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Safe Space II: The Finale by Tiffany Patterson (16)

Chapter Sixteen


“All right, I’ll be in my office. Let me know if you need anything,” Jason offered.

It’d been a week since our return from Miami, and it was my first day at my father’s office. I’d worked long hours the previous week at my old firm to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved. I’d opted to take the previous Friday off to regroup before starting at my new position on Monday.

Now that I was standing in the middle of my new office with boxes that needed to be unpacked and walls that needed decorating, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. My brother and father had taken time to show me around, introduce me to the administrative staff and other attorneys that I hadn’t met previously, and to take care of all the first day administrative details that were necessary.

“All right. Thanks, Jay. It’s almost one, so Gabby should be here soon. She insisted on bringing me lunch to my first day.”

“I’ll check on you later.”

I frowned. “I don’t need you to check on me. I’m not a six-year-old.”

Jason raised his eyebrows. I immediately felt contrite for snapping at him. I’d been on edge for more than a week. The long hours of transitioning from one job to another, coupled with the anxiety of working for and with my father, plus everything still going on in my personal life… Yeah, Xavier and I were still going through it after our trip to Miami.

“I’m sorry. I know you meant well. Thank you for everything.” I went over to Jay, squeezing his arm affectionately.

“Something you want to talk about?” he questioned.

“No, I’m good. Really.”

“You sure? Cause if it’s X, I can handle that for you.” His lips quirked up into a slight smile.

Although he was joking, a wave of sadness passed through my belly. I didn’t want him to see it though, so I returned his smile.

“We’re good. I’ll see you a little later.”

Jason headed out the door, giving me one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing. I busied myself with putting away some of the law books I had tucked in boxes and on my desk. The furniture I’d ordered for my new spacious office hadn’t arrived yet, so I was using an old desk and chairs in the meantime. Just as I got lost in unpacking, a knock at my door startled me.

“Hey, cousin,” a deep, male voice stated behind me.

My lips parted in a grin at the sound of Jamal’s voice. I turned to see my six-foot-two cousin dressed in a pinstripe suit. In his hand was a bouquet of white lilies.

“Hey, Mal,” I greeted as he pulled me into a side hug.

“These are for you. Welcome to the building.” He grinned down at me.

“Thank you.” I took the clear glass vase from his hands. Jamal’s office was in the same building as my father’s firm, a few flights down. “You didn’t have to do this. Come in.”

“It was nothing. How does it feel to be here finally?” he asked.

“Honestly, a little surreal. I haven’t had time to process it all yet. How’re things in your neck of the woods?” I perched myself on the edge of my desk.

“Going well. Business is growing. I’m going to have to hire another financial advisor soon.”

My face lit up with excitement for him. “That’s great. You’re growing.”

“Well, you know,” he stated, chuckling and popping his collar.

I playfully rolled my eyes. “Don’t get too full of yourself or anything.”

“So, what’s up? You on lunch?”

“Soon. Gabby’s coming in to bring lunch in a bit.” I paused as a thought entered my mind. “Hey, speaking of business, can I ask you something?”

Jamal’s face crinkled into a curious frown. “Of course, what’s up?”

“Have a seat.” I gestured to the chair across from my desk.

Jamal folded his big self into the chair, stretching his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles and clasping his hands. I was reminded of my uncle, Jamal’s father. Mal looked so much like a younger version of him, but I didn’t dare mention that. I knew it was still a touchy subject.

“So, my friend, Gabby. You remember her, right? I think you two met at a club a few months back.”

An expression appeared on his face that I couldn’t pinpoint, but it disappeared, and he nodded.

“Okay, well she’s an esthetician and massage therapist. One of the best around , in my unbiased opinion.” I smirked.

Jamal snorted but said nothing else.

“She’s great and passionate about her career. In fact, one of her main goals is to open her salon to service women and men of varying incomes.”

 “Massage parlors and spas are popular. She’ll have some strong competition”

My lips pursed at the doubt I heard in his voice.

“But it’s not impossible, right?”

He shrugged, adjusting his light-colored silk tie. “I mean, it depends.”


“A number of factors. How long has she been in the business? What are her credentials? She just moved to Houston a little over a year ago, right? Same time as you?”

