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Redd by Leah Holt (15)

Chapter Fourteen



Is this really happening?

Redd's thumbs rolled smoothly over the plump bottom of my breasts, forcing a chill to break out over my skin. He was moving slowly, waiting and watching for my approval. Refusing to go higher or lower unless he knew I was agreeing to it.

I liked that. It was something I needed, a sliver of control when everything else around me was spinning on its axis in the wrong direction.

Inside my body tumbled, crumbling and dissolving into something I didn't recognize. My muscles were shaking, my brain was firing off and shutting down, opening to a whole new world of feelings.

All my walls came crashing down, breaking off like chunks of ice, leaving my frail heart open and beating for more.

“Will you let me give you this?” he asked, moving his hands up a little higher,  and brushing the pads of his fingers over my nipples, turning them stiff. “I know you might not be ready, and I won't push you. If you want me to stop, I will. All you need to do is tell me.”

Is that what I want? Do I want him to stop?

My brain screamed to step back, but my body heated for more. I wanted him to touch me, to show me how kind a man's hands could be, to give me pleasure instead of pain.

Biting my lip, I shook my head no. “I don't think I want you to stop.” Lifting my hands to his arms, I held him. “I think I want this.”

Cupping my chin, he tilted my head up, and ran his thumb across my parted lips. “I didn't ask if you thought you wanted it, I asked if you'd let me give it to you. I told you I'm a man who takes, I wasn't lying when I said that. But no matter how much I want to take you, I won't. You need to know exactly what you want. Think you do—means there's doubt. There can't be any doubt, Bijou.”

It was as if those were the words that I needed to hear all along. I needed to have someone give me back my voice, I needed to have someone tell me to take control and force me to make a decision for myself.

Redd had done that. He had given me more choices than I could ever remember having. Thoughts, speech, decisions. . . He bundled them up and left them at my feet.

Pushing up on the tips of my toes, I curled my arms around his neck and pressed my face to his. The stubble on his jaw scraped my cheek, his warm breath flowed over my face and I breathed him in.

His skin smelled minty and musky, with a light woodsy aroma; all man, all hard, all firm and filled with hunger.

The thick muscle between his legs pinned itself against my inner thigh, snuggling in perfectly to the diamond-shaped cut out. Inhaling a sharp breath, I dragged my lips over his, barely touching, fluttering over the surface.

Looking up into his eyes, I held my mouth in place, keeping the small void that separated us. “I know what I want.” Whispering, I felt his chest expand as he sucked in the air around my face. “There are no doubts, Redd. I want you.”

Crushing my lips onto his, I kissed him. I kissed him because I could, I kissed him because I wanted to. And I kissed him to let him know that I had made my choice.

This is my decision.

Twining his fingers into my hair, Redd wrapped a strong arm around my waist and pulled me in. His tongue slipped into my mouth, fingertips burning against my scalp as he clutched my head.

Pulling away, he was breathing heavy and labored. His eyes were glossy and full of need as desire turned into small droplets of sweat against his forehead. “If this goes any further, I can't promise you I'll be able to control myself. Are you sure this is what you want?”

Wrapping my fingers around his jaw, I met his gaze. “I haven't been this sure about something in forever, so just shut up and take me.”

I wasn't going to have him battling himself through this. I made my decision, I didn't need him to keep breaking away to check on me. I knew he was worried about damaging me, I could see the fear in his eyes.

It was the first time I had actually registered true fear on his face. But I was already broken into a million pieces when he found me. . .

He couldn't hurt me anymore than I already was.

I needed him to realize that he had scraped the shards off the ground and was gluing them back together. Redd wasn't the reason for my pain, he was turning into my reason to keep going.

Forcefully, Redd smashed his lips against mine, our breathing intense and hot, our tongues flicking and swirling. In one strong swoop, he lifted me off my feet, and I curled my body around his.

He held me up as if I weighed nothing at all. I felt small in his embrace. His large hands cupped my ass, covering each cheek, thick forearms clung to my hips. The chiseled arms flexed and tightened, pulling me in like he couldn't get us close enough together.

Carrying me down the hall, we never broke apart. I wouldn't let him, not now, now ever. I could feel all the internal cracks mending, each and every one sparked and heated, securing back in place.

Pushing the door to his room shut with the heel of his foot, he laid me down on the bed, still holding me tight. Perched above me, Redd positioned his arms beside my head, as his lips kept stealing the air from my lungs.

“Why does this feel so right?” he asked, placing kisses between words, his question lingering over my mouth and warming me to the core.

My legs opened wider, giving him room to settle against my mound. “Doesn't wrong always feel right?” Running my nails down his back, I arched my head up to see him better.

Pulling his head away, he stared down on me, eyes clouding over with confusion. I could tell he didn't like what I said, but I didn't think he knew for certain if I was implying a good or bad thing.

