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Say You're Sorry: Wolf Shifter Revenge by Jacey Ward (15)



“Ah, Torin, there you are!”

“What are you doing, James?” Torin growled, his hackles rising as he stepped out to meet James. “Why is Sasha here?”

A glint of madness ran through James’ eyes. “Because you’re losing your grip, Torin.”

“My grip on what?” Torin kept his gaze fixed on James, not looking at Sasha even though everything in him wanted to grab her away from James. It would be too dangerous for him to act now, not when she was so close to James.

“Your involvement with Sasha has proved to everyone that you’re not worthy of being our leader,” James continued, airily. “Besides, your brother turned out to be an evil psychopath with a penchant for ripping young woman apart.” His grin turned dark, his voice dropping to a whisper. “So just how well can you lead our pack if you can’t even look out for your own brother?”

Torin’s hands tightened into fists. “What Thomas did had nothing to do with me!”

“I’m not sure everyone sees it that way, Torin,” James replied, his lips thinning. “Now, either you step down and tell the pack that I’m the new leader, or I’m afraid Sasha is going to be added to that long list of women killed by the McBain family.”

Hearing Sasha’s swift intake of breath, Torin glanced at her and saw the fear in her eyes. There was no doubt that James would probably do just as he’d threatened, which meant that Torin was going to have to find a way to get Sasha away from him before he could do anything.

“The rest of the pack is on their way,” he said slowly, wondering if he could taunt James enough into attacking him instead of Sasha. “You’ll be run out of town – and then killed.”

James laughed harshly, his eyebrows furrowing together. “Don’t try and threaten me, Torin, because it won’t work. As soon as I tell the pack about her, then –”

“They already know,” Torin interrupted, quietly. “I told them everything.”

The light in James’ eyes died away for a moment, only for him to draw himself upright and sneer at Torin. “And did you tell them that you have feelings for a human?” he mocked, loudly. “Did you tell them that you want her? A shifter wanting a human?” He laughed again, shaking his head disparagingly. “There’s more to tell the pack than just your side of things, Torin.”

“You’re wrong, James,” Torin said, taking a step closer. “The pack knows what you did to Sasha. They know that you tried to rape her, that you shifted in front of her.” He let a slow smile spread across his face. “They want you gone, James. You’re never going to lead this pack. You are no longer a part of this pack, James, and if you don’t leave now, we’ll end you – for good.”

Something shifted in James’ expression, a ripple of anxiety that he couldn’t quite hide. Torin smiled to himself, knowing he was getting to him.

“You wouldn’t dare,” James hissed, as Torin inched forward. “A pack against one shifter? That’s hardly a fair fight.”

Torin grinned, focusing entirely on James and on the knife in his hand. “Then I suggest you run, you little coward.”

James let out a roar of rage and, just as Torin had hoped, he leapt at him. Sasha was pushed to one side, staggering away to hide somewhere as Torin and James began to circle one another.

The wolf in him begged to be released, begged to be allowed to fight, but with the dagger in James’ hand, Torin knew he couldn’t let himself shift yet. Whilst James had the dagger, Sasha was still in danger even though she was hidden. Her scent would be easy to track.

“Drop it and run,” Torin said, quietly. “Do it now, James, before it’s too late.”

James snarled and lunged for him and Torin just managed to dodge in time as the blow meant for his jaw whizzed by in a blur of knuckles. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw James’ other arm come back towards him, the knife catching the light as it came towards his stomach. Twisting away, the sharp steel glanced off his ribcage, a sharp sting that refused to lessen in its intensity. Breathing hard, Torin threw a single punch towards James’ face and, catching him off guard, managed to knock him to the ground.

James fell hard, the knife clattering away across the gravel. Torin had no time to run after it, no time to kick it away. James was already shifting and Torin’s wolf burst through his skin with such suddenness that, for a moment, he lost his breath.

Teeth and claws began to rip at him the very moment he’d shifted. James’ attack was meant to maim, meant to kill, leaving Torin struggling to defend himself for a moment.

Shaking himself hard, he managed to get James’ jaws off him entirely and moved back just a little, collecting himself. The howls of the rest of his pack echoed in his mind, his heart beating faster as he realized just how close they were.

When James attacked again, Torin was ready. He dodged him easily before digging his jaws into James’ skin. James howled and tried to shake Torin off, but he held on, blood oozing through his jaws.

“Do you hear them, James?” he said, speaking from his mind into James’ mind. “They’re coming for you.”

Underneath him, James froze, slowly lying down as a sign of submission. Torin wanted to hold on to him, wanted to give James the punishment he deserved, but one glance over his shoulder to where Sasha was hiding reminded him that he couldn’t do it.


