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Ride With Me by Ashley Hastings (15)


After my early morning monkey sex with Grayson, I took another quick shower and then headed to class. I was stunned by my realization that I had already fallen in love with him, and it made me exit the house as fast as possible.

I went through all the motions in class, but my mind was far away. How did this happen? I had been looking for a good time with Grayson, and then bam! I fell in love.

Damn it. Grayson was a police officer. I had tried to put that fact aside and enjoy my attraction to him for what it was, but my feelings had become very real, very fast.

I had allowed him to distract me with all that marvelous sex, and I had forgotten my objections to getting involved with him in the first place.

I was so screwed and not just in the fun way. I needed to take some time and really think this over. Was I sure I could handle this relationship? Nothing had really changed, after all. I was still terrified of being in a long-term relationship with him, and then getting a call that something terrible had happened to him.

Grayson texted me as I was leaving class.

Want to meet me for lunch?

I pondered saying no, that I was too busy. But in the end, I couldn’t resist my caveman. That was the issue, wasn’t it? I couldn’t say no to Grayson.


Ok. 12 at the duck pond. See you there.

That gave me only fifteen minutes to drive over.

When I arrived, I found Grayson sitting at a picnic table. My heart melted at the sight of his goofy grin, and then it pooled into a puddle when I saw he had brought a small bag of cracked corn to feed the ducks. In addition, he had picked up sandwiches from the local sub shop to feed us.

I sat down on the opposite side from Grayson, needing a little distance. He got up and sat down next to me.

“How was your morning, angel?” Grayson greeted me with a sweet kiss, then he leaned in and held his forehead to mine for a long moment.

I savored the connection between us.

“Boring. I thought class would never end.” I accepted the wrapped sandwich Grayson handed me and opened it up. “And now I have to go work for a few hours.”

Grayson put a straw in my drink for me. “I have to work tonight. Feel like riding along?”

“Yeah, I need to get some more footage for my project.” I opened my bag of chips and crunched on one. “Maybe I can fit a nap in there somewhere.”

He picked up his sandwich with both hands. “It’s the middle of the week. Probably it will be a quiet night. Maybe you can nap during the shift.”

I watched him take a big bite, and then I used my finger to dab away a little mustard in the corner of his mouth.

“The last time I fell asleep in your patrol car was certainly fun.” I grinned at the memory of how he had woken me up with kisses, and we had then made love for the first time.

He laughed, too. “I’m all for you taking naps, then.”

“The good thing is I don’t have any classes for the rest of the week.” I took a bite of my own sandwich. It was good.

“Sweet! How did you score that?” He waved a fly away from the food.

“I’m in a bunch of seminar classes, meaning we meet when the professors feel like it.” I toyed with the wax paper wrapper, wondering if I should tell Grayson what was really on my mind.

“What’s wrong, Lucy?” Grayson set his sandwich down and surveyed me with a solemn air. My surprise must have registered on my face. “You twist your lips when something is bothering you.”

How did he know that? I didn’t even know that. But now that I reflected on his words, I realized he was right. I did do that.

“Do you think we are getting too involved?” I waved a hand between us to indicate what I meant.

“By involved do you mean me wanting to spend lots of time with you, both fucking you and romancing you?” He looked straight into my eyes.

That Grayson. Always had such a way with words.

“Yes. Something like that.” I sipped on my drink and tucked my hair behind my ears.

“Then no. I don’t think we are too involved. I love fucking you, and I love spending time with you. End of story.” He popped a chip in his mouth, and his irritation was showing in his clenched jaw and narrowed eyes.

I didn’t reply. I wasn’t really sure what to say at this point. He couldn’t help that he had chosen a profession that scared me to death. I couldn’t blame him for that, and I didn’t.

Finally, Grayson blew out a breath. “This is about me being a cop, isn’t it?”

I nodded but stayed quiet. What else could I say that I hadn’t already said to him?

“We’ve talked about this.” He handed me a napkin. “What’s changed since our last conversation?”

I swallowed my last bite and wiped my mouth. “I didn’t expect our relationship to progress so rapidly. We’ve barely been on a date, but you’ve already seen me at my worst, being so sick and all. And we can’t keep our hands off each other.”

He smirked at my last words.

“Be serious.” I started cleaning up our trash, and he jumped up to help me.

“I am serious. Serious about enjoying our every minute together, in bed and out.” I punched him in the arm, and he laughed and pretended that it hurt. I knew better.

“I haven’t even had a chance to take you out on a proper date, and you are already trying to back away.” Grayson scowled at me as we sat back down.

“That’s not what I meant.” I turned to face him on the bench. “I don’t want us getting too carried away, that’s all.”

“I intend to get very carried away. Starting Friday night, when I take you out on a real date. Dress up. I’m going to show you what I’m capable of.” He winked at me.

I swallowed hard. I could barely withstand the onslaught of every day Grayson. I couldn’t imagine what he would be like when he was really trying.

“I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. I want to show you how much you mean to me. Friday night will be a chance for me to do that.” Grayson was dead serious.

“You don’t have to take me on a fancy date to do that.” I pushed my hair behind my ears again and stared up at him. I was intrigued in spite of myself.

