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Say You're Sorry: Wolf Shifter Revenge by Jacey Ward (10)



Sasha had not slept well. She’d stayed awake for as long as she could, terrified that Torin was going to reappear at her side and scream at her, his fists punching into her soft skin, but, in the end, she’d been unable to keep herself awake.

This was now the second day since her failed escape attempt, but still Torin had done nothing to her. He kept coming in with plates of food and glasses of water, which she was thankful for, but he’d just look at her, set it down and leave again. She’d tried to talk to him, to ask him about Bramble or whether or not he’d gone to Thomas’ house but he’d remained perfectly silent, refusing to answer a single question.

Sasha was quite sure that he was doing it on purpose. He was intentionally trying to keep her off balance, to make her mind her own worst enemy, as she imagined what was coming every minute of every day. She would never know what he was doing or what he had planned. She would always be left guessing, waiting for the pain to come.

But, still, Torin did nothing.

Sasha couldn’t explain it. She had no idea what was going on in his mind, but her thoughts were driving her crazy. Unless, maybe he had started to really listen to what she had been saying all along. Maybe he saw the holes in his logic finally and he was second guessing his actions after all. Or, maybe he was just planning an even worse revenge. Argh!! The not knowing was driving her crazy!

“I have to do something,” she whispered to herself, looking out of the window at the cold morning sun. “I’m going to go mad with worry.”

Without Bramble by her side, and with the awareness that no one would be looking for her or even be worried about her, Sasha felt the aching hopelessness envelope her once more. There had to be something she could do to help herself.

Sniffing, she wrinkled her nose, aware that she’d been in the same clothes for a few days now. There was a shower, of course, but she had no clean clothes to change into. There were Torin’s things around the place, but the thought of putting on something of his made her stomach clench.

Then again, it might make you look like less of a threat, she reminded herself, recalling the various training tips she’d been given over the years. It might endear you to him a little.

Drawing in a shaky breath, Sasha walked into the en-suite and tried to work out how to put on the shower. Cold water spurted from the shower head, catching her by surprise. Managing to turn it off, she stepped back, her shirt soaking wet – only to hear the sound of the key in the lock.

Her eyes widened as Torin appeared in the doorway to the en-suite, his eyes dark.

“I – I’m sorry,” she stammered, backing away until she hit the sink. “I just wanted to have a shower.”

He stepped towards her, putting down the tray of food in his hands and Sasha cringed, awaiting his reaction.

He entered the bathroom, crowding her against the tub and leaned forward, getting into her personal space. She thought for a moment that he was going to push her bodily into the tub. Her heart jumped as she realized this was it. He was finally going to take his retribution. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed, readying herself to fight back, to use every dirty trick she had learned in self-defense at the academy. Instead, she heard the sound of flowing water behind her. Torin had reached around her and turned on the shower.

Opening her eyes, Sasha’s heart thumped wildly in her chest as she looked up at him, seeing the sudden darkness in his eyes. Please don’t touch me? Wait a second! Why the hell had that sounded like a question in her mind??  Of course she didn’t want him to touch her! What was her traitorous body thinking. She clamped down hard on her errant thoughts, wrangling her out-of-line body parts back onto the no-touch wagon. It was one way he could easily take his revenge Just because there were moments where he almost seemed human, instead of a cold-blooded kidnapper, didn’t mean she should soften her heart – or any other body part – to him.

“Be quick,” he grunted, moving back towards the door. “I’ll leave some clothes out for you.” Picking up the tray, he stepped out of the door, and shut it firmly behind him.

Sasha flew to the door at once, wondering if she’d be able to lock it, only to discover that the lock had been disabled. She couldn’t shift it and, try as she might, it remained exactly where it was. That meant that Torin could come in whenever he wanted.

Then again, he’d always been able to do that.

Glancing back at the hot shower, Sasha set her jaw and quickly began to pull her clothes off, throwing them all over the bathroom. She’d sort them out after she’d dried. She was just going to have to brave it. She got the impression that if she didn’t do what he said, he’d probably remove her clothes for her and throw her in the tub. The hot water ran over her skin but Sasha couldn’t enjoy it. Her thoughts were rough and jagged, her eyes constantly on the door. Did he want her to shower so that he could take her afterwards, as revenge for his brother and punishment for running away? Would it be more of an enjoyable experience for him? Her stomach tightened with fear as she kept her eyes firmly fixed on the door handle. Yes, fear was the only thing she was feeling, she promised herself sternly.

As she washed her hair, making sure to be as quick as possible, Sasha reflected on the fact that Torin hadn’t actually done anything to her so far. Apart from his threats and taking Bramble away, he hadn’t laid a finger on her. His anger had slowly dissipated, until his eyes were no longer filled with rage. Certainly, he didn’t say very much still, but there wasn’t that fury in his expression every time he looked at her. The problem was that it had been replaced with a calculating look that meant she had no idea what he was thinking or feeling.

