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Scarlet Roses: Book Two of the NOLA Shifters Series by Angel Nyx, Najla Qamber (17)

Chapter Sixteen



Despite his desire to get away from work, Caine hadn’t had the chance to head into the city since he’d surprised Emelise with the greenhouse. It was Saturday, however, and he had a promise to keep. He also had a plan to finally convince his mate that he was in it for the long haul. He would show her that not all men were like Sean Scotsdale, the man who’d broken both hers and her mother’s hearts when she was a little girl.

At least he hoped his plan would work. When it came to Emelise, things didn’t always go the way he planned them. Unpredictable and Emelise went hand in hand. In anyone else that quality would drive him to utter madness, but in Emelise he found it endearing. Funny how loving someone could change the way you reacted to things.

On his way to Scarlet Flux, Caine made two stops; the jewelers and a flower shop. At the jewelers he looked over the special piece he’d had made, checked it for any possible flaws, then nodded in approval. “Perfect.” He closed the small, velvet box and slipped it into his pocket then left. At the flower show he picked up a dozen long stem roses in the darkest red he could find.

By the time he reached the club it was already packed. All week, Emelise had been advertising Venus’s debut. New Orleanians were a rare breed in that they openly accepted anyone who was seen as ‘other’ whether that be a medium, a shifter, or a drag queen. He was delighted to see such a large crowd. He knew how much the club meant to his mate.

“Evenin’, Caine. Eme is in her office, she got a phone call she said she had to take.”

Caine cocked a brow. “Surprised to see you here tonight, Julius.” The leopard was one of NOPD’s finest but he had some secrets he was keeping from his coworkers, not the least of which was that he was a shifter.

Julius shrugged. “I like da atmosphere here.” He saw the look on his Alpha’s face. “Okay. Truth, Emelise told me I needed to come to see her friend’s performance. Gage, Mia, and da rest of da family are upstairs but I wanted to be down here in case dere was any trouble.”

Caine chuckled. “Dat’s what I thought. My woman’s good at gettin’ people to do what she wants dem to,” he said with pride. He nodded at Julius and made his way toward the back of the bar where the hallway leading to Emelise’s office was. What could have been so important she would answer her phone so close to Venus’s show?

Caine’s mind raced as he headed for the closed door. The only family she had was already at the club. Well, no, not true. As far as he knew her father and stepmother weren’t there tonight. Had something happened to her father or one of her half siblings?

When he reached the door he paused before he knocked and then opened it and stepped inside. He didn’t wait for her to tell him to come in because he was worried about her. The worry increased when she didn’t even seem to notice his entrance. “Angel? What’s wrong?”






As more and more people had come into the club, ordered drinks, and found places to sit, Emelise couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. All week she’d been using her own flare for advertising to push Venus’s debut at the club. A favorite among their patrons, she’d been told, was the most recent one.

‘Looking for something different for your Saturday Night out in the Crescent City? Come to Scarlet Flux. There you will find yourself surrounded by a dark romantic ambiance that will make you feel like you’ve been transported to your favorite Anne Rice novel. That is only the beginning. The enchanting, alluring, and captivating voice of the ever-seductive Venus will lure you in the way sirens of old lured sailors into their arms. You do not want to miss the debut that will turn the Big Easy on it’s ear.’

She’d thought about the ad and couldn’t help but smile. It was one of her best. She’d done some of the advertising for The Inferno when she’d lived in Phoenix but she’d had to curb her artistic flare. Now that she was the one calling the shots she could be as artistic with her advertising as she wanted to be.

Eme had just greeted her cousins, whom she’d bribed into coming to the show, when her phone vibrated. A quick glance at her phone had had her frowning. “I need to take this. Y’all go on up to the VIP Lounge,” she’d told them and headed to her office.

