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Red Wine and Roses (The Hamiltons Book 1) by SJ McCoy (18)



Cameron checked his watch. They needed to get going soon, but he didn’t want to rush Piper. She was still upstairs getting ready. He smiled. He was hoping this evening would go as well as the day had. She’d fit right into his life so easily, and he loved having her in it. They’d had a leisurely breakfast this morning, and he’d gone ahead and warned her that she might meet with some resistance from some of the girls tonight. She’d taken it much better than he’d expected. She shrugged and said it was only to be expected. She could handle it.

She’d been more upset when she realized that she had nothing to wear to the dinner. Mary Ellen had stepped in and helped out. She was a mind reader and a miracle worker rolled into one. She’d called Piper and asked if she wanted to go shopping. That had worked out perfectly as Cameron had a few phone calls he needed to make.

Piper and Mary Ellen had returned from their shopping spree with Chelsea in tow, and they’d all hung out for a little while this afternoon. It had been a glimpse of what his life could be like if Piper were here permanently—and he’d loved it.

“Are you ready?” she called down the stairs.

“Yes. Come on down.”

He went to stand at the bottom of the stairs, and the blood rushed through his veins when she appeared at the top. She was stunning. She wore a long, silver, shimmery dress that clung to her voluptuous figure and made him want to go upstairs to join her, instead of taking her out.

“Damn!” he breathed.

Her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

“You like?”

“Like doesn’t even come close! You look amazing!”

She made her way down and stopped at the bottom. “Mary Ellen picked it, I would never have thought of getting something like this, but she dared me to try it on and …” She dropped her gaze. “I feel good in it.”

“So you should.” Cameron made a note to thank Mary Ellen.

“I felt like I needed to look great, you know? I don’t want to feel dowdy when all your glamorous ex-girlfriends come after me with their claws out. I want to feel like their equal.”

He shook his head. “You’re not their equal, Piper. You’re so much more than any of them could ever hope to be. They can’t hold a candle to you.”

She smiled. “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

“I’m not just saying it; it’s true.”

She shook her head. “I scrub up okay.”

He laughed. “We don’t have time to stand around here arguing about it until you can finally accept a compliment. We need to get going. Are you ready?”


When they pulled up outside the hotel, he looked over at her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. A little bit nervous, but other than that, I’m fine.”

“You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. I’ll stick to your side as much as I can.”

“Thanks. Don’t worry, though; I know you’ll have to socialize. Mary Ellen and Chelsea have said they’re going to hang with me, too.”

Cameron smiled. He needed to thank both of them.

Once the valet had taken the car, he took hold of Piper’s hand and led her inside. She looked up at him. “You’re sure you don’t mind everyone seeing and knowing that we’re together?”

“It’s what I want. I want everyone to know it.”

Her eyes grew wide as they crossed the foyer and she spotted his parents. She tried to pull her hand away. “Does that include them?” she whispered.

He held tight to her hand and steered her toward them “Especially them.” He already knew his parents liked her.

“But won’t they expect you to be with someone … you know … someone more suitable?”

He shook his head. “Who could be more suitable than the woman I’ve fallen in love with?”

She stopped walking and stared at him. She couldn’t believe he’d said that any more than he could. He’d planned to tell her tonight, but not right now—not at a moment when they couldn’t continue to talk about it because his parents were right there, turning and smiling to greet them.

“Piper!” said his mom. “I’m so glad you’re here, and you look fabulous, darling.”

His dad smiled at her. “The belle of the ball, absolutely.”

Piper smiled at them. She looked shell-shocked. “Thank you. It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Have you made the move?” asked his dad. “Are you here permanently?”

She shook her head and then shrugged. She was totally at a loss, and Cameron felt bad. “No. I don’t know …” She looked up at him, asking him to help her out with an answer, but the answer was all up to her.

He smiled. “I hope so.”

His mom grinned at them seeming to understand that there was more going on than simply the question of whether Piper was going to continue to fly for them.

“I do, too.”

Piper nodded.

Fortunately, his dad was less tuned in to what was really going on. He frowned. “What on earth is Chelsea wearing now?”

“Don’t, Cole,” said his mom. “She looks beautiful.”

Cameron followed their gaze to see Chelsea coming in through the main doors. She was wearing a long flowing dress. It was pretty, but she looked like she’d be more at home in a field full of wild flowers or at some hippy music concert than she did here. He smiled as his mom chuckled. “She’s a free spirit. You can’t deny that.”

His dad shook his head. “I agree. I don’t wish to deny it; I just wish she could conform a little, sometimes. Is appropriate dress too much to ask for?”

Cameron laughed. “It is if you’re asking Chelsea. Come on, Dad. Let it go? Just roll with it for tonight?”

