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Splash by Kristen Kelly (15)




I checked myself in the full length mirror of my very spacious living quarters, thinking how very scandalous I felt in such a tiny, tiny bikini. It was even skimpier than the one I wore around Damon. Jet black and soft against my skin, it had three six inch spaghetti straps instead of ties that hugged my hips with a plunging neckline and cups that literally pushed me up and over, giving the illusion of more cleavage than I actually had. On a whim, I’d purchased the suit in one of the gift shops, taking the advice of the sweet sales girl when she told me it brought out my auburn highlights, made my green eyes sparkle, and looked lovely next to my tanned perfect skin. I knew she was only trying to make a sale, but I told myself she was right. Even when she told me I’d get every man’s attention. Good. I wanted attention. I loved how it made me feel. I felt voluptuous and hot. Very, very hot.

As I left my room, I saw Tom going around the corner. I flattened myself against the wall hoping he didn’t see me. The last thing I wanted was his attention. Maybe that made me a bitch but I didn’t care. The whole time we were together, I couldn’t stop thinking about Damon. Damon’s tongue between my legs. Damon’s mouth all over me. Damon’s’ everything. Then I thought of that blonde I saw him with. So gorgeous and petite with platinum blonde hair and tits so perky they just about poked through her shirt. When I thought of Damon’s hands all over her, I thought I would be sick.

Waiting with a towel draped around my neck, I pushed the round button between the elevator doors, watching it blink to life.

God, this metal square box made my heart rev out of control. Jason would have a fit if he knew what I was thinking right now about his friend He’d tried to be a good brother. Really he had, but how could he know the date with Tom would be a fiasco? Not due to anything Tom said or did. He was a perfect gentleman, minus the part about failing to call ahead for a table. I was grateful for the way he handled my stepfather too.

When the doors whooshed open, I found Damon standing there in a grey sleeveless sweatshirt. Muscles rippling. Body contracting as he leaned forward. Smelling of  moist skin and heated pores. Damn, he looked sexy with all that sweat pouring down his face. His eyes scraped the length of me. “Elizabeth…”

I noticed a rise inside his trousers. Shit, could I get any more horny? I almost threw my arms around his neck right then and there. Begged him to taste me once again.

“Going somewhere,” he asked in that deep husky voice that melted me into a puddle.

“I was just going to take a swim. You know? Practice, practice, practice! Can’t be a shark if I swim like a guppy.”

He chuckled, probably thinking what a nerd I was.

“Great but… there’s just one little problem.” He pinched his thumb and forefinger together and at first I thought he was referring to my bikini. “It’s better I show you I guess.”

“Show me. Show me what?” Anything this man had to show me got me excited in more ways than one. My nipples tightened almost painfully. I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Not that,” he said smiling. The heat in my face intensified and I took a step closer as the other people in the elevator made their way around us. We looked at each other for a long time, I—wondering if we should get back in the elevator and do a repeat performance and he—by the looks of the tiny tent inside his shorts thinking exactly the same thing. “Actually, right now is not good but hold that thought.”

I will, but not too long!

“Come with me.” When he took my hand, I marveled at how right we felt together. Besides my nipples feeling stiff and wanting desperately to pull that drawstring that was holding up his shorts, I loved how the skin of my palm felt inside his leathery one. Like we’d held hands our entire lives. It was….comforting. I’d never felt that way with a man before. I think he felt it too, because he took a minute to smile at me before we continued out of the lobby and walked down to the pool.

As we walked into the sunshine, we were assaulted by children’s’ voices and so much laughter it made me smile.

Damon’s face positively beamed. It was clear how much he loved kids. They were everywhere. At the bar eating hot dogs and hamburgers. On the grass playing badminton. But most of them were in the pool. Teenagers and small ones. All frolicking in the clear blue water—like it was the most wonderful place on earth.  Some were on other kid’s shoulders rough housing and trying to push each other off. A long string of teenagers waited in line at the diving board.

“Wow,” I said, tickled there was so much fun going on in what was usually a very neglected pool.

“Great, isn’t it?” Damon said. “Watch this.” He let go of my hand, took a few steps back and canon-balled into the deep end of the pool.  Water went everywhere and I found myself drenched from head to toe. I wasn’t upset though. In fact, I burst into laughter..

As his head poked up, water dripping from his lashes, he lunged forward trying to dunk a teenage boy. When I thought what a great dad he’d make one day, a warm feeling went through me. I’d never thought that way about a man before. Not even with my three husbands. Why was that, I wondered. I liked kids. I liked them a lot, actually.

Damon swam over to the side of the pool. “Come here, Liz.” With a crooked finger, he beckoned me toward him. When I leaned down to see what he wanted, he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulled me into a huge sloppy kiss while pulling me into the water. Taken by surprise, I shrieked at the top of my lungs.

We both came up sputtering and laughing.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” I said when I’d recovered enough to form a few coherent words. “Who are all these kids?”

“They come from all over really. Some are from foster homes or the big brother, big sister programs. And this little guy is Terrance.” He ruffled the hair of the boy he’d been trying to dunk.

“Hi Terrance.” He didn’t answer or maybe he didn’t hear me and then spun off toward the deep end.

“He can’t speak,” Damon said. “Hasn’t said a word since he saw his father shot.”

“Oh my god. That’s awful.”

“It happens.”

“So who pays for them to come here?”

“I do. Sort of.”


“I don’t charge them anything to be here and most of them go home at the end of the day.”

“How the heck can you afford that, Damon? How is it that on your salary as a trainer you can…”

“Because I own the club.”

“Wait. What?”

I was still in his arms but I wriggled myself free. Staring, it was as if I were seeing him for the first time. Damon Donovan. Dedicated yoga and exercise instructor. Body Builder. Player and lover of women— had a soft spot for disadvantaged kids. Who knew? And he had a bit of money. He had to.

“You have no idea how free it makes me feel to tell you the truth.”

“You mean about the kids?”

“No. That I’m not a poor shmuck getting all sweaty every day. I have money, Liz. A lot of it. The classes are a hobby for me. A hobby I enjoy sometimes more than anything else. But still, it’s just a hobby.”