By the time she’d reached her office the call had already gone to voicemail. With trepidation she’d dialed her voicemail and pressed to listen to the new message. “Hi, Emelise, it’s Angie. I’m just calling to let you know we’re going to have to reschedule the family dinner that was planned for tomorrow. I know this is short notice but, well, call me back and I’ll explain.”

Her frown had deepened as the message ended. Something was wrong. She’d heard it in Angie’s voice. She’d ended the call and immediately dialed her stepmother’s number. “Angie? What’s wrong? I could hear it in your voice, something’s up,” she’d said as soon as the other woman had answered.

“It’s your father. He was having chest pains so I called an ambulance. They’re running tests now but it will be a few hours before we know anything.”

“What hospital are you at? I’ll come right away.”

“No, you don’t have to do that. We know you have a big show going on at the club tonight. Just come after it. Like I said, it’s going to be a few hours before we know anything so you don’t need to rush right over. As soon as he’s moved into a room, I’ll text you the information. We’re at Tulane Medical Center.”

Emelise had closed her eyes. “You text me the instant you know anything and as soon as I can get away from here, I will.”

“I’ll text you, Emelise. You have my word.”

It wasn’t until she’d hung up that she realized Caine had entered her office and was standing next to her. She lifted her gaze to him and there were tears glistening in her eyes. “My father is in the hospital, at Tulane Medical Center. He was having chest pains but Angie said not to rush over because they’re still in the ER and it’ll be a while before they know anything.” She was torn between wanting to be there to introduce Venus and rushing off to the hospital.

When a sob escaped her, despite her resolve to hold it all in, she felt Caine’s arms wrap around her. With her face tucked into the space between his head and shoulders she let a few tears fall. “I just met him, I can’t lose him now.”

“I know, Angel.” Caine tightened his arms around her and let her cry.

After several minutes, Emelise pulled back and wiped her eyes. “Thank you.” She took several deep breaths and stepped back. “I must look a wreck,” she grumbled before she grabbed her makeup bag out of her purse to make sure she didn’t go back out with raccoon eyes. That was when her eyes fell on the roses resting on the desk. “You brought me roses.” A soft smile flitted across her face. Even when she felt like her world was unraveling he managed to ground her in some way. “They’re beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” Caine lifted his hand and touched her cheek gently. “Do you want to go to da hospital now?”

“No. I can’t do that to Venus. This is her big night. I have to be here to announce her. Besides, you haven’t heard her full stage name.” There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

“Den let’s get back out front so you can introduce her.” Caine slipped his arm around her waist as they headed for the door.

Eme leaned against him until they reached the bar. Then she stood up on her tip toes, kissed his chin, and pulled away to go to the stage. “For those who are new here, welcome to Scarlet Flux. I hope y’all have been enjoying yourselves so far.” She waited for the applause to stop before she continued. “Tonight it is my pleasure and honor to introduce you to an amazing performer. I lured her away from her long-time gig in Phoenix, Arizona, where she performed at The Inferno several nights a week. Without further ado, I give you the enchanting and seductive Miss Venus Flysnatch.”



Malcolm had arrived at the club in the late afternoon to go over the set one last time with the band. He’d wanted the show to be perfect. He was a mess in his private life but when it came to his professional life he was a perfectionist. “That was perfect, guys and gals,” he’d said with a wink to the band. “Thanks for putting up with my need to be sure we have it down pat.”

“It’s all good, Mal. At least you’re dedicated to your music. You wouldn’t believe some of the singers we’ve worked with who only put in half-ass effort and expected things to be great,” the bassist had said with a roll of her eyes. “Tonight should be great. You’ll knock ‘em dead.”

Malcolm had laughed. “That’s the plan. Figuratively speaking, of course.” With that he’d headed into the dressing room to begin the process of transforming himself from Malcolm Savage, lion shifter, to Venus Flysnatch, Blues Sensation. Few who saw him in drag ever recognized him out of it.

Hours later, Venus waited in the wings listening to Emelise introduce her. She doubted any of the humans caught the strain in Eme’s voice but she knew every shifter there would hear it. Too bad she’d have to wait until the show was over to find out what was wrong.

