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Secret Affair with the Millionaire (The Rochesters) by Coleen Kwan (13)

As the elevator rose to his father’s penthouse, Dane glanced at the woman standing by his side and firmed his grip on her hand. He still couldn’t quite believe that Holly was with him, and that she loved him as much as he did her. It seemed incredible that she was willing to move to Austin sight unseen if that’s what he wanted. As much as he loved her generosity, he wasn’t sure about taking up her offer. Not if it meant her having to break from her family. He knew how hard it was being without family; he wouldn’t make her suffer the same torment.

The ding of the elevator brought him back to the present. They stepped out and entered his father’s apartment. The first person they saw was Saffron, hunched up on a couch near the entrance foyer. She jumped up and hurried forward, slowing down when she saw Holly.

“Hi, Saffron,” Dane said. “You remember Holly, right?”

“Yeah, uh, hi.” His sister glanced at their joined hands, then back at Dane. Her face was pale and strained. “So it’s true then? I heard Dad yelling at Eric. He said you’d given the Halifax Hotel to Holly.”

“I haven’t ‘given’ the hotel to anyone. I just pulled my bid, that’s all. Which means Holly’s more likely to get it, but there’s no guarantee.”

Saffron hunched her shoulders and wrapped her arms around herself. “But you two are dating, right? I mean, it’s pretty obvious.”

“Dating is such a feeble description, but yes, we’re together.” He exchanged a brief glance with Holly.

His sister’s shoulders began to shake. “So you’re going back to Austin, and Dad won’t let me visit you. It’s not f—fair...”

He let go of Holly and pulled his sister into his arms. “Hey, don’t be so down. I’ll still call you every week, and maybe you can visit me in Austin sometime. If not, I’ll come back to San Francisco as often as I can. And it’s not forever. When you’re eighteen you can come and stay with me for as long as you like.”

“Eighteen? That’s years away,” Saffron sobbed.

He didn’t know what else to say, so he just held her. As suddenly as she’d started to cry, she stopped, pulled away from him, and ran off.

Holly bit her lip. “I hate that I’m causing her so much distress.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I still feel responsible.”

Before Dane could respond, a door on the other side of the hallway clicked, and his brother came hurrying toward them. Eric was usually fastidiously turned out, but for once his shirt was hanging out and his hair was askew.

“Ah. You’re here.” His gaze swerved to Holly, and he stopped.

“Hi, Eric,” Holly said, chin up.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea bringing her—”

“Is Dad in his den?” Dane moved forward, still holding Holly’s hand.

“No, he’s in bed.” Eric’s frown deepened. “Which is why—”

“Listen, buddy. Holly and I are together, so get used to it.” He started down the corridor in the direction of the master suite.

Eric trotted behind them. “Are you sure about this? I told you he’s in a weird mood. There’s no telling how he’ll react when he sees…her.”

Dane sighed. If his brother bleated one more time about Holly, he was going to thump him. “I’m not tiptoeing around him anymore. I just want to get this over with.” He paused in front of the double doors that led into the master suite and looked at Holly. “He’s going to be cranky and rude, and I’ll probably get cranky and rude, too. Are you sure you want to go in?”

She grinned at him and squeezed his hand. “Sounds like your typical family gathering.”

Suppressing his misgivings, he pushed the door open and led the way inside. His father was sitting up in bed, propped up by a mountain of pillows, newspapers and spreadsheets scattered on the comforter. From Eric’s fussing he’d assumed his father would be prone, maybe even feverish. But the old man didn’t look too bad. His heart twinged as he realized he was relieved. It seemed he still held some affection for his father.

Martin looked up. He blinked when he saw Holly, and his face slowly reddened. “So,” he barked at Dane. “It’s not over.”

Dane held his father’s gaze. “No. I thought it was, but turns out I was wrong.”

“Hmpf.” Martin’s expression turned even more sour.

Then Holly spoke up. “Mr. Rochester, I’m sorry you’re upset. I know you don’t like me because of who I am. I know you don’t want me associating with your son. Believe me, my father will hate it just as much when I tell him. But I love your son. We don’t mean to hurt anyone; we just want to be together. I hope you can understand that.”

Martin glowered at her for a while, his hands fisted on the comforter. “You love him, huh? But how do you know he didn’t wreck your suite or tip off that journalist?”

