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Stealing the Biker's Heart (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter, #2) by Piper Davenport (10)


The next morning, I woke to an empty bed and frowned. My sheets still smelled like Alamo, but he wasn’t with me, and I didn’t hear him in the bathroom, so I sat up and threw my covers off.

That’s when I smelled it. Coffee. And bacon. Ohmigod, bacon. My man was cooking? This I had to check out.

After taking a minute to wash the sleep out of my eyes, I pulled on undies and an oversized T-shirt and headed out to the kitchen where Alamo stood at my stove, his back to me, his boxer-brief covered ass on perfect display. I licked my lips and leaned against the counter to watch him.

“You gonna stare at my ass all mornin’, or are you gonna pour us each a cup of coffee?” he asked without turning around.

“Stare at your ass. Duh,” I said, even as I was closing the distance between us and wrapping my arms around him from behind. “Morning.”

He turned to face me, guiding me away from the stove. “Careful, Firefly, there’s hot fat.”

“Says the man frying bacon without a shirt.”

He leaned down and kissed me. “I’m a professional.”

“You fry bacon naked on a regular basis, huh?”

Alamo laughed. “I kinda walked right into that one.”

“Kinda,” I retorted.

My doorbell pealed, and I dropped my head to his chest.

“You expectin’ someone?”

“No,” I whispered, lifting my head for another kiss. “Ignore it.”

He smiled against my lips, lifting me onto the counter and pulling me close, my pussy to his chest, then kissed me again. I slid my fingers into his hair, just as I heard a feminine gasp.

“Who the hell are you?” Juliette snapped, and I let out a frightened squeak.

“Jules! What are you doing here?” I demanded, pushing Alamo away so I could jump off the counter.

“Who’s this, Jazz?”

“None of your business. What are you doing here?”

“You gave me a key.”

“For emergencies, sissy. Not to barge in whenever you want to.”

“I have left you six messages over the last forty-two hours, Jasmine, all have gone unanswered, so I thought I’d swing by and make sure you weren’t dead on the floor. I was concerned Scruffy might be eating your dead corpse.”

Alamo chuckled behind me, but I ignored him. Scruffy looked up from his place on the sofa and let out a very annoyed, “Meow.”

“I have been busy,” I ground out. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back, but as you can see, I’m alive and well.”

“And standing in the kitchen, making out with a naked man,” she mused, glancing over my shoulder, her gaze lingering a little too long on Alamo.

I gripped her chin and forced her face back to me. “Jules. I’m good.”

“You gonna introduce me to your... friend?” she asked, crossing her arms.


She raised an eyebrow. “Want me to call Dad?”

“Want me to call Si and tell him you’re ogling a half-naked man that isn’t him?”

She smiled. Like a shark. An evil shark. “If Si were here, he’d probably ogle him too.”

This was one-hundred percent a bald-faced lie, because Simon was the utmost gentleman and would have turned his back to afford us privacy, but she seemed pretty proud of herself for her retort, so I stared her down. “Go home, Juliette. You’ll be introduced to Alamo at a future day and time of my choosing.”

She grinned and glanced over my shoulder again. “Hi, Alamo. I’m Jules. Super nice to meet you. Welcome to the family.”

“Hey, babe,” he said, and I glared at my sister.

“Don’t you have children you’re neglecting?” I snapped.

“Play date. Simon and Jared are golfing, and I thought you might want to meet up with Kelly and me for lunch. Mom and Dad are watching all the kids later so the four of us could go for dinner tonight,” she said. “I think we should make the date for six.”

“No,” I said at the same time Alamo said, “Sure.”

“Great,” she said. “I’ll text you the details.”


She clapped her hands. “I’m so excited.”


“I’ll see you guys later.”

She turned on her heel and walked out, and I dropped my head back with a groan.

Alamo laughed, kissing my shoulder then going back to cooking. “It’ll be fun.”

It’ll be fun, he says.” I faced him. “You have no idea what you’ve done, Alamo.”

He grinned. “Gotta fair idea, Firefly.”

I held my finger up. “Hold that thought.” I rushed to my front door and locked the deadbolt, adding the chain, just in case Jules decided to come back.

Returning to the kitchen, I leaned against the counter, but Alamo nodded toward the coffee maker. “You forgettin’ somethin’?”

“Oh, right,” I said, and grabbed mugs. “I blame you.”

He chuckled. “Blame me while you pour coffee.”

I smiled and brought out the cream and sugar. “Don’t you have stuff to do today?”



He cracked eggs into a pan and said, “Yep.”

“Wait.” I stopped mid-pour. “So, I have you all night and all day?”


“What if I had plans today?”

“You got plans today?”

“No, but what if I did?”

