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Srath: Warriors of Milisaria (A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Celeste Raye (12)

Chapter 12


The president wanted the meeting to be held in the new White House. Though the original had been destroyed in the war that finally united the world, the name had been kept in honor of the past. The new structure in no way resembled the original. Nancy stared at its simplicity and couldn't imagine how it was considered to be a brilliant form of architecture. She had seen President Iris Bolton giving speeches from her office on the news feeds. Her office was opulent and dignified. It didn't fit with the image in front of her.

The building appeared to be one story, with tennis courts, a pool, and a park area on the roof. It was painted a green that closely matched the surrounding lawn. From the air, it would blend in with the ground and not show as a target for bombings. Earth was united in peace for now, but there were other enemies in the universe.

The group passed through double doors and were confronted by security. They showed the passes they had been given and were thrust into the first checkpoint. Here, they were scanned, inside and out, for weapons. When none were found, they entered sealed tubes. A rush of air was all that they felt, yet they were aware their bodies and clothing were being cleansed of any poisons or diseases that could kill.

From there, the contingent was allowed into the open space that comprised the rest of the floor. It was the size of two sports arenas. It was bustling with activity. Kiosks were busy selling coffee, souvenirs, and headphones that translated visitor's native languages. A section was marked off for tour groups. Just like the original White House, this one allowed tours of the common areas. A school group was waiting for their guide.

A Japanese man, with silver hair, bowed to them. He explained, "I will be taking you to meet President Bolton in the universal conference room. You cannot go alone. It is off-limits to the public. If you will please follow me to the elevators, we will descend to the seventh level."

That explained a lot to Nancy. The rest of the structure was underground. It must have been built to withstand being destroyed again. The elevator wouldn't hold the entire group at once. The Milisarian Knights were too heavy and large. The silver-haired gentleman took them in four groups, advising the ones he left on the seventh level to remain isolated in the hallway. If they tried to enter a room on their own, security would be breached, and the floor would be filled with soldiers. The president was taking no chances during the turmoil now occurring.

Together once more, they were facing steel doors, locked tight. The Japanese guide opened a panel and placed his right eye to the light inside. His retina was scanned as identification and the doors released. Inside was a gigantic conference table made of a clear unbreakable substance, surrounded by video screens. Each screen had a different country's symbol lit up. They were asked to sit at the center of the table. From the ceiling, a panel lowered. It held refreshments from around the world and various planets, including Milisaria. The president was an excellent hostess.

An invisible door slid open, and President Bolton entered the room. She was tall and slender, with a regal bearing. Her gray hair was chin length and held loose waves to soften her already friendly face. She smiled at the group and said, "Welcome to the White House. This room has held many groups, but none so different or as important as you. Before we begin, I would like to express my thanks to Milisaria for their concern and cooperation in our endeavors. I didn't expect outside aid for Earth's problems, but it is a welcome surprise. If you don't mind, we have a few others that would like to join us." The video screens came to life, and the leaders of the world joined them. After introductions were made, it was time to begin.

Nancy was nervous but grew in confidence as she spoke. "We have a problem. Earth is in turmoil. Our peaceful planet is on the verge of possible war. Not between countries, but between our fellow men. It happened before, in ancient history. I won't reprise the details today. We all know the outcome and the unnecessary losses. The issue is how to stop it from happening now. Along with that issue, we face the problem of alien rights. We are far past denying entrance to Earth. Trading and alliance with other planets is both lucrative and necessary. Many species have made homes here. They work among us and have given us technology, medicine, and opened up new jobs for humans. It seems only fair that they be given equal rights."

Murmuring was heard in many languages from the screens. The president translated, "All the leaders agree to your points, but don't have a solution. They are still dealing with the repercussions of the experimental clinics and scouring their countries to be sure there are no more."

Alexis took the floor. "Our king is going to help with that issue. He is reaching out to the other planets in an effort to keep Earth from becoming an interplanetary war zone. In your frustrations over the troubles here, you've let the bigger problem go unnoticed. The leaders of the prisoners' planets could retaliate for the torture they endured. Earth would be destroyed. King Siefer is not going to let that occur. In his talks with the leaders, he will also ask for an accounting of every citizen on each planet. If all are accounted for, then we know there are no more labs. If many are missing, we continue the search. Either way, the leaders are made aware that Earth cares and is doing all they can to stop the abuse. It will aid King Siefer and his young son, Scyon, in negotiating a peaceful resolution."

President Bolton replied, "You are correct. The issue is far greater than we had perceived or acknowledged. Our governments should have been more diligent and less involved with monetary and election issues. This matter must become our priority. King Siefer's foresight and aid are overwhelmingly appreciated."

Nancy asked to play the recordings she had made during the interviews at the recovery centers and businesses. The screens automatically translated the recordings into the proper language for each country. The room remained quiet for several minutes after the recordings finished.

