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Stealing the Biker's Heart (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter, #2) by Piper Davenport (17)


Saturday night, we left my condo a little later than expected, mostly because of my magic pussy. We pulled into the compound and found we had to park in the back due to the overloaded parking lot. “Wow,” I said.

“This is nothing,” Alamo said. “Although, it’s gonna get worse as the night goes on. We keep talkin’ about addin’ some pavement for parking, just haven’t done it yet.”

“Well, at the rate you men are finding your permanent women and having kids, you may want to take care of that.”

“You want kids, Firefly?”

“With you? Hell, yes.”

He chuckled. “Good answer.”

We headed inside, and a flurry of blonde ran straight into Alamo’s legs. “Unca Valley!”

He scooped her up and hugged her close. “Hey, Kinsey girl. Are you havin’ fun?”

I’d heard all about little Kinsey, but never actually met her. She was the most delicious little girl I’d ever seen. Made even more adorable by how she and Alamo interacted. He was wholly focused on his niece, while she chatted away in total gibberish, staring up at him like he was her world. Good lord, my womb contracted with anticipation.

Quin came running after Kinsey, slowing her pace with a relieved sigh, Badger right behind her. “I should have known you were here,” Quinlan said with a chuckle. “I think Kinsey may have inserted a locator chip on you, so she can always find you.” She hugged me. “Hey, Jazz, you look gorgeous.”

“Thanks, so you do you.”

Alamo grinned, setting Kinsey down and hugging his sister. “You doin’ okay?”

Quin nodded. “Badger filled me in.”

Alamo raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

Since he seemed tense all of a sudden, I slid my hand into Alamo’s and gave him a gentle squeeze. “I would like something to drink. How about you, Mo?”

His focus turned to me and he studied me for a few seconds before nodding. With the situation diffused somewhat, we headed into the great room already filled with bikers and their families.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Figurin’ out how to deal with the Quin/Badger shit.”

I grinned. “Figure it out quick, honey.”

He grunted just as Parker and Willow made a beeline for me. I hugged my friends while Alamo went to find us something to drink, and Badger followed him while Quin and Kinsey stayed with us.

“How are you, Quin?” Parker asked. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

She grimaced. “I know. That’s gonna change.”

“I’m glad,” Willow said with a smile. “We miss seeing you.”

We all went to school together, and although we may not be close, we were still friends and we liked Quin.

Willow and Parker’s game of pool was “up,” so Quin and I flopped onto one of the sofas to watch. Kinsey went skipping off to where several other kids were playing video games.

“I like you with Alamo,” Quin said, and I smiled.

“I like me with him, too.”

“Now, if I could get him to be less...”

“Alpha?” I provided.

She chuckled. “Bossy, but sure, we’ll go with that.”

“He’s good at it.”

Her eyes landed on Alamo across the room and she sighed. “That he is.”

“How did it go with Kinsey this week?” I asked.

“Good,” she said. “Michael didn’t even try to meddle.”

“That’s great,” I said. “Right?”

She nodded. “Did Alamo tell you what they dug up on my darling husband?”

“He won’t tell me shit.”

She leaned closer to me. “He liked to kill animals and rape classmates.”


“Remember Alissa?”

“The girl who was institutionalized Junior year?”

Quin nodded. “Yes. He raped her. His parents paid off hers and they buried it.”

I bit back tears. “Ohmigod, that’s horrible.”

“It’s no wonder she was a mess.”

“Maybe he’s the Gentleman Strangler,” I mused.

“Lord!” she said with a gasp. “I hadn’t even gone there.”

“Gone where?” Alamo asked, sitting next to me and handing me a red cup of wine.

“Michael being the Strangler,” Quin provided.

“Fuck me,” Alamo growled. “We’re not talkin’ about that asshole at a family gatherin’.”

Quin gave me a slight grin, then rolled her eyes. “Since Jasmine and I are grown-ass adults, we can talk about whomever, wherever we want to. You don’t get to censor us.”

“I’m not tryin’ to fuckin’ censor you, Quinlan,” he snapped.

I took his hand. “I have no intention of getting in the middle of your family squabble, but I’d just like to say that I don’t feel censored. However, if we want to get into this, maybe we could go somewhere a little more private.”

“We’re not squabbling,” Quin said. “Right, Valen?”

He sighed. “Right.”

“Mama!” Kinsey called as she toddled toward us. “Hungy.”

“Okay, baby, let’s find you something to eat.”

Quin took Kinsey out to the tables laden with food and I faced Alamo. “What was that all about?”

