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Secret Affair with the Millionaire (The Rochesters) by Coleen Kwan (2)

Holly tried to get her breathing under control as she and her brother and father made for the opposite end of the reception room. Her brain was still swirling, trying to make sense of the last five minutes.

Arlen wasn’t Arlen after all. He was Dane. He’d used a fake name; just like her. Whatever his name, he looked insanely hot, the tailored business suit highlighting his chiseled-jaw sexiness, the raw surprise lighting up his unusual green eyes.

She twisted her head, attempting to locate him in the crowd, but there were too many suits in front of her, and she was too short. Where was he? Why had she let her family whisk her away as if she had no brain to think for herself? And why had her father practically hissed when the Schofield name was mentioned?

“Remind me again,” Holly muttered to her brother. “Why can’t we breathe the same air as the Schofields?”

“They’re our main competitors,” Kirk said. “Especially in the past few years. They own a chain of budget motels, but they’re appear to be expanding into high end boutique hotels, exactly where we operate. Martin Schofield is as ruthless as they come, and Eric’s just as bad. They undercut their competitors by cutting costs to the bone. Brutally effective, but not sustainable in the long run.”

“And Dane Schofield?” Her tongue tripped over the name.

They took up position next to an enormous vase filled with hydrangeas. She still couldn’t see him. Maybe that was a good thing; she hadn’t stopped tingling from top to toe, shivering with…excitement. No man had ever affected her like this; she didn’t know if she liked it or not.

“I’ve never met him before,” Kirk said. “Though I know Martin Schofield has two sons, so maybe he’s the prodigal son returning to the fold now that his father’s ill.”

“His father is ill?”

Her brother nodded. “Don’t know the details, but his son Eric has stepped in for a lot of the day-to-day business.”

“So maybe Dane doesn’t have anything to do with their hotel business,” Holly said.

“He’s still a Schofield,” her father snapped. His face had turned gray, and his usually immaculate hair was slightly mussed.

“Dad, what’s wrong?” Her father was normally so reserved and remote. The only thing that worked him up was art. But now he was shaking, and he looked like he wanted to punch someone.

“The Schofields are snakes. Just remember that, Holly.” His eyes narrowed on her. “Why were you talking to him anyway? Do you know the man?”

“No, of course not!” The lie sprang to her lips before she could think it through. “I—I didn’t know who he was until he introduced himself.”

“You mean he tried to chat you up? At a business meeting?”

A flush crawled up Holly’s neck. No way could she ever tell her father exactly how she’d met Arlen, AKA Dane. Her brother might be more understanding, but he’d still be very unimpressed. Right this moment, all she could do was deny everything.

“It wasn’t like that,” she muttered.

Before her father could speak again, the Gilberts moved to the center of the room, and Humbert tapped a spoon against his champagne flute until the crowd fell silent.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for coming today. Lizzie and I are so pleased to see you all. It’s very gratifying to know there are this many people eager to take the Halifax Hotel under their wing and give it the attention it deserves. The Halifax has been in our family for many years, and it holds a special place in our hearts. Sadly, we haven’t done it justice, so now we’ve made the difficult decision that it must be handed over to a younger generation, one that will cherish it as it deserves.”

Standing beside him, Lizzie nodded and wiped a tear away.

“The Halifax is no ordinary hotel,” Humbert continued. “And this bidding process will not be ordinary either. We are not simply looking for the highest bid. We’re looking for more from our successful bidders. And to that end, Lizzie and I have devised what we call the Gilbert Challenge.”

A buzz of murmurs broke out before Lizzie called for attention.

“The challenge will be conducted over two weeks, after which Humbert and I will take a week to decide on the winner. Naturally, we expect the successful bidder to offer us a fair price for the Halifax, so don’t go thinking you’ll get a bargain if you win.” She laughed and wagged a finger at the crowd. “The challenge will consist of two rounds. After the first round, Humbert and I will decide who will progress to the second and final round. Each company who wishes to participate in the challenge must nominate one contestant. He or she must be willing to spend the next two weeks, starting on Monday, solely on the challenge.” Smiling, Lizzie waved her arms. “Well, isn’t this much more exciting than your normal bidding process?”