I was taken aback. He’d never actually told me anything to the contrary. I just assumed.

“So you’re telling me you own the Delaney Club?”

“Yup. Well, part of it. My grandmother owns the controlling half.”

So that was why Delilah turned a blind eye when she saw us get out of the elevator.

“What else haven’t you told me?” I was feeling a little betrayed, even though it made no sense to feel that way. He hadn’t lied to me. Not really.

“Not much. I…”

As if on cue, that gorgeous blonde came strolling on deck. She was wearing a peach and avocado sundress that hugged her curves a. Cork wedge heels elongated her slim legs. The texture of her hair was even more beautiful than I’d remembered. Gold and silky. Not a strand out of place. To be honest, the woman was stunning especially when the sun shimmered overhead like it was doing right now. Of course Damon would be attracted to her. What man wouldn’t be? My heart squeezed in my chest and suddenly I felt foolish for even thinking I had a chance with him.

Damon swam to the side of the pool where the blonde crouched down to talk to him but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I knew how I felt though. Like I wanted to scratch her eyes out or maybe get that freaking perfect hairdo all wet and sloppy. Of course I couldn’t do any of those things. All I could do was watch him move toward her, notice how close their faces were, their lips only inches away. He could have kissed her if he wanted to, but he didn’t. For some reason I felt he wouldn’t. I didn’t know why I thought that, but I did. There was something…familiar about the way they looked together. I lifted a hand to my face, feeling the heat there, my stomach in knots. When they started laughing, confusion wrestled in my brain.

The conversation only lasted five minutes and Damon was back at my side.

“So let’s practice our dead float,” he said. I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to give myself away, but I was feeling insecure and a little bit…jealous?

“I’m…I’m not feeling well,” I said, making my way toward the stairs.


I kept walking refusing to turn around.

“Liz… Something wrong?”

“What? No!” I lied.

“There is. I can tell you’re  upset, but I don’t know why. Talk to me.” His voice was calm, full of concern. We didn’t have dibs on each other and I felt stupid for being jealous.

“Liz… please.”

I tightened my resolve, willing the hurt to go away. I simply needed to accept facts, that we were hot for each other, and when I looked into those gorgeous blue eyes of his I was doing what I always did, seeing something that clearing wasn’t there. There never was.

“Is this about Tabitha?”

So that’s her name.

“Um, yes. I mean, no!  Listen, you don’t owe me an explanation. You can date whomever you want. It’s not up to me to tell you…”

Damon burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” I shouted.

“Even if she wasn’t my sister, Tabitha is so not my type.”

My hands on the ladder, I turned around and Damon was right there. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me. “You really thought she was my girlfriend? I’m sorry. I guess I should have told you. I should have told you everything. I am really, really sorry.”

My shoulders slumped and I think it was the first time I’d taken a breath in fifteen minutes. “Seriously? Your sister?”

“Of course.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me on the head.“Jesus Liz. What do you think I am? A gigolo?”

“Um, no.”

“You don’t sound very convincing. You think because I work here, teaching fitness and eating like a guru I’m vane? That I’m only interested in the sins of the flesh.”

“Not exactly.”

He looked down at me, scrutinizing. Then his mouth curved up at the sides and I thought I would melt from the beauty of that cocky grin. God, when he looked at me like that, I felt like throwing myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him forever.

“For the record,” he continued. “I haven’t dated anyone in a very long time. I haven’t really wanted to until now.” His hands slipped through my hair and my heart jumped inside my throat as they slipped down around my face, caressing my cheeks, my eyes, my nose. My body trembled with need for him, the heat of his closeness searing me. Two hands cupped my face before he pulled me for the tenderness of kisses. Right there. In the pool. With about a hundred kids around us.

As the kiss deepened, I felt his body tense and he broke off the kiss.

A tall dark-skinned boy of about twelve tapped him on the shoulder. Another kid of about the same age but pale skin and ginger hair was there too. The redhead was speaking a foreign language I couldn’t quite make out while the other boy translated for him. “Mr. Delaney? We wanna know if you and the lady will play chicken with us.”

“Chicken? I haven’t played that since I was a little girl.”

“That so?” Damon said.

“Yup. This here is a cinch. The real challenge is playing it in the ocean where the waves can knock you down. I used to visit my cousins in Florida as a kid.”

“Cinch huh?” His eyes narrowed.

I waved a hand and cocked my head. “Yeah, easy peasy.”

He laughed. “I don’t see you as the competitive type.”

“Oh really? Well you don’t know everything about me, Mr. Delaney. As a matter of fact, there are some things I can be very competitive at. None of my five cousins could beat me at checkers either and everyone wanted to be my partner when we played chicken. Even the adults.”

“That so? Ready to put your money where your mouth is?”

“What did you have in mind?”

An evil glint settled in his eyes and he licked his lips. The same glint I saw when he’d been aroused. My own face grew hotter and so did the space between my legs. I was glad it was a hot day and I could blame it on the sun. I gave him a dark look as if to say, ‘you know we have kids here, don’t you?’

Damon laughed. “Okay, keep it PG. I’ll go first. If I win, you stay an extra week at the club with me.”

“Hmm, that sounds nice.”

“And if you win…what would you like, Liz?”

A warm feeling like the best blanket in the world settled over my heart. “If I win?  I stay an extra week at the club.”

Damon laughed again. “You drive a hard bargain, Miss Doyle.”

I giggled. “Yup.”

“Okay, you’re on. Come here, Sammy…” Damon pulled in a breath, cheeks puffing out. He ducked under the water while the dark-skinned twelve-year-old hopped onto his broad muscled shoulders straddling the sides of his head. After Damon popped back up, sputtering and blinking, he tucked Sammy’s legs behind him, hooking his small feet behind his back.

I did the same with the ginger, who I learned was named Tim, and all four of us commenced playing chicken, while we laughed and poked each other in the chest. Trying to knock each other down.

I delighted in this side of Damon. Youthful. Carefree. Letting himself have fun. I didn’t know that many men who would let their guards down like that. Let themselves appear vulnerable. Silly even. Especially in front of me.