He shrugged. “I woulda gone back to my place.”

“You wouldn’t have bargained?”


“Tried to find a way to get me to cancel my plans so you could spend the day with me,” I clarified.

He faced me and cocked his head, but didn’t say anything. I stared him down and he gave me the sexiest little smirk I’d ever seen as he crowded me against my counter, setting one hand on each side of me, boxing me in, he said, “I would have done more than bargained.”

“You would?”

“Hell, yeah.”

I licked my lips. “Like what?”

He slid his face to my neck and kissed my pulse. “I woulda started here, then moved here...” He kissed my jaw, then tugged the hem of my T-shirt up and kissed my belly. “Then here.” Kneeling in front of me, he pressed his face between my thighs and kissed my clit through my panties. “Then here.”

Hooking his fingers under the waistband of my underwear, he slid them down my thighs, then to my feet, tapping my right leg, which I lifted. “Spread, baby.”

I spread, placing my foot back on the ground and was rewarded with Alamo’s tongue on my clit. He gripped my ass and squeezed as he applied more and more pressure, sliding a finger inside of me, then two, and pumping me into a sexual frenzy.

I cried out when I lost his mouth, but he grabbed a condom (from where, I have no idea, but I didn’t care), and then bent me over my kitchen island and slid into me from behind.

“Ohmigod,” I breathed out.

Alamo lifted my shirt over my head and pushed gently on my back. “Tits to the granite, Jasmine.”

My breath hissed out at the cold against my nipples, the feeling so amazing, I almost came right then and there, but then Alamo moved, and I lost my mind.

“Brace, baby,” he warned, and I gripped the edge of the island while he pounded into me so hard, an orgasm washed over me faster than expected and I screamed his name as I came. He thrust one more time, then I felt his cock pulse inside of me as he let out a grunt and settled his palm on my lower back. “Fuckin’ perfect.”

I smiled. “Yes.”

“You good?”

“I’m so good, honey.”

He slid gently out of me and headed to the bathroom. I pushed away from the counter and followed him, walking to the sink.

“Shit,” I said, and turned to walk back to the kitchen.


“Everything’s all messy.”


So... I need to pick up—”

“Nothin’,” Alamo countered, wrapping an arm around my waist. “You don’t need to pick up anything.”

“I can’t just leave my clothes on the kitchen floor.”

“Why not?”

“Um... actually, I have no idea.”

“Exactly.” He grinned at me in the mirror. “Your place is spotless. It’s weird.”

Right as he said that, a blur of fur rushed past the door and cat-mama radar went off in my head, so I followed Scruffy into my bedroom. “Ohmigod!”

“What?” Alamo called.

I couldn’t answer him because I was trying to wrestle my panties from my cat’s mouth... and losing. “Goddammit, Scruffy, give them back!”

Alamo’s deep laugh sounded behind me, but he didn’t seem to be interested in helping me, so I continued to fight with my cat.

“Just rip them out of his mouth,” Alamo directed.

“Oh, that’s helpful, Mo. Thanks,” I deadpanned. “I love those panties. They cost me almost a hundred bucks.”

“I hear you, but you really should take my advice.”

“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say, I have a certain expertise in removing panties from pussies.”

“Your sexual prowess isn’t helping this particular situation, buddy, but thanks.” I gave one last tug and Scruffy let go with a hiss. I wagged my finger at him. “Bad kitty.”

He stuck his butt in the air, swished his tail, then jumped off my bed, and strolled out of the room like he ruled the world.


I let out a sigh of resignation. “I think Willow’s been right about my cat all along.”

I dumped my underwear in my hamper and grabbed a fresh pair, but Alamo took them from my hand and kissed me. “Not done with you yet.”

“What about the bacon?”

“The bacon can wait.”

Kissing me, he lifted me onto the bed and made me forget about the bacon.

* * *

Seven hours later, I pulled open my door (Alamo had headed home to shower and change before our date), and didn’t wait for him to kiss me. I turned on my heel and rushed back to the bathroom.

“What the hell, Jasmine?” he called out as he closed the door.

I peeked my head out of the bathroom and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“You pissed?”

“At you?”


“No,” I said. “Why?”

He stalked to me and wrapped an arm around me. “You fuckin’ kiss me when I get home, Jasmine.”

I stared at him for a few seconds, then burst out laughing. “Are you serious right now?”

He grinned. “Maybe?”

“You’re cute.” I patted his cheek. “We’re late and my hair is saying, ‘Fuck you, Jasmine, I have decided you will look like a demented homeless poodle.’ So, give me a few minutes to fix this and then I’ll stroke your ego and kiss you until you’re sick of me.”

“You look gorgeous, babe. Can’t fix perfect.”