Letting go of James entirely, he moved back and waited for James to move. This was his one chance. Either he could run, hoping the pack wouldn’t be able to catch him, or he’d attack Torin again, knowing he couldn’t win.

Either way, his life was essentially over.

James was gone in a flurry of grey and brown, the gravel sending up a cloud of dust as he ran. His paws dug into the ground as he ran, clearly hearing the howls of the pack as they drew nearer.

Torin ran after him, pausing just at the end of the road as a horde of wolves ran down the field towards him. The pack would do the rest. He had to go back and care for Sasha.

“James is on the run,” Torin called, as the rest of his pack drew near. “He is never to be allowed back.”

The pack moved as one, knowing what he meant.

Hurrying back towards Sasha, Torin shifted before he drew near her hiding place, letting out a groan as his injured tissues were forced to shift to human form. He could feel blood dripping down his side, the cold gravel digging into his bare feet.

“Sasha?” he called, moving near to where she was. “You can come out now. It’s over. I’m so sorry.”

She came out at once, her eyes wide as she took him in. She certainly had not gotten this view last time she saw him shift. He stood proud, broad shoulders thrown back and rippling muscles drawing her eye as he moved toward her. Her eyes followed down his body to his six pack and tapered hips. Blood dripped from his left thigh, slowly making a rivulet of red down the thick muscles. 

“Sorry,” he muttered, aware that he was probably shocking her as he stalked closer. “Shifting tends to ruin clothes.” He got up into her space and wrapped one arm around her. “Come on, let’s go inside and get those ropes off you. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that again, especially after….”

“You’re bleeding!” she exclaimed, as they went inside.

“I’m fine,” he assured her, grabbing the first thing he could find and wrapping it around his waist. “Let’s get your hands free.”

Sasha’s eyes never left his body as he cut her ropes away and Torin couldn’t help but be filled with pride as he watched her eyes linger appreciatively over his muscular form. His fingers rubbed over the red marks on her wrist from the tightness of the rope.

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am that you got mixed up in all this,” he said, softly. “Sasha, this has been all my fault.”

Her eyes blinked, focusing back on his face. “I knew you’d save me, Torin. What’s going to happen to James?”

He shook his head, a wry smile on his face. She was surprising him again by her strength of character, her resilience to what had just happened. “James won’t be back again. Don’t worry. He made his choice.”

Sasha nodded, slowly, one hand reaching up to brush his cheek. “I’ve missed you, Torin.”

He swallowed the ache in his throat and pulled her into his arms, feeling her settle against him. “We have got to be the two most confused people in the world,” he muttered, resting his chin against the top of her head. “I can’t work out what’s going on between us but I’ve found this last week really difficult.”

“Really?” she whispered, looking up at him. “Why?”

“Because I couldn’t stop thinking about you!” he growled, letting one hand trail through her hair. “I know that I abducted you at first for revenge, but dammit, Sasha, things kept changing and I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt you…and -”


He gave her a half smile. “I think I have feelings for you,” he muttered, almost resentfully. But then he smiled slowly. “They’re pretty genuine,” he admitted, shaking his head. “But I didn’t think you’d ever want to explore a relationship with me, given what I’d done.”

“Neither did I!” she exclaimed, with a quiet laugh. “You’re right, Torin, we are both probably a little crazy, but I couldn’t stop my feelings for you either.” Her smile was soft, her eyes warm. “So, do you want to explore a little more?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

“Yes,” he murmured, lowering his head to capture her soft lips in a gently kiss that became more aggressive within moments. He pulled away with a groan. “Just let me go shower first.”

Sasha didn’t move away, her arms circling his waist. “I can help you with that,” she offered.

Letting out a groan, Torin leaned down and brushed his tongue against the seam of her mouth. She opened for him and welcomed him inside. He couldn’t deny her this. His need for her had never gone away and, after what had just happened, it had only been heightened. He didn’t ever want to let her go after this.

“Are you sure?” he whispered, his lips still against hers.

“More than sure,” Sasha replied, pressing the length of her body against him. “Love me, Torin. Please.”

His breath came out in a hiss and, lifting her in his arms, he carried her up the stairs to the shower room, ignoring the pain in his thigh from the knife wound. Putting her down gently, he turned on the hot water and dropped the towel from his waist.

Sasha licked her lips, her cheeks pink. “You do need to clean up after all that fighting,” she murmured, her eyes running over him.

“Well, I’m naked and ready to get clean,” he challenged. “What about you?”  Torin growled, lifting one eyebrow.