A flash went off, and Holly saw a man with a camera in front of Lizzie and Humbert.

“Oh, and be prepared for some media attention.” Lizzie gestured to the man with the camera. “This is Pete Martell from The Bay Chronicle. He’ll be reporting on the Gilbert Challenge.”

Ernest conversation broke out as people huddled together to discuss the announcement. Holly craned her neck, surreptitiously searching for Dane, but there was no sign of him. Maybe he had already left. Her heart dipped more than she expected. He wouldn’t do that, would he? But, then again, she had run out on him the last time…

“Trust the Gilberts to come up with their own nutty way of doing business,” Ralph said with a sigh. He tilted his head at his son. “So, you’re up for it, right?”

“The Gilbert Challenge?” Kirk shook his head. “Sorry, Dad, I can’t do it.”

“What? But you have to.”

“Cassie might go into labor any day now.”

“You’re right, sorry. Of course you’ve got to be with her.” Ralph rubbed his forehead. “And I suppose Lex is out of the question because of his wife.”

By a strange coincidence, Holly’s cousin Lex and his wife were also expecting their first child. Jacinta had preeclampsia, which meant her condition had to be carefully monitored.

“Yes, but Holly’s here.” Kirk placed a hand on Holly’s arm and pulled her into the conversation. “She can do the challenge.”

“Holly?” Her father tugged at his ear. “I don’t know…”

“You don’t think I’m up to it? Gee, Dad, thanks a lot.” Holly pressed her lips together. This morning was definitely not turning out the way she’d hoped.

“Well, you haven’t always supported the business, have you?”

“But, Dad—” she began before Kirk squeezed her elbow as if to say Calm down.

“Holly can achieve anything if she puts her mind to it,” Kirk said. “I’m confident she can win this challenge for us.”

Holly threw him a grateful look. At least her brother was backing her up, even if he was aware of some of her glaring inadequacies. She needed this challenge. She needed to prove to her family and herself that she had something worthwhile to contribute to the Rochester empire, that she wasn’t just coasting by on her name.

“I can do it, Dad.”

“You don’t even know what the Gilbert challenge involves,” he pointed out.

“Neither do any of the other contestants. It’s all unpredictable, and you know me. Unpredictable is my middle name.”

He let out a sigh. “All right, we’ll enter your name. Besides, we can’t let the Schofields have it all to themselves.” The frown returned to his brow as he looked over her head. “There they are, with that other son. I wonder what he’s been up to? He looks a dark horse to me.”

Holly’s heart skipped a beat as she finally caught sight of Dane—she was getting used to that name now. He was standing with two men, one of them a couple of years older with a puffed up stance, while the other was much older and in poor health, judging by his gaunt figure and slightly jaundiced face. His brother and father, Eric and Martin Schofield. At first glance, they didn’t look related to Dane with their soft hands and sleek suits. Dane was taller, broader, harder. His expensive suit and tie only highlighted his rugged, untamed appeal.

She bit her lip, unable to tear her gaze away from him. The more she looked at him, the more she wanted to loosen that tie, slip the jacket from his shoulders, and run her fingers through his thick, black hair. And then reach up on tiptoe and brush her lips across his…

He was staring back at her, she realized with a jolt. Staring at her with hot green eyes. Quick heat washed over her, and suddenly she was perspiring underneath her stuffy suit. She fingered the top button of her shirt, wishing she didn’t have so many clothes on. Dane’s lips twitched as if he could read her thoughts. The same lips she wanted to taste. Oh God, there was no escaping him. She’d have to talk with him, tell him—

Her father spluttered. “Did he just wink at you?”

“Uh, who?”

“That Dane Schofield. He gave you a wink.” Her father glared across the room, but Dane didn’t appear to notice him, his eyes firmed fixed on Holly.

“No, I don’t think so. Maybe he was signaling one of the waiters.” She swiped a hand across her brow.

