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Surrender to You (SAPD SWAT Series Book 1) by Nikki Mays (8)

Chapter 8



Three months have passed since the night Morris forced me to tell him that I loved him. Things have been amazing between us and I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life. Everything is going so well that I’m kind of scared. I don’t know why but I feel like the other shoe is going to drop. Stupid I know. Although it probably has considering that this weekend Michelle and I will finally be re-opening The Sweet Grind.

Everything was going according to schedule until we walked in one morning and saw the entire place vandalized. We were so close to opening and pretty much had to start all over. When Shell and I got to the shop we could see that the glass door was completely smashed, and my heart just plummeted. We walked in further and I was speechless. The entire place was trashed! I mean there were holes in our walls, our glass display cases were smashed, coffee makers thrown all over, cups and plates smashed and pretty much anything else that wasn’t nailed down. Luckily since we weren’t open we didn’t have any money around and we both had taken all of our files home to make sure that they didn’t get lost. That was really the only thing that we could be happy about. The person or people who did it even decided to spray paint whore and slut all over the walls.

Both of us just walked through our shop crying. I finally got my wits about me to call Morris who came down with the rest of the guys and two detectives. To say they were all pissed is an understatement. Marc, Morris, and oddly enough Damon looked like they were about to kill someone. The other guys looked slightly less psychotic but just barely. The detectives took our statements and asked us if we knew anyone who would do something like this. Michelle and I both said no. It was Marc who told the detectives that I’ve been getting creepy roses from some unknown person. They agreed that it may be related. I don’t see why someone would go from sending me weird roses to trashing my place, but I just left that all to them and went back to crying. At that point I mentally couldn’t deal with anything else.

Luckily our insurance covered it and all the guys who were working on the renovations did double time to fix everything. They really did an amazing job and I am so excited for tomorrow! I have been a complete basket case worrying about making sure that everything goes smoothly. For once it’s not just me either. Michelle has been in freak out mode and has been baking nonstop to make sure that we have an adequate supply. She’s beginning to make me look like the world’s most easy-going person.

We’re at the shop today making sure that everything is ready for tomorrow morning. I’m just cleaning the coffee maker when I hear a knock at the door. Which is weird since it’s only 3:00pm and Morris said that he would come pick me up for dinner around 6:00pm. Shell and I have been driving in together ever since the break in. Neither of us wants to be here alone until they find the person or people. I look toward our new door, that is steel, courtesy of the overprotective men in my life.

I tried to tell them that someone could just break the windows in the front to get in and that it didn’t make sense to put steel doors on the front and back. When my dad, Shell’s dad Joe, Marc, and Morris agreed about that, I figured that was all there was to it. What I didn’t expect was for all four of them to talk to my contractor about ordering a special glass for all the full-length windows. Apparently, we now have Polycarbonate Windows, that doesn’t break like regular glass does, as well as steel doors. When we tried to protest about how much more expensive it is and probably unnecessary, Shell and I were met with four men telling us, “Not to worry about it, “and, “It’s already taken care of”.

I can see through the windows that it’s a flower delivery guy. Morris and Marc were very specific about us opening the door and just accepting the flower delivery. They told us to call them so that they could handle it. Which is exactly what I do and hit Morris’ number. He answers after two rings.

“Hey baby. Are you done already?”

“Ummm…no. There is a flower delivery guy standing outside the door to my shop. What should I do?” The deliveries had stopped after the break in and I figured that whoever it was got bored of screwing with me…apparently not!

“Did you open the door?”

“Nope you told me to call you first, so that’s what I did.”

“Good job sweetheart. I want you to stay on the phone with me and open the door and let him in. Me and the guys are only three blocks away at HP and were leaving now. We should be there in five minutes, but I don’t want you to hang up okay baby?”

“Ahhh okay. So, I just let him in?”


“Yeah honey just let him in and ask him to stay for a few minutes. That we have some questions about who sent the flowers. Just tell him that we’re already on our way.” And they are too. I can hear them opening the door and walking to their trucks.

“Okie dokie. Hold on a sec.” I walk to the door, unlock and open it for the guy who can’t be more than twenty. He still has a baby face with almost no facial hair. He kind of looks like that guy in one direction…the one with the blonde hair flipped up. I open the door wide enough to let him in and close it after him.