I nodded.

“So, that could mean she hasn’t had enough time to build up a secure clientele base. How is she planning to promote? Does she have the start-up costs? You know most startups fail within the first five years, and given your friend’s, uh, eccentricities…”

“Excuse you?”

My head sprung up, and my eyes zeroed in on Gabby standing in my door way. She was dressed in a pair of sky blue scrubs she usually wore at the doctor’s office where she worked. Her curly ’fro was pulled up in a high bun atop her head with slicked down baby hairs at her temples. She looked adorable, save for the way her honey-colored eyes were shooting daggers at Jamal.

“Gabby, I was just speaking to—”

“I heard you, and I heard him.”

She stepped fully into my office. I hurried to the door to shut it behind her, hoping this wouldn’t get too loud. Gabby could have a short temper, and I recalled the last conversation we’d had about Jamal and the way she’d sworn he was giving her funny looks. By the time I’d closed the door, Jamal had stood up, facing Gabby.

“Yeah, your eccentricities. Chanel asked me what I thought of your business idea, and given your tendencies, I’m not sure how well you’d be able to handle running a business.”

“My tend…?” She broke off, looking back to me as if she couldn’t believe his mouth. “Excuse you. You don’t even know me. We’ve met all of one time, one time in which you were extremely dismissive of me, might I add.”

“I was dismissive?” Jamal pressed his hand to his chest, head tilting back.

“Yes, you. I could tell right away you were all on your high horse about me. But let me tell you something,” Gabby inched closer. “I don’t know what my dear friend has told you, but I don’t need any input from you about my business. Got it?”

“Pssh,” Jamal waved her off, stepping around her to move toward the door. “Don’t sweat it. I’d be more than happy to mind my business. Good luck with your lil’ venture.” He gave her one last up and down look, before turning back to me. “Chanel, good to see you. I’ll check you later.” And he was gone, shutting the door behind him.

“My lil’ venture... Is he serious?” Gabby charged to the door.

I quickly stepped in front of her. “Woah, there. Let’s not get too crazy. This is my new place of work, all right?”

“Yeah, but your father owns the firm. Hell, you’re part owner. What’s he gonna do, fire you? Let me just speak to—”

“Not going to happen,” I cut her off.

“Fine, I’m pissed at you anyway,” she tossed at me over her shoulder as she strolled to my desk. She placed a big paper bag with handles on the desk. I knew right away it was one of her favorite soul food vegan restaurants. 

“Don’t be pissed. I was trying to pick his brain about starting a business. I told you, he does that as part of his financial planning business.”

“And I told you I didn’t need help. Especially not from the likes of him. Did you hear him? ‘All her eccentricities.’”

I had to bite my lower lip to keep from smirking at the way she mimicked Jamal.

“Come on. Jamal can be a little stuck-up sometimes, but he means well. And he’s good at what he does.”

“Whatever. He can go to hell with all that. When I start my business, it won’t be with his help. I don’t need his help or his condescension. And I don’t need my best friend running to him with questions on my behalf. Now, come here and sit down so we can eat.”

I laughed. “Bossy much?”

“No. I just know you. And I know you probably haven’t had anything to eat today due to nerves. You’re probably running on two cups of caffeine only.”

I frowned as she mean-mugged me with her arms crossed, daring me to tell her she was wrong.

“Three cups,” I corrected.

She rolled her eyes and handed me the plastic wrapped silverware.

“What’d you get?” I asked, savoring the aroma as she pulled the cartons out of the bag.

“Jerk seitan over beans and rice for me, and vegan gumbo over rice for you with a side of vegan cornbread.”    

“Nice.” I rubbed my hands together. We sat down at the round table that was set up in my office, close to the floor-to-ceiling window. It gave us a nice view of the street below. We ate in silence for a few minutes, enjoying our food. Gabby was right. I hadn’t eaten all day. I was too nervous to eat breakfast before leaving home, and once I got to the office, I was busy in meetings and making introductions all day.

“Thanks for lunch. I needed this little break.”

Gabby waved her hand. “Of course. But why are you so stressed? Your dad asked you to work with him. You should be happy about that. Plus, those beautiful flowers from a special someone seem to indicate you guys are back on track.”

