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Surrender to You (SAPD SWAT Series Book 1) by Nikki Mays (12)




We have been married for five years already. Each year better than the last. If someone had asked me years ago if I would be married to the man that hypnotized me from day one, I would’ve said hell no! But here we are five years, two beautiful little hellions later and life just gets more amazing. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful family. They are my everything and I thank God each and every day for them.

Two years after we had MJ, we welcomed a baby girl into our lives. Anabelle Rose Jackson, Belle for short, is the apple of her daddy’s eye. I swear that little terror can do no wrong when it comes to him. She will be awful all day for me, when suddenly daddy gets home and she’s a sweet little angel. Morris thinks that I’m lying because his baby girl could never be bad. She knows that she has him wrapped around her little finger. And not just him either, all of the guys are complete suckers for her. Honestly it is so sad to watch huge ass men do a toddlers bidding. But whatever Belle wants…Belle gets. Though I do feel bad for her when she wants to start dating. I see that going over as well as a hooker in church.

MJ is momma’s boy entirely and could care less if anyone else even exists. He is attached to my hip at all times and even though I bitch about not even being able to pee alone, I secretly love it. He’s growing up so fast. Before I know it, he’ll be going off to college and marrying some woman that I’ll probably hate just for the fact that she is taking my baby away from me. Okay, I know that’s a bit harsh, but still, no one will ever be good enough for my sweet boy. And sweet really is the best way to describe him. Always so happy and nice. Never without a smile on that handsome little face. He looks more like Morris every day and it kills me that girls are going to flock to him. I’m really a horrible mama bear. I realize that at some point I’m going to have to ease up, but today is not that day.

My brother is still the world’s biggest pain in the ass. I love him to death, but I swear that he has taught my children more bad behavior than I could’ve ever imagined! Honestly would it kill him not to teach my son how to burp the alphabet? All I can say is that payback is a bitch. Marc and Morris are as close as can be. Their bromance at times is a little nauseating but I guess it’s better than them hating each other. Speaking of, here come the new Matt & Ben now.

“Hey, what are you two up to?” I ask the two very filthy guys walking toward me. They look like they both took a bath in oil.  Morris’ side project the past year or so has been him and Marc trying to restore an old 69’ Chevelle SS. This whole thing would probably go a lot better if either of them were mechanically inclined. I swear they can make a shot from several hundred yards away but fixing a carburetor is like rocket science.

“Just working on Big Red baby,” Morris answers, while trying unsuccessfully to wipe grease off of himself. And yup, the two genius’ named the freaking car Big Red! Want to take a guess what color it is? Men really just aren’t very creative.

“Are you guys almost done? The kids and I are getting hungry. I figured that we could go try out that new Asian Fusion place that opened up by us.”

“Sure honey, let me just go clean up real fast. Have you bought anymore of that soap?” The soap that he’s referring to is that grease remover in the orange bottle, that I now buy in bulk.

“Yeah, it’s already by the laundry room sink. Please try not to make too much of a mess. I just cleaned the house today and would like to keep it somewhat clean for at least a few hours.” Of course, he just winks at me and starts walking. I’m sure that entire room will be disgusting once he’s done. “Stop looking so pathetic Bubs. Go on and get cleaned up with him and you can come to dinner to.” God forbid those two have to part for any amount of time on their days off.

“Love you, peanut.” Marc says before he kisses the top of my head and walks off to find his apparent other half.

I walk into the living room to make sure that the kids are still ready to go. I should’ve known better than to think that they would be looking even halfway decent. I was outside for five minutes. It never ceases to amaze me how much destruction children can cause in a short amount of time.

“MJ, sweetness, why are there orange streaks all over Belle?” I look at both of my children and can’t help but think that might daughter is doing a great carrot impression.

“I was coloring. She wanted to color too, but I didn’t have an extra book.” He answers very matter of fact like.

“Okay. But why is there orange marker all over her?”


“She had to color somewhere, and you said that we can’t color on the walls again.” Yes, I would prefer not to relive that nightmare again…freaking sharpies.

“And you thought that it was best to let her color on herself instead of sharing your coloring book with her, or even getting her a book of her own?”

“I was busy coloring.” Straight and to the point, like he did nothing wrong.

“I pretty mama.” Belle says in the cute little baby voice that they only have for so long. I walk over and pick her up.

“Yes, sweetie very pretty. But we have to go get ready to go bye-bye now.” I walk her to her room and start wiping her down with baby wipes.

“What happened to my baby girl?” Morris comes in looking confused as ever.

“Apparently this was better than drawing on the walls again.” I answer my very sexy and now very clean husband.

“Right. Marc and I will go put MJ in the car. We’ll just wait for you.”

“Gee that’s so nice of you.” The shithead smirks before speed walking out of the room.

“I guess it’s just you and me baby girl.”

“Yes.” Ah I wish they kept that cute voice forever!

Later on, lying in bed I can’t help but think about how lucky I am. Things could’ve been very different thanks to Ashley’s actions that day. I still think about her from time to time. Morris says that I should just forget about her since she’s dead and buried, but I just can’t seem to. I understand why he feels so much hatred for her and to a degree so do I. But I still feel like she shouldn’t be dead. That if things had just gone a little differently for her that maybe she could be leading a successful life. I just feel sorry that everyone in her life failed her. I understand that she did horrible things. But someone should’ve taken better care of her and watched over her. The whole thing was a true nightmare.

It took me a really long time to feel safe again. But eventually with Morris’ help I was able to move past it and lead the life that I wanted. Does that mean that I don’t still have bad days where I want to lock my kids and myself in the house? Of course not. It’s really just learning to live each day to the fullest and enjoy every moment that I have with my family.

Looking at Morris as he undresses to get into bed, I still can’t believe that he’s mine. I really never would have thought that we would be here all these years later. Especially since I was a complete and utter spaz when it came to him. I’m really glad that he enjoys my quirkiness. To this day he is still the man of my dreams and fantasies. And the best part is that he makes all of them come true!


The End