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Srath: Warriors of Milisaria (A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Celeste Raye (17)

Chapter 17


The president had made the decision to use the old Capitol Building as the backdrop for her announcements. It has suffered some damage in the war but still remained in the same capacity it always had. In Srath's eyes, it stood out as a badge of honor: broken, yes, but not giving up. He took his place on the steps near President Bolton. Other Milisarian Knights stood guard over the Milisarian contingent and were among the security team that controlled the crowd. Srath kept his eyes roaming. He did not wish to miss any threat to the president. Her safety was of paramount importance to him. She and Nancy saw something in him that made him want to be a better man.

President Bolton took her place at the microphone and began, "Today, I am addressing you on the issue of the riots and the resolution of the problem. We are facing the same issues that we have struggled with in the past. Many wars have been fought over equality, and millions have died for human rights. All of us have made mistakes. Can we not learn from them? We've had wars due to the different color of our skin, the languages we speak, and the idea that one race was better or more intelligent than another. Finally, we came to terms with the fact that all humans were good or bad, intelligent or foolish, strong or weak, and evil or heroic. Because we learned this, Earth has grown in power, and we have made advances we never dreamed possible. Yet, here we are again, on the verge of fighting another war over prejudice and equal rights. Let's not repeat our former mistakes. After all, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. Our new plan is to change our laws to include alien rights. The alien cultures have given Earth new technology and medicines. They have added jobs, communication, and faster travel. We must begin to treat them as equals. Therefore, with Milisaria's aid, we have come up with a plan. We propose that those aliens who have already been integrated into our society and proven to be an asset to our world be given immediate citizenship and equal rights. They are to receive the same pay scale and benefits that humans in the same job are enjoying. Aliens that are new to our planet and wish to stay will be placed in jobs that are within their skillset. They must work for one year and prove that they are an asset to Earth. Once the year is up, they can choose to stay or go. If they are an asset and choose to stay, citizenship and equal rights will be granted. If they do not fulfill the requirements or decide our world is not for them, they will be allowed to leave without punishment or consequences of any kind. It is how we would wish to be treated if we found ourselves on another planet."

Srath caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. As the president continued to speak of the committees and plans for future peace, he concentrated on the man that slowly inched his way closer to the steps. He signaled to the other knights to be on alert for trouble. They shifted their stance in response to his signal. A subtle change in the way they held their swords was the only noticeable reaction. Srath ceased to hear the speaker or the crowds' murmurs. A buzzing in his head was the only sound he heard as he focused intently on the man's demeanor.

As if in slow motion, Srath saw the man's arm raise and a metallic glint caught the sun's rays. Srath's sword tip left the ground; three knights threw themselves in front of the Milisarian contingent. Others surrounded the man with the gun. Throwing his sword at the attacker, Srath spun and shoved President Bolton to the ground. A searing pain ripped through his shoulder, exactly where the president's head had been. The attacker screamed as Srath's sword found its mark. The knights and human security pounced on the man, but it was too late. He was dead. Srath's sword had gone straight through his heart, stopping him as the bullet left his gun. Pandemonium ensued.

Nancy screamed when Srath fell beside the president. His blood spattered the steps and the face of America's leader. She fought through her guards to get to his side. Ohber made a path for Nancy and Valeri. Nancy held his mighty head in her lap while Valeri did her best to stop the blood flow.

President Bolton tried to shake off her security and stay with her savior, but it was not allowed. She was whisked to the safety of the Capitol. Once inside, she commanded, "Bring me a reporter." When one arrived, she spoke solemnly into the camera. "If not for one of the aliens, a Milisarian Knight, I would be deceased. He protected a human with his own body as a shield. His courage is to be lauded and honored. We must stop this fueding over species and show we are as evolved and intelligent as they are. We owe them our respect. Today, they stood with us. Going forward, let's stand with them."

Medical transport arrived and took Srath to a hospital. Nancy insisted on riding with him. She was shoved to a corner of the transport so that the medics could place an oxygen mask on Srath and administer fluids to replace his blood loss. As he was wheeled into the hospital, his eyes opened. He searched for Nancy and weakly raised a hand for her. The doctors tried to part them, but Srath refused to let go, whispering under the oxygen mask, "Do not leave me."

Back at the Capitol Building, the Knights and security were slowly disbursing the crowd. The mob had eventually cooperated and stopped running. A few had fallen and been trampled in the rush to get away from the gunshot. Their injuries were being treated. The only casualty was the gunman. He was not yet identified.

Alexis, Valeri, and Josephine were transported to the hospital. Nabvan, Ohber, and Urim stayed with the Knights to aid with the crowd.

The bullet was soon removed from Srath's shoulder. The wound was treated, and he was given a room. Nancy never left him. She clung to his hand and smoothed his silken, black waves from his pale face. Kissing his forehead, she softly said, "I am so proud of you. You didn't hesitate to protect the president. You've changed so much since you arrived."