I snorted. I’d told Gabby that Xavier and I had gotten into it in Miami, but hadn’t revealed all the details to her. That would’ve required me telling her about finding out I was pregnant right after I moved to L.A. And although I knew she wouldn’t judge my actions, I wasn’t ready to share that yet.

“Those flowers are from Jamal. He brought them to welcome me to the building.”

“Oh, so you and Mr. Grant haven’t completely hashed things out yet, huh?”

I sat back in my chair, wiping my mouth with my napkin before answering her. “Not quite. Only two days after we got back from Miami, he had to fly back out to D.C. for work. He just got back in last night.” We’d talked while he was gone, but the conversations were short and stilted.

“You’re still not going to tell me what this fight was about?”

I looked at Gabby, hoping I wasn’t hurting her feelings, but I just wasn’t ready to go into detail. Especially not at work. Thankfully, there was a knock on my door before I could respond. My office phone hadn’t been hooked up yet, so my assistant had to come to my office to give me my messages. I assumed it was her as I rose to open the door.

I was met with a man holding a huge bouquet. I was blown away by the beauty of the arrangement that included white roses and hydrangeas.

“Ms. Richards?” the man asked behind the bouquet.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Happy first day on the job. Enjoy. The card is in the middle.”

The arrangement was far too elegant and beautiful to be from anyone besides Xavier. I stuck my nose in the flowers and sniffed as I walked to my desk to place them down. I grinned as I pulled the card from the middle of the bouquet.

Good luck on your first day, baby girl. I’ll see you later today. -X

I placed the card down and ran my hand over one of the roses.

“I see he hasn’t given up on you. And that smile tells me you haven’t either. I know you two will work this little tiff out,” Gabrielle stated from her seat.

I hoped what she said was true. I hadn’t seen Xavier in close to a week since he left for D.C., and we would be meeting at Dr. Winston’s office. I was grateful he even agreed to go with me in the first place. When Dr. Winston had suggested I bring Xavier to a session to work through our issue, I was hesitant. My fears were put to rest a bit when he agreed.

“We’re going to see Dr. Winston today. Xavier and I,” I added the last part for clarity.

Gabby’s perfectly arched eyebrow rose. “He’s going to your therapist with you?”

“Yeah,” I answered, biting my lower lip.

“Don’t be nervous. That’s a good thing.” Her genuine smile reassured me, and I glanced back at the bouquet.



I strutted through the office doors of the lobby of the large office building toward the elevator. A few minutes later, I was exiting onto the fifteenth floor and heading toward an office I’d never been to before. Thankfully, I spotted Chanel standing outside of one of the doors. When she saw me, a small smile cracked her face.

“Hi,” she greeted.

I pulled her into me and pressed a quick kiss to her gloss-coated lips. She reached up, wiping the excess gloss from my lips.

“Thanks for coming.”

I frowned. “You say that like you expected me not to show.”

When her eyes turned downward, my heart sank. She obviously hadn’t totally trusted me to show. That had me feeling some type of way.

“Let’s go.” I opened the door, allowing her to enter first.

I entered behind her to see a young guy at the receptionist desk. I could see recognition flash across his face when he saw Chanel.

“Ms. Richards, how good to see you on a Monday.”

“Hey, Michael, how are you?” Chanel asked. “This is my, um—”

“Xavier Grant,” I introduced, wrapping my hand around Chanel’s waist.

“Yes, we’ve been expecting you. Dr. Winston said to send you in once you two arrived. You can go on back,” Michael told us.

I followed Chanel as we passed a couple of closed office doors with official name plaques outside of them, until we arrived at the one with Dr. Winston, Psy.D. on it. Chanel rapped a couple of times on the door, and a feminine voice on the other side called for us to enter. As soon as the door opened, my nose was hit with some light floral scent, maybe lavender. A petite older woman with copper-toned skin and graying hair at the temples stood. Her warm smile seemed friendly enough.

“Chanel. And Mr. Grant, I presume?” Dr. Winston questioned.

“Xavier, please,” I responded.

“Nice to meet you, Xavier. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable.”

I followed Chanel as she took a seat on the leather couch across from the door. The office was small, but not in an uncomfortable way. I settled into the couch, throwing my arm closest to Chanel around the back of the couch, my fingertips grazing her shoulder, and unbuttoned my suit jacket.