“Hi. I have a delivery for a Miss Melanie Bell. Is that you?” Aww his voice is even still kind of squeaky.

“Yes, that’s me, but if you don’t mind can you wait for a few minutes?”

“Ahhh I guess so ma’am…why?”

“My boyfriend and brother would like to ask you a few questions about who sent them. I’ve been getting these weird deliveries and I have no idea from who.”

“Errrmmm…okay ma’am.” I point to a table and chair so that he can sit and wait for the guys to arrive. I put the phone back up to my ear.

“Okay he’s sitting here waiting for you.”

“Great babe, we’re right around the corner. Be there in less than a minute.” And true enough I hear him say open the door into the phone. I click end and open the door for all of them.

“Hey guys, sorry to ruin your downtime,” I apologize, as Morris comes in and lifts me into a bear hug and kisses me very thoroughly.

“Seriously asshole! That’s still my little sister! I don’t need to see that shit! It’s bad enough what I walk into at home!” Marc says acting like a complete baby. I pull my face away from Morris to reply to my obnoxious brother.

“You do know that you always have the option to move out. I hear that those condos that they just built on the other side of town are really nice.” I make sure to smile as sweetly as possible at him.

“I’m never leaving you. You’re going to be stuck with me forever.” He looks so proud of himself for that one that I just can’t help myself.

“You know what you remind me of?”


“Herpes.” I say as seriously as possible. All of the guys are laughing, even Damon who never really seems to show any kind of enough is chuckling, well except for Marc. Morris is laughing so hard that I’m bouncing up and down in his arms.

“There is something so not right about you. I’m going to talk to the delivery kid since no one else seems to remember why we’re here.” He stalks off like a pouting three-year-old.

“You used to be so sweet and quiet…what happened?” Rocco asks shaking his head. I look at him and shrug.

“It takes me awhile to get used to people. Once I do, this is how I am.” It’s true I am really quiet around people when I first meet them, and people usually think that’s how I am all the time. However, that’s not true, I’m really chatty around people that I’m comfortable with and tend to say whatever I’m thinking without hesitation.

Over the last couple of months, I have gotten to know the rest of the guys really well. Except for Damon, he doesn’t really say much to me, but he doesn’t seem like he talks too much anyway. Declan and Rocco are hysterical to be around and always have me laughing until my sides hurt. With them both being so big, you don’t expect them to be such goofballs. They’ll make a joke or bet out of anything. JJ is one of the sweetest men but always so serious. He was in the army for a long time before he retired and joined the force. I think Morris may have even mentioned that he was an army ranger. Whatever he saw or did seems to have made him more quiet and serious than the rest. Again except for Damon and I think it’s probably the same reason that he’s so quiet and intense. Marc told me that he was a Marine sniper and Declan was his spotter. It makes sense that he doesn’t talk much if that’s what he did for years.

Even outside of work they seem to always be together. If they’re not at the bar hanging out, then they are at someone’s house, usually mine. Apparently, we have the best TV and gaming system. That monstrosity of a TV was all Marc. Why he needed a 72’ TV is beyond me and then he needed three different gaming systems. I swear guys never grow up, they just buy bigger and more expensive toys. We all seem to hang out at least once, sometimes twice a week.

Michelle has been with us a lot of the time too. She loves hanging out with all of them. She says that Damon kind of wigs her out, but I have a feeling that she’s lying to me and maybe herself. It’s obvious that she has the hots for him and if going by the way he watches her I would say that the feeling is mutual. It’s funny to watch my normally bubbly outgoing best friend clam up any time he’s in the room. She studiously ignored his presence and he watches her like a hawk. I don’t know if I have more fun goofing off with Roc and Dec or watching Shell and Damon be totally awkward. I really can’t wait to see that play out. Of course, the guys noticed too and made a bet about with, which I hear was something they did with Morris and I…assholes. Okay, okay…I may have placed a bet too.

“I’m glad that you came out of your shell. It’s great watching you make fun of him so much. It’s nice to see his ego kept in check,” Declan says with a huge grin. I swear it’s lethal when all these men smile…womankind just doesn’t stand a chance!

“I’m glad to be of assistance.” At that Morris starts whispering in my ear.

“I know a way that you can assist me. I have a very big problem that I need you to take care of.” I can’t help it…I just bust out laughing.