Was his lack of action just another one of his mind games? Or was there the possibility, however slight, that he wasn’t able to bring himself to actually inflict any kind of pain on her?

Just as she thought that, the door to the bathroom was suddenly pushed open. With a shriek, Sasha tried to cover herself, only for Torin to scoop up her clothes, shoot her a single glance, and step out again.

Sasha sank to her haunches, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. He’d taken her clothes. She had nothing but a towel to cover herself with. Everything she’d thought about him was wrong. He was going to use her in any way he wanted.

The door opened again, and Sasha instinctively wrapped her arms around her legs, as though she could hide herself from him. She expected him to wrench open the shower door and drag her onto the floor, but instead, he just threw a wadded-up pile of clothes towards her.

“Hurry up,” he growled, before closing the en-suite door again.

Sasha’s entire body began to tremble with relief, confusion spiraling through her.





“Everything okay?”

James was standing in Torin’s dining room, which Torin used as an office, a sheaf of papers in his hand. He had one eyebrow raised, a look of concern on his face.

“I’m fine,” Torin replied, not wanting to talk to James about anything specific. He’d only just come back down from Sasha’s room and had been staring out of the window for the last few minutes, feeling as though he were lost in a deep, dense fog. “What are you doing here?”

“Just got a few accounts for you to look over and then there’s the minutes from the latest meeting with the workers.”

Torin took them from his hand. “Thanks,” he muttered, striding over to the table at the window and dropping them down. “I’ll look through those later today. Right now, I need to go.”

“Go?” James repeated, frowning. “Go where?”

“To Thomas’ house.”

The surprise on James’ face was immediate. “Thomas’ house? We tried that already. There are still too many patrols.”

“I don’t care,” Torin retorted, angrily. “I’m going to get inside somehow. I have to.”

James frowned, stuck his hands in his pockets and wandered over. “What’s happened?”

“Happened?” Torin repeated, looking back at him. “Nothing’s happened.”

“Then why are you suddenly so desperate to get into Thomas’ place?”

Torin sighed inwardly, not wanting to tell James about Sasha or what she’d said. “It’s just something I have to do,” he said, eventually.

There was a long pause. Torin turned back to look out of the window, refusing to look back at James. There was no need for him to explain himself to the man, given that he was Torin’s second in command. On top of that, he and James had never really been close. It wasn’t something Torin let himself do, grow close to people. It was easier just to keep everyone at arms-reach, keep his thoughts and feelings entirely to himself. That went for what Sasha had said about Thomas too.

“Okay,” James said, breaking the silence. “You’re the boss.” He glanced down at where Bramble was sleeping in a large dog bed that Torin had managed to pull out from somewhere. “Decided what you’re going to do with that mutt yet?”

Torin sighed heavily. “No, and when I do, you’ll be the first to know.” He couldn’t quite keep the bite from his words, growing tired of James’ questions. Bramble and Sasha were entirely Torin’s responsibility.

“Well, you know where I am if you need help taking care of anything.”

A growl rattled from Torin’s chest, making James step back, his hands up. There was nothing else that needed to be said. James left the room almost immediately, leaving Torin to his own thoughts.

“He’s getting a little too power hungry,” Torin muttered to himself, pushing one hand through his hair as he tried his best to center his thoughts. There was so much going on, and Torin was aware he was quietly abandoning his pack so that he could take his revenge for Thomas’ unlawful death. They understood, of course, given that Thomas was Torin’s own flesh and blood, but it didn’t stop Torin from feeling accountable for his lack of action over Sasha. Sooner or later, he was going to actually have to do something about her. He couldn’t keep her up there forever, and certainly couldn’t shirk his own responsibilities forever either.

But that meant bringing Sasha more pain than she’d ever experienced and, for whatever reason, Torin couldn’t find it in himself to do it. Was it because she was making him believe there was actually merit in what she was saying? Or was it because when he looked into her eyes, something softened inside him? He didn’t want to admit it but he was growing attracted to the very woman he’d kidnapped. Seeing her soaked shirt and knowing she was in the shower, alone, had brought about such a desperate urge to go and join her that he’d almost given in to the temptation, even though he knew that she’d have fought him with all her strength. Thankfully, he’d managed to get himself back under control, vowing that he’d never even touch her.

And yet, that desire for her had remained. Even worse, it had grown stronger.

He hated that about himself. He felt weak, being taken in by a pair of dark brown eyes. That was why he’d refused to speak to her, kept himself entirely silent when she’d begged him for answers. It was easier that way for him, and gave her the uncertainty and fear that he wanted. It was clearly plaguing her mind and that, at the very least, brought him some satisfaction.