With a coy smile, Sasha pulled her shirt over her head, only to catch her breath when he grabbed her at the waist and pressed small biting kisses against her neck. Torin let his hands run down her back and dug his fingers into her jeans. He wanted to rip each bit of her clothing away, waiting impatiently as she finished undressing.

He didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so beautiful. Her cheeks were bright pink as he looked at her, letting out a long, slow breath.

“Fucking hell, Sasha,” he whispered, taking her hand and leading her into the shower. “You are stunning.”

Sasha’s breath was coming so fast she could hardly breathe. Her entire body was burning already, desperate for him to touch her. After everything she’d gone through, this was the healing she needed. She needed Torin. Needed to make everything okay.

The warm water washed over the two of them, and Sasha waited until the shower water stopped running red, before letting her hands trail over Torin’s skin. He was cut and bruised in a few places, and the cut to his thigh was ragged. She looked at him with anxiety in her eyes. “That looks bad.”

Torin shrugged. “It’s nothing I’ve not experienced before. I heal quickly.”

Sasha dragged her eyes away from his lower half before looking up into his face, seeing his eyes darken. There was an invitation there, one she simply couldn’t pass up. His hands were gentle, as he slowly lowered his head to her breasts, pulling a cry from her lips.

He looked up at her, the effort to stop clearly a battle. “Are you okay?” When she nodded, he dipped his head back to her chest, relieved that so far, she could hand him. He pulled her a little closer. “I’m not always gentle.”

“Maybe I like it a little rough.”

She laughed softly as he groaned, kissing her hard before letting his hands explore her body further. Sasha let out a shuddering breath, tangling her fingers into his hair and throwing her head back. Resting her back against the shower wall, she gave herself up to the sensations he was pulling from her.

Torin lifted his head, letting his hands caress her breasts instead of his mouth. Kissing her hard, he caught his breath as her hands reached for his manhood, almost losing himself entirely with a single touch.

Sasha smiled at his reaction, exploring him gently. She took in his strong jaw, the way his eyes were tightly closed as she caressed him. He was holding himself back, she could tell, not ready to lose himself with her. There was more to do, more to explore, more to feel.

He lowered his head and kissed her again, his lips nipping at her neck. A shiver shook her, speeding its way up her spine but she didn’t let him go. Working her hand slowly, she gave him a wicked grin as he rolled his hips and groaned.

Apparently, it was too much for Torin to take. Stepping back, he pulled her up into his arms, her legs spanning his waist. Pressing her back against the shower wall, he braced his legs and grasped the top of her thighs, strong enough to hold her tightly. Torin looked into her eyes, pressing a kiss to her mouth as his arousal rested against her core. Slowly, he slid into her soft folds, a moan of pleasure coming from her lips. She was ready for him.

Flooded with sensations, Torin held himself back, moving slowly as Sasha let out a soft moan of pleasure. He didn’t want to move too quickly and let things end before they’d even really begun.

“This feels right,” Sasha whispered, as Torin pressed his lips to her collarbone, making her groan aloud.

“I feel it too,” he whispered, gently nipping her lip as he pressed himself a little deeper into her. She leaned back, her hands grasping the top of the shower cubicle, giving him greater movement. His quicker strokes built a fire within her, driving her closer to the edge. She could feel his body tense, amazed at the strength with which he held her. As he began to move faster, Sasha moaned again, her world exploding around her as she found her release. Closing her eyes, she held onto Torin as her body grew weak.

“Torin,” she breathed, her body shuddering as she arched back, her breasts pushing against his chest. Torin dipped his lips into the curve of her neck, crying out her name.

Warmth flooded her as Torin let go, his head thrown back as he growled loudly. His chest began to heave with exertion, his hands gripping her tightly. Sasha clung to him for a long moment, seeing the light in his eyes as he looked at her. There was a beauty in this moment, something that she did not want to ever forget. Finally, she’d given in to her feelings and this was the result. A man who shared his heart with her as well as his body.

“Sasha,” Torin murmured, kissing her eyelids lightly.

Her heart melted, as she lifted both hands around his neck. The passion was sated and the feelings left behind were profound. In a strange way, it was the answer to the questions she had been asking herself. Her growing feelings were finally confirmed, as she grew safe in the knowledge that she could be as honest and as vulnerable with him too.

He carried her into bed where they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, learning each other’s sensitive spots and ticklish spots. Each other’s hopes and dreams. Soon, their passion overtook them again, and they finally felt free to give in to their desires. Learning each other’s bodies was such a great gift when there were no ulterior motives and hidden agendas to hide behind. Finally it was just the two of them with nothing standing in between.