“That has got to be the worst line I’ve ever heard! I don’t even know if I can be seen with you anymore after something that bad!” I laugh at his adorable pout and wiggle out of his arms.

“Hey! Anyone else remember why we’re here or do you just like to dick around for the rest of the day?” Marc yells from across the shop where he is talking to the delivery guy.

“Geez, someone’s grumpy today.” He’s been really grumpy ever since the break in. I know that he’s worried about me but he’s going to give himself an aneurysm if he keeps this up.

“He’s right though babe. Just finish up whatever you need to up here while we ask the kid some questions okay?” It was posed as a question but we both know it was more of an order. I don’t know what it is, but they are all like that…so bossy!

“Okay, I don’t have much left. So, we can leave whenever you’re done.”

“Alright honey. I’ll be back in a minute.” He gives me a quick peck and follows the others to where that poor guy is sitting. He looks like he’s about to shit himself…I kind of want to give him a hug and tell him it’s okay…poor boy/man.

I finish up all of the other odds and ends that I have to do before I go back into the kitchen to check on Michelle. She’s been in there all day and I haven’t really seen her. I open the kitchen door and look to see that every inch of counter space is filled with different creations. She has really outdone herself. There’s cakes, pies, doughnuts, cupcakes, scones, muffins, and other types of pastry that you can think of. Just as I’m reaching for a chocolate chip cookie she smacks my hand with a spatula.

“Owww! What the hell?” I screech as I rub my poor hand.

“First, don’t touch the merchandise! And second those are raisin cookies…not chocolate chip.”

“Raisin cookies are one of the main reasons that I have trust issues.” I look at the raisin cookies in disgust. Ehhh…why anyone would want a wanna be chocolate chip cookie is beyond me.

“Stop looking at them like that, they’re really good. Not everyone in this world loves chocolate as much as you do.” Whatever. No matter what she says, those things are gross. Moving on.

“I can’t believe how much you made. Do you really think that all of this was necessary?”

“Better to be safe than sorry. I’m still going to have to make fresh bread and stuff tomorrow. But this way hopefully I won’t run out of anything else and have to do double time in the kitchen.” Makes sense. “What are you doing back here? Finish everything up front?”

“Yeah I’m done. Also, got another set of creepy roses, the guys are all here scaring the crap out of the poor delivery man/boy.”

“Damn, I thought those were over with.” She gives me a sympathetic look.

“Yeah me too. Hopefully the guys can get some ideas about who is ending them.” I turn and see a cupcake with a mound of chocolate frosting. I look back to make sure that Michelle is occupied and start reaching for it when she has her back turned. Just as I’m about to grab that chocolatey goodness I’m once again thwarted by my best friend and her mother effing spatula!

“Stop hitting me with that thing!”

“Stop trying to get every bit of chocolate in sight! Plus, your ass will thank me someday!”  Witch!

“I was going to invite you to come to dinner with all of us but now I don’t think I want you there.” I pout like the two-year-old that I am when I don’t get my minimum chocolate intake for the day.

“You’re pathetic.” She may be looking at me with disgust, but I know that I’m wearing her down. I can already see her mind coming up with what she can give me. I just have to keep looking sad.

“I know, but everything smells so yummy.” Putting my all into this I stick my bottom lip out trying to get it to quiver just enough.

“You’re worse than a child. Here, you big baby.” She practically throws a cupcake at me. Score!

“So good,” I say through my gigantic bite.

“I’m so glad that you approve.” Her snarky tone means nothing to me as I can’t get enough of my chocolatey goodness. “Where are you guys going for dinner?”

“That cute little hole in the wall Mexican place. I really want margaritas and shrimp tacos.”

“Yeah that does sound really good.” I can see her trying to decide if she should bake more or join us. I know that if I don’t get her out of this kitchen soon that she’ll be her until 1am.

“Babes seriously this is enough. You’re turning more neurotic than I am. Put the flour down and step away from the oven.” I try to pull off my best imitation of a cop voice. It’s awful, but at least she’s laughing and starting to put everything away.

“You should probably leave saying orders like that to the guys…you’re horrible.”

“What you don’t think that someone would totally stop and do what I say?” I try to look offended but end up laughing instead.

“Definitely not!” We continue laughing as I help her clean everything up. It looks like a bomb made from flour went off in here. With the two of us working together though it only takes us about twenty minutes to get everything put back to where it should be and sparkling. Just as we finish putting all of the yummy goodies into the refrigerator the guys walk through the door.