I felt something pouring off them. Damon and Sammy locked together. A slight animosity toward us. Madness. Joy. And in Damon’s case, heat. So much heat, it oozed straight into my pores, tearing my heart from the inside out. For the first time since I’d met him I thought, I could really fall in love with this guy.

Damon pushed forward throwing his weight into us while Sam grabbed at poor Tim’s hair and yanked it hard. Tim didn’t cry out though. The shy ginger pushed back with all his might. Arms tangled in a sort of tug of war while I tried to keep my balance. Tim was giving one heck of a fight. A sweet chunky kid, he giggled continuously. His pale freckled legs bounced against my chest—like buoys in the ocean.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” I shouted poking at Damon’s chest with Tim’s toes.

“Oh yeah?” said Damon.

“Yeah. You know, two can play that game. Let’s get him, Tim. This is war!”

Before we could retaliate, Sam plowed into us again while Damon did his best to give the little guy orders. I found the two of them adorable. They reminded me of a double Decker bus barreling down a side street. As for me and Tim, I thought we were outweighed, but there was so much laughing going on I didn’t see how either of us would win, but honestly I didn’t care.

There was a lot of splashing going on that I couldn’t even see where we were going. The water blurred my vision. All I saw were feet now and then and once in awhile an arm sticking out.

I heard shouting, the rest of the kids cheering us on, like this was some kind of bar-room brawl. The excitement was contagious and my adrenaline kicked in, giving me new strength to plow forward. “Get him, Tim! Get that sucker!” But it was of little use because at this point I was teetering on the edge. We’d almost toppled over.

“We’re winning! We’re winning,” shouted Sammy.

“You’re not supposed to hit girls,” a voice said. “She’s not a girl. She’s a lady,  said someone else.

The kids started to chant, and I realized this could get out of hand real fast when a few of the kids got their buddies on their shoulders as well.

I tried to stay upright but I was getting turned around in circles plus the water had grown deeper. It was all I could do to hold on to Tim’s legs and several times he went tipping over backwards but I’d managed to pull him upright. All this time I just couldn’t stop laughing. I don’t know when I’d ever had so much fun.

I lunged toward our opponents, and had to hop on one foot as I lost my balance as we tilted to the left. It wasn’t easy keeping Tim up there and the boys were really fighting to the tune of the crowd that gathered around us.

“Mr. Delaney. Mr. Delaney,” they shouted. “Take ‘em down. Take ‘em down!”

After what seemed like a long time, I felt fatigued, I thought the boys had had enough, so with great effort, I lifted Tim a few inches and threw him into Sam.

Stunned, all three of them collapsed under the water.

The crowd cheered and my laughter escalated.

I pumped a fist in the air repetitively. “We win! We win! We win!” Then I collapsed onto my back, exhausted.





After the last bus packed with kids, pulled out of the parking lot, Damon took me in his arms and kissed me, pressing me so close my nipples flattened against his chest. “God, you feel so good,” he whispered in my ear. “I bet you taste good too.” His mouth migrated to my neck, kissing and nipping the tender skin. Behind my ear. Along the hardness of my collarbone.

“I want to eat you all up, Liz.” He growled into my ear. “Will you let me?” He stared at my straight on, searching for his answer as he smoothed my hair.

Those eyes.  They could see right through me. See all my dirty little thoughts. My lust for his enormous cock. The way my pussy throbbed with need for him.

The heat in his eyes told me we were definitely on the same wave length. In fact, we’d passed go several hours ago.

“You’ve had me hard all fucking day, Liz. Every time I look at you in that sexy-as-sin bikini I want to rip it off you with my teeth. Then I want to eat every inch of you. Take my time and taste that honey between your legs.”

I gasped. They way he talked. It was just like the way he fucked. I loved it.

“Do you know how hard you’ve made me?” He growled and I knew that wasn’t an actual question.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Delaney” I lied. “I was just going for a swim when you practically begged me to play in the water with you. Not my fault you can’t keep your dick inside your shorts.”

He laughed. “Yes it is.” Then he claimed my ass making me squeal. With one hand cupping me, he squeezed me. Hard. Until I yelped. “Something you want, Mr. Delaney?”

“Yup. You. On my cock. Riding it into oblivion.”

“Oh god.” The look in his eyes was pure heat; it sent shock waves sizzling through my aching pussy.

He pulled me closer, slipping his other hand inside the back of my bikini bottom, cupping both cheeks.

My body was on fire, I could feel the stickiness dribbling down my legs. Heat enveloped me from head to core. “That sounds like a ride I’d like to try. Wanna come to my room?”

“I have something better in mind. How about a little adventure?”

“Depends.” Actually, I was game for anything he had in mind, but I wasn’t telling him that. I was enjoying being flirty.

“On what?” he asked, grinding that delicious thickness against my belly.

Fuck! He was hard. Like rock hard! Fresh juices flooded my core as he dove in for another kiss, our tongues twisting around each other like love-starved serpents.

“I’m game if you are.” I finally said.

“Let’s go.”

We ran— hand in hand across the pool decking and meandering ourselves around obstacles,  , hopping over pool floats, noodles. We slowed to a brisk walk when we reached the bar.

Suits were everywhere. It looked like some kind of meeting going on and we came to a sort of impasse. There simply wasn’t any room. Was this it time for the Suits to come out in play? After I’d announced my sixth “excuse me” at the top of my lungs, one of the Suits closed his laptop, jumped to his feet, and pulled in his chair to let us by, huffing at us, obviously annoyed.

Within minutes, we made it out to the lobby and past the elevator. I was giggling the whole way because I’d had to flash my tits to the next guy who wouldn’t pull in his chair.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Damon said.

“Yeah, well I could say they deserved it but they really didn’t.”

Damon laughed and grabbed one of my nipples, squeezing it through my bikini top. I let out a fake yelp, but his touch sent spikes of heat to my brain.

When we got to the stairs, we stopped. It was behind one door and no one ever seemed to use it. Not with that very speedy elevator we’d christened recently. “Why are we taking the…?” Damon pulled me into his arms and kissed me fiercely. He let me go, leaving me breathless. “My room is on the fifth floor!” I was panting but filled with adrenaline. I wanted more. Much more.