Why had Dane winked at her? Was he trying to get her into trouble? What if he mentioned the Lake Tahoe hotel in her father’s presence? Christ, if her dad or brother found out about that…

Ralph’s mouth clamped into a thin, bitter line. “Remember what I told you. They’re all snakes, every one of them.”

For the first time she wondered if there was more to her father’s animosity. He hadn’t been involved in the business for years, so why did he care so much that the Schofields were professional rivals?

“Why do you say that, Dad? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

He glanced away. “Just take my word for it. Now, you’d better go and put your name down for the challenge.”

She stepped forward to join the throng surrounding the Gilberts. When it was her turn, an assistant recorded her details.

“Remember, unless otherwise notified, no outside help during the challenge,” Humbert said with a smile, “or you’ll be disqualified.”

“We start on Monday morning nine o’clock at the Halifax Hotel,” Lizzie said. “Wear something comfortable. You’ll be on your feet for most of the day, and you’ll probably get dirty, too.”

The assistant handed her a printout of the details. “Read this carefully,” she said in a very earnest manner.

The emphasis in her voice made Holly peer more closely at the sheet of paper. She didn’t want to miss anything and screw her chances. At the bottom of the paper was a handwritten sentence: Meet me out the back. And beneath that was a sketch of a bird rising from the flames. A phoenix, just like the one tattooed on Dane’s torso.


A huge conservatory stretched across the rear of the Gilbert mansion, filled with exotic plants and potted trees. Holly’s footsteps echoed on the black-and-white tiles as she peeked around an iron column. The place seemed deserted. She really shouldn’t be here, but she didn’t have much choice. If she ignored Dane’s message—and she was sure it was from him—then she ran the risk of him blurting out the truth of how they’d met in front of her father and brother.

An eddy of warm air drifted across the back of her neck, and she spun around.

Dane stood there, taller and more overwhelming than she remembered. “You got my message.”

“How did you…never mind.”

She didn’t need to know how he’d convinced the assistant to pass on the message. He’d probably just smiled at her and that was enough. God, he looked so damn good. A sensual beast in a tailored suit. Mouth-wateringly sexy, and dangerous to her in every way.

She pressed her lips together, desperate to maintain some self-control. When it came to men, she did not lose her head anymore. She’d been burned often enough; she’d learned her lesson. Plus, she didn’t even know this man. Except that he was wild in bed.

“So, what did you want to discuss?” Tension made the words come out impatiently.

“Well, you’re in a hurry.”

He rested one shoulder against the iron column, looking like he had all the time in the world. An image flashed through her mind of the spectacular phoenix tattoo that swirled over his right shoulder and chest. The tattoo she’d kissed and licked, following its trail down his lean torso. A shiver of heat raced through her veins. Self-control, self-control, she repeated to herself.

“I don’t have all day. My dad and brother will be searching for me any minute now.”

“Keep you on a short leash, do they?”

“No one keeps me on a leash,” she retorted. Although she wouldn’t mind being tied up by him. His eyes glinted, a spark of devilry. She pulled her focus back to the problem at hand. “Look, I’ll make this quick. We had a good time two weeks ago, but it was a once off, and it’s in both our interests to forget it ever happened. Agreed?”

He gazed down at her for a few moments. “Why Olivia?”

“Excuse me?”

“Why did you use a fake name to stay at your own hotel? And why Olivia?”

She waved a hand impatiently. “You used a fake name, too. Why Arlen?”

“Because Arlen Ness is one of my inspirations. He’s a motorcycle designer. And I used a fake name because I didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself.”

Holly frowned. “Wait a minute. Are you saying you deliberately chose one of our hotels? You were spying on our operations?”

Her stomach dropped. Oh hell. This was worse than she’d imagined. She’d slept with a man who was snooping into the Rochesters’ hotel business.

Dane’s eyebrows drew together. “It’s not spying. I was interested in seeing how your hotel operated, that’s all. I’ve done it with a number of major hotel brands on the west coast.”

Was he telling the truth? It was possible. After all, her brother often stayed at competitors’ hotels to see if there was anything he could learn from them. And she couldn’t see how Dane could actually steal any secrets if he were just a hotel guest.

“I suppose I believe you,” she said.