“You know what? You are right. I can start right here and now.” He jumped up on a large rock and started yelling, scaring the ducks. They went flying into the water, splashing and quacking all the way. “I’m crazy about Lucy Bennett! Did you hear that, world? I’m crazy about Lucy!”

Laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe, I pulled him back down to my side. “You are crazy, alright.”

We spent the next twenty minutes feeding the ducks and laughing at their antics. I almost fell on my butt when one aggressive duck tried to take the whole bag of food from me, but Grayson grabbed me in time to keep me on my feet. He charmed me all over again, with his quick jokes and open affection for me.

We held hands back to the parking lot, where he gave me quick kisses goodbye, one on my forehead and one on the lips. I nuzzled him in return.

“I’m off to take a nap to get ready for my shift tonight.” Grayson opened my truck door for me and yawned.

I realized that he usually spent most of his day sleeping to prepare for his night job, and I was touched he had arranged this lunch for us.

“Thanks for lunch. I’ll see you in a little while.” At my words, Grayson closed my door with a solid thump and stepped back to watch me drive away.

His face was sad as I pulled out, and he gave me a little forlorn wave, like he didn’t want me to go.

I left a little piece of my heart in that parking lot with him.


AFTER A VERY SHORT but refreshing nap, I went to Witches’ Brew and picked up a few hours work. Then I called my grandmother to check on her before heading back to the door to change clothes. I didn’t want to fill Grayson’s patrol car with the aroma of second-hand coffee while we did our ride along together.

Despite my doubts about the direction of our relationship, my heart lifted when I walked into the police station and saw Grayson sitting at his desk.

“Hey, gorgeous girl.” He stood up and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you.”

“Ready to go clean up the mean streets of Peacock?” I grinned at him as he snagged my bulletproof vest and started strapping it on me.

“Let’s do it.” His voice deepened as he joked with me, and I got tingles all over.

Grayson led the way to his patrol car out back, and we headed out into the early evening. First, we made a brief stop for some chocolate chip cookies to eat as we rode around. The sun was still shining despite the hour, and I was determined to enjoy the ride. I would set my doubts aside for now.

Grayson and I were doing his usual patrol of Peacock’s business district and enjoying our cookies when the first radio call came in. A motorist was stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire.

I raised my eyebrows at Grayson.

“I know what you are thinking. No, a flat tire is not exactly a reason to call the cops. But it could be the motorist is nervous about the location, or some other factor. So we will ride out there and see if there is a way we can be of assistance. On a night that’s this slow, I will probably just change the tire for them.” With these words, he turned around in the parking lot, and we headed to the scene.

We pulled up behind a bright red sports car, and Grayson muttered a curse under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” I couldn’t see anything alarming. All I saw was a fancy car and its solo female occupant. What was the problem?

“Maybe you should stay in the car.” Grayson put his patrol car in park and got out, without waiting to see if I would stay put.

Because I understood it was important that I never get in the way, and because I trusted Grayson’s instincts, I stayed in my seat. However, I rolled down the window so I could hear what was happening.

“Evening, Officer Jackson.” The driver exited the car and sashayed with an exaggerated swing of her hips to the rear of the vehicle to speak to Grayson.

I narrowed my eyes. I was starting to see the problem.

The driver was a tall, stunning brunette with hair that fell down her back in loose waves. Skin-tight jeans and with a tight blouse that displayed her ample assets, she completed the picture with tall heels that I would never to be able to wear without falling on my face.

I instantly hated her.

Grayson stepped back when she walked up to him and ran a finger down his chest. “Rebecca. What seems to be the problem tonight?” He cleared his throat.

“The problem is I got a little lonely waiting around my apartment for you to call.” She smiled at him.


Grayson didn’t reply.

“So I decided to take a drive, see if you were in town somewhere, and I got a flat tire.” She tittered and leaned into Grayson.

Her voice grated on my nerves. I’ve always read about people “tittering,” but I have never heard it in person until now. Let me tell you, tittering is annoying as hell.

“I don’t have a reason to call you. Not tonight and not ever.” Grayson walked around her to look at the front tire on the driver’s side. “Have you called for a tow truck?”

Rebecca tittered again. “I was hoping you would give me a ride...” She looked him up and down. There was no mistaking her meaning.

“Doesn’t it make more sense for you to call for a tow and wait with your vehicle? I think Larry is on duty at the garage. You know he would get here in twenty minutes or less.”

“Well, I guess I can do that. You’ll keep me company, right? I wouldn’t want to be here on the side of the road all by myself. That doesn’t sound safe.” She flipped her hair with one hand and put the other one on her cocked hip.

That was it. I was coming out. Tittering I could ignore but the hair flip crossed a line.

My door squeaked when I opened it, and both of their heads swiveled in my direction.

I was very aware of the differences in our appearances. Rebecca was heavily made up, and she could have been headed to a club for a night on the town. She had dressed to impress.

I, on the other hand, was dressed for comfort. After going to class all morning and then working a shift at the coffee house, I had pulled on yoga pants and a long t-shirt. I was wearing tennis shoes because I never knew what kind of situation I might be facing on a ride along. I had to be ready to move fast to keep up with Grayson so I didn’t miss any important happenings on camera.