“Xavier, Chanel is used to our sessions by now, but since this is your first time here, I will give you a short introduction. I’m Dr. Winston. I specialize in cognitive and behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing our though t patterns to change our outward behavior. Many times, it’s important to first understand our thoughts and beliefs that lead to certain behavior. Chanel has done a lot of this work over the last few months. She’s told me about the argument you two got into the other week, but I’d like to hear your perspective.”

“I got into a fight with her ex at a club of mine, and she got upset.”

Dr. Winston wrote something down in her notebook. I looked at Chanel, who was giving me an incredulous look.

“Was that it?”

I sighed. “Nah, we got into the argument afterwards, and I said something I shouldn’t have.”

“What was it?”

I hesitated.

“He said I killed a baby and that he was afraid I’d do the same to ours if I ever got pregnant again.”

Damn. That stung to hear out loud.

“I never said—”

“You didn’t?” Chanel asked.

“No, I said—as I’ve tried to explain, that yes, you had an abortion and—”

“And that you believed I’d do it again if I ever got pregnant by you, right?”

“Are you going to let me finish talking?” I was getting annoyed.

“Okay, how about we calm down and let me sort this out. What I’m hearing, Xavier, is that Chanel confided in you that she’d had an abortion not too long after leaving her former fiancé, is that correct?”

I nodded.

“And while, at the time, you didn’t have an initial reaction, upon seeing her ex at one of your clubs, all your anger at him for what he’d done to Chanel and the fact that she’d had an abortion boiled over, leading you to attack him. Is that fair to say?”

I thought about it. Chanel was staring straight ahead at Dr. Winston. That was completely accurate considering I’d had a PI tracking Ethan and been waiting for months to catch up to him.

“Yeah, that’d be fair to say.”

“And Chanel, how did it make you feel when Xavier phrased your abortion that way?”

Chanel’s eyelids closed for a second before opening again. “Like shit, to be completely honest. It felt like shit.”

My stomach plummeted.


Chanel blew out a deep breath before pushing her hair behind her ear.

“Because,” she paused, shaking her head. “I never wanted to…it was never my intent to…because I had no one. I mean, I had Gabby, but she was away at the time I found out, and yeah, I had money from my trust fund. Finances were never a concern. But I’d just left someone who truly terrified me, and I couldn’t rely on my family to be there for me.  My mother was dead, I was starting a new life in a new city, and I was still broken from what I’d endured. I wasn’t selfless enough to be anyone’s mother with all of that hanging over me.”

“Xavier, did you hear what Chanel said?”

I sat back and thought over Chanel’s words. I heard the pain in her voice as she talked about the agonizing decision she’d made. Maybe it’d been my own anger that’d prevented me from hearing that pain the first time she spoke about it.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Tell me what you heard her say.”

I wanted to roll my eyes, but then I looked at Chanel, whose watery eyes were back on me, and that urge went away.

Staring directly at her I said, “She said she was scared for her life after everything she’d been through with her ex. She was lonely and didn’t have anyone she could rely on, and with the emotional baggage of her past, she wasn’t ready to be a mother.”

Relief flooded Chanel’s face.

Saying the words aloud helped me to understand better. I still hated it, but I got it.

“And why did it pain you so much to hear of the decision she’d made?”

My forehead creased as I turned surprised eyes on Dr. Winston. “Pain?”

She nodded. “Your reaction to Chanel’s confession tells me pain was triggered for you.”

I wanted to tell this lady she was crazy and to mind her business. That’s what my head was telling me, but my heart was telling me she was correct. I remembered asking my mom about when she found out she was pregnant with me. I remembered the dull feeling that gripped my chest when I’d thought about Chanel and I having children. I hated to admit it, but it was true.

I remained silent, thinking for a while.

“My father,” I finally answered. I turned my head to Chanel who gave me a confused look. “I know what it’s like not to be wanted by a parent. The thought of the woman I loved not wanting to bear my children might have been behind my reaction,” I realized.

“Xavier, I would never…” Her voice trailed off and she sighed. “I’m not the same person I was then. I don’t regret what I did, but I would never consider it now.”

