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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers) by Buchanan, Lexi (59)

Chapter 62


I’d woken up with Lily in my arms and had no intention of moving.  She was still hurt over the fact that I’d thought she’d been with someone else because of her pregnancy.  I was basically an idiot, one who was willing to spend the rest of his life begging for forgiveness as long as it meant she stayed with me.

After I’d made love to her in Lucien’s hotel room, or rather bed, which made me cringe when I’d realized that, we’d dressed and Lucien had driven us back to our home.  I’d spent the rest of the day yesterday making sure Lily was well looked after.

Lucien had promised to explain to mother what had been going on and the conclusion we’d come to about Viv lying to me.  Why I’d accepted what she’d told me all those years ago without following it up, I really couldn’t say.  All I knew was that for the past seven years I thought I’d never be able to father a child, but I had. With Lily.

“What are you thinking about with that serious look on  your face?”

I hadn’t realized she was awake.  “I was thinking about what a dick I was, about how close to losing you I came and that I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

She had tears in her eyes.  “Michael, you don’t need to spend the rest of your life making it up to me.  I love you and know how sorry you are.  I understand where you’re coming from.  Yes, you hurt me, a lot, I’m not going to deny that, but I love you and know that you love me. As long as you don’t do anything like that again, then we’re all right. Please stop worrying that I’m going to leave you because of it.  I’m not, ever.”  She smiled at me through her tears.  “It would kill me to leave you, don’t you know that?”

Now she had me in tears.  “I love you, so damn much.”  I pulled her tight into my arms and held on while I tried to get my emotions under control.  She really did crush me.

I pulled back slightly.  “We need to get dressed.  Lucien is downstairs.  He probably wants to make sure you’re okay.”

All right.”  She looked at me and held my face in her hands.  “I want you to have another test done.”

I couldn’t have been more stunned.

“Michael, I know this baby is yours because I know who I’ve slept with, but all these years you’ve believed you couldn’t father a child, and it’s important for me and for this relationship to move forward, for you to hear from the doctor that your little swimmers are good.”

“I don’t want to do that.  I need you to believe me when I say that I know you wouldn’t have been with anyone else and that this child you’re carrying is mine.  I need you to believe me without the test getting in the way…. Do you understand where I’m coming from?”

She smiled at me.  “Yes….but you’re still having the test done.  I sent Lucien a text and asked him if he could set it up for you.  Don’t be angry with me, but it’s important to me that you have this done.  I believe you when you say you believe this child is yours,  I really do, but this test is getting done today.”

I wasn’t sure whether I should be pissed or not.  I hated to be forced into doing something I didn’t want to do, but Lily looked adamant that this is what she wanted.

“Besides, think how hot it will be….me going down on you in the doctor’s office.  Mmm, a real turn on.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.  “Lily, there is no way in hell you’re coming to the doctor’s with me if I have to do this.  Christ, I can’t believe you’d want to come and watch me beat off into a pot.”

She sat up and looked pissed.  “Let’s get something straight.  I’m going to the doctor’s with you and there will be no beating off.”  She grinned.  “I plan on giving you a blow job, but I’ll pull away as you come so it hits the pot instead of my throat.”

God, this was going to be embarrassing.  “Let’s get dressed and discuss this on the way there.”

She climbed out of bed and dressed.  “Nothing to discuss,” she said as she quickly slipped her flip-flops onto her feet.  She opened the top drawer in the tallboy and walked back over to me.

“The doctor took this picture when she did a sonogram.  It only shows a blob, but it’s our baby.”  She held the picture out to me.

I took the picture from her and sat back down on the bed, rather heavily.  I could hardly see through the tears running down my face.  She came and sat on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck.

“I love you, Michael.”

“I love you, too.  Thank you for giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.  A woman to love, who loves me as much as I love her and a child.”

“Come on, let’s go and see Lucien and get this morning over with.”

She stood and after a quick kiss walked out of the bedroom.

I finished dressing in jeans and a t-shirt then walked down the stairs to see her stood drinking coffee with Lucien, who was sitting at the table.

“Lily, I thought we agreed one coffee a day.”

“We did, but my other one is practically untouched in the bedroom.”

I ran my hands through my hair when I caught the smirk on Lucien’s face.  “What are you smirking at?”

He tried not to laugh.  “Nothing.”

“Boys! Pregnant lady here.  Please play nice,” Lily said, looking sexy as hell in her denim shorts, pink t-shirt with her long curls trailing loosely down her back.

“I was just informing Lucien that I’m going with you this morning.”

I groaned and sank into the chair across from my brother.  “Lucien, please talk her out of this.”

He roared with laughter.  “No chance, this is going to make one hell of a story when we finally get another boy’s night.”

I just sat and scowled at him.  “I’m glad my situation is so funny.”

He sobered up.  “You know damn well I don’t find your situation funny.  What I find funny is Lily wanting to go and…. ah, help.”  He started to laugh again.

Fuck,” I said, then turned to look at Lily, who was still standing to the side looking unsure, but trying to hide the laughter she was desperate to let out.  “Come here, love.”

She walked over to me laughing, as I reached out to her and pulled her onto my lap.  “If you really want to come with me and….help, then we better get going.  Do you want something to eat first?”

“No, we can have breakfast out afterwards.”


I looked at Lucien, who quickly stopped laughing and jumped to his feet to follow us out of the house.