It was already growing dark, which meant that it wouldn’t be long before Torin could shift and go back to Thomas’ house. He had to prove to himself that there wasn’t any truth to what Sasha was saying. Once that small flicker of doubt was entirely quenched, then Torin hoped he wouldn’t have any moral issues with taking Sasha down.




Shifting quickly, Torin let a loud growl escape from his jaws as he shook his fur, energy flowing through his veins, building in his limbs. The evening was already growing dark and cold, not that it mattered to Torin. He enjoyed the solitude, the chance to become part of the landscape. He moved quickly away from the house, his ears telling him that there were a great number of rabbits around. Wolf instincts told him that he should hunt, that catching a rabbit or two would fill the hole growing in his stomach, but, with an effort, Torin forced his mind away from food.

He had to get to Thomas’ house.

There was no one else around. There never really was in this quiet area of the Highlands. Torin, having coming from a shifter line, knew that his ancestors had picked this place for good reason. They had wanted the same things he had – a quiet place where they could roam free. As the pack had grown, Torin had insisted that they spread out across the moorlands, living in their own homes but coming together at the same time. The factory made the perfect place for his pack to live and work, and the large room at the back of the factory Torin had turned into their own private bar. Sometimes they’d go out and hunt together, sometimes they’d drink together. Life had been easy here.

Until news of Thomas’ death had come.

Torin growled again, startling a few pheasants who ran in every direction. He did not even glance at them, his eyes centered on Thomas’ home.

It had been an old, run down cottage which Thomas had insisted on buying. Before then, he’d lived with Torin but had seemed desperate to find a place of his own. That had been a year ago. A year since Thomas had left and James had moved in. Torin’s house had felt empty and cold without Thomas which was why, when James had suggested he move in, Torin had accepted almost at once. Of course, it wasn’t the same as when Thomas had lived with him, but it was better than no one. Torin liked to be solitary, but he also liked to have company. It was a paradox of course, but that was how Torin liked things.

And now, Thomas was gone. Things would never be the same again.


Moving closer to the cottage, Torin sniffed the wind, pausing to make sure no one was around. There was no police presence, which meant – according to Sasha – that they had got everything they needed. His eyes focused on the front of the house, seeing no one standing by the front door, even though it was still covered with a layer of yellow police tape. Pricking up his ears, Torin listened hard, using all of his senses to make sure there was no sign of anyone nearby.

Padding forward soundlessly through the heather, Torin made his way to the front door of the cottage, giving one last look all around before he shifted. It was a decision he immediately regretted, even though he knew he couldn’t exactly get into the house in his wolf form. His bare feet practically froze on the front step as he shivered, the icy wind biting at his skin. Managing to swing the door open, Torin stepped inside and quickly shut the door behind him.

The house did not smell of Thomas. Instead, the air swirled with unfamiliar scents, including traces of whatever chemicals the police had used to gather their evidence.

“They’d have to make it look like they did it all by the book,” Torin muttered under his breath, finding the light switch and flipping it on. If someone came by, he’d either have to hide or bluff his way out of it. There was no way he could see around this place clearly without it, even with his shifter eyesight.

Making his way to Thomas’ bedroom, Torin grabbed what looked to be a cozy dressing gown of some kind, pulling it tight around his body and pushing his cold feet into an old pair of Thomas’ shoes. Ignoring the pain that sliced through his heart as he pulled on his brother’s clothes, Torin set his jaw and began to look around the house.

Thomas’ room was pristine. There was nothing here. No sign that he’d ever hurt anyone, no sign that he’d even thought of killing anyone. Torin let his gaze rove around the room, accepting the hurt that came with it. Thomas wasn’t going to come back. He’d lost his brother…and that was Sasha’s fault.

Walking out of the bedroom, Torin pulled the door shut behind him, having to pause to get his emotions back under control. He couldn’t be calm and careful if his emotions were all over the place.

“Nothing there,” he said aloud, lifting his chin and setting his shoulders. That left the bathroom, living room, kitchen and spare room.

The living room he’d already seen when he’d come in. Walking through it and into the kitchen, Torin shrugged to himself, a sense of determination growing in him as he studied the house. There was nothing here. No bloodied knives, no splatters of blood. It was all just as he’d expect to find it.

“So where’s all this evidence, Sasha?” he muttered to himself, wandering back through the living room and towards the spare bedroom. The door was closed tight, and, as Torin opened it, he was stunned to discover that, instead of walking straight into the room, there was a small alcove with another door at the end.

“That wasn’t here before.”

His voice bounced off the wall, as a cloying fear began to wrap itself around his heart. Sniffing, Torin realized that what he could smell – in between all the other cloying scents – was blood. The rusty, dark scent that could only mean one thing.

“It’s a set up,” he reminded himself, gritting his teeth as he put one hand on the door handle. Taking a deep breath, he pushed it open and stepped inside. 




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