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Rivers of Ink by Julie Archer (14)


The next week rushed by, and all too soon the day of Aidy and Wren’s wedding arrived. The weather was bright and sunny, despite many weather reports to the contrary.

Alicia woke alone in Callan’s bed. Since they’d made up properly the previous weekend, she had been there every night and had slowly started—with Callan’s agreement—to move some of her stuff in. Despite Nell’s reservations about the speed at which everything happened, Alicia was happy. She still saw loads of Nell, and Rory when he was around, and had also been getting to know Wren much better. They were a lot closer now.

Callan had stayed with Aidy at a B&B close to the wedding venue, undertaking last minute best-man duties. If she knew Callan and Aidy, those duties would involve calming any nerves with a vat of whisky. She hoped they hadn’t overdone it.

Her phone buzzed with a message. Callan sent her a picture of him and Aidy, enjoying breakfast in their room with the caption shame you can’t enjoy a sausage with us this morning… looking forward to seeing you later xx. Alicia laughed and shook her head. Instead of sausages, she made herself tea and toast and ate it while watching a bit of news.

When ten o’clock came, it was time for her to get ready.

She made her way into the bathroom and started all the trappings that went with looking fabulous for a wedding: she shaved her legs and underarms, washed her hair, and took a leisurely shower. She dried off and then moisturised every inch of her body with an expensive lotion she’d borrowed from Nell. It smelled amazing, an alluring mix of shea butter and ginger. Alicia sang along to the radio as she danced naked into the bedroom, wishing that Callan was there to enjoy it.

Her dress hung from the wardrobe, and she ran her hand over the fabric, savouring the feel. It was a beautiful garment, with a structured bodice and a flowing skirt with an ombre design in light to dark shades of blue. It complimented Callan’s navy suit perfectly. Alicia slid into the midnight blue satin and lace panties with a matching push-up bra that she’d bought from The Magpie in North Ridge. She tingled with anticipation as she thought of Callan’s reaction when he found them later underneath her dress. She pondered the idea of sending him a picture now though decided against it. If he was with Aidy, she didn’t really want him seeing it, much as they had become good friends. She slipped the dress over her head. It fit like a second skin, clinging to her curves and hiding the bits she didn’t want emphasised.

Alicia twirled around in front of the mirror and caught a glimpse of the time.

“Shit! I’m going to be late if I don’t get a move on.”

She hurriedly applied some make-up and shoved essentials into her clutch bag—a cute little rectangle in the exact same shade as the darkest blue of her dress. She wrapped a pashmina around her shoulders, and the intercom went announcing the arrival of the taxi. Alicia grabbed her overnight bag which she’d had the foresight to pack earlier and dashed down the stairs.

The car sailed through the light traffic as it headed out towards Stratfield, a small country village around ten miles from Oakridge. The wedding was being held at The Stratfield Barn, a grand grade II listed building licensed for civil ceremonies, with a huge manor house for guests to stay in. It was impressive yet understated, and Alicia knew Wren had fallen in love with it the moment she set eyes on it. As they approached, Alicia could understand why. The manor house dominated the vista as the taxi wound its way up the driveway, and the Great Barn was decorated in the vintage colours Wren had chosen for her theme. She had shown Alicia pictures of the inside space, which had a grand beamed ceiling and heavy wrought iron chandeliers, which matched up exactly to Wren’s ideas. Alicia already knew it was going to be a spectacular day.

Callan was waiting outside the house for her. He was also dressed for the day, in the gorgeous suit he had modelled for her, his dark hair was styled differently, and less stubble darkened his jaw than usual. It didn’t make him any less handsome, and Alicia caught her breath as she laid eyes on him.

“Hey, gorgeous lady!” Callan helped her out of the taxi and thrust some notes at the driver before twirling her around under his arm.

“Hey yourself!”

He caught her in an embrace, entwining his hands into the hair at the back of her neck and pulling her towards him. His tongue explored her mouth, and she responded, pressing her body against his.

“Oi, you two! Less of that please, you’ll scare the wildlife.” Aidy waved at the nearby field full of cows as he walked towards them, resplendent in his morning suit. He kissed Alicia on both cheeks. “Ali, you look amazing.”

“Thank you.” She smiled. “Nervous yet?”

Aidy held out a hand that trembled slightly. “A little. Unless that’s the shakes after all the drinking we did last night.”

“Let’s get this up to our room. The view from there is fantastic.” Callan took Alicia’s bag and put a hand on the small of her back, propelling her towards the manor house. “Aidy, I’ll see you soon.”

The groom nodded and turned his attention to the next set of arriving guests.

There were several staff milling around in the hallway, who greeted Callan as if he’d been staying there for ages and directed them to their room. Callan made a big show of opening the door, and Alicia gasped as she walked in, before he shut it behind them. There was a massive four poster bed with white floral drapes and light mahogany posts positioned so you could look out of the window directly onto the surrounding countryside.

Alicia walked over to the window and rested her palms on the sill, drinking in the sight. As Callan had already alluded to, the view was stunning. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the side of her neck.

“You want to know what I’m thinking?” he whispered.

“I’m not sure, do I?”

“I’m thinking how utterly hot you would look spread-eagled naked on that bed, tied to the posts, totally at my mercy as I make you come. And it will happen, Alicia, I promise you.”

Alicia’s knees trembled as she slumped against Callan, the words making her insides contract with lust. He tightened his grasp on her as he hitched the skirt of her dress up. His teeth nipped her skin as he discovered the lingerie, and Alicia groaned. Callan’s fingers slipped underneath the satin and lace, gently stroking her as he continued to tell her what he’d do to her when she was tied to the bed. She felt herself growing wet under his touch, aching with need and longing for him to shift his fingers inside her. Instead, she pressed her palms onto the cool wood of the windowsill, almost hoping it would reduce the heat building up inside her. She raised herself up against Callan in an attempt to increase the pressure of his touch.

“Jesus, Ali, what are you doing to me?” growled Callan. He pushed his groin towards her. His hand moved away from her clit and clutched at her buttock, the nails digging into her skin. She gasped, dismayed at his sudden withdrawal.

“Please, Callan, don’t stop.” Her voice shook.

He moved his thumb back into place and began to caress her more firmly as he finally inserted his fingers into her at the same time. The sensations flooded through her as she rocked against him. Her orgasm hit suddenly with a powerful shudder, and she rode the waves of pleasure as Callan continued to stimulate her.

Alicia sagged against Callan’s chest, her breath coming in short pants. “If I knew we were going to start the day like that, I wouldn’t have worn knickers.”

He gave a throaty laugh, the sound muffled by her hair as he buried his face into her. “If I’d have known you weren’t wearing knickers, we wouldn’t have made it to the bedroom.”