“Without further ado, I give you the enchanting and seductive Miss Venus Flysnatch.”

With those words Venus sauntered out into the club and took the small stage. She lost herself to the music at the first notes of I Just Want to Make Love to You’ written by Willie Dixon and performed by Blues greats such as Etta James and Muddy Waters. That segued into A Sunday Kind of Love’ which was followed by Misty Blue and Something’s Got A Hold On Me, all of which were songs made popular by Etta James. Then she changed things up a little and sang Aretha Franklin’s Rolling in the Deep’, Chain of Fools, and Respect. She finished her set with Bonnie Raitt’s Thing Called Love’and Love Me Like A Man. Next was Sweet Home Chicago, followed by The Thrill Is Gone, I Can’t Quit You Baby, Shake Your Money Maker and she closed the set with It Hurts Me Too.

By the time Venus left the stage she was ready for something cold to drink and flying high on the applause she’d received. She made her way toward the bar and her gaze fell on a very attractive redhead leaning against the bar. He was a few inches shorter than Venus's own 6'4”. He was toned in a way that told Venus he worked out and it made her want to undress him just to see what he looked like under the snug fitting slacks and dress shirt he wore. His scent hit her and she arched a brow. Leopard.

The way her lion suddenly reared it’s head, making it difficult to hold onto her persona, was almost enough to make her turn around and head to the dressing room to change. Almost. “Well, aren’t you a spot of sunshine in the dark,” Venus purred at the leopard before she leaned over the bar to order a drink. “Corona Extra.” With a wink at the redhead Venus took her drink and headed to the hall leading to the backstage area and the dressing rooms.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” The instant the dressing room door was closed Malcolm dropped the Venus persona and growled with frustration. Of course he’d had the misfortune of running into the one shifter that could make his lion take notice while he was in drag. After his performance, the redhead, whoever he was, probably assumed ‘Venus’ was a real woman and he’d be disgusted when he realized Venus was just a drag queen.

Staring at himself in the dressing room mirror he felt despondent. As bad as homophobia was in the human world, it was even worse in the shifter world, depending on the flavor of shifter. Once upon a time he’d pretended to be straight just to be accepted in the Pride but that had gone horribly wrong. He’d ended up being shunned by the Pride, any Pride, and it had left him feeling defective and despondent. It had taken time to pull himself out of the deep depression he’d spiraled into and he had no desire to go down that dark path again.

Malcolm drained his beer quickly before he focused on removing the wig and makeup. Fifteen minutes later he was stepping out of the dressing room in a pair of snug-fitting jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his upper body. Part of him hoped the redhead was still there but the other part hoped he’d left.






Despite being anxious to leave and get to the hospital, Emelise waited until Malcolm was done. It was his debut as Venus and she refused to slip out the door without seeing how the show was received first. The thunderous applause that echoed and swelled throughout the club when Venus stepped off the stage brought a grin to her face despite her worry. “Let me congratulate Malcolm on the show then we can get out of here,” she said to Caine who stood with his arm wrapped protectively around her.

“You got it, Angel.”

She smiled, just a little, and leaned into him before she pulled away so she could head toward the hall Malcolm would have to exit to get into the club. When she noticed her cousin, Julius, standing there, she arched a brow. “Hey. What are you doing hanging around here?”

Julius turned his attention to his cousin. “Waitin’ for Venus to come out. Don’t worry, I know Venus is a drag queen,” he said before she could say anything. “Just want to tell him he’s got an amazin’ voice.” He leveled his gaze at her. “You’re upset. What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “Tell you later. I’m heading out of here in a minute but... ah, here he is now.” She saw the way Malcolm froze for a fraction of a second when his gaze fell on Julius and it piqued her curiosity. Later, Eme, you need to get to the hospital she silently admonished herself. “Hey, Mal, that was so great. I have to leave, Derrick, my dad, had to be rushed to the hospital with chest pains, but I didn’t want to go without congratulating you on a smashing debut.”