“Because I trust him,” she swiftly answered. “I don’t need proof to know he wouldn’t do those things.”

Martin continued to frown at her. “Lucky him.”

“Even if you can’t accept me,” Holly said. “I want you to know that your son cares about you. Yes, he does. And he’ll continue caring for you no matter what you do. Because that’s the kind of man he is. And I’m glad that he does. I want him to have a good relationship with you and Eric and Saffron. So I’ll stay away when he comes to visit you, if that’s what you want. You don’t have to stop seeing him just because of me.”

A lump formed in Dane’s throat.

He stepped forward. “Holly, you’re amazing, but your offer doesn’t mean much to my dad. He—”

“All right,” Martin harrumphed.

He and Holly turned to look at him.

“All right. I admit I was wrong.” He paused, working his lips as if he was having difficulty finding the right words. “Dane, I would appreciate it if you—and Holly—dropped in from time to time.”

Dane’s jaw almost dropped. This was the closest he’d ever come to hearing an apology from his father.

“That...I’d like that.” He blinked rapidly to keep the sting in his eyes at bay.

Martin lowered his gaze to the comforter. “I’ll admit I’m not the easiest man to live with. I know I was hard on you, but it was for your own good. It worked on your brother. But I’ve come to realize you’re different.”

He glanced over at a wall, and Dane was surprised to see a few framed photos there of himself, Eric, and their mom. And another one of Saffron. Seemed the old man had a soft streak after all, though he hid it well.

“You’re probably raring to get back to running your own business,” Martin said, lifting a shoulder. “In any case, I’ll be changing my will and leaving equal shares of my company to you, Eric, and Saffron.” From the back of the room came a gasp—Eric, dumbfounded, no doubt. Martin ignored him. “But Eric will run the company. He deserves it.”

“Sure, Dad.” Dane had no beef with that; he much preferred being his own boss. “And Saffron? What happens to her?”

“Well, I guess I’ll talk to her and find out her opinion. That’s if she doesn’t start blubbering. And I might be in bed right now, but I don’t intend falling off the perch without a fight.” He aimed a pugnacious scowl at all of them.

The lump was back in Dane’s throat. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“Okay.” Martin waggled a knobby finger at the door. “Now leave me alone so I can get some rest.”

Dane had a weird urge to hug his father, but he sensed it was too soon for that. They filed out of the bedroom.

As they walked down the hallway, Dane slung an arm around Holly and hugged her. “That went better than I ever expected,” he murmured.

She slipped an arm around his waist. “I’m so relieved. I never want to come between you and your family.”

He bent his head to kiss her.

A loud throat clearing reminded him that Eric was still behind them. He turned and gave his brother a wry grin. “Hey, I owe you fifty grand. I’ll write you a check.”

“Keep it,” Eric snapped. “I don’t need your money.”

“Hope you’re not mad I’m getting a slice of the company. And don’t worry; I’ve got no plans to take over from you.”

“I’m not worried. And will you two stop slobbering over each other?”

Dane’s grin widened. “Get used to it, buddy. I’m never gonna get tired of slobbering over this woman.”

“Gah!” Eric moved forward to the elevator and jabbed the button. “Good night.”

Ignoring his brother, Dane ushered Holly into the elevator car. “Now, where were we?”


“Hey, Dane.”

“Hi, Kirk.”

Holly chewed on her lip as Dane and her brother shook hands. The two large men sized each other up. She wasn’t entirely  certain they’d get along. Yesterday, Dane and his father had started to bridge the chasm between them, but she knew it would take a while. Today, it was time for her family. When Kirk had called her inviting her to brunch at his and Cassie’s home, she’d told him about Dane. To his credit, her big brother had taken it in his stride, telling her to bring him along, but she knew he was still reserving judgment.

As Cassie came forward to greet Dane, Kirk tweaked Holly’s hair. “You look good.”


She and Dane had spent most of the night talking and making love. Despite the euphoria, she hadn’t been able to totally relax. They were both so new to this, and despite his truce with his family, there was still a long road ahead. Not to mention her father.

“If he doesn’t treat you right,” Kirk murmured in her ear, “I’m going to beat him up. I’m not scared of those tats.”