“We’ll take our time,” Damon assured me. “With everything.”

He reached down, hooked his muscular arms beneath my legs and hoisted me up against him. Then he kissed me again, letting his teeth and lips trail down my neck to the base of my pulsing throat. He groaned. “Fuck, you are so tempting,” he said.

Still out of breath, I leaned against him, and my heart sank a little when he put me down. I had thought he was going to carry me up the stairs. All five flights! As ludicrous as that sounds. “Grab onto the railing, Liz. And show me your ass.”

I flipped myself around, arms reaching for the banister, sinking my palms into the hardness of the wood. I bent forward so  he could grind his hard cock into the split of my backside, gasping and a little shocked. It was one thing to fuck inside an elevator. Quite another to fuck in a stairwell. Especially in broad daylight. Where anyone could open that door and… As much as I wanted to, the good girl inside me was shouting, ‘fuck no!’

His lips were flush against my ear.“Now Liz…” H, I felt the heat of his breath, which smelled minty, scald my skin like a flame, the words melt against my throat. “Damon, we can’t. We…”

“I know,” he said. “I just want… I need to feel  you, Liz.”

I could smell the headiness of his skin, his cock throbbing through our clothing.


Like dynamite. Ready to explode.

“I want you too,” I said. “But not…Not like this.” I didn’t want more quick gropes and silent kisses between floors. I wanted more. I wanted…him. All of him.

He murmured his assent, breathing me in, and I almost changed my mind. I wondered if it weren’t me who was the one tempted to take him in that stairwell, and not the other way around.

I imagined him seated on the stairs—grinning—those powerful thighs spread wide for me, his cock pointed up. I’d strip myself naked, and probably blush with excitement as he held me by my hips and then lowered me down over his thick pulsing shaft. Impaling me on his massive cock.

My breathing became labored, but it had nothing to do with the climb.

We were all alone.

We started to climb.

As we passed the third floor, I remembered who the real Damon Donovan was, a man obsessed with the healthiest of lifestyles. Lifting weights. Running five miles every morning. Abstaining from alcohol. It had paid off for him too. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on that deliciously toned body.

He wasn’t even winded. We sprinted up the stairs so fast I could hardly keep up, and once I had to stop to catch my breath. Damn, he had so much energy. He could power up the entire city of New York.

When we finally walked out of the stairwell, Damon looked up and down the hallway, nodded, and then we headed in the opposite direction of my apartment.

“What! My apartment is that way.”

“I know.”

“K. Where are you taking me then?”

“It’s a surprise.”

He lead me to the opposite side of the building where it was dark and a little dingy. The wallpaper was outdated and there were no electric lights. Just dim chandeliers overhead and some of the bulbs were not even shining. I even saw unused gaslights here and there. It was like this was the original part of the building.

I could see there was construction going on by all the ladders and coils of rope, boxes, and equipment lieing about, so I assumed they were making new apartments down here.

Damon tried several doors, but most of them were locked. Then he settled on one  and fit a key inside a hole.

We peered inside. It was dark. Just like the hallway. “What the fuck, Damon! I have a perfectly good bed back…”

“No bed. Not tonight,” he said. “Trust me.  You’ll like this much more. At least I hope you will.” Now I was curious.

I was still wearing my bikini  but had a simple terrycloth cover over it. I could feel the air conditioning, which was pretty cool, but I was still warmly aroused. Getting more excited by the minute.

“So what is this place?”

“My sister’s idea of a sex club.”

My eyes widened and my heart pumped faster.

“Unless you’re not into that, but I thought it might be fun. It’s actually in the infant stages of development, but she did purchase a few…props already, that might heighten our experience.  He looked at me expectantly and my knees went weak. “I thought we could give them a try?”

“Okay.”  I didn’t tell Damon, but I was totally in for this. I’d never been in a sex club before even if it was a half built one. I felt sexier than I’d ever been, and my thighs were sticking together.  “I want you inside me,” I breathed into his ear. “Now!”

“Fuck yeah.” He pulled me into the room, yanked the door shut, and flipped on some lights. Thousands of iridescent bulbs set a few inches apart on strands of wire hung from the walls. Like Christmas lights, they glittered before my eyes. They didn’t light it up the whole room like recessed lighting would, but gave the place a soft romantic glow. There was an aura of sexuality in the air, and was that lavender I smelled? 

Damon pulled me to him. “You are so hot,” he growled, leading me to a velvet brocade couch before pouncing on me again in an energized kiss. My body ached for more. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw leather ropes and sliver chains with little clips on the ends dangled over our heads.

Damon leaned back, breaking our kiss with a soft pop. Wanna make this more exciting?” Studying my reaction with raised brows, and apparently liking my expression of excitement, a pair of pink furry handcuffs appeared out of nowhere. He gave me a wild grin as they dangled from his finger tips.

I giggled. “Why Mr. Delaney. I’m shocked. Whatever do you plan to do to me with those?”    

“A little bondage is all. Have you ever… ?”


“We’ll start out slow. Nothing too kinky. We won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. All right?”

“Okay.” I didn’t tell him that I’d fantasized about this sort of thing for hours, ever since I’d read about it online. I was beyond excited, I was goddammed euphoric, the nerves jumped along my body, nipples taut. I felt like I’d just been offered my favorite candy— after not tasting it for years and years.

I grabbed the handcuff, and slapped one on his wrist, laughing when I saw his surprised reaction. I jerked his arm up, closing the fastened handcuff to a chain hanging from the ceiling.

“Hey!” he exclaimed with a chuckle.. “I’d planned on putting those on you.”

“Whoops,” I said with a grin. “You’re mine now, Mr. Delaney. Maybe you shouldn’t have underestimated me.” I laughed harder, loving that I could turn the tables on him. The control I never—in my entire life—had over any man.


He sat there beside me, staring with lust filled eyes, glowing in the half darkness. His free hand roamed along the inside of my spreading thighs sending endorphins of pleasure pulsing through my veins. “Mmmm, I think you’re wet, little girl.”