“That's not my opinion, that's just how it works.” Dragging my fingers up to his nape, I played with the hair on the back of his head. Twirling the short strands between my fingers, I plucked and tugged them until I saw a shiver scale his body. “You know I'm not yours to have, and that makes you want me more.”

“You're wrong.” His voice was crisp and heavy, eyes lowering over my face and drinking me in. “I don't just want you because I'm not supposed to have you—I want you because now your mine.” Running a finger across my brow, Redd smiled. “I made you mine the second I stole you from that house.”

I shook inside, quivering from head to toe. My sex pulsed as his cock rubbed against the swelling bundle of nerves, forcing me to squirm.

Slipping his hand down my ribs, the weight of his body held me in place. His smile widened, tongue teasing the sharp edges of his teeth. “I'm never giving you back, Bijou, there's not a chance in hell. You're mine now, it all ends here and now.”

The sound of his voice and what he said should have scared me, it should have made me scramble away and jump to my feet. But hearing him stake claim on me, it did the complete opposite.

Sexual desire reached up from my belly, wrapping smooth tendrils around my heart and making it jump. I never wanted to leave his side, I wanted to be here, right here.

Arching my back, his hands curled under my waist, gripping my ass. Grinding into me, he rolled his hips. Closing my eyes, I moaned as a rush of fire swept through me. Redd kissed down my neck and nibbled my collarbone, his mouth inviting and penetrating to the core.

I could feel him on my skin, I could feel him in my chest and my muscles, across my stomach and down my legs. Even if I wanted to stop everything that was about to happen, I wouldn't be able to.

My legs felt like jelly and my head could barely register up from down. I felt lighter than air, afraid I'd float away if he suddenly let me go.

“You like this.” His mouth spoke into the crook of my neck, buzzing over the vein pulsing at the surface. “What else does my secret treasure enjoy?”

“Fuck,” I choked out as his thick fingers pinched my nipples and his teeth dug harder into the tender flesh of my throat.

Raking my nails down his back, I slammed them into the mattress and held the blanket. With white knuckles, I clutched the fabric, chest lurching high as he twisted and plucked my hardened beads.

Folding my shirt up my belly, he continued until the sweater was over my head and my bare chest was exposed. Palming my mound, Redd groaned, and his eyes darkened, but not the same darkness I'd grown accustomed to seeing.

They were devouring every inch of flesh they ran over, causing my blood to percolate under the surface. My skin turned from smooth into thousands of tiny ripples as he moved his head down my body, blowing cool air over the surface.

“I'm going to give you what you deserve to feel.” His hips jerked forward, hitting my clit, and forcing me to moan.

I was throbbing all over with hot and cold chills, aroused and faint, with butterflies storming my gut like a marching band.

Redd's fingers teased the thin edge of my leggings, curling ever so slowly and disappearing behind the fabric. Peeling them down inch by inch, his eyes fluttered up to mine. He was looking to make sure I was alright still, that panic hadn't somehow snaked its way in.

Pushing my ass up in the air, I nodded slightly with an approving blink. A small smirk lifted against his cheek, his fingers tugging down my pants past my hips.

Releasing a light moan as they reached my crest, he pulled them down faster until they fell off my feet and I was left bare.

A cool breeze wrapped my skin, making me shiver. My eyes were still closed, but I could feel Redd watching me. The bed shifted, his weight now hovering above me. Keeping my eyes shut, I arched my head back as his lips met my neck and the sharp edges of  his teeth ran down my throat.

Touching the curve of my jaw with his tongue, he licked down my neck and between my breasts, stopping to draw a swirl just above my naval.

Opening my eyes, I looked down to see him smiling. The cotton of his shirt tickled against my ribs, and I watched him as he gently sucked the tender flesh of my breast into his mouth. His lips curled, sucking and pulling, making my knees tremble and my stomach clench tight.

“I want to take my time with you, Bijou, you're too beautiful to just fuck.” The tip of his tongue flicked my nipple, forcing it to perk higher. Dragging his tongue to the other breast, he flicked hard and fast.

A surge of sensations flooded my body and I couldn't hold in my voice. I moaned loud, throwing my fingers into his hair and pulling the roots. I wanted to look away from him, but I couldn't. He had his eyes locked on mine, watching my every move with pleasure on his face.

Breathing heavy, I kept my hands in his hair and held on tight. Shimmying down, he kept moving lower and lower until his face was at my entrance and his hands were pinning my hips in place to keep me from wiggling.

“You smell sweet,” he said, his breath rolling over my clit as he groaned. “Fuck, I can't wait to taste you.” Parting his lips, Redd worked his fingers in towards my sex and pulled my folds apart. “You're so wet, you're fucking dripping.”

Shaky thighs twitched, tempting to clamp around his ears. No one has ever been down there like that before. Even Diablo never explored my lower half. He used me for a release of his own, not once had he ever tried to pleasure me.

