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Silent Knight: Deep Six Security Christmas by Becky McGraw (25)

Chapter 25

Lou Ellen was shocked when she saw Logan’s SUV parked outside of the office and the lights on. She leaned forward in the seat and squinted as they drove nearer and noticed other vehicles were parked under the tree. It was New Year’s Eve—what was everyone doing out here at the compound? With a groan, she sat back against the seat and felt Griff’s eyes on her.

“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice tight.

It was the first time he’d spoken since they left her house. She knew it was because he was still on guard because she didn’t miss his white-knuckled grip on the wheel, or his glances in the rear view or side view mirrors every five minutes.

He stopped in front of the porch, but didn’t kill the engine. “Are you sure we don’t need to take you to the E.R?” he asked, his eyes scanning her body.

“I’m positive—I told you I’m fine,” she grated, but the fact that he cared enough to ask again melted her insides. This man did care about her and showed it with his actions.

“Well, what you tell me and what you actually feel are sometimes two different things, aren’t they? You like to pretend you don’t need anyone. You are this scion of goodness, a fortress of strength, who helps everyone but yourself, aren’t you?” He twisted the keys in the ignition to kill the motor and turn in his seat to look at her. “Am I wasting my time here, Queenie? Will you ever let me back in?”

“Not the right track, dumbass,” Layla said with a sigh as she opened the back door. Jayden exited on the other side and quietly closed the door. Layla slammed hers, compressing the air inside the cab.

Lou Ellen folded her arms over her chest and looked at him. “I am strong, even though right now I’m scared shitless for me, and for the kids,” she admitted, her eyes burning.

“You are one of the strongest, kindest women I’ve ever met, Queenie. But everyone hits a wall sometimes and needs help. I need to be the one there to help you, the one you lean on when you hit that wall.” His jaw worked and his eyes glittered in the porch light.

Lou Ellen’s chest filled with the love in his eyes, her heart bled from hearing the desperation in his voice. She wanted to throw herself into his arms until she stopped shaking from the ordeal she’d just survived. But she couldn’t yet.

“How can I know leaning on you won’t result in me falling on my butt because you’re just not secure enough to hold me up? To deal with the problems I face raising these kids? You are just getting your feet under you again.”

“No—because of you, I’m standing tall again. You were my rock when I’d given up hope. I want to be your rock now and for the rest of my life. I love you more than my next breath, Lou Ellen…” His face pinched as he sucked in a sharp breath. “The new life you’ve given me is worth nothing if I don’t have you and the kids to share it with. I knew that before, but almost losing youand them tonight drove that point home.”

The dam burst and warmth flooded her system as she admitted her life would mean nothing without him either. She needed him to lean on, to love her and to protect their family, because he was right—she was strong, but the brick wall she hit tonight told her they were stronger together than she would ever be alone. She’d lived her whole life taking risks, so what was one more?

“What are you asking me, Mr. Griffin?” she asked, unfolding her arms.

With a growl, he pulled her over the console into his lap and wedged her between the wheel and his chest. “I’m asking you to be my Mrs. Robinson for the rest of my life, Queenie. I want you to marry me, to adopt the kids with you, and to move out of this godforsaken state as soon as possible. I want a fresh start with you at the center of my universe, to be my strength and my one and only love for the rest of our lives. I want to grow old with you, Queenie.”

“I’ve got a considerable head start on you, so you have some catching up to do,” she said, smiling as she stroked his neatly trimmed beard. “Now, it’s midnight, so Happy New Year’s. Kiss me and take me to bed, because it’s past my bedtime.”

Griff’s mouth closed over hers in a gentle kiss that touched her soul. She glided her hand up his chest to cup his neck and opened her mouth for him. His tongue slipped into her mouth and his hand slid up her thigh to dive under the hem of her skirt.

He kissed her deeper and her nails dug into his scalp as need burned through her like a wildfire. His hand moved higher to grip her ass as he lowered her in his arms to kiss her harder. His breath hitched, his heart pounded against her palm, and she squirmed as waves of sensual pleasure washed through her.

The passenger door suddenly flew open, cold air rushed into the cab, dousing the flames inside her as she sat up in Griff’s lap, feeling his steely erection pressing into her hip. Her face flamed as she stared into Logan’s angry eyes.

“When you two are finished making out like teenagers, we’ll be in the conference room. I want sit rep right now on what just went down. We have been on standby since Griff’s call and they are chomping at the bit to either go kick some gangster ass or go home.” Logan slammed the door and stomped back toward the porch.

Griff met Lou Ellen’s eyes and his lips twitched. “Busted,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

She certainly wasn’t a teenager, but she might be something else Lou Ellen realized. “Does loving you make me a cougar?” she asked, kind of relishing the idea.

“No, it makes me the luckiest silver fox in the universe.” He kissed her forehead and eased her off of his lap. “Let’s go inside and give them the good news, so we can get rid of them. After that I’m putting you to bed—but be prepared—there won’t be much sleeping.” He gave her a sexy grin she felt down low as he opened his door. “Remember, you’re marrying a younger man who can go the distance.”