Holly chuckled. “You’re a dad now. You can’t get involved in scuffles.”

“Speaking of dads, ours is with Noah upstairs. He’ll be down any second.”

Her stomach dropped, her smile quickly fading. “What? You could’ve warned me.” She darted a glance at Dane. “Maybe we should go…”

“No. You’re staying. And just so you know, I’ve already told Dad about you and Dane.”

“Dammit, Kirk, why the hell did you do that?”

“It had to be done, sooner rather than later.”

“But, you shouldn’t have—” She broke off as her father walked into the living room.

She froze, unable to decide what to do. On the other side of the room Dane turned to face her father.

“Good morning, Mr. Rochester,” he said, polite yet firm.

Ralph’s face stiffened, Holly’s stomach sank to her toes. That moment of closeness she’d shared with her dad in the ballroom, was it all gone now? Would he shut her out again like he had for years? Or go even further? She couldn’t bear it if he did; but if he forced a choice on her, then she’d have to choose Dane.

“Hi, Dad.” She tried to sound cheerful, as if this was just a normal Sunday brunch. “I’m glad you’re here. We—we have a lot to talk about.”

His hard gaze swept over Dane and settled on her. “So I hear.”

She bit her lip, but before she could say anything further, Dane spoke up. “Mr. Rochester, Kirk, Cassie, I’m not here to cause any trouble. I know how much Holly means to you, and how much all of you mean to her. So I just want to say from the outset that I don’t want to be the wedge that divides you.”

He glanced across the room at Holly, his eyes earnest. “Babe, I know how much it hurts rejecting your family, even one as dysfunctional as mine, so I won’t force that on you. Especially since your family loves you. I’m not going to make you choose between me and them. I’m not going to drag you to Austin and make you leave everything behind.”

Her mouth fell open. “But, Dane—”

“No, sweetheart. I’ll find a way to be with you, trust me. I’ll work long distance, move my headquarters, expand my business to California, whatever.” He crossed the room and took her hands in his. “You and I will be together, but it’s not going to cost you anything, I swear.”

Tears choked her throat. She couldn’t speak.

Dane turned back to her father. “I’ll leave if you want me to.”

Ralph gazed at him for some time, then he slowly shook his head. “Stay, please. I have something to say.” He paused to clear his throat. “This competition for the Halifax Hotel has been very difficult for me. It’s revived some painful memories, but many good ones, too. It’s also made me examine myself, and I haven’t liked what I saw. For too long I’ve let the sins of the past fester in me and warp my mind.” He looked straight at Dane. “Your father tried to harm my marriage. For years I hated him for that, hated him and everyone connected with him. But that was wrong. If my marriage wasn’t shaky at the time, he wouldn’t have stood a chance. And it’s stupid to reject you simply because you’re his son. In fact, what you just said gives me hope. You understand what family is, and you’ve demonstrated that you care about Holly.”

Dane’s hand crushed Holly’s. “I do care about Holly.” His voice shook. “I fucking love her to bits.”

Now Holly could barely see for the tears filling her eyes.

“That’s all a father wants to hear,” Ralph said, his voice gruff.

Holly let go of Dane’s hand, rushed to her father, and flung her arms around his neck. After a moment he hugged her back, far more restrained.  When she disentangled herself, she saw that Kirk and Cassie had their arms around each other, their eyes glimmering with moisture. Then she turned back to Dane and saw his eyes were also damp. She slipped into the crook of his arm, their bodies fitting perfectly together. Oh yes, this was where she belonged.

“Well,” Kirk said on an upbeat note, “now that we’ve got all the awkward stuff out of the way, I have some good news to tell you.” He paused to gather their attention. “I found out who’s behind Holly’s suite getting trashed and the tipoff to that ratbag journalist. It was Chad Litchfield.”

“What!” Holly gaped at him. “How did you find out?”

“I got hold of the hack, and he spilled the beans,” her brother said casually. “Seems Chad cottoned on early that Holly and Dane were the two biggest threats. He also must’ve noticed you were attracted to each other. So he hatched a plan to smash up your suite while you were away. Paid off one of the security guards to do it. Then, when that didn’t seem to work, he tipped off Pete Martell that there was something going on between you two. On the awards night the reporter followed you and got that pap shot.”