“How was I supposed to know that?” I countered.

“You could’ve asked.”

I had no response to that. I hadn’t stopped to ask how she’d felt about getting pregnant again because in the back of my mind I was afraid she’d say she didn’t want children.

“Do you want kids?”

She paused, looking to Dr. Winston and then back to me. “Yes, I think so. I mean, one day.”

A breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding pushed out my mouth.

“Xavier, can we go back a minute? You said your pain was connected to your father. Tell me about that,” Dr. Winston requested.

 “He denied me when he found out my mother was pregnant. My mother forcing him to take a DNA test proved that I was his and made him pay child support. Aside from that, he had no care to be in my life. It is what it is.”

“Is he in your life now?”

“Nah. He tries every now and again.”

“You never told me that,” Chanel interjected.

I looked at her and shrugged to say it was no big deal. “Never seemed important. He tries to call or make contact a couple of times a year. He doesn’t have my cell number. My mother tells me when he calls. My office staff knows not to put him through to me.”

“So now you’re the one keeping your distance from him?” asked Dr. Winston.

“I guess.” 

“Have you ever spoken to anyone about your father’s abandonment?”

I shook my head. “Never felt like I needed to. My mother did a hell of a job, and my aunt and grandparents too.”

“Your aunt, the one who died?”

I glanced at Chanel.

“Xavier, nothing we say goes any further than this room. Chanel has told me a little about you only as it relates to her and her own therapy work.”

I nodded. “Yeah, my aunt Lisa was my father’s younger sister. She and I were close and she was killed by her boyfriend. And yes, Doc, before you say it, I’m sure my reaction to Chanel’s ex had to do with my anger toward that situation.”

“I’m glad you said it.”

I allowed a small smile.

“And did you ever receive counseling for your loss?”


“How much is some?”

“A couple of sessions with a counselor at my high school.”

More writing in her notebook.

 “It seems like we covered a lot.” Her eyes shot up to the clock on the wall. “Before we wrap up, I have one last question. Now that you understand your reaction about the abortion was your own pain, and that what Chanel did was due to her pain and where she was in her life at the time, do you still hold any mistrust toward her? Do you have any fears?”

I looked down at our clasped hands and knew my answer. I’d always known it.

“No.” I knew Chanel would be a loving and caring mother to our kids one day. I don’t know where that certainty came from, but I felt as sure about it as I did opening my first restaurant. That had been my destiny, and I was just as sure the woman sitting to the right of me was my destiny as well.

“Okay, well, the hour is up. I think we’ve made some good progress here. Xavier, if you’re interested, I’d like to meet with you again, separately, to discuss more of your past.”


Dr. Winston didn’t seem too put off by my response as she gave me a knowing smile. I stood, helping Chanel to stand as well. I couldn’t believe the hour had gone by so quickly. I’d hardly looked at the clock since I’d sat down. And to be completely honest, I did feel a little lighter when I walked out the door.

“Chanel, I’ll see you next week. Xavier, maybe you also,” Dr. Winston stated as we made our goodbyes. I quietly followed Chanel, digesting it all. I’d never really thought my feelings from my past would play out in my adult relationships, but there I was. I was glad I’d agreed to meet Chanel here.

“What’d you think?” Chanel interrupted my thoughts as we stood in front of the elevators.

“She was cool, professional, and has an easy way about her. I can see why you’ve taken to her.”

“And?” She looked at me expectantly.

“And what?”

She rolled her eyes. I grinned, loving when she did that.

“And how do you feel about what was discussed?”

“I said it in there. I still don’t like that part of your past, but I get it, and I trust you. I always did, but I guess my own shit was messing with me.”

“And what about what Dr. Winston said about you going to therapy?”

“What, like on my own?”


I rolled my eyes. “I’d said maybe. I’ll think about it,” I added when Chanel looked like she was going to respond. “Now,” I began, as we stepped into the empty elevator. I pressed her back against the wall. “You’re coming home with me tonight, right?”

“Tonight? I can’t. I have—”

“It’s been seven nights since you last slept in my bed. That’s unacceptable.”

“You were away this week.”