I walked up to them, camera at the ready. I wasn’t planning on videoing this interaction, but if I didn’t have the camera, Grayson would realize there was no legitimate reason for me to get out of the patrol car.

Rebecca towered over me, increasing my feelings of inadequacy.

“Oh, my. Who is your little tag along?” She laughed that girlish giggle again, and I wanted to smack her.

“Rebecca, this is my girlfriend, Lucy.” Grayson spoke in a firm voice.

Surprised, I looked at him. We hadn’t put labels on our relationship yet, but I appreciated his timing.

Rebecca was surprised, too, if the look she gave me was any indication. And not the slightest bit pleased by the information. But it didn’t slow her down.

“Girlfriend? You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend when you were sneaking out of my bed last weekend.” She cocked her head at me. Her words were directed at Grayson, but the challenge was all for me.

“It’s a new thing.” I looked her straight in the eyes. I wish I didn’t have to crane my neck back to do it.

“And a short-lived thing, I suspect, honey.” She dismissed me with a look and turned back to Grayson.

I clenched my fist. Bitch.

Rebecca reached out a hand to touch Grayson’s chest again, and he caught her hand in mid-motion. He pushed her arm back down to her side.

“I was going to offer to change your tire, but I think I’d rather just sit in my car with my girlfriend.” He indicated I should get back in his patrol car. “I suggest you call for that tow truck because I won’t be staying here long if I get a radio call.”

With those words, he followed me to his car, and we got in without a backward glance.

I didn’t speak. I put my seatbelt on and looked out the window, fighting to cool down. If Grayson wanted to tell me, he would tell me.

I wasn’t going to pump him for information. I wasn’t going to be that girl.

But, boy, did I want to know.

“Lucy.” Grayson’s voice was low and hesitant.

I turned back toward him. “Yes?” I struggled to keep my voice nonchalant, as if I didn’t have a care in the world.

“She was a one-time thing. That’s all. I told you before I met you that I didn’t date.” He looked embarrassed, and he struggled to meet my eyes.

“So you had sex with her, and you left. No date.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Yep. Pretty much.” He cleared his throat and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, not looking at me.

“Pretty much? Or I summed it up correctly?” I needed him to be clear on this.

“I met her in Maude’s.” He squirmed in his seat. “We played a game of pool. She invited me back to her place. I went. We had sex. I left as soon as that was over.”

I kept my eyes on Grayson, reading his face for clues that he wasn’t telling me the truth, or if he was leaving something out.

“I had no intention of calling her, and I never promised her I would call. In fact, I was very clear that I wouldn’t call, even before we had sex.” He finally looked me in the eyes. “It was a one-night stand. I’m embarrassed now that nights like that were my standard operating procedure for such a long time.”

Grayson reached over, took my hand, and squeezed it. “I didn’t know you existed back then, and I never dreamed I would ever feel this way about a woman. I got lucky when I found you.”

His eyes were very warm as he looked at me. Touched, I reached out my other hand and put it on top of his. Grayson might be a caveman, but he always seemed to know just what to say to me to make me feel better in every situation.

I didn’t doubt him. I knew in my heart that Grayson was telling me the truth.

Outside of his car, Rebecca was still strutting around, flipping her hair as she talked on the phone. She was still putting on a very obvious show, not just for Grayson but for my sake. I’m sure she wanted me to see that she was competing with me for his attention. It seemed to be wasted on my man, however. Grayson had never once looked her way since we got back into the car. If she wasn’t going to grab his attention, I decided I wouldn’t worry about her for another minute.

I wanted to kiss him, but considering that he was at work, and we had an audience, I knew that was a bad idea.

I settled for squeezing his hands again, trying to convey my feelings for him in that simple touch. “Thank you for telling me about her.” I traced the outline of his lips with one slow finger, and my eyes spoke volumes.

Grayson nodded and pressed a kiss to my fingertips, but I could tell he was glad the uncomfortable conversation was over.

After a few minutes of small talk between the two of us, the tow truck pulled up in front of Rebecca’s car. Thank goodness.

Grayson waved at the man in coveralls who got out and inspected Rebecca’s tire. Larry, I presumed. Then we drove off.

Good luck, Larry. I suspected he would need it with that man eater.

Grayson cleared his throat. “So tomorrow afternoon, after I’ve had a chance to catch up on my sleep, I’m going to be working in the master bath again. Want to be my helper?”

“Sure! I’d love to. What are we going to be doing?” I adjusted the camera that was mounted to the dash, and then I turned his direction.

“Laying tile. It’s one of my least favorite home improvement projects because I always seem to cut my fingers. At least that’s what happened when I did the kitchen and laundry room. And it’s a lot of tedious measuring, and trying to get stuff to fit that just doesn’t want to fit. But it makes a tremendous impact on the room when it’s done, so that part is satisfying.” He stopped talking to listen to some radio chatter.

When it was over, I replied to him. “I’ve never done anything like that before, but I’m game to try.” Any project with Grayson at my side was bound to be fun.

He smiled at me. “It’s a date.”




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