Dane whooshed out a long exhale. “Jesus. I never suspected the preppy boy. Seems we underestimated him.”

“I informed the Gilberts,” Kirk said. “Chad’s out of the running. He might even get fired. That just leaves the two of you and Simone Connaught with a chance.”

Dane shook his head, a faint smile on his lips. “Nah, I’m out too.” Glancing at Holly, he squeezed her tighter. “Couldn’t do it. Not to the woman I love.”

Holly’s father stepped forward, frowning. “But what about your father? Martin must’ve been livid with you. I hope it didn’t cause a permanent rift between the two of you.”

“For a while it looked that way, but, well, I wouldn’t say we’re all good now. There’s a way to go before I can say that, but we’re on the right path.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Ralph shook his head. “This competition has brought out the worst in people.”

“And also the best,” Holly said.

“I agree.” Cassie spoke up. “Now, let’s forget about feuds and bad feelings for a while, shall we? Brunch is waiting, and I’m starving.”

She led the way out of the living room, Kirk and Ralph following behind her.

Holly tugged on Dane’s hand to make him stay.

“Thank you,” she whispered, standing up on tiptoe.

“For what?”

“For everything. My heart is so full it feels like it’s bursting.”

He brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. His eyes burned with clarified emotion. “This is only the beginning. I intend to keep your heart filled for the rest of our lives.”

“I can’t wait.”

He lowered his head to claim her mouth, and the world faded away.


Eight months later.

“Oh, god, I’m so nervous I think I’m going to puke.”

Holly ran a trembling hand down the champagne-colored silk of her evening gown. She’d barely had enough time to run a comb through her hair and slap some make up on her face.

Behind her, Dane wrapped his huge hands around her shoulders and bent to kiss the top of her head. His steady green eyes met hers in the mirror she was standing in front of.

“Everything’s going to be fine. You’ve done a fantastic job.”

“You really think so? You’re not just saying it?”

“Of course.” He kneaded her shoulders. “You’re too tense. Need me to make you relax a little?” He nuzzled her throat, one hand slipping around to cup her breast.

Her breath hitched as she relaxed into his embrace. Some of the apprehension did ease from her, to be replaced by a very different kind of tension, the kind his caresses always invoked. If only they could, but…

“We don’t have time.” She sighed.

They were in one of the penthouse suites of the Halifax Hotel, where she’d gone to get ready for the big opening night. Soon, hundreds of guests would arrive, together with the press, to attend the grand reopening of the Halifax Hotel, now under the Rochester brand. Would they approve? She desperately hoped so.

Since winning the Gilbert Challenge, she’d worked hard these past eight months to bring her vision to life. Kirk had been her rock during that time, and so had Gina Esposito, the heritage consultant, who’d worked side-by-side with her. Recently, Gina and Holly’s father had gone out on dinner dates a few times, drawn together by their mutual love of art and architecture. It was early days, but she detected an extra bounce in her dad, and he seemed years younger.

Despite the help she’d received, by and large this project was Holly’s baby. She’d thrived on the challenge, but at times it had been really hard, especially when Dane was away in Austin. Those weeks were the worst, the only consolation being that their reunions were spectacularly awesome.

Dane smoothed his hands down her bare arms. “We’ll have plenty of time after tomorrow.”

“Yes. I’ve already told Kirk I’m taking a few days off.”

“Good.” His voice thickened. “Because I have plans.”

A delicious shiver curled down her spine. She rubbed her ass against him, but instead of responding, he scratched the back of his neck. Hmm. This wasn’t the first time tonight he’d seemed hesitant. Earlier, she’d caught him jiggling something in the pocket of his pants, and when she’d asked him what it was, he’d started and said it was nothing. With all the pressure of opening night preoccupying her, she’d let it go, but now she couldn’t help wondering what was bothering him.

“Dane? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, of course, babe.”

“Is it your dad? He seemed in a good mood the last time we visited.”

Martin’s cancer was currently in remission. No one knew if it was permanent, but the reprieve appeared to lift the old man’s spirits.

“He’s good,” Dane replied. “He even attended Saffron’s school concert the other week.”

“Aw, that’s nice.” She paused before asking, “And your business? I know it hasn’t been plain sailing expanding into California.”

