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Splash by Kristen Kelly (18)






Jason was waiting for me by the bar, looking like a bear who wanted to rip somebody’s head off. “Did you see him?” he blurted out, the minute I was within earshot. “Did you know the bastard was here? Here! In the Club.”


I knew exactly who he was talking about. Jake. Jason’s eyes were red, and a little vein throbbed at his temple. It looked like he was drinking too. And not just pop.


“I did. Yes.” I brought myself up on one of the bar stools and ordered a glass of tomato juice. I really wanted a drink, needed one actually, but I’d barely opened my eyes after finally getting some sleep at three in the morning after fucking Damon all night. Every muscle in my body ached and I was sore as fucking  hell, reminding me of Damon’s incredible girth, nipples tender as they brushed the harsh linen of my blouse.


“Fuck. What the hell is he doing here, Liz, and why didn’t you tell me the minute he arrived? He says he’s been here two whole days. Two days, Liz! How is that even possible? Liz…”


“Huh? What did you say?”


“Are you even listening to me? What’s wrong with you, anyway? You look like… never mind. What did he say to you? When I tried to get an answer he just told me to go to hell, and that you would know why he was here.”                                                                  


“He wants to buy the Club.”


“What do you mean, he wants to buy the club?”


“Just what I said, Jason.”


“But why here? Wait. He didn’t hurt you, or threaten you in anyway?”


I dropped my gaze to my glass so Jason couldn’t see my face. I never could lie to my brother.


“What does he want, Liz? And don’t’ tell me it’s just a coincidence him finding us here.”


“He wants me to put in a word with Mrs. Delaney.”


“Mrs. Delaney? The old brawd that owns the place?”


“That’s her.”


“Why you? What makes him think you have any pull?”


“We’re kind of friends.”


“I see. Well… After everything he’s done to you, why would…what is he holding over your head, Liz?”


I bit my lip, not wanting to tell Jason about Damon and I. I knew he wouldn’t relent until he had the truth though. “He threatened to make public my past…digressions.”


“To the old lady?”


“No. To Damon.”


“Damon? Damon Donovan? Why would you…” Understanding dawned on his face. “You’ve been seeing that fucker, haven’t you?”




Looking flustered, Jason ran a hand over the back of his head. “All this time…All this time I thought we were friends. He actually helped me set you up with ole Tom there and now I find out… Christ, Liz! The guy’s a player. Don’t you see that?”


“No. He’s not like that. Jason, listen to me. I love him. I’ve loved him from the moment I set eyes on him.”


“Oh Christ!”


“I do. I can’t explain it, but I do.”


“Liz… Sweetheart, you may think you love him, but you don’t. You love the way he looks. You love the way he probably flirts with you. It makes you feel good. That’s all. I brought you here to get you away from guys like him. Maybe Tom wasn’t the right one, but Damon Donovan certainly isn’t. Damn, the guy does nothing all day but work on his tan and hone up his fucking six pack! I’m sure he’s poor as a damn church mouse too.”


“You’re wrong on that account.”


“You saying he’s loaded? Damon? Damon Donovan?”




“Fucking great,” he said flippantly. “Same scenario as your Ex and nearly every guy before him. Liz, when are you going to stop going for guys simply because they look good and have tons of cash? I told you before, and I’ll tell you again, I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life so you can just stop…”


“Jason, I love him. Damn it! Aren’t you listening to me? He’s different than all the rest. He’s sweet and he’s kind and he cares about all these little kids and…”


Jason frowned. “Have you told him about your past? Has he told you anything about his?”


“Sort of. Not about me actually, but I know about him.” I shrugged. “A bit anyway. I know he’s been married before and that he kind of owns this place.”


“Kind of? There’s no kind of in real estate, Liz.”




“We’re leaving tomorrow so get your head out of your... Whatever. I guarantee you that if you told Damon about your past, he’d split in a heartbeat. This isn’t going to work and you know it.”


Tears filled my eyes. “So what’s the point if I’m leaving anyway. Is that what you’re trying to say?”


He downed whatever clear liquid was in his glass. His face softened.  “On second thought, I don’t want you humiliated either. I’ll be damned if I let him do that to you again.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a handkerchief, and handed it to me. “I’m sorry, I yelled. Can’t blame a guy for trying to save his sister, can you?”


“It’s okay,” I said sniffling and blowing my nose.


“So that’s all Jake wants?  Just for you to talk to the old woman and then he’ll be on his way?”


“That’s what he said.”


“What if you can’t convince her?”


“I don’t know. We didn’t get that far.”


“Okay, well just play along and maybe he’ll go away, but if he approaches you again for anything more, you call me. All right?”


I sniffed. “Okay.”




“I promise.”


“Good.” He rubbed the side of his face and then took another drink. “So, did you have a good time here? I really hoped that you would be able to relax these few weeks. And I’m sorry Tom didn’t turn out to be the one, Liz. I honestly thought the two of you would hit it off. I guess I’m not as in-tuned to what women find attractive in a man. You did enjoy yourself here at the Club a little bit, didn’t you?”


“Of course. Thanks to Damon.”


He rolled his eyes. “I don’t even want to know.”