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Royal Mistake #6 by Ember Casey, Renna Peak (17)


It almost seems like this sliver of hope is too much to ask for, but I’ll take what I can get, at least for the moment.

What I will not do, however, is lead Prince Reginald into some sort of trap. Particularly not when the three other people in the room are looking at me as some sort of savior or something. I might be a celebrity reporter, but only the sleaziest of the sleazy try to concoct the sort of game Leo and Elle are suggesting.

There has to be a better way.

Andrew and Leo walk a few steps ahead of Elle and me as we head back to the palace.

Elle has her arms crossed over her chest, her hands on her bare upper arms. “I can’t believe how cold it is here already. I didn’t even think about needing a coat. I bet you didn’t, either.”

“No, not really.” I force a smile. Being around the pregnant woman is hard enough, but knowing she’s carrying the future heir to the throne of Montovia… It’s a little hard to handle. But I put on a brave facade, hiding the torment I’m feeling at knowing that is one gift I will never be able to give Montovia, even if I somehow am able to marry Andrew.

“You know, I’ve never seen snow before. Leo says it usually snows before the Festival, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to this year.” She glances up toward the sky as we walk along the path back to the palace. “I suppose if it does, we’ll both need to find coats.”

“I suppose we will.” We walk in silence for a few more steps—the men are too far ahead for me to hear what they’re discussing. I can only hope it isn’t some sort of idiotic scheme to try to trap Reginald. They have to know the man is too smart to fall for any sort of juvenile tricks like that.

“We went back to South America.” Elle interrupts my thoughts. “Leo wanted to get out of here for a little while. He suggested the Caribbean, but I stupidly insisted we go and check on my brother and the clinic.”

“You weren’t stupid. There was no way you could have known—”

“No, I know that. But I was the one who told Leo to leave his phone at home. I’m just so sick of him being interrupted all the time.” She rubs at the tops of her arms again. “Once King Edmund is well—once he’s back at home and everything has gone back to normal—I think…” She drops her voice so that there’s no way either of the men can hear. “I think we’re going to get out of here. Raise our baby on our own, you know? I’m sure Queen Penelope will be upset about it, but I really feel like I don’t need the Montovian royalty breathing down my neck. And it isn’t like this little person is going to need that to be part of his life.”

My cheeks burn, and I’m sure I’m not the one who should be saying anything about my situation to her. But it is my situation, and I’d like to have at least a little bit of control over the story. I suppose it’s the reporter in me, but I want to tell my side of things on my terms.

I glance over at her, giving her the smallest of smiles. “You might want to rethink that decision, Elle.”

“Why?” Her brows knit together a bit. “Leo’s been under the thumb of his father—and Andrew—long enough, don’t you think? And Leo said Andrew is still giving him grief. He said Andrew was giving him shit about not using his office this morning—”

“It’s not about Andrew. Or King Edmund.” I let out a long breath before I turn to look at her again. “I probably shouldn’t be the one telling you this.”

She lifts a brow. “Oh, but now you have to tell me.” She grins. “What is it? You have some good dirt on Andrew—?”

“I can’t have children.” There, I said it out loud. It’s not a fact I’ve liked to admit to even myself over the past several years, but something about saying it makes me feel just the tiniest bit lighter.


I nod. “I can’t have children. So—”

“Oh, I guarantee Andrew will have you see the best fertility specialists in the world, Victoria. I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that.” She smiles. “A friend of mine from medical school became a fertility specialist. I’ll be glad to email her and ask if she has any recommendations—”

“I don’t have the parts anymore, so there’s really no point in seeing a doctor about it. Our only hope for a child of our own would be through using a surrogate. And I can only imagine how the royal family would feel about that. It has scandal written all over it.”

“Oh.” She frowns, her brow furrowing even more. “Maybe you can adopt, then.”

I shake my head. “We could do that. But that child wouldn’t be a legitimate heir. The laws of succession in Montovia are very clear about that. It has to be a genetic heir.”

She nods and is silent for a moment. She finally drops her hands to her swollen belly. “Wait, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“The Montovian law of succession says that the first born child is the rightful heir to the throne. If Andrew doesn’t have children, the next in line is the second-born child. Next in line after that are the second-born child’s genetic offspring.”

“Holy. Fuck.” Elle’s eyes grow impossibly wide. “Leo doesn’t know, does he? He’s going to freak the fuck out when he finds out.” She shakes her head, almost as though she doesn’t believe what I’ve just told her. “I’m pregnant with a future king or queen. That’s what you’re saying, right?”

My head bobs slightly, and I turn my attention back to the path in front of us. We’re almost to the palace now. I should warn her not to tell Leo—that the news should probably come from Andrew or King Edmund.

“I can’t tell him. I…I can’t. This kind of thing needs to come from his family. Right?”