“What a relief.” He gave her a wry grin that was way too melting for her own good.

Stick to business, she reminded herself. “So what’s the deal with you and your family? I hear you’re something of a prodigal son returning. Is that true?”

His smile faded. “Let’s just say my father and I went our separate ways a while back, but things have changed recently. Hence me signing up for the Gilbert Challenge.” He ran a thumb along his granite jaw line. “I’m aware there’s some bad blood between our families. I’m not sure of all the details, and I don’t want to know, but just to be clear, I’m not part of it.”

“But we’re both in this challenge, so we are on opposite sides.”

“True, but that doesn’t mean we have to be enemies.” His eyes gleamed again, invoking wicked memories.

“We can’t be anything.”

“Oh yeah?”

The subtle challenge in his voice sent a flutter through her stomach. It was the same tone he’d used when he’d dared her to a game of strip backgammon that night in Lake Tahoe. She’d already beaten him four games straight and the heat in his eyes had been irresistible. So she’d said yes and won the next game. Who knew she’d lose all concentration and the following three games when he peeled off his shirt to reveal his magnificent chest with that phoenix tattoo swirling around his nipple?

She swallowed. Things were totally different now, now that she knew who he really was. There was no danger of her losing her head again.

“That’s right.” She lifted her chin to show him she meant business.

He moved with deceptive speed. One second he was leaning against the column, the next he’d closed the gap between them and was just inches away, his cologne scent subtly enticing. She should’ve backed away, but instead she stood firm, striving to ignore his pull.

“Why did you sneak out the next morning?” His gruff voice slid over her like a massage glove, arousing her. “Were you afraid of what we started?”

“I’m not afraid,” she answered automatically, but deep down she was aware she wasn’t being honest. That night spent in his arms had triggered something unique and so visceral it had scared her. Even now she was barely able to admit it to herself, let alone him.

“Well, good, because I hate abandoning a good start.”

“We’re not starting anything. Didn’t you hear me? That night was fun, but it didn’t mean anything.”

His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her. It would be wrong to underestimate the man. He might be a Viking god in bed, but in real life he was a Schofield, and she had to tread carefully. Asking him to keep his silence about their one night stand would give him too much power over her. Instead, she had to convince him that she wasn’t interested in him anymore.

She glanced over her shoulder, aware of the seconds ticking by, of the people who could wander in at any moment. “I should get back.”

“You always do what you should do?”

She turned her head back to find him even closer. Warmth radiated from his body just inches away from her. She knew what lay beneath the fine layers of wool and cotton—muscled abs, dark, flat nipples, lean hips and strong legs. An image of his broad hands spreading her thighs scorched through her like lightning, and desire triggered deep in her pelvis, dissolving her caution.

“You always get what you want?” She tilted her head up.

“Not always.” His eyes lowered to half-mast as his gaze fastened on her mouth. “But I like to try.”

“I see. So I’m just a bit of entertainment.” She couldn’t stop staring at his mouth either, couldn’t stop remembering how it felt against hers, hot and insatiable. Heat spread through her body and swelled in her breasts.

“No, you’re more than entertainment.” His gaze slid down her length, blatantly undressing her. “You’re a challenge.”

“A challenge. The appetizers weren’t enough, huh? You want the whole enchilada.”

Resting his hand against the iron column, he leaned into her. “I’m a big guy, Holly. I need the whole enchilada.”

“I’m not going to just hand you the whole enchilada.”

“You’re not?” He touched her forehead, his thumb stroking her eyebrow, his expression thoughtful. “I’d give you my enchilada. In fact, I believe you’ve already tasted it and found it satisfying.”

She couldn’t help flushing, flustered and turned on as hell. His thumb continued to caress her eyebrow. She could easily have stepped out of reach, but she didn’t. Couldn’t. His touch mesmerized her, triggering an avalanche of memories. The hunger of his kisses, the blinding heat that melded them together, the languorous laughter afterward. Why couldn’t she slough off the memories? Why couldn’t she stop wanting more?

“Sorry,” she managed to murmur, “but enchiladas give me heartburn.”

“Hmm, well maybe we should stick to the appetizers for now.”