He rubbed his forehead. “Family dynamics.”

“Meaning, you’re an overbearing big brother just like Jared.”

Alamo frowned. “I’m nothing like your brother.”

I raised an eyebrow.


“Yes, honey?”

“You think I’m like your brother?” he pressed.

“Only in the way that you’re Quin’s big brother, and you seem to war between your need to protect her and irritate the shit out of her.”

He dragged a hand down his face and I could tell he was mulling over my words.

“Wanna go make out somewhere for a minute?” I asked.

This got me some semblance of a smile. “Yeah, actually, that’d be great.”

He pulled me up off the sofa and led me to his room, pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around me. He didn’t kiss me. We didn’t make out... he just held me like I was the calm in the middle of his storm.

“We’re watchin’ Michael.”

“I know,” I said.

“No,” he countered. “We’re watchin’ him. My buddy, Dalton, the one who owns the BMW store?”


“He’s ex-FBI. Well, he’s still FBI, but on a consulting basis, so he’s got contacts and they’re watchin’ Michael.”

I met his eyes. “So, you think he might be the Strangler too?”

“It’s possible,” he said. “Every woman they’ve found so far looks an awful lot like Quinlan, and the thought of my sister—”

“Okay, Mo, don’t go there.” I looped my arms around his neck. “She’s safe, Kinsey’s safe. I’m safe. We’re covered.”

He nodded, dropping his forehead to mine. “Love you, Firefly.”

I smiled, kissing him gently. “Love you, too.”

“You wanna fuck or eat?”

I giggled. “Both, but let’s eat. We can fuck at home.”

He nodded, and we headed back downstairs.


“Hey, Mouse,” he said, and broke away from me to greet him. I caught Parker’s eye and headed toward her, confident Alamo would find me if he needed me.

Quin joined us a few minutes later, still within eyesight of Kinsey who was “helping” Badger play pool.

“She’s in love with that idiot,” Quin complained.

I grinned. “You are too, don’t lie.”

She shrugged. “Hey, I’m sorry I put you in the middle with me and Valen.”

“Don’t worry about it. He and I talked. He’s worried about you.”

She sighed. “Yeah. I get it. He’s always been worried about me.”

I smiled. “Comes with the territory of being a big brother.”

She shook her head. “It’s more than that, though.”

“You think?”

She studied me. “Ask him about Baz.”

“Who’s Baz?”

“Our brother.”

“I didn’t know you had a brother.”

“We don’t,” she said, and rose to her feet. “Anymore.”

She walked away, and I found Alamo in the crowd. He was watching me, and I tried to paste on a happy smile, but I know he saw through it, because he turned to Quin and scowled.

* * *

Two a.m. rolled around, and I could barely keep my eyes open. Partly because I didn’t sleep much the night before, and partly because I imbibed. A lot.

“Come on, baby, let’s get you to bed,” Alamo said, helping me out of the truck.

“I’m so tired.”

“No shit?”

I giggled. “I like your snark, Valen Slater.”

He grinned. “Like yours too, Jasmine Buckley.”

Unlocking my front door, he guided me inside and locked up again. I checked on Scruffy, then headed to my room and fell into bed. I heard Alamo moving around, then he was stripping off my boots and jeans and wrapping himself around me. “Night, Firefly.”

“Night, honey.”

I snuggled close and let sleep take me. I didn’t wake again until Scruffy jumped on my head and used it as a scratching post. I groaned, reaching for Alamo and finding just sheet. Separating myself from my cat, I headed to the bathroom, then went looking for my man. “Mo?”

“Kitchen,” he called.

I didn’t smell bacon, but I did smell coffee, so I followed the scent and found Alamo pouring me a cup. “Hey, baby. How ya feelin’?”

“Mild headache, but otherwise good.”

He handed me my coffee and then wrapped an arm around me. “Thought you’d be feelin’ like shit this mornin’.”

“I didn’t drink that much. I mean, I did, but I made sure I hydrated.” I smiled up at him. “How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

He frowned. “That sounds ominous.”

“Well, I don’t know if it’ll piss you off.”

“You can ask me anything, Jasmine.”

I bit my lip. “Who’s Baz?”

His body locked. “Nobody.”

“Valen.” I set my coffee down and met his eyes. “Who’s Baz?”

His face went blank, but his eyes burned with both pain and anger. “Leave it, Jasmine.”

I shook my head. “Who’s Baz?”

“Sebastian. My brother. He died when I was six.”