Russia's leader broke the silence, "If this is a representation of the alien treatment and their attitude toward Earth, I can see that we need to learn from them. Their forgiveness for the human crimes is humbling."

China added, "The business owners were impressive as well. They made it clear the aliens were excellent workers and had added their insight and knowledge to make the business better. Those aliens deserve equal rights and pay. However, just like the people of Earth, not all aliens are good workers or productive citizens. If we are to allow them to choose our planet as a home, we could end up with more individuals taking resources without giving back."

Josephine took a turn to answer that issue. "When I first arrived on Milisaria, I was treated well, but not given full rein on the planet. I had to prove my worth if I wanted to be given citizenship status. My involvement on Milisaria was limited to the work they gave me. My job was consistent with my knowledge and experience. I had to work in the capital for a year without causing problems and show the king I would make a productive addition to his world. At the end of the year, my work was evaluated. I passed the test and was given a choice. I could return to Earth if I found Milisaria to be the wrong home for me or I could be given full citizenship. Other species were put through the same evaluations. Those that didn't live up to the king's standards were taken back to their home planet without repercussions or allowed to try for citizenship on the planet of their choice. Milisaria rules over many colonies on different planets. No one was ever punished or harmed for being less worthy of citizenship."

Nancy stated, "This type of system could be set up on Earth. Each individual would be responsible for whether or not they were allowed to stay here. It would put them all on their best behavior. In return, we would have to treat the new citizens as equals. They would be allowed all the benefits the natives of Earth enjoy."

Srath was listening intently to the conversations, and he could not remain still. His restlessness caught the president's attention. She turned to him and asked, "Is there something you wish to add?"

He nodded politely and stepped forward from his guarding position behind Nancy. "There are those who do not welcome aliens on this planet. They provoke arguments with words of a demeaning nature. It is difficult to remain calm when faced with these individuals. I have encountered some in the last two days. This prejudice must be addressed as well."

President Bolton answered, "Yes, the problems you've faced since you arrived were called to my attention." At Srath's astonished expression, she continued, "Don't look so shocked. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. They are monitored night and day. Anything unusual is sent to me. I saw the fight with the gang members and noted your quick temper. I agreed with your commander's punishment and the second chance he presented you. I also saw the confrontation in the club. You held your temper that time, and I wish to praise you for it. You learn from your mistakes quickly. Such prejudices have gone on for centuries. They will be addressed. It is my personal promise to you. All these issues cannot be handled in this room, with only these people. Our entire governments, in every country, must become involved. We will need committees within committees to follow through with what we have learned today. I will let the world's leaders leave us now to start their own groups for resolution of these problems. Goodbye, and thank you all for your commitment to peace on Earth."

The screens went blank. The president turned to the Milisarian contingent and said, "Now the real work begins. We need to form groups to oversee the committees and bring the information we learned today to the forefront. Are all of you willing to help for a while longer?"

The group nodded as one, including the Milisarian Knights that were only there as guards. "Good. I need Alexis and Nabvan to oversee a committee on diplomatic relations with the other planets. They will work closely with King Siefer and his negotiations. Josephine, you and your mate are a good choice for the citizenship committee. You have been through the process yourself. It will aid in the explanation and planning here. Valeri and Ohber will lead the group that disperses the equipment in the labs. It may help bring closure to the ordeals they faced. Nancy, I would like you to take Srath as a partner. The recovery centers need someone to set the ball rolling on sending the aliens home or finding them a place to stay and work on Earth."

Nancy argued, "Srath is a guard. He isn't here to be a diplomat."

The president refuted, "I know what his role has been, however, I see a greater potential for his use. He has come a long way already and will be a fine example to the aliens who wish to stay."

Valeri had a question. "Can I see my father? I know he's still in prison, but I want him to meet his grandchildren."

"I don't see why we can't make that happen,” President Bolton stated. "He's not a risk to others at this point. Your children shouldn't see him locked up, though. I will make arrangements for him to be brought to a secure holding place, outside the prison. There will be guards, but I will make sure they are dressed in regular clothing. It will mean leaving Washington D.C. for a few days, but your committee can wait. I would imagine you would like to see your brother as well."

Valeri's excitement was clear. "Do you know where he is? He's very secretive about his job and where it takes him."

"Indeed, he is and should be. I do know where to find him. I will see that he meets you at the assigned spot. Together, you can face your father and perhaps resolve past hurts and rifts in the family. Children of all species need and deserve older family members. Good or bad, they offer knowledge that cannot be imparted in books or videos."

The president exited the same way she had arrived. The Japanese man returned to lead everyone back to the first floor, where they stopped for coffee and souvenirs. Nancy bought t-shirts and jackets for Nexxa and her friend Scyon.

The group broke apart outside the White House grounds. Alexis and Nabvan went to the spaceship to inform King Siefer about the meeting. Josephine took Urim for the ice cream she had been promising him. Valeri and Ohber wanted to take their children to a park to play. Srath had other plans. He took Nancy by the hand and led her far from the crowd.