His hand moved from her face to slide around her waist, and suddenly she was standing on tiptoe, reaching up to meet his kiss halfway. Their mouths fused. She pressed her body closer to his. A moan shuddered between them, and she wasn’t sure if it was just her or him as well.

Just like the first time they’d kissed, his mouth was hot, demanding, and totally exciting. No prettiness or politeness, but sheer animal hunger, and exactly want she wanted, needed. She was starving for his touch. How had she survived two weeks without this? She parted her lips, eager for their tongues to tangle and lick and taste. His hands found their way under the starchy jacket, slid over her back, then began working on the buttons of her shirt.

“Jesus, Holly, why the hell are you wearing so many clothes?” he muttered as he tussled with a bone button.

“I could ask you the same thing,” she panted as she wrestled with his tie, the slippery silk defying her attempts at pulling it apart.

He paused to run his hands down her figure, following the shape of her contours until he rested his palms on her hips. “You look like a corporate lawyer in this get up, but damn it’s turning me on.”

Finally she managed to wrangle his tie off. Next, she went to work on the buttons of his shirt, flicking them open to reveal the wide, tanned chest she’d fantasized about for two weeks straight. “Umm…” she drooled as she kissed his skin, coasting her lips over the base of his throat where a pulse kicked like a brumby.

He shuddered beneath her caress, his chest heaving. Tipping his head back, for a few sweet moments he was her captive. Then he recovered himself and made short work of her buttons. He wrenched her silk blouse apart before capturing her breasts in both hands. He groaned in appreciation as he molded her white, lacy bra, the heat of his palms penetrating deep into her skin. Lust fogged her brain. Bending his head, he licked her breasts, his hot, wet tongue lavishing her cleavage, his thumbs dragging across her nipples. Within seconds she was shocked to find herself on the edge of orgasm.

“Yes,” she panted, driven wild by his touch. “Oh, yes. Please…”

Pulling aside her bra, he tongued her right nipple to a hard peak before he drew her into his mouth. He sucked her slowly while he thumbed her left nipple, his movements alternating between rough and gentle until she didn’t know who she was anymore. The heat between her thighs built to a fast blaze; she was at his mercy. Oh, God, she needed more; she needed—

Footsteps clattered in the hallway outside the conservatory. The noise slammed Holly back to reality. She pulled away from Dane and frantically did up her buttons. Dane’s face was flushed, his breathing labored. The footsteps faded; whoever was out there was walking away, thank heavens.

“Close call, huh?” Dane said as he tidied his shirt and tie. “We’ll have to finish this sometime soon.”

Her entire body was still throbbing, desperate for release. What had she done? How could she get so carried away? Her hands shook as she tucked her shirt back into her skirt. What must she look like, all mussed up and on the trembling verge of a climax?

Before she was even close to recovering, fresh footfalls sounded just outside the conservatory.

“Dane, where the hell are you?” an irritable male voice snarled out.

Horrified, Holly backed away, sliding behind a bank of potted palm trees. Dane grimaced at her as he hastily readjusted his suit jacket. She retreated further until the thick foliage sprang back into place, shielding her from view.

“I’m here, Dad.” Dane’s voice came from further away, indicating he was drawing away from Holly’s hiding spot.

“What are you doing here?” Martin Schofield sounded impatient. “And why is your hair so untidy?”

“I snagged it on a tree while I was poking about.”

“You don’t have time to poke about. You should be out there, scoping out the competition.”


There was a slight pause. Holly held her breath as she kept still.

“Are you up to this?” Martin asked, the skepticism apparent in his tone.

“Of course.” Dane’s voice was firmer this time. “Come on, let’s go.”

Their footsteps faded, leaving the conservatory silent and empty. Holly pushed her way out of the palm trees. A minute ago she’d been feverish with lust, but now her skin felt clammy. She had kissed the enemy. Not only that, she’d let him fondle her breasts and bring her to the edge of orgasm in just a couple of minutes. Ugh. Putty, that’s what she was. How could she be so stupid? And how was she going to beat Dane at this challenge if he could make her unravel so easily?




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