I bit back tears. “I’m so sorry, honey.”

“It was a long time ago.”

He tried to move away from me, but I held tight. “How did he die?”

“Don’t wanna talk about that, Jasmine.”

“I get it, but I’d really like to know.”

He scowled. “I killed him.”

“I highly doubt that,” I said.

He diverted his gaze from mine and stared out the window.

“Mo. How did he die?”

“Drowned,” he rasped. “He was four. I was six, I was supposed to save him. I tried, but I couldn’t.”

I squeezed him tight. “It’s not your fault.”

“I’m done with this subject, Jasmine. You makin’ breakfast, or am I?”

I let him escape for the moment. “I’ll make it. Bacon and eggs?”

“Yeah, that’d be great.” He left the kitchen and I got busy with breakfast.

Well, until I heard him yelling at his sister.

“Goddammit Quin, you need to keep your mouth shut. This is bullshit. Yeah? Well, that’s my call to make, not yours.” He swore, then slid his phone in his pocket as he headed for the door. “I’m goin’ for a walk.”

“What about breakfast?”

“I’m not hungry.” He slammed the door behind him, and I sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter. I turned off the stove and grabbed my phone. Time for some answers.

“Hey, Jazz,” Quin answered immediately. “Is he super pissed at you?”

“No. He’s not happy, but I don’t think it’s directed at me. I don’t even think it’s directed at you.”

“Damn it. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We’ll deal with it.” I grimaced. “I just can’t believe he’s carried this for so long.”

“What did he tell you?” I filled her in and she groaned. “What he left out was the fact he almost drowned himself. My dad apparently pulled them both out of the neighbor’s pool and had to try and get both of them breathing. The neighbor’s dog had broken through the fence, so Baz had wandered through it and fell in the pool. Valen followed him.”

“Ohmigod, that’s awful. Were you born yet?”

“Barely. I was two months old, I think, but Mom and I were at my grandparents, so we weren’t there when it happened. My parents got divorced less than a year later, and Valen and I lived with my mom until she died.”

“I’m so sorry all of that happened. I can’t imagine.”

“Full confession? Valen has spent the better part of his adult life protecting me. I haven’t always made it easy for him, but I love him with everything I have, and now it’s my turn to return that protection.”

“Starting with sharing all of his secrets.”

She sighed. “He loves you, Jazz, and I don’t want him shutting down the dark side of him because he wants to protect you. Because he will.”

“But he should be the one to make that choice, right?” I challenged.

“Should he?”

“Quin, I love you, you know I do, and I get the whole little sister need to be all up in the big brother’s business, but Alamo should be given the freedom to tell me what he needs to tell me in his own time. I trust him, honey, and you should too.”

I started when a hand landed on my lower back and I frowned up at Alamo who’d just scared the shit out of me. I didn’t even hear him come back in.

He took the phone from my hand and put it to his ear. “Quin, Jasmine has to go now,” he said, then hung up and set the phone on the counter.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I am now.” He boxed me in, against the counter. “I fuckin’ love you, Jasmine. More than you will probably ever understand.”

I stroked his cheek. “Mo.”

“Thank you for having my back. Quin’s a force to be reckoned with, and most people just let her have her way.”

I smiled. “Honey, she wasn’t trying to force anything on me. I truly believe she told me about Sebastian because she cares about you, but I still don’t think it was her place. At least, in relation to you. If she’d wanted to tell me about Sebastian because it impacted her life, leaving you out of it, that would be different.” I sighed. “I’m rambling. Am I making any sense?”

“I’m moppin’ up what you’re spillin’.”

“Okay, good.”

He chuckled. “Fuck me, you’re perfect.”

“I’m glad you think so. Remember this when you want to kill me.” I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that, especially at such a young age.”

“Yeah, it sucked.”

“Is that why you don’t like water?”

“How’d you know I don’t like water?”

“I remember Badger giving you shit about it after the stuff with Sparky and Poppy, and then when you came to the pool that day, you wouldn’t come anywhere near the water... even the hot tub.”

“You’re a little too insightful sometimes,” he rasped.

“Maybe so.” I smiled up at him. “My family rents a houseboat for a week every summer... will this be a problem for you?”

“Not big on boats, Jasmine.”

“Okay. We’ll figure something else out.” I kissed him quickly. “You want breakfast now?”

“Yeah, baby, that’d be great.”

The rest of the morning was pretty low-key, and we took our time getting ready to go to my parents’. I was nervous, but Alamo had already proven how well he handled himself, so I knew it would all be okay.




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