Malcolm flashed her a grin. “Thanks, babe,” he said with a wink in Caine’s direction. “Venus seems to be a hit in the Big Easy.” Then he sobered a little. “Shit, I hope he's okay.”

“Thanks.” At his comment about being a bit hit she smiled a little. “As if there was any doubt? Oh, Malcolm, this is my cousin, Julius. Jules, this is Mal. Okay, introductions done, I’m out of here. I’ll call you tomorrow to fill you in,” she added to both of them before she let Caine lead her out into the humid night air.

Eme stared out the window as Caine drove them to Tulane Medical Center. Her fingers restlessly played with the hem of her shirt and every now and then she shifted in her seat. The tension in the car was thick enough to cut with a knife. To say she was scared was putting it lightly. Terror at the thought of losing her father so soon after meeting him almost had her frozen in her seat.

“We’ll be there soon.” Caine reached over and took her hand in his.

“Thank you for coming with me.” Eme kept her voice soft out of fear it would break if she spoke too loudly.

“Dere’s no place I’d rather be den at your side, Angel.”

She could hear the fierce honesty in his voice. Gods, he was making her love him and that terrified her. If she lost her heart to him and he walked away she knew it would shatter her and she’d never be able to put the pieces back together.






Caine had watched her from the corner of his eye as he drove. His leopard wanted to snarl at the helplessness he felt. Protecting his mate from harm was his number one priority, even before the Pard. This pain, this fear, was something he couldn’t protect her from though. It made him feel powerless and that enraged his leopard.

He’d reached over and took her hand in his before he’d entwined their fingers together. He wasn’t going to tell her everything would be ‘okay’ because they had no idea what had caused the chest pains. The most obvious answer was heart attack but there were other conditions that could cause it too. It damn near broke his heart when she thanked him for being there. Her distrust of men and their ability to commit made him want to hunt down the man who’d initially caused it and hurt him. “Dere’s no place I’d rather be den at your side, Angel.” No truer words were ever spoken. He would move heaven and earth to be at her side whenever and wherever she needed him. He felt the outline of the velvet box in his pocket. Inside it was a pendant he'd had custom made for her. Caine decided that, once they reached the hospital parking lot, he was giving it to her before she got out of his car.

Caine found a parking spot as close to the Emergency Department entrance as he could and turned off the car. “Wait. Before you get out, dere’s someting I want to give you. I’d planned a bit more romantic setting but dis will have to do.” He pulled the box from his pocket and held it out to her. “I know you have a hard time trustin’ men, I even know why dat is, but you thanking me for being here, it shows me dat I’ve not been diligent enough in showing you just how much you mean to me. I am in love wit’ you Emelise Acadia Rousseau. Dis pendant is a symbol of how long dat love will last.” When he opened the box he revealed a gorgeous, handcrafted Infinity pendant. It was white gold with a trail of diamonds along one side of the symbol. The other side had a heart carved into it with a gorgeous emerald stone resting in half of the heart. The color reminded him of her eyes.

Emelise covered her mouth and a soft sound escaped her. “’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“I hoped you’d like it. I’m not goin’ anywhere, Angel. You and me, dis is for life, whether you believe me yet or not.” He helped her to put it on then brushed his lips across hers. “We’ll face whatever we find in dere together.”

Eme curled her fingers around the pendant for a moment before she nodded. “I love you, too, you know.”

A soft growl escaped him. “Dat’s good to know.” He kissed her again then reluctantly let go so they could get out of the car. As soon as he’d rounded the back of the car to her side he slipped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. He loved that she was petite enough he could tuck her against his side without difficulty.

As they neared the entrance to the doors leading into the hospital he felt her take a deep breath before she released it slowly. He could almost feel her resolve to be strong no matter what the news might be.





















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