His dad nodded resignedly. “Very well, but can somebody, please, try to talk some sense into her?” He turned to Piper. “I hope you’re going to stick around. I believe you’ll be a good influence.”

Cameron hid his smile as Piper stuttered.

“Evening, everyone.” Chelsea joined them with a bright smile. “Look at you!” She grinned at Piper. “You look amazing.”

“Perhaps she could give you some tips.”

“Cole!” warned his mom.

Chelsea smiled at her dad and reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry, Pops. I am what I am.” She gave a twirl. “I think this is interesting, and I know you’d rather see me in this than what I wore last year.”

Cameron laughed as his dad groaned. “Last year she wore the minniest mini-dress you’ve ever seen,” he explained to Piper.

Chelsea smiled. “Are we going in?”

“Yes.” Cameron took hold of Piper’s hand again as they went.

Chelsea made a point of looking at their joined hands. “So, are you two officially an item?”

“Yes,” said Cameron firmly. He looked at Piper, and she nodded.

His mom clapped her hands together. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you both.”

Piper smiled, and Cameron was relieved that she looked pleased.

His dad nodded. “I wondered how long it was going to take you.” He winked at Piper. “I told him on the stag night that he shouldn’t let you get away.”

Piper’s eyes widened, and she looked up at Cameron. He smiled and gave her a shrug. He knew he’d have to explain that one later, but for now, it was enough that she looked pleasantly surprised and not horrified.

~ ~ ~

The evening was much more enjoyable than Piper had expected. She and Cameron had been seated with his parents while they ate. She really liked them and was glad that they were nothing like what she’d first imagined. Yes, they were very wealthy and very well-to-do, but they weren’t at all stuffy or snooty. They were fun. She watched Cameron talking to two older gentlemen. He had them laughing and—just like everyone else—they obviously liked and respected him.

She turned as someone came up behind her and leaned on the back of her chair. “How are you holding up? asked Mary Ellen.

“Fine. I’m enjoying myself if I’m honest.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

“How about you? Where’s this hottie you were telling me about?”

Mary Ellen shook her head rapidly and looked around the table to make sure no one had heard. “Shall we take a trip to the ladies’ room?”

Piper got up and followed her. “Sorry. I take it your crush is a secret crush?”

“Totally secret. Well, Cam and Chelsea both know, but no one else can.”

“Why not? Who is he? All you told me was that your dreamy guy was going to be here.”

Mary Ellen stopped and turned back to scan the room. “Okay, now that we’re out of earshot, I can tell you that he’s Cam and Chelsea’s cousin. His name is Antonio. He owns a winery in Sonoma County. There he is.”

Piper followed her gaze. “Oh! Sexy! Very Italian looking.”

Mary Ellen grinned. “Yep. He’s Sicilian. His family are all winemakers, too. His brother runs the family winery in Sicily.”

“And they’re the Hamiltons’ cousins?”

“Yes. Mrs. H’s brother married a Sicilian lady and moved over there.”

“I see.” She touched Mary Ellen’s arm. “Should we go and say hello?”

“Hell, no!” Mary Ellen turned and scurried away toward the bathrooms.

Piper laughed as she followed her. “How’s anything going to happen if you’re not even going to talk to him?”

“It isn’t. That’s the point,” said Mary Ellen as she pushed open the bathroom door. “I like to look, but that’s all. I’m not going to embarrass myself by attempting to talk to him.”


“Because. Just because.” Mary Ellen laughed. “Look at me, and look at the women he’s talking to. He’s one of those guys who has the best of everything. He no doubt has his Maserati sitting outside. The suit he’s wearing probably cost more than I’ve spent on clothes my entire life, and the women he dates are usually models or actors.”

Piper made a face. “So, you’re beautiful. You’re smart. If he only likes the best, then he’ll like you.”

Mary Ellen shook her head. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not pulling a poor me or thinking I’m not good enough. Not by a long shot. What I’m saying is that I find him incredibly attractive—physically. But as a human being, he doesn’t appeal much at all. I think he’s pretty shallow.”


“Don’t look like that. Just because someone looks good on the outside, doesn’t mean they have a good heart inside.”

“No, you’re right there.”

Mary Ellen leaned against the wall and smiled. “You do, though, and so does Cam. You two are made for each other.”

Piper smiled and ducked into one of the stalls. She didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t know what to think. She was still trying to process what Cam had said earlier—about her being the woman he loved. She kept letting her mind edge closer to it, but then she stopped herself. In order to really think about it, she’d have to face the question of whether she loved him. Part of her wasn’t ready to. Part of her already knew the answer but wasn’t sure what to do with it.

Mary Ellen’s phone started to ring. “I’m going to take this outside,” she called. “I’ll see you back at the table.”