“Hey, it’s nothing I didn’t expect.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I’ll still be travelling back and forth to Austin for quite a while, but by next year I’ll be spending most of my time here. With you.” His broad palms warmed her skin and set her senses tingling, but still there was an underlying tension in him.

“I can’t wait, honey. So…why do you seem, I don’t know, like you’re holding something back from me?”

He shook his head and smiled. “Can’t hide anything from you, can I?” He turned her around to face him. “Okay, there is something I want to say, but I was going to wait until after all the hoopla of the opening was over.” He paused to swallow, and a faint sheen of perspiration showed on his forehead.

Holly’s stomach cramped up. Oh, god, he’s anxious. This must be bad news.

“Holly…I don’t know how to say this. I don’t have any fancy words or quotations.” He hesitated again, a muscle pulsing in his temple, before he dove into the inside pocket of his tuxedo and pulled out something. “Holly Rochester, I love and adore you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

He lifted his hands, and she saw he was holding a small velvet box that held a very large diamond ring.

She spluttered. He really wanted to… Her heart constricted, and then it expanded and swelled until she felt like she’d swallowed a helium balloon. Blood thudded in her ears as she reached out and clasped his hands.

“Yes,” she choked out, too overwhelmed to say anything else.

He smiled, relief and happiness showing. The world tilted on its axis, and it felt like they had their own personal sun shining down on them. He slipped the ring onto her finger, then kissed each of her fingers and her palm. Unable to wait, she lifted his chin and claimed his mouth with hers, eager to show him how much he meant to her.

They were lost in their kissing when the beeping of her cell phone brought them back to reality.

“Oh my god, that’s my dad, wondering where I am!” Holly exclaimed when she’d read the text message.

“Maybe you want to fix your lipstick,” Dane grinned as he wiped the smudges from his own mouth.

After she’d straightened herself, Holly glanced at herself in the mirror. The glow in her eyes matched that in Dane’s. Her heart surged as he curled his hand around hers, his thumb caressing the ring newly placed on her finger.

“Come on,” he said. “We’re going to dance all night in that ballroom downstairs and create memories we’ll be telling our kids about for years to come.”

She blinked back her tears. “Can’t wait.”


~~~ THE END ~~~

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Read the other Rochester stories!

Each is a sizzling standalone romance.

Billionaire Lex Rochester has a problem. Someone is trying to sabotage the family company, but the investigation needs to be highly discreet because Lex suspects it’s one of his own relatives. His solution—hire IT security specialist Jacinta Greene, who also happens to be his ex-girlfriend. With Jacinta posing as his newly reconciled girlfriend, the other Rochesters won’t suspect they’re being monitored.

The last thing Jacinta wants is to see Lex again. Their breakup still tortures her, but she’ll do just about anything to help her kid brother, even pretend to reunite with Lex. But the more time she spends with Lex, the more she realizes she’s never gotten over him. Which is bad news, because she and Lex are fatally incompatible.

The fire that still burns between them is as hot and irresistible as ever. Can Jacinta remember what’s real and what’s fake, or will she be hurt by Lex all over again?

Buy it .


A late night call out, a handsome, sexy CEO, and a brother who needs protection…Jacinta Greene knows she’s courting trouble when she assists Lex Rochester while disguising her true identity. When he pursues her, she knows she should turn him down and walk away, but this man is too irresistible for her own good.

This novella is included in this book. See Table of Contents.

When an innocent deal between friends turns sinful…

Cassie Cooper has never been the kind of girl noticed for her looks. But around billionaire Kirk Rochester, her best friend from college, Cassie wishes she could turn just one head—his. So when Kirk asks her to be his pretend girlfriend to thwart another woman's unwanted advances, Cassie embraces the opportunity to prove to him that she does have a feminine side.

Disillusioned by a rough marriage that had an even rougher end, Kirk values friendship more than romance. He’s always had a good thing going with Cassie. But he can’t ignore how sexy she is now playing the role of his girlfriend, and soon he’s fighting a dangerous attraction to her. Even though their time between the sheets is scorching hot, he refuses to take it beyond “friends with benefits.” He’s learned the hard way that loving someone is the first step to destroying his heart, and he won’t risk losing the best person in his life by falling in love with her.

Buy it .