“Oh My God…it smells amazing in here!” Declan walks up to Shell and throws an arm around her. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Damon go ramrod straight. He looks more pissed than usual and its actually kind of scary. He is glaring at his twin and if looks could kill Dec would be six feet under.

I don’t know if Declan is just stupid or up to something. Every time that he is around Michelle he makes sure to touch her in some way and flirt shamelessly with her. She plays along and flirts right back. It’s obvious to everyone that there is nothing between the two…well almost everyone. Damon seems to seethe more and more each time. I have a feeling that Declan is doing it to try to get a raise out of Dam or to just get him to finally admit that he has a thing for Michelle. Either way it’s going to come to a head and probably soon.

“Awww, you can hug up on me all you want but there is no way that you are getting anything until tomorrow morning,” she says smirking at him.

“Why do you assume that I’m just trying to get some baked goods? I’m hurt that you think that I wouldn’t just want to hug you to hug you.” At her very unladylike snort and eye roll he says, “Fine…but you can’t blame a guy for trying.” He releases her and starts to actually sniff his way toward the refrigerator! And I thought I had no shame when it can to sweets!

“I mean it! Get that human garbage disposal out of my kitchen. He is not allowed anywhere near here until tomorrow!” She points at all of the guys trying to give a fierce glare and judging by how they all just smile at her…the fierceness just isn’t hitting its mark.

“Yes ma’am…anything you say,” Rocco says while saluting her. She looks at him with one eyebrow raised.

“Since you want to be a smartass…you just lost your kitchen privileges too!”

“Hey, you can’t do that!” Roc is looking mighty scared that he might not be able to sneak back here and steal little treats for himself anymore.

“It’s my kitchen and what I say goes.”

He’s now looking at me for help. Hell no buddy, you’re on your own…I’m not getting banned too!

“Nope…don’t look at me. The front is my baby…the back is hers!”

“This is complete crap!” He sulks off making sure to bump Declan in the shoulder for good measure. Men…they really never grow up! I look up to see Morris and Marc looking very somber. They usually love when Shell and I mess with the guys but right now they’re just staring at me very intently.

“What’s up with the sour faces? You look like someone kicked your puppy.” Almost instantly they change their facial expressions to try to look happy which is now freaking me out.

“Nothing baby, just getting hungry. You ready to get going?” I can tell Morris isn’t telling me something. We spend so much time together that I know him better than I know myself. I look up at my brother hoping that he’ll give me some sort of clue.

“He’s right peanut. Just ready to dig into a huge ass burrito.” I look around and both JJ & Damon won’t meet my eyes.

“That’s it…you’re just hungry?” They both nod their heads affirmative.

“What did the delivery guy say about the flowers?” I know that their mood has something to do with them. Call it female intuition or a sixth sense but I know that they were okay until that conversation. All four of them just look at each other and I look to Michelle for some help.

“Was he able to tell you who sent those creepy things to her?” Gotta love when your bestie always has your back and understands what you’re asking her with just a look. All four of them now look uncomfortable and I’m starting to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Just tell me,” I blurt out hoping that the news will be like ripping off a band aid. After what seems like hours of silence but was probably only a few seconds my brother decides to have pity on me.

“There was a note with them this time,” he pauses like he’s gauging my reaction. I just motion with my hand for him to keep going. “The note said, “You shouldn’t be with him. He’s not for you. I’ve tried to be nice and warn you. Stay with him and I’ll stop being so nice.” But again, it was done online so we can’t really trace it.” My mind completely blanks for a few minutes and everyone just stares at me. When I finally get over my shock I start putting it together.

“So, whoever is sending me these roses is warning me not to be with Morris? And trashing this place was another warning? Do I have this right?” Roc and Dec have walked back in toward the end of my questions. All of the guys look a mix of pissed, concerned, and scared. Morris and Marc look scared and I realize that they are scared for me. Well shit. JJ decides to answer me since my man and brother seem a little too angry to do so.

“Yes sweetheart, that’s what we think. We don’t know why this person doesn’t want you and Morris together. The best we can come up with is that some guy has a thing for you and Morris is standing in his way. He might think that he would have a shot with you if you stopped seeing him.”