“And you weren’t fucking with me like that this week,” I added. “But we’re good now, right? You’ve forgiven me for what I said?” I wasn’t about to apologize for fucking her ex up. I’d do that over again if I had the chance. Lucky for him, my security escorted him out of the club and, according to Quincy, Ethan had left the country again.


“Good, then you can bring that ass over tonight.”

She giggled. “My car’s in the lot across the street. I’ll have to follow you home. And before you try and tell me, no.” She reached up, covering my lips with one finger. “I am not leaving my car in the lot overnight to pick it up in the morning.”

“I could have some—”

“No. I’ll drive to your place.”

“Fine,” I reluctantly agreed. “Just don’t try to sneak out in the middle of the night.”

“Oh, my god! That happened one time, and you’re never gonna let me live it down, are you?”

“Nope.” I dipped my head to taste her. I licked the seam of her lips, gently prying them open with my tongue. Once she opened for me, I dove in without hesitation. Unfortunately, that kiss was short-lived as the elevator stopped on the seventh floor and a few people entered. I reluctantly pulled back, glaring at them over my shoulder, mad they’d interrupted what I was trying to get started.

“You sure you won’t let me drive you?” I questioned low in her ear, reminding us both of the pleasure we could enjoy in my car.

Chanel dipped her head, avoiding eye contact with me, but I knew her thoughts already. “I’m sure,” she answered breathlessly.

I growled in frustration, causing one of the men who’d entered to turn and look at me. I stared at him back, telling him without words to mind his damn business.

“It’s only a twenty-minute drive to your place. You’ll be okay,” Chanel said pulling my attention from the man.



Twenty minutes was way too long. By the time I pulled my car into my driveway behind Chanel’s, I’d come up with at least ten different positions I had planned on having her in tonight.

“We would’ve gotten here faster if you’d have let me drive you.” And at least one orgasm, but I left that last part out.

“That’s ’cause you drive like a bat out of hell.”

“Only sometimes.” I let her lead the way up the steps to the door, my eyes on her plump bottom that was covered by the pleated skirt she wore. “You wore that to work today?” I asked, my eyes still planted on her ass.

“You know I did. I went straight to Dr. Winston’s from work.”

My jaw tightened as I put the key in the lock and opened the door. The thought of anyone else lusting after her in her typical work outfits didn’t sit well with me.

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” she purred, turning to me and lifting up on tiptoes to wrap her arms around my neck.

“What do I have to be jealous of? This still mine, right?” I reached around with one hand to squeeze her ass.


Always. That word echoed in my mind a few times, and the thought of always being attached to Chanel sent a sensation of satisfaction through me. I spun the both of us around so now her back was planted against the closed door. 

“Move in with me.”

She happened to look shocked. “You still want me to move in with you?”

“What do you mean, still? I never stopped.” I decided not to let her respond. Instead, I lowered my lips to hers, claiming them again. She cupped the back of my head as I began pulling her silk top out of the waistband of her skirt.

As soon as my fingertips made contact with the soft, smooth skin of her belly, my entire body ignited and I knew it was time to take this upstairs. I pulled back, staring down into her glazed over eyes and kiss-swollen lips, taking a mental picture of how she looked to store in my memory bank.

Chanel decided to take control as she lifted up again and ran kisses along my jawline until she reached my ear. She ran her tongue along the outer shell of my ear, sucking on my earlobe before pulling back. She sidestepped around me, causing me to turn to look at her. When I did, she began to slowly back away towards the stairs, undoing one button of her blouse with each step.

By the time she reached the staircase, her shirt was completely undone. She removed it and tossed it to me. I caught it with one hand while still keeping my eyes locked on her. The sight of her in her lace bra—a bra I knew was part of a matching set I’d bought her—made my dick jumped in my pants. Adjusting myself, I quickly made my way up the steps, following her every move like a prowling panther stalking my prey. That was exactly how I felt at that moment. This woman was mine, and there was little she could do about it.

By the time we made it up to my bedroom doorway, she was down to her bra, panties, and shoes, while I held her shirt and skirt. I dropped those items and reached for her, pulling her up against me.