The tips of his fingers grazed the seam on my bikini and I did the unthinkable. I stepped away from the couch. “Soaked, actually.”


I made him watch me. I loved how his eyes glazed over whenever I touched myself.  He growled deep and low in his throat as he watched my hands slide over every one of my curves while he grew more erect. When I slipped the shirt over my head to reveal my barely-there bikini, I thought he was going to break the handcuff lunging for me. I laughed and so did he.


“This is cruel and unusual punishment, Liz.” Strong as he was, he’d dragged the couch a few inches and then frowned when he realized the chain over his head was holding him back. “Come to me, baby. Let me feel how wet you are for me.”


“Not yet.” I wanted him ravenous for my body when I took of those handcuffs. I needed to see that sticky white pre-cum along his dick. This was as much about me as it was about him though. For once, I wanted to be wanted by a man. Wanted so much he’d die if he didn’t fuck me.


Damon’s blue eyes dazzled, like two crystals in a sea of grey as he licked his lips. I could see his erection through his gym shorts. Hard. Waiting for me. “Do you know how fucking gorgeous you are?” he asked.


“You’re just horny,” I replied, feeling momentarily insecure. “When was the last time…you know?”  Some sexpot I was. I couldn’t even say the word, sex, without turning red.


“A long time. A really, really long time.”


“That explains a lot.”


“What does?” I reached behind and unsnapped my bikini top. He definitely heard the snap because his breath caught  and he growled.


“It’s why you want me this much.”


“That’s not why, Liz.”


“Oh?” I let the straps slide down my arms and slid each arm out one by one. The only thing covering my nipples where my palms and a sliver of fabric.


“They’re beautiful, baby. Come on. Show me.”


I lowered my hands watching how his eyes transformed from baby-powder blue to a darker shade of aqua as I exposed myself.


Like a wild animal, he licked those full bow lips and growled loudly. The chain jiggled. “You have me at a disadvantage, Miss Doyle.”


He was right. I did, but I couldn’t help myself. I loved watching him come unglued. “Do I?” I said tweaking my aching nipples and moaning.


I loved how the muscles of his raised arms pulsed when his jaw set tight, the beads of sweat speckling his furrowed brow, the way his heated gaze never left my body. I loved the flexing of the arm at his side, the way his fist opened and closed, like a ripple in a very dramatic tide. A tide that wanted disparately to be unleashed. I had him under my spell and he knew it.


“So beautiful,” he breathed, the words a hot blade against my skin. “I need to touch you, Elizabeth. Come closer.”




“Please,” he begged. “My cock is going to explode.”


“Soon.” My eyes lowered to his waist. The drawstring of his shorts hung loosely, below it a magnificent bulge inside his pants. My hands swept down. Caressing my hips.


Damon’s heat was evident; he looked like he wanted to eat me. Eyes fastened on mine, I could see him planning his escape. With his free hand, he’d managed to unbutton the front of his shirt. his magnificent pecs stroking my desire. His nipples were firmly dark. Hard. Firm. Like the rest of him. His eyes widened. Straining. He looked like he was ready to rip my clothes off.


I licked my lips, wondering how much longer I could keep this up. So many things were going through my head. I shouldn’t be here. I should be taking it slow. If I fell for him, would I be able to get back up, brush myself off? This was driving me even more crazy. This little seduction scene I’d flipped on him. I could barely speak any longer, and when I did, it came out as a strangled squeal. “It…it drove me crazy when I didn’t know that was your sister,” I blurted. “But I feel even crazier now.”


He nodded. “Not crazy,” he said. “I know crazy.” His features deadpanned for a moment, but then it changed back to lust-filled and desperate. Like a switch he’d just turned on and off.


“What do you mean?” I threw my head back, cupping my breasts and moaning.


“Ah fuck. Keep doing that and this is going to be very short foreplay.” The fingers of his free hand were hooked on his waistband. I knew they were grazing the tip of his cock. My mouth watered. Helplessly aroused.


“You didn’t answer my question,” I said, gasping with delight when he took his cock out of his shorts.


“Let’s just say I had enough of crazy in my life.”


“Your ex?”




I wondered how he’d feel if he knew I tried to kill myself once, that I’d spent the better part of a year in rehab or that I still had a monthly appointment with my therapist just so I wouldn’t relapse. Putting it all out of my mind, I took a step back.  “Stay right here,” I said. “Don’t move!”


Looking amused, I nearly melted when he gave me that pouty lip expression. I nearly let him out of the cuffs, but where would the fun be in that? “But first…” I shot forward, wrapped my arms around his neck, about to give him a chaste kiss, but he pulled me into a bear hug with one arm and planted one on me instead.


The guy was strong as a fucking ox! I’d forgotten how much he worked out. I realized stupidly that with those big arms and those large capable hands, he could probably rip that wispy little chain over his head.


The kiss deepened as he filled me with his breath, his soul, his entire being, erasing all my fears and inhibitions.


Right then I realized something important.


I was treading into deeper waters. I could not, in my lifetime, ever remember wanting a man so much, and as for anything beyond that? Suddenly I didn’t care. Didn’t care if it was only for tonight. Or the two weeks that had suddenly turned into three. Or that we were nothing more than two tortured souls who hadn’t had good sex in like forever.


All I knew was I wanted him. Now. Here! Like this. So much that my life depended on it. When he finally let me up for air, my bottom lip caught between his teeth, and I was dizzy with desire for him.


It didn’t help that I could feel his biceps stretching to wrap around me. The scent of his perspiring skin made me delirious with arousal. His lips on my skin. Hand smoothing back my hair so he could whisper in my ear. “Liz… My Liz,” he rasped.


I got up and stepped away.


He’d pulled his cock completely free now. I watched his chest heave with excitement, the look of longing in his hooded eyes, the pink slit of his cock glistening with precum as he stroked it.


Holy shit!


His  murmured my name in a gravely voice like a convict begging for parole and suddenly his length grew larger.


Fuck! How was I to resist that?


He let out a low groan. “Not the right hand,” he muttered.