“Okay, I’ll kiss you now,” I retorted, and planted a deep and thorough kiss on his mouth.

He broke the kiss with a chuckle. “You really do look beautiful, Firefly.”

“Thanks, Mo. So do you.” Dark jeans, a long-sleeved ribbed T-shirt, and motorcycle boots seriously shook my resolve not to peel him out of his clothes and fuck him for the sixth time today. I smiled, wiped off the lipstick I’d transferred onto him, then gave him a hip bump. “Go see if you can find Scruffy. He’s not talking to me, you know, because of panty-gate.”

While Alamo went to find my cat (who wasn’t actually lost, but he was definitely ignoring me), I finished up as best I could, using every trick in my arsenal of hair products to get the look I was going for. It took another twenty minutes. By which time, Alamo had flopped onto my sofa and turned on some hot rod show, after unsuccessfully growling, cajoling, and trying to bargain with me to get the ‘hell on the road.’

Once I was satisfied with my hair, I unplugged everything, then joined him in the living room. “I’m ready.”

“Thank fuck for that,” he said, flipping off the TV, and standing, jostling Scruffy who had curled up next to him.

“Does my hair look better?”

“At the risk of pissin’ you off, Jasmine, I thought it looked fine before.”

“Maybe I should change.”

He dragged his hands down his face. “Why?”

“Because these jeans are a little tight... I had to put the rubber-band thingy in the button... and the muffin top—”

“Jasmine,” he said, slow like he was trying to calm some kind of feral beast. “You are beautiful. Not sure why you’re obsessin’ about a non-existent muffin top, but you’re obesessin’ over somethin’ that’s not there. So, you can either walk that sweet ass out of this house, or I’m gonna pick you up and carry you.”

“If you think you could lift—”

“I swear to Christ, woman, if you try to make some negative remark about your weight, you and I are gonna have a problem.”

“Wow. Okay. Calm down, sheesh.”

“That’s my woman you’re talkin’ about, and no one says anything other than how beautiful she is... even if she’s the one sayin’ it, hear?”

Well, that made me feel all gooey and warm inside... like a fresh baked chocolate-chip cookie.

Damn, now I wanted a chocolate chip cookie.

Forcing away the desire for a cookie, I said, “Okay, Mo. I hear.”

He kissed me gently. “Good. Come on.”

I nodded, grabbing my purse and following him out the door. Locking up, I shrugged on my jacket as we walked to Alamo’s truck, then we were on the way to the restaurant and I was a ball of nerves.

Alamo reached over the console and linked his fingers with mine. “Baby, your family aren’t assholes, right?”

“No, they’re awesome. Well, except Jared. He can be... difficult.”

“Then what the fuck are you so scared of?”

“Honestly?” I sighed. “I’m afraid you’ll hate them and never want to see me again.”

Rolling to a stop at a stoplight, he swiveled to face me. “There is nothing that’ll make me not want to see you again, Jasmine. Maybe they don’t like me, or vice-versa, but that doesn’t touch you.”

I bit my lip. “Are you sure?”

“Damn sure.” The light turned green and he squeezed my hand, then drove through.

That made me feel a little better. To be honest, I wasn’t overly worried about them not liking Alamo, because you’d need to be a piece of shit not to like him, and my family was definitely awesome. But he was the first man I’d ever brought home, so I didn’t really know how to maneuver this introduction. My family was inclusive, with a capital ‘IN,’ and they tended to engulf you like an iron maiden (without the spikes), squeezing you until you couldn’t breathe.

Pulling up to the restaurant, Alamo turned off the truck and faced me. “Come here.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I’m already ‘here.’”

He released his seatbelt, then mine, and slid his hand to my neck, tugging me forward. “Now, you’re ‘here,’” he said, and kissed me.

I smiled against his lips and broke the kiss. “What was that for?”

“I can’t just kiss my woman because she’s fuckin’ gorgeous?”

“Not tonight, you can’t.”

He grinned. “Just a reminder I got your back, Jasmine.”

I stroked his beard, then ran my thumb over his bottom lip. God, I could love this man. “You are quite possibly the best human being I’ve ever met.”


I nodded. “And that’s saying something, because Willow’s my best friend.”

He chuckled. “High praise, indeed.”

“We should have a safe word.”

“What for?”

“In case it’s all too much and we need a way to get out of there.”

He shook his head and climbed out of the truck, walking to my side and helping me down. Cupping my face, he stroked my cheeks. “This is going to be fine.”


“Jasmine. Repeat after me. This is going to be fine.”

I nodded. “This is going to be fine.”

He grinned, kissing me again. “Damn you’re cute.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Glad I amuse you.”

“You do, baby. Very, very much.”

He laughed, taking my hand and leading me into the building.




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