“That’s absolutely fucking ridiculous!” I yell and don’t even care that I’m losing my temper. Some jackass doesn’t want me to be with the man I love because he wants me? Well fuck that!

“I know baby and we’re going to do everything that we can to figure this out.” Morris pulls me into his arms but it’s not helping. Both of us are so tense that it feels like two pieces of wood trying to hug.

“What does he mean that if she doesn’t stop seeing Morris that he’ll stop being nice?” Michelle asks and part of me is afraid to know that answer. JJ looks at me apologetically and shrugs.

“We don’t know who this guy is or what he may be capable of. The only thing I can tell you right now is that you need to be vigilant. No going anywhere alone. Even if you just need to run to the store try to take someone with you. You have all of our numbers. If you need to go somewhere and Morris and Marc aren’t available give one of us a call. Make sure that you and Michelle keep coming in and leaving together.”

“For how long?” I don’t like the fact that I’m going to be such a burden on everyone. I mean I know it’s what is best for my safety and I really don’t want to end up dead in some ditch. It just sucks that because of psycho stalker I lose my freedom.

“We don’t’ sweetheart. Until this guy fucks up and we catch him.” JJ gives me a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I look up at my brother and Morris.

“Can we just go home? I’m not really in the mood to eat anymore.”

“Sure honey…whatever you want. Let’s get going.” Morris puts his arm around me and starts leading me out.

“Yeah Mel, I’ll be right behind you guys in my truck. Want me to stop and pick anything up for you instead?” Great it must be bad if my brother is being sweet and thoughtful. Hell is freezing over.

“No thanks Bubs. I just want to go home and crawl into bed.” He just nods his head in understanding. I wave to everyone else, give Shell a hug and mumble out a goodbye. Morris walks me to his truck and helps me in. He gets in on his side and starts the engine. Before pulling out he looks at me.

“You okay honey?” The concern that I see in his eyes makes me want to cry, but I keep the tears at bay.

“No, but I will be. I just want to get home, take a long bubble bath, put on some comfy fleece pajamas and snuggle in bed. That sound okay to you?”

“Sounds great to me Mel,” he says as he grabs my hand and kisses my palm. I try to smile at him, but I know that it comes out as more of a grimace. He pulls out and starts driving to my house. I just stare out the window and think about everything that’s going on. It never fails. I was so excited for the reopening tomorrow and now all I can think about is some jerkoff who doesn’t want me to be in a relationship. What a freaking day!





Mel didn’t really speak too much last night, not that I was really expecting her to. We laid in bed most of the night just wrapped in each other’s arms. When I saw that note yesterday, I wanted to tear up everything that I saw. I can’t fucking believe that some creepy asshole is stalking her and trying to get me out of the picture. Marc looked like he was about to kill someone, and I was right there along with him. It’s not very often that someone has a look that makes me take a step back, but when I looked at Marc, I paused for a moment.

Before he retired from the Army he was a Green Beret. Basically, he was special forces just like the rest of us. I’m not sure what it is that he really did but I know that it had something to do with interrogation. I know that while in he got a degree in psychology and apparently put it to good use when interrogating terrorists. I’m not sure how far he actually went during those interrogations, but the look on his face yesterday said that there wasn’t too much that he wasn’t capable of. He comes off as a happy go lucky guy but looking at him yesterday changed that perspective for all of us. Honestly, the cold and calculating look in his eyes was a bit unnerving. But the fact that he covered it so quickly was what really had me pause.

I really wanted to reassure Mel that we would find this guy and that everything would be alright, but I refuse to lie to her. I omit the truth for her own good, but I won’t ever lie to her. Seeing her so scared and worried pissed me off even more. She never does anything bad to anyone and somehow, she ends up with shit like this happening to her. I want to wrap her up in bubble wrap and hide her away so that nothing bad can ever happen to her. She’s too good of a person for this.

Worse is that she wasn’t even excited for the reopening this morning. For the past couple weeks, all her and Michelle have talked about is how excited they are. This morning she barely smiled when I asked her if she was excited for the day. I got more and more pissed as I drove both her and Shell into the shop. They hardly said two words the entire drive and just stared out the window looking somber. This was such a big day for them that was ruined by one asshole. I swear when I find this fucker he’s going to be eating his meals threw a straw.

