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Stryker's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 1) by Meg Ripley (100)



"I thought this was the call of your people or something," Layla said as she and Quinn huffed their way along the dirt path from their cabin to the main corral at the front of the ranch.

"I know," Quinn said, keeping her eyes focused on the ground in front of her rather than looking at Layla, "but I'm just not feeling as sure about it now."

"But isn't the whole reason we came to this place so that you could fulfill your life's goal of riding a real horse and becoming a rhinestone cowboy?"

"You know, I looked that up and you were right; it doesn't mean what I thought it did. So, no, I do not want to become a rhinestone cowboy."

"What about riding the horse?"

Quinn squirmed a little and made a sound like she was contemplating the idea but was not entirely sold on it yet.

"I don't know."

"Come on!" Layla said encouragingly, "You can do this! We started taking these vacations together so we could try new things, right?"

"Right," Quinn said, sounding unconvinced.

"Well, this is your new thing. You are going to walk the rest of the three thousand miles up to the front of the ranch, climb up on that horse, and ride off into the great outdoors just as you envisioned."

The pep talk seemed to boost Quinn slightly and she raised her head to smile at Layla.

"You're right. I can do this. I'm a grown-ass woman. I can ride a horse."

Quinn's newfound confidence in herself lasted the five more minutes it took for them to get to the corral. As soon as she saw the horses standing just outside the fence, she took a few steps back and grabbed Layla's arm.

"Nope," she said, shaking her head emphatically, "I will not be doing this today."

"But you’re all dressed up in your fancy boots and your sassy hat. You can do this, Quinn. Come on, I'm right here with you."

"Do you see how big those horses are? One false move and you would be burying me in my fancy boots and sassy hat out by the trail 'City Slickers'-style."

"I thought you were a grown-ass woman."

"Apparently not grown enough. I just can't."

Layla saw the genuine fear in Quinn's eyes and patted her on the back comfortingly.

"It's alright. You don't have to ride. Why don't you go to the 'and spa' and get a tumbleweed massage."

"Those did look rejuvenating."

"I was absolutely kidding. Are you serious—that’s a thing?" Quinn nodded and Layla sighed, stroking her best friend's arms, "Ok, then go do that."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go ride a horse. At least one of us has to. We can't go back home having spent five days at a ranch and not have had somebody gotten on a horse."

Layla hugged Quinn and took a steeling breath.

"Where's Eli? Maybe he'll join me for a massage."

"I doubt it. He's off playing cowboys and Indians with the guy from the General Store." Quinn grinned and Layla shook her head, "I'm not even kidding. I saw him leave the cabin at dawn wearing the loincloth and the headdress."

"He's definitely not allowed to be responsible for the trip scrapbook this year."

"Agreed." Layla sighed and squared her shoulders, "Alright, I'm ready."

She turned on her heel and strode bravely toward the corral. The man standing with his back to her beside one of the horses turned and her breath caught in her throat. It was the cowboy who had tipped his hat to her while she stood outside the General Store the day before. He smiled at her now and Layla felt her heart speed up a bit. He had that type of smile that was sweet and boyish but held just a hint of devilishness that proved he was all grown up.

"I thought I was guiding a group of three on the trails this morning?" he asked.

His voice was a smooth, silky rumble that Layla could listen to all day. She paused and held her hands out a few inches from her thighs before smacking them back down.

"Just me. The other two jumped ship."

"Afraid to ride?" he asked, loosening the leather straps that held one of the horses in place at the corral fence.

"Oh, no, that’s not the problem with at least one of them. They just aren't that into horses, apparently."

The man cocked an eyebrow at her and she smiled back.

"How about you?" he asked.

"I'm just fine."

He smiled and Layla felt the little shiver in her belly again.

"I'm Roy," he said, extending one strong-looking hand to her.

Layla rested her hand in his.


"Well, Layla, are you ready for a ride?"

She nodded and Roy turned away to loosen the straps of another one of the horses. Layla looked down and bit her bottom lip as she walked towards him, trying to maintain at least a modicum of composure. Roy patted the flank of a grey horse and turned to look at her.

"Are you sure I'm not going to hurt her?" Layla asked nervously, stroking the animal's warm coat.

"Positive. Misty here is strong enough to carry me and a full saddlebag with no trouble at all."

"Uh-huh," Layla said, still not feeling confident that she wasn't going to overwhelm the horse.

Roy stepped up closer to her and Layla saw the hint of a smolder in his dark eyes.

"You are going to be just fine. Trust me."

Layla nodded and the cowboy reached forward to take her hand so he could help her up into the saddle. She put her foot in the stirrup and swung her leg over. His hand came to the back of her lush hips and lingered even after she settled in place in the saddle. She wrapped her hands around the leather reins and looked down at Roy.

"I think I'm ok now," she said, her voice coming out softer than she had intended.

Roy's hand ran across her back and down her hip before he walked away from her horse and swung himself quickly and gracefully up onto the back of a massive black animal to one side. Gently tugging the reins to guide the horse to one side, he tilted his head as if gesturing for her to join him. They walked over to the building beside the general store and Roy called inside.


The other lovely cowboy Layla had seen by the corral the day before stuck his head out of the door.


"Can you take care of those other horses for me? Layla here is the only one who showed up for my morning ride."

Nathan's eyes traveled across Layla and she saw the hint of a smile curve his lips.

"Absolutely," he said, "You have a nice time, Layla."

She liked the way her name sounded on his lips just as much as Roy's. This vacation was seeming like a better idea minute by minute.