Srath carefully opened his eyes against the bright lights in the room. His head turned to the side where he had heard Nancy's voice. "I changed because of you,” he announced. "You showed me how important it was to be honorable."

Nancy replied, "You were always an honorable man. You just wouldn't let the real you shine forth. I saw it, and so did the president. I think even Nabvan had an inkling, though he hid it. King Siefer must have, or you wouldn't be on this assignment. You grow on a person; did you know that?"

Srath smiled and said, "I am kind of like an extra appendage: unnecessary but useful." He began to cough, and blood ran from his mouth. The wound tore open and seeped as well. Panicked, Nancy rang the buzzer for help.

Along with the nurse, Alexis, Valeri, and Josephine hurried in. They pushed the nurse aside and checked out Srath themselves. They declared him to need immediate surgery. The nurse called for a doctor, but the women explained that there was no time to waste. The bullet had slightly nicked an artery, and it had finally burst open. They demanded the use of an operating room. A human doctor could be present, but they knew the Milisarian anatomy far better and would be quicker. The unorthodox request was to be allowed.

Srath's final words as he was wheeled from the room were, "I love you, Nancy." She wept quietly, for he was gone before she could reply that she loved him too.

Her wait was a long one. She sought guidance and refuge in prayer. Then, she reached out to the only person who might understand. Nancy called her mother. "Mom, have you seen the news reports?"

"My dear, of course I have. I tried to come to you, but there are guards outside, and they won't let me. Is Srath okay?” she asked.

Nancy sobbed, "No, not now. He was shot, and the wound was treated. I thought he was fine. He even woke up and spoke to me. Then, everything went wrong. He coughed up blood, and his wound ripped open. Alexis and the others have taken him to surgery. They said it's an artery. He's been gone for a very long time. Shouldn't he be out by now?"

"I hate to hear that there was a complication. He's in good hands, I'm sure. Your sister and those women have been working on Milisarian injuries for a long time. Alexis saved the king, remember? I know it feels like he's been in surgery forever, but they are probably making sure there aren't any other problems. His body is different, and a bullet may cause issues it wouldn't in a human. Be patient."

"But, I can't,” Nancy retorted. "I need to tell him something. He can't die without knowing that I love him!"

"Your sister won't let him die,” her mother began. "Besides, the man is too stubborn to give up that easily. I didn't realize you were in love with him. He has turned into a very good man, and I'm happy for you. Does he love you too?"

Nancy choked on her tears and answered, "His last words as they took him away were that he loved me. I didn't get to reply."

"His love will make him stronger. Don't worry; you'll get a chance to tell him. He's a fighter. I want to tell him how proud I am of his actions. Sooner or later, these guards have to let me out of this house. When they do, I promise to come to you,” her mother stated.

The surgery waiting room had a monitor tuned to the news feed. It was repeatedly showing a loop of the president's announcement, the assassination attempt, Srath's heroics, and the statement President Bolton had made inside the Capitol. Nancy watched it over and over, her heart aching, as she waited for news of Srath's condition.

Noise from the corridor finally penetrated her concentration. Heavy footsteps along with the click-clack of heels made her look away from the monitor. Nabvan, Ohber, and Urim had arrived. In their center, safe from harm, was President Bolton. She held out her arms to Nancy, and the girl rushed into her caring embrace. "I called the hospital for an update on Srath. They told me what had occurred. I couldn't stay away. My security team was against me leaving, but your knights aided me in sneaking out. I'll have to answer for my disobedience later. It will be worth it."

Nancy hung on to the kind leader and replied, "I'm so glad you came. I felt so alone sitting here with my thoughts. I've watched it happen endlessly on the monitor. It terrifies me every time."

"I know. They need to move on to something else,” the president declared. "I've heard from all the leaders of Earth's countries. They have seen the news and wished to express their concern, for Srath as well as me. They like what they heard in my announcement. We may settle this mess without war yet, thanks to all of you."

Nabvan reached out and extracted Nancy from the woman's arms. He raised her chin and stared into her swollen eyes. "Your feelings for Srath have deepened. I can see it on your face. I believe he loves you as well. I had not expected such an outcome when I brought him to Earth. It complicates things. Love usually does. If the pair of you wish to remain together, King Siefer will be pleased to welcome you to Milisaria. I will welcome you as well."

Nancy gave a sad smile. "I haven't thought that far ahead. Srath just told me he loves me and I still need to tell him. I don't know where we'll go from there. I'm needed here. There is a lot to do with these new laws going into effect, and my mother can't be abandoned either. It's confusing. I need to speak candidly with Srath."

Nabvan answered, "I had forgotten about your mother. It is more complicated than I realized. I do not know how Srath will react to the choice of Earth, Milisaria, or being separated from you. His mind is difficult to read. Whatever you choose, I wish you both the best."

Nancy nodded and went to stare out the window. It had started to rain. The clouds rolled into her heart as well.