“We’ll leave the shoes on tonight. I want to see your heels up around my shoulders.” Pushing open my bedroom door with one hand while still holding onto her with my other, I backed her up all the way to my bed. I allowed her to push my suit jacket down my shoulders and arms until it hit the floor. Her deft fingers made quick work of unbuttoning my shirt and sliding it down my arms to the floor as well, exposing my top half. When she started as if she was going to sink to her knees to unbutton my pants, I stopped her and instead directed her to lie on the bed horizontally.

“You can do that later. Right now, it’s your turn,” I growled, planting her legs on the bed. I undid her garter belts and grabbed the sides of her panties to remove them. I pushed her legs wide open at the knees, completely exposing her plump pussy. My mouth watered with anticipation and, even though I’d been in a teasing mood, that was replaced with a need to put my mouth on her. I leaned in and swiped her with my tongue from the bottom of her lips all the way up to her clit, pausing at her swollen button. I felt a ripple move through Chanel as she bucked against me. My whispered name coming from her lips with the added edge of desperation turned me on so much, I knew playtime was over.  

I lifted her legs at the knees and placed them over my shoulders as I kneeled down at the side of my bed. Her pussy was now eye-level with me and in the perfect position to do what I’d been fantasizing about since we left the doctor’s office. I planted my mouth on her, slurping up the juices she was releasing and holding onto her thighs tightly to keep her from wiggling away. I was relentless as I sucked her button into my mouth, massaging it with my tongue and freeing it to kiss and tongue her outer labia.

I began to feel her thighs quake around the side of my head, which spurred me on. I inserted a finger into her wet canal, curling it to make contact with her G-spot deep inside her. A loud wail sounded from above my head at the same time my mouth and chin were flooded with her juices. I continued to suck on her until the last tremors of her orgasm left her body.

When they did, I placed her legs back on the bed, one by one, and stood to release my rock-hard dick. I was to the point of pain by then as I eased my pants and boxers down and over my erection. I stepped out and kicked my pants to the side. I took both Chanel’s wrists in one hand, raising them back and over her head as I leaned down over her, my dick just touching the entrance of her core.

“C-condom,” she panted.

I shook my head. “I want to feel all of you tonight. I’ll pull out.” I added that last part when she gave me an unsure look. I took her silence for agreement and didn’t want to give her too much time to think about it, so I slid all the way to the hilt. I don’t know what was more satisfying, hearing the gasp that came from her as I filled her up, or the physical sensations that moved through me as I did. My body was urging me to move, but I waited until Chanel turned her eyes to me. I leaned down over her, so close that our lips were almost touching. When her head picked up to kiss me, I pulled back.

“Move in with me.”

“Xavier,” she breathed out, causing my dick to grow even stiffer inside her. She tried wriggling her hips to get me to move. That wasn’t going to work, though.

“Then tell me what I want to hear.” I reached up to cup her breasts that were still covered in the lace bra and squeezed them before undoing the front clasp to expose them to me. I leaned down nibble at her left nipple, but before I could reach to the right one, she squeezed her muscles around my dick. My knees nearly buckled but I caught myself. She wasn’t about to win this little power of wills.

“Baby,” she moaned.

“Say you’ll move in and I can end this torture for both of us.” I thrusted my hips slightly, just to remind her how deep inside her I was.

She stared into my eyes as if she was thinking. “If you go to counseling,” she said , just above a whisper.


“I-I’ll move in if you agree to see a counselor.”

Shit. I wasn’t expecting that, but in this position, I’d agree to anything. “Okay.”

“Then I’ll move in.”

A flood of emotion flowed through me and I leaned in, taking her lips while I began moving my hips. I felt every ripple and ridge inside her channel run along my naked shaft as I manipulated her insides. I let her hands go to lift her legs up over my shoulders again as I dove deeper and deeper. I pushed her legs back so her knees came up to her ears and I finally kneeled down on the bed leaning over her, allowing her to capture my tongue in her mouth.

Our tongues dueled, and I reached down to rub my thumb across her clit. Her entire body jumped at my contact. She broke the kiss on a gasp and threw her head back against the mattress. I knew she was getting ready to come when I felt the involuntary squeezing of her pussy around my dick again. She panted and thrust her hips against mine as her orgasm tore through her. The squeezing of her pussy muscles around my hardness signaled my orgasm, and I shuddered as I came inside her, forgetting all about my intentions of pulling out. 





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