I nod again, glad she figured that out for herself.

We follow the men through the palace and into one of the small dining rooms. William is sitting at the table already, fiddling with his phone.

He stands as soon as we enter the room. “It took you long enough.” He turns his gaze to Leo, shaking his head. “Way to run off in the nick of time, Brother. You missed out on all the fun.”

“So I’ve heard.” Leo grins. “Though I hear Father has made it through surgery and is expected to make a full recovery.”

Full might be a bit generous.” Andrew frowns as he takes his seat at the head of the table, motioning for everyone else to find a seat. Elle and I sit at the other end of the table across from each other, while Leo and William each take a seat on either side of Andrew.

Andrew turns his gaze to William. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me this morning, William. Leo has also agreed to discuss our tactics for dealing with King Maximilian and Reginald.”

William only lifts a brow in Leo’s direction.

Leo raises his palms to William, almost like he’s surrendering. “What? I was the one who caused this situation, so shouldn’t I be the one to get us out? I was the one who took Andrew to Prague.”

William’s brow lifts even further and he shakes his head.

Leo rolls his eyes. “Okay, fine. I’ll listen and give my opinion only when it’s asked for.” He splays his palms on the table. “But I should remind you, William, that I am your elder brother. And as such—”

Andrew interrupts. “As such, nothing. Come, Leopold, you can’t actually expect anyone…” His voice trails off. “That is to say—”

“No, I get it,” Leopold interrupts. “It’s as though I’m a child who’s been given a seat at the grownup table for the first time, is that it? My ideas will be immature and unreasonable, so why even bother with Leopold, right?” His gaze darts between his two brothers.

Andrew says nothing. His expression betrays almost nothing of what is going on in his head, either. He turns to William. “Speaking of brothers, where is Nicholas? He, too, should be in this meeting and should be here eating with us this morning.”

“I believe he is at the hospital with Mother. You asked that one of us remain with her at all times, did you not?”

“Ah, yes, I suppose I did.” Andrew frowns as a server brings out a covered tray for each of the brothers. He turns to the man. “Why are we having a formal breakfast?”

The man bows and steps away after taking the cover off the tray. “Forgive me, Your Highness. It is customary when there are royal guests in the palace to have a formal service at every meal—”

“Yes, yes.” Andrew waves the man away with a shooing motion. He turns back to William. “And where is Sophia? I’ll need her this afternoon to keep an eye on…” His voice trails off as his eyes meet mine. “Never mind. I trust I have that situation controlled.”

I say nothing and don’t give him any indication that I even understand what he’s saying. I haven’t made up my mind yet. I still might leave, particularly if the brothers try to suck me into some stupid stunt meant to bring down a powerful king and his son.

Andrew frowns but begins eating his breakfast. Leo and William do the same.

Elle is looking at her plate like she’s about to puke. I’m pretty sure she shouldn’t have morning sickness any longer, so there’s only one explanation for her lack of hunger. She said she thinks Leo is going to freak out when he hears the news, but it looks like Elle is already freaking out.

The men begin talking in hushed tones, obviously to keep Elle and me from overhearing.

I drop my voice to a similar level to prevent them from hearing me. “It’s going to be okay, Elle. Just because you know, doesn’t mean it changes anything. You can still have your life outside of Montovia. You’ll just probably have to come back once in a while. The baby will, anyway.”

She gives me a meek smile and pulls a strip of bacon into her hand before she begins chewing it. “It’s just a lot to take in. Every time I come back to this palace, I seem to be sucked under its spell one more time. It kind of makes you understand why Leo and Andrew are such idiots about certain things.”

At the other end of the long table, Leo and William begin laughing. I glance over to see Andrew isn’t laughing about anything at all. In fact, he looks even more serious than when we entered the dining room.

“He must love you more than words can even say, Victoria.” Elle gives me another weak smile. “I happen to know how important this country is to him. And if he’s willing to give up his future—Montovia’s future—for you, I can’t even imagine how deep his love goes. And if it’s deep enough to get over the two of you not being able to have children, it’s enough to figure a way out of this mess.”

I nod and glance down at the men again. This time, though, they aren’t laughing at all.

Leo’s mouth is hanging open and he’s staring at Elle. He’s quiet for a moment before he turns back to Andrew. “What is Elle talking about? What did she mean you can’t have children?”

Andrew’s gaze darts to mine and back to Leo. “I…I was going to tell you.”

“When? When were you going to tell me, Brother?”

Andrew’s face falls from anger to something a lot more hurt. “When the time was right. And it isn’t right at the moment.”

Leo shakes his head from side to side. “I’m done here. We are done here.” Leo stands up. “Elle and I only returned to pay Father our respects, anyway. And then we’ll be leaving Montovia for good. I am not taking on your responsibilities, Andrew. Not after everything you’ve already put me through.”