I moved toward him. “Lift your but,” I said tugging at the drawstring of his shorts. He wriggled his bottom, lifting his hips and helping me to pull his shorts down around his ankles. Damn, he was huge. Nestled between his fine sculpted fine hips.


I dropped to my knees. When I looked up between his legs, his hand rested on my head. “I want you, Quinn. I want you more than any other woman I’ve ever met.”


My heart clenched—nearly breaking into pieces. How long had I waited for someone to tell me those very words? The declaration that he wanted me above all others. That he couldn’t live without… But this was just sex right? Guys say anything during sex. It was too much to fathom so I put it out of my mind.


His cock was beautiful. Firm graceful ridges with a wide pointed head glimmering among the shadows. I cupped his balls inside my palms squeezing them gently and watching his face for reaction. He smiled down at me.


As I stroked him base to tip, I licked the tip of him clean, the salty taste lingering on my tongue. His feral groan echoed over my head.


I sucked and I licked, focusing on my technique—letting my tongue slide along the underside of his shaft, around, to the front and then suckling the whole length of him. Cheeks bulging. Filling the back of my throat until I felt the little gag reflex.


When I tickled the tip of his cock with my tongue, his buttocks tightened and he started to bounce. He let out a low husky groan. “Oh baby. Baby, that’s…”


There was that power again.


He slid back up on his hips, thrusting his cock up in to the air until I sucked it in greedily. I took in as much as I could without gagging, but I couldn’t get it all. “Tilt your head back,” Damon instructed. When I did as he suggested, I I swallowed him head to hilt. Pulling his hips to me, his cock reached the back of my throat. Now. Now, I was fucking him with my mouth.


As I focused on bringing him to orgasm, strong fingers raked through my hair.

I moaned, loving the endorphins skittering along my scalp.


“Take all of me, Liz. I want to fill you. I want you to make me come in that pretty, pretty mouth.” He reached beneath to fondle one breast, but of course he couldn’t touch the other one because it was chained over his head, and I wanted him to. Badly. It was then that I realized how ridiculous it was that I’d cuffed only one hand. I tried to reach up toward the cuff, but knew it was hopeless from my position.


He did a little magic trick then. Slipped his wrist out of the handcuff— And Walla! Now both hands were free. To roam. Touch. Explore.


He pinched the nipples of both breasts. Using thumbs and forefingers. Like he was pulling a cheery off a tree. My moans drowned around his cock. Hot slick pulses surged between my legs.


I sucked harder. Deeper. Stronger. Holding his cock in one hand. Grasping his balls with my other and squeezing them hard. A trickle of fluid flashed along the taste buds of my tongue while his body clenched tight.


I knew he was close. Was banking on it, actually. I sucked his engorged cock like my life depended on it. Drawing him to the back of my throat, each stroke accompanied by Damon’s primal grunts. “Coming, baby. I’m gonna come in you. Ah fuck. Fuck!” He kept clenching and unclenching his buttocks as the sensation took over. He held onto my head, strong, desperate, urging me on. I loved that he talked dirty. I loved that he held me there.


A few more frantic pumps and his body grew rigid with release. He pulsed like a fucking geyser! Hot slick fluids. Filling my throat. It oozed out of my lips, and was dripped along my chin. It felt hot and slick. Like blood.  And I loved it. Loved how I felt with his seed shooting down my throat. Loved that I could give him this gift.


“Oh god, Liz. You are fucking amazing, woman.”


My heart swelled. I’d never let a man ejaculate inside my mouth before, but something about this felt different. Just…right, somehow. Like it was a gift we shared. With Damon, there was no question. No second guessing. No hesitation. With Damon,  I everything. I wanted all of him.


I stuck my tongue out, lapping the last bits of semen clinging to his tip. My jaw was achy, but in a good way. I stared up at him, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “Wow. I can’t believe we did that. It was…so sexy.”


“Was it okay?” he asked looking worried. “I mean coming like that?”


“More than okay.


“Come up here, Liz,” Taking me by the hand, he set me down beside him. “I think you deserve a reward.” He traced the line of my chin, slipping one finger in my mouth until I sucked it greedily. I reached down between his legs, feeling his half-aroused dick.


“Damn, you are amazing,” he said again, praising me in that deep growly voice of his. His head dipped down, taking one breast inside his mouth while cupping the other. “These are amazing too. I can’t get enough of you, Liz.”


I didn’t think it was possible. Not this soon. But something fresh glittered in Damon’s eyes. Arousal. He took my hand and placed it on his cock and sure enough he was already hard again. “In for a little exploration?




“Do you want me to show you how enjoyable bondage can be now?”


I nodded, feeling a little shaky. “Don’t worry. We won’t do anything too dangerous or out of your comfort zone and if you don’t like something just say, ‘stop.’ Okay?”




Taking my hand, he led me into the expanse of the room, away from the couch we’d been seated on. The path was mostly dark, but we had light from a small neon sign up ahead. We passed a cage—large enough to hold a man or woman—a wall with whips, leather collars and leashes, and other assorted fetish items—a large circular bed with a red velvet coverlet—and several round Jacuzzis large enough for several couples with seats around the sides. I would have loved a soak, but none of them were filled with water. If this was what Damon called ‘the infant stages of construction’ I was in trouble.


I was still in my bathing suit and feeling a little chilled as he lead me up some steps.


He flicked a switch. Signaling bright red and gold lights that flickered and glowed above full length mirrors that were all sides of us. A tiny raised platform was in the center and bigger, heavier chains hung from the ceiling. I couldn’t help cringing when I looked at them. A thread of fear slithered down my spine.

What the hell had I got myself into? This wasn’t me. I didn’t do this kind of crazy sex shit and here I was giving someone I barely knew a blow job and god knows what else he would have me do.


A wolfish grin spread across Damon’s full bow lips, but it faltered just a little when he must have seen my hesitation. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. “Do you trust me?” He led me up the last step. When I nodded that I did, he motioned for me to sit on black leather couch.


Producing a red blindfold from his back pocket, he swung it from his fingers, the wolfish grin back in place. “Our other senses are heightened when we’re blind. Can I blindfold you, Liz?”


