation that ran from the top of his neck down his spine and settled low in his belly. The need to claim her overrode everything else. Keeping his mouth on hers, he walked her back to the wall, pressing into her when she stopped.

She groaned deep and hooked an ankle around his calf, pressing her hips into his. He stroked a hand over the indent of her waist, grasping her hip. So soft, and yet so strong. The combination set his brain on fire.

She tore her mouth from his, leaning her head back against the wall, panting. “Bra. Now.”

She helped him lift the sports bra over her head and sighed when he cupped her breasts, swiping her already hardened nipples with his thumbs. She writhed and looked up at him through hooded lids. “More.”

He caressed her reverently, wanting it to be good for her. Wanting to show her with his hands what was in his heart. He placed a kiss on the swell, inhaling her scent. Imprinting it on his brain and his heart.

“Parker,” she begged. “You’re making me crazy.”

“Good,” he murmured into her skin.

“Please.” Her voice was husky with want.

“Please what?” He kissed the other swell, sliding his tongue across the valley between her breasts.

“Suck my tits,” she hissed out.

His cock jerked against her at her words, and he rolled his hips against hers, dipping his head to take a hard bud into his mouth. He sucked and tongued and gently scraped his teeth over the peak. She undulated against the wall, letting out little moans as he switched from one nipple to the other.

Hunger for her fisted in his belly, increasing the ache in his balls. She slipped a hand between them encircling his cock and giving a pull.

He cried out, eyes rolling back. Fuck, her hand felt good. He thrust into her as he sucked hard on her nipple, giving as good as he got. Tingles raced up the back of his legs, threatening to overcome him. He pulled back, sliding a hand between them and tracing down her hip to her pussy. He slipped a finger between her folds. She was wet and ready. “This is mine,” he growled. “Mine.”

“Oh God yes,” she answered, gasping for air. “Yes.”

He thrust a finger inside her, curling it as he pulled out slowly. Her hips bucked. “I love that,” she said between pants. He repeated the motion until he felt her tighten around his finger, then he pulled out.

“No, don’t stop,” she practically cried.

Sliding a hand down her thigh and hooking an arm under her knee, he lifted her leg to his hip, and settled himself against her, entering in one fluid thrust. Instantly, he was surrounded by her slick heat, and his cock was coated in her desire. She moved against him, hooking her other leg around his hip, and leaning back into the wall. He thrust deep into her, bracing a forearm against the wall, and palming her ass with his other hand. She tightened around him, and as he thrust, she shattered, knocking her head back and crying out her release, shaking in his arms. As she clenched around him, he thrust deeply, losing himself in her and following her over the edge as he fought to stay standing.

As he came back to earth, he slid them down the wall, and they fell on the floor in a heap of tangled limbs. Being with her was so right. It settled him. He knew who he was with her. Love for her burned brightly in his chest. He brushed the hair from her face, memorizing her features, wishing he could steal just a few more minutes with her. “Do you need to grab anything at your house?”

“I have a ready bag.” She cupped his face, pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

“I’ll drive you.”

“You’re too tired.” She pushed out of his embrace and sat up.

“I’m fine,” he said as he covered a yawn.

“Don’t be silly. It’s over an hour to Riley.”

“I don’t want you riding your bike in the dark.”

“Ever the hero.” She sighed heavily. “Fine, but only if you promise to come right home and get some sleep.” She stood and began to gather her clothing.

He rolled to his knees, grabbing his shirt. He hated that they had to leave things so unresolved. But it was the best they could do under the circumstances. And if this was life with Cassie, then he’d get used to it. Because the alternative was unacceptable.

“C’mon,” he said when he was fully dressed. “Let’s get you to the base.”

An hour and a half later he pulled his truck to a stop in front of the hotel closest to the base, hopped out and circled around to open Cassie’s door. He braced an arm on the roof of the car, boxing her in.

“Promise you’ll be careful?”

She rolled her eyes, but a smile played at the corners of her mouth. “Are you going to promise too?”

“I’m always careful.”

“So’m I.” She swiveled around and caught his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. “Thanks for the ride.”

Without intending to, he blurted out the words that had been rolling around in his mouth for days. “Marry me.”

His heart started to pound loudly. Surely she’d bolt now.

Her eyes grew wide. And a smile lit her face. “Did you really just say that?”

He shrugged, heat blooming in his chest and crawling up his neck. Determination filled him. “Yeah. I guess I just did.”

Her eyes softened. “I think you’ve suffered from too much smoke.”

He kissed her softly, sealing his intention. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life, Cass. I want you in my life, battle scars and all. Deployments or no deployments. And I never want you to wake up wondering if you’re worth fighting for. But I don’t want you to answer now.” Okay so maybe he was backpedaling just a little. But he didn’t want to pressure her into a quick answer, and Cassie was someone he’d learned needed time to think about things. “We can talk when we’re both back in town. Maybe go camping?”

“Camping?” She giggled and her mouth quirked. But the look she gave him lit a spark of hope deep inside him. “How about a B ’n B?”

He reached for her bag, reluctant to let her go, but also cognizant they were holding up traffic. “Let me know when you arrive.”

She tilted her chin for a last kiss and slipped out onto the pavement. He stood watching her until after she disappeared through the sliding doors.