Blowing cool air across my pussy, he drew small circles over my clit with a single finger. Staring at my sex, he looked mesmerized, and for a brief second I felt vulnerable and fully aware that I was naked with a man's head between my legs.

Temptation to cover myself itched down my arms, and I found myself walking my fingers closer to my sex, eager to hide.

Throwing a hand up, Redd stopped me from moving lower, refusing to let me block his view. “No fucking way, I'm not letting you hide from me.”

His warm tongue lapped my needy button and my body jerked from the wave of electricity that shot up through my muscles. The embarrassment faded instantly, lost to a delirious surrender I couldn't fight.

“Oh lord. . .” I barely got the words out, before I was forced by an unknown power to bite my lip and slam my head back into the mattress.

Holy shit, what the fuck is that?

The feeling that hit me was intense. It was pleasure and lust, it was tingles and warmth. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I let it take charge. There was no stopping it and I didn't want to. Every nerve in my body was in hyper-drive, warping and throbbing.

The sensation kept climbing, leaving my head in the dust, and slapping away my thoughts. I only had room in my brain for one thing—Redd and his magic tongue.

My legs attempted to shut again, but he pushed them down, opening me wide. A light chuckle escaped his lips as he sucked my clit into his mouth, and laid his tongue flat on the surface to lick me clean.

Growling, Redd got on his knees and ripped his shirt up over his head. The insatiable need to touch him came over me, I didn't care where I touched, so long as I could feel him.

Reaching my hands out, I stroked his firm abs, tracing each and every marble stepping stone. His skin was riddled in tattoos, with thick, bold lines that create a giant tree up his ribs and around his middle.

Tracing the cracked bark, I could see letters and words, but I couldn't read them. My mind was too drunk on what he was doing to me that I couldn't focus. Whatever the tree said was a blur, smoldering under glistening skin and heavy breaths.

Metal teeth pierced the air as he tore his zipper down and kicked off his jeans. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, the warmth of our bodies together, the weight of him pressing down on me.

Stretching my arms up, I crudely grabbed his shoulders and tugged him down. “Enough of the teasing, Redd. You said I was yours, so make me yours.”

His boxers were tented and I could feel his hard erection as it pressed against my hot center. Pulling his hips back, the fabric peeled away from my skin, dark and wet from my heat.

I had never experienced this much sexual arousal before. I felt greedy and hungry, like his body was food and I'd die of starvation if he didn't feed me soon.

Wriggling free from his boxers, Redd lowered onto me, and trapped my shoulders between his arms. His gaze was fixed, the amber glow anchored on mine, hawkish and bold. Curling his arms under my neck, he pulled me into his chest and nuzzled his face into my shoulder.

The tip of his cock touched my entrance and I shuddered. Wrapping me tighter, his hips pushed forward, burying his length into my pussy.

Stilling above me, Redd groaned, cock throbbing and hard as my walls stretched to fit him inside. His fingers twined into my hair, tugging my head back to make room for his mouth. Biting my neck, he pulled his cock out to the ridge of his crown, then drove back in.

My stomach fastened tight and my legs gripped his waist, trying to keep me in place. Pistoning his hips, he slipped in and out, going deeper and deeper until I could feel him touch my lower belly.

“Mm,” I moaned, giving myself to the moment, to the feelings, to him. I felt good, I felt alive. “Oh, Redd, mm.” Nipping his lobe, I scratched his spine, feeling the muscles in his back as they turned rigid.

“You're mine,” he said, whispering into my ear. “Mine.” His hips slammed in deep. “Mine.” His cock thickened, driving in fast. “Mine.” Fingers pulled my hair. “Mine.” His teeth bit my shoulder, sending a sharp pain down my arm.

Exhaling an audible gasp, I groaned from all the pleasure coursing through me.“I'm yours, Redd. I've been waiting for you to come find me.” And as I said the words, I could feel them. In the darkness of the closet, I always knew that I was waiting for something.

The right time. The right moment. The right person.

Here he was. And I was more than willing to give myself to him in every way.

Thrusting in, thrusting out, thrusting in, thrusting out, Redd had his rhythm, and I found mine. Meeting his pace, my hips bucked and my chest burned.

I was gone. My head had jumped into a forbidden world of good and evil. Redd was not a good a man, he was a thief. But this thief had a heart of gold, he had saved me.

I could see past the tiny devil on his shoulder and into the light he held inside.

The orgasm tingled in my stomach forcing my muscles to tighten and my brain to swell. I stopped breathing, holding in the all the air I could as hot sparks surged through my insides, making me melt underneath him.

“Am I hurting you?” he asked, fingers pushing away the hair from my face. “Do you need me to stop?”

“No, don't stop, don't stop.” Shaking my head, I kissed him to keep him right here, right with me, and not let him go back to that place where he wanted to question if I was alright.

I didn't want him to look at me and see the girl he had found.

I wanted him to open his eyes and see the woman he was rebuilding.