Something else I’ve never done.


Was I crazy? Absolutely out of my mind? Apparently so, because I found myself nodding yes.


I turned, so he could tie the blindfold around my head. “Give me your hands,” he said softly. Hesitating for an instant, I pushed my wrists forward. Soft velvety cuffs circled one and then the other. Now I really was getting nervous, but my arousal was evident. Fresh heat flooded inside my core and my nipples tightened, almost painfully.


“This isn’t exactly fair,” I protested beneath the mask, knowing the shoe was on the other foot, so yes, it was fair.


A sharp sense of heat filled me like good wine. Strong. Full-bodied. More than anything I’d ever felt. He was right about the blindfold. Already I could smell things I hadn’t smelled before. His cologne. The woodsy smell of his shampoo. Baby powder. “I only…”


“Shhhhh.” The cuffs closed with a soft click and then several minutes of silence where all I heard was his breathing. The back of the couch was cold, but his fingers sent tingles of  heat and sensation as they rolled along my skin. Everywhere.


Reaching forward, my hands grazed his thighs and then came up hard against his groin before he caught them and brought them to his lips, kissing the fingertips one by one.  More breathing and silence. “Hmmm. Not enough.”


He stood me up. A tender hand pressed against my lower back. “Stand here… Don’t move.” My breath caught in my throat and something inside me jumped as I felt the feather of a kiss along my neck.


He didn’t touch me at first. I felt like I were waiting in line at an amusement park where part of me was scared and part of me was overjoyed. I could practically smell his erection.


“I’m going to fuck you, Liz. I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before,  but first I want you to know what real unbridled passion is. The kind of passion you can’t get with drugs or even alcohol. I’m going to claim you. Claim your body from the inside out.” He slid a single digit down the length of me and then back up toward my face, leaving a trail of blazing heat, my need for him escalating.


The finger traveled over my chest where he rested his open hand. “I might even claim your heart if you let me.” My nipples tightened  beneath his palm.


“Right now, you are mine, Liz. All mine. Will you let me, baby? Will you let me claim you?” He kissed me on the mouth. Gently. Tenderly. Then I felt the loss of him as he stepped away.


I felt the tension of a mood change. Like the crack of a single whip!


Strong hands gripped me by the hips, holding me in place. Suspended between pain and pleasure. Like he thought I would float away. His mouth dipped to my breasts suckling the tender tips I gasped.


“Gorgeous,” he said low into my skin. My body was on fire. Everywhere he touched.


Something tugged along the bottom of my bikini. His teeth! They pulled off my last bit of clothing. “Shit,” I heard him whisper. “So beautiful I can’t stand it.”


I had so much heat pulsing between my legs, arousal coated my inner thighs. “Please…” I begged.


“We need this off.” His fingers delved lower. Lifting my heels, he removed the bottom of my bikini.


“Spread your legs for me, baby.”


When I slid my bare feet along the floor, something soft clamped around one ankle and then the other. God no! My breath caught. I inhaled a breath. I realized with a slight sense of panic that he’d anchored me to the floor. To the fucking floor! I tried to stay calm.


“You okay?”


“Um…I… Yeah, I want this.”


“Now raise your arms, pretty baby.”


I’m going to claim you. You’re mine tonight.


The jingling of a chain and the coolness of soft leather against my bare back and buttocks had my heart thundering wildly as he lifted my arms so he could suspend them over my head. Another click and I was his. Utterly and physically. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling, but adventurous was the word that entered my tortured brain. And fucking amazingly aroused!


I was completely at his mercy. He could just leave me here if he wanted to. No one would be the wiser. We were on the other side of the building and it was Friday. Even the builders wouldn’t be here until Monday morning. I almost yelled ‘stop’, but then his tongue slid up my center and something else took over my focus.


Unbridled passion.


Suddenly all I could think about was his hands. His tongue. His cock. Wanting them all at once. Needing them on me. I wriggled in the restraints, testing them.


“Still okay?”


“Uh huh.”


“Just let yourself…feel.”


I heard the pop of something plastic and then a soft slurping sound of liquid being squirted and smoothed into large male hands.


I jumped just a little when he touched me, the tension in my shoulders tight, but then I relaxed. He massaged away the tension, first smoothing the plane of my back, along my spine. Graduating to my hips. With tender firm strokes, I felt him glide over the skin of my buttocks, and down the back of my legs.


Almost from the first stroke, I felt calm. Like I was underwater. Floating.


“Feel better?”


“Mmmm.” I breathed in a lungful of air, because that was all I could do was breathe.


Both hands moved inside my left leg, following the contour of my ankle, up one tight calf, massaging and pinching lightly, over the back of my knee and then up the center of my thigh until just before…. I felt something flutter in my pubic hair and then soft feathery kisses right below it. I thrust my hips toward the shape of him. “Please, yes.” But then his hands descended back down again, beginning the same path on the right leg. “Please…” I begged again. “I…I need…”


“You want something, pretty lady?” His voice was red like a hot steamy iron, a brand against my skin.


My nipples tingled, puckering to firm thorny rosebuds. I’d never been so completely and utterly on fire for a man, and he hadn’t even touched me there yet.


“What do you want, sweetheart?” he asked while reining kisses up my inner thigh.


“I…oh!” A firm finger slid between my pussy lips. On reflex, I tried to open my legs wider then remembered the shackles on my ankles. “Oh god!”


“You’re so wet for me. So fucking wet.” His finger drove deeper and another flickered in my ass making me wriggle and jangle in my chains. I thought how much I wanted him and that he needn’t have tied me up.




“That’s a start, sweetheart. Say my name. Say my name when I make you come. And say it loud, baby.” Two fingers lid up the center of my core, stroking me from front to back as they skidded over the bundle of nerves . “Oh. Oh!”


“Now tell me, Liz. Tell me what I should do to you.”


“I want…”


“What?” Soft lips nibbled to the side of my core. “This? Is this what you want, baby? Tell me.”


“Fuck! Stop teasing me, you asshole.”


He chuckled between my legs. “Not sure what you mean, Liz. You haven’t told me what you want so how can I… ?”