“Okay.” Piper wasn’t fast enough to go out to join her, she was too busy trying to wiggle back into her dress. She heard the door open and close and then it opened again.

“Can you believe it?”

“No. I knew he wasn’t just going up to see his brother. You know what Cam’s like. There had to be a girl he was doing.”

Piper held her breath. Whoever was out there, they were talking about her!

“Yeah, but the fact that he’s still doing her? That he’s brought her here tonight—and she’s working for him? I can’t believe it.”

“She’s only filling in for Gene, though, right?”

“Yes, but that could mean she’s going to be around for a while. Who knows if Gene’s even going to come back. Do you want him flying you around when he has his next heart attack?”

“God, no!”

“You don’t think Cam could be serious about her, do you? I mean, she is sitting with him and his parents.”

Piper leaned closer, wondering what the other one’s answer might be.

“Don’t be silly. He’s way too much of a player to get serious. Maybe she’s great in the sack, and he’s stringing her along, so she’ll stick around a while, but he’ll soon get bored. He’ll be back in my bed before long. I guarantee it. She’s nothing special.”

Anger bubbled up inside Piper. She opened the door and smiled at the two women standing there. “Sorry to disappoint you ladies, but what Cam and I have is something very special. I can guarantee you, he won’t be back in your bed—ever again.”

One of the women looked embarrassed, but the other one gave her a filthy look. “You’re the one who’s going to end up disappointed. What makes you think you’re so special? We’ve all slept with him, and we all know that he moves on, and he’ll come back around again.”

“Not this time.”

“Don’t fool yourself. Just because he’s giving you the whole red wine and roses experience now, it won’t last. Soon, you’ll just be another number he calls when he feels like a change from his latest conquest.”

Piper scowled at her. “You’re just bitter because he’s moved on from you.”

The woman had the audacity to laugh. “No, I’m just impatient, waiting for him to be done with you.”

Piper let herself out of the bathroom. She didn’t need to stick around for any more of that. She hurried back through the foyer and found Cameron waiting for her in the doorway. “Are you okay? Piper?”

She was shaking, she hadn’t realized it until she stopped. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. What happened?”

“I just ran into a couple of your old girlfriends who wanted to warn me that you’ll soon be back in their beds.”

Cameron put his hands on her shoulders and looked down into her eyes. “I’m sorry. I tried to warn you something like that might happen.”

She blew out a sigh and managed to give him a smile. “You did, and I shouldn’t be mad at you, but I am.”

He nodded. “I can understand that.”

“Why do you always have to be so damned understanding?”

He smiled. “You’re the one who’s being understanding. I think some women would storm out on me over that.”

She scowled at him. “And you’d know how most women react because you’ve slept with so many of them.”

His shoulders sagged, but he didn’t answer. He could hardly deny it, but anything he said would only incriminate him further.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry. That was a low blow.”

“I deserve it.”

She stared at him. Why was he so sweet? He didn’t get mad; he didn’t argue. He just understood and waited for her to calm down.

“Do you want to go home?”

She shook her head. She really didn’t. Those women had upset her, but she didn’t want to let them ruin the evening. “No. I want you to come and dance with me. I want you to help me feel like it’s crazy for me to listen to them instead of feeling like I do right now—that I’m crazy not to listen to them.”

He took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. He slid his arms around her waist and drew her to him. “I’m sorry.”

“You already said that.”

“And I mean it.” He chuckled. “I love you.”

She drew back and looked up into his eyes. “You already said that, too.”

“And I mean it. I’m going to keep saying it until you believe me.”

She had to smile. She already did.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “What are you thinking?”

“That I love you, too.”

“You do?”

“I do. I know what you are—or at least what you were. But that’s not why you’re with me.” She chuckled. “If all you wanted was the sex, then you’d still be sleeping with the women here—you wouldn’t have to go all the way to Summer Lake for that.”

He smiled through pursed lips. “Finally. You get it!”

“I do. I think I’ve known it for a while, but it’s scary, too. What if I trust you and I’m wrong. What if give you my heart and you break it?”

“I won’t. I promise you, I’ll do everything I can to make you happy, and if you put your trust in me, I won’t ever let you down.”

She smiled. She believed him. “But where does it leave us?”

He shrugged. “That’s up to you. I’d like you to stay here, but I know you’ve just started a new life in Summer Lake.”

“And I have that amazing house!”

He chuckled. “How can I compete with that?”

She laughed. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just thinking of all the factors involved.”

“I know, and if you do stay here, there are more factors. Like you’d be working for me, and I’d never be able to get any work done. I can’t focus on anything when you’re flying the guys around.”

She raised an eyebrow at him.

“I get jealous!”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I’m not proud of it, but I do.”

“I guess you’ll just have to trust me like I’ll have to trust you.”

“I guess you’re right.”