“Fuck me, Damon. I fucking need you there,” I whimpered.


“Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”


A sharp tongue shot forward lapping at my center until my keening grew louder. And louder. “Damon! Oh. Oh!”


He groaned between my legs and I felt his finger take the place of his mouth while he fondled the place behind me. “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come!”


I was so on fire already. His dirty words sent wild erratic currents all through my body. So much so that I felt like someone else. My toes literally curled inside the shackles. My body pulsed, refusing to be denied and I felt myself falling. Falling into sensation. All at once, I felt an orgasm grab me by the teeth, and shake me like I was some sort of rag doll. A rag doll for him.


It wasn’t over though. Damon had other plans and there was nothing I could do to stop him.


His lips were between my legs. Sucking right through my orgasm. Pulsing with release. Pushing my clit into his mouth until my head thrashed side to side, a second orgasm mounting. Higher. Harder. Until for a moment, he stopped.


My sweet spot started to melt around his face as his hair tickled my inner thigh. He’d stopped to take a breath.


“Is it good, baby?”


I couldn’t speak. All I could do was whine from the loss of him.


“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said before resuming his position.


And then I was flying again. Bursting into a second  flaming orgasm that  dragged me into its fire with a sweet, sensual bliss. The sensation of my emotions heightening my pleasure.


When I came, it was with earth, shattering shouts, deep growly breaths, and screams so loud  I thought the stars might fall from the sky. But I hadn’t said his name. I couldn’t.


As I came down from the incredible high, my pussy pulsed in submission, becoming sensitive to Damon’s touch. “Stop, stop, stop,” I said breathless. My breathing was labored, my pussy throbbing with fresh blood. “Oh my god. Oh my god,” was all I managed to say.


“Good.” I heard a slight crack in his knee caps, signaling he was rising, then the chain over my head jiggled as he brought my arms down and unlatched the cuffs. I made to reach for the blindfold, but he caught my hands and brought them to his lips, kissing them gently. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”


“Are you kidding me?” I couldn’t stop grinning either and judging by the chuckle a few inches away from my face, Damon noticed. “I take it number two was even better?”


“Holy shit, yeah.”


“Leave the mask on, baby.” He settled my hands by my sides, holding them there with a firm grip, as he kissed me long and hard. “Now come.”

I laughed. “I already…”


“Follow me,” he clarified, totally serious as he unshackled my ankles and then took my hand in his, leading me a few feet over to sit on the couch.


“Not done with me yet, are you Mr. Delaney?”




He leaned in for an unexpected kiss,  it was like lightning when his lips touched mine. Zap! The kiss pretty much rocked me off my feet and he had to snake an arm around to keep me from falling over. Instinctively, my arms curled around his massive shoulders letting the warmth of his hot skin warm me. While I had to admit sexual bondage had been amazing and otherworldly,  I’d missed touching him. I moaned, as a hand slipped between my legs. I sucked in the fingers.


“Yes! Still wet for me,” he growled. I could tell he was removing his shorts. “I want to see it,” I whined. “Can I take this…” I reached up to remove the mask.


“No.” He grabbed a hand and settled it around his immense erection instead. “Use your hands, Liz. Feel how big you’ve made me.”


He was big. Was it possible he was making me excited all over again simply because I couldn’t see him. See it. God, this was fun!


“Now stand up, pretty lady. And turn around.”


I did as he commanded, facing away from him. I could feel his length against my ass cheeks. I let him guide me into position with my hands over the back of the couch, bracing them. He kicked my legs wide, which caught me a little off guard.


“I’m going to fuck you now, Liz.” It was very much a statement, all of the softness and tenderness gone from his voice. Like he’d changed into someone else. He was bolder. Wild and animated. Like a soldier about to claim his prisoner.


Leaning my arms on the back of the couch, my hips tilted up. Like an invitation. A firm hard hand came down hard on my buttocks, making me yelp. Definitely caught me unaware.


He slapped my ass again. And again. After the last time he ran something hard and flat over my entrance. It had little nubs that tickled. No ignited me there!


“It’s a finger fuck device,” he explained. “You like?”


“Uh huh.”


“Good. Lean forward a bit more.” I felt his erection at my backside but he didn’t penetrate me just yet. Instead, he reached around, fondling my nipples one last time. They had long since responded into hot perky tips. I moaned, loving the sensation. Loving everything he was doing to me. Right down to the naughty spanking.


Then, with one hand on my back, I felt his cock ram forward, filling me with one swift thrust.


“Oh.” I hadn’t expected it so soon. I gave a little shout at the fullness of him. When he started to pump, his balls bounced against my ass.  “Oh my god.”


He didn’t ask me if it was okay this time and he didn’t ask if I liked it. He just fucked me. And he didn’t slow down when his cock slipped out either. He just rammed it back in within micro seconds. By the sound of his breathing, feral grunts, and fevered thrusts, I don’t think it was  possible for him to fuck me any other way. Now he couldn’t speak. The couch started to rock and I feared it would tip over from the pounding he was giving it.


Then he did find some words. “Oh baby, You’re so tight like this. So fucking tight around my cock.” He reached around my hips, the tips of his fingers grazing my wet clit.


He drilled forward, claiming me, and taking every mind-blowing pleasure he could milk from my fractured body, as his own climax started to build. I could feel it. His cock growing rock fucking hard. His balls slapping against my ass. Filled with hot delicious cum bursting to shoot inside me.


I loved the sound of his groans and deep seated growls, the slick sticky way our skin stuck together.


“You taste so good,” he said, growling and nibbling on my neck. “I can still taste your sweet pussy.” He growled so loud it thundered through the room. “Fuck! I’m coming.”


The place where Damon started and I began became blurred as his strokes to claim my body raced to the finish.


With a few more  sharp thrusts, he shot his load inside me. Hot sticky cum slipped out settling in the cleft of my ass. He collapsed against my spine, heart wildly beating with exhaustion.


“So that’s what this bondage thing is all about,” I said below him. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode. “Can I get up now? I feel like we’ve just run a marathon. Naked.” We both burst out laughing, falling naked on the couch.





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