The only time I got an actual smile out of her on the drive is when I told her that my parents were going to stop by to support them. Mellie met my parents two months ago and has been in constant contact ever since. I think Mel talks to them more than I do. I know for a fact that she talks to my mother more. Her and mom are constantly texting back and forth about recipes, movies, or books. Mom, Mel, and Beth have even had a ‘girls day’…whatever the fuck that is. All I know if that me, dad, and Martin had to pick them up after they decided to end the day with lunch that consisted of a lot of wine. To say that my parents adore Mel is an understatement. My father’s exact words to me were, “You better not fuck this up! I’ll disown you and keep her!” I wasn’t sure if I should’ve been happy or offended.

Damon met us at the shop and surprise, surprise said that he would stay and watch over the girls. I know exactly which one he’s really there for but he’s damn good at keeping an eye out for sudden problems. He also has no problem not moving all day…I guess that was something ingrained in him during sniper training. The only time Mel smiled was when she saw how flustered Michelle got at knowing that Damon was going to be there watching them all day. I got a little chuckle out of it too. Damon the ever articulate bastard barely gave them a chin lift and Michelle looked like she didn’t know which way was up. Mel had just enough time to give me a quick peck before Michelle practically dragged her inside while heatedly whispering at her. Damon the poor bastard just followed them (her) with his eyes looking like a kicked puppy. Huh…I wonder if this was how Mel and I looked to everyone else?

After watching that sad mess I drove to the station to meet up with Marc and JJ to see if we could come up with any ideas as to who might be fixated on Mel. I have a really bad feeling and know that we need to find this fucker before he does something stupid and hurts Mellie. I will never forgive myself if something happens to her. I walk into the station and go straight for JJ’s office. The door is cracked open and I rapt my knuckles on it to announce my presence before walking in. Marc and JJ look up from where they are reading over the note and give me each a chin lift. I walk over and sit in the chair next to Marc that is in front of JJ’s desk.

The whole office is as small as a closet. His desk takes up the majority of the space. He literally just has enough room for his desk, his chair, two chairs in the front and a lone filing cabinet. The place doesn’t even have a window. You can really lose all track of time in here. I can get a little claustrophobic when all of us are in here. We’re all big men and this room isn’t made for all of us to be in, but we make it work as best as we can.

“How did it go dropping Peanut and Barbie off?” It doesn’t seem to matter to him that they are all in their late twenties. He takes every opportunity he can to call them by their nicknames. You would think that the girls would give him more shit about it than they do. Most of the time they respond to him without batting an eye. I sometimes wish that I had a sibling to be close to. Well, until I see the girls gang up on him. Their latest retaliation after he pissed them off was letting the air out of all four of his tires. He wasn’t even mad, just laughed it off while he had me take him to get an air pump. Although he kind of deserved it. Telling two women who are on their period that they look fat in their sweat pants is just asking for trouble. I’m surprised that’s all they did to him.

“Good. Dam was there so it was somewhat entertaining when Shell realized that he was going to be there the whole day.” Both of them start chuckling.

“I think that they are actually worse than you and Mel…which is fucking pathetic.” JJ states as Marc nods his head in agreement.

“We weren’t that bad,” I try to defend. Marc just looks at me like I’m full of shit.

“It took you forever to find your balls and ask my sister out. Hell, if I hadn’t helped you by inviting you all over you, would still be looking at her all pathetically almost a year after meeting her.”

“I would’ve asked her out eventually.” I’m met with blank stares.

“I’m sure you would’ve. But I think Mel prefers to get married before she’s eighty.” I look over as JJ snickers at Marcs comment. I just glare at the two assholes.

“Fine, we’ll see how much I help you two out when you lose your shit over a woman.”

“Ha, that’s never going to happen. I like my variety way too much to ever settle for one woman. I happen to like the idea of being a bachelor for life.” Marc really is proud of the fact that he is such a man-whore as Mel calls him. JJ just shakes his head while smirking.

“I wouldn’t mind finding a quality woman like you have. But I would make sure that I got my shit together a lot faster than you and Damon. I wouldn’t want to waste a second of being with the right woman. At least you came to your senses. Damon is going to end up letting Michelle slip through his fingers and is going to regret it.” I agree with him on that and the way that Marc is nodding I know that he does too. Damon really needs to step it up before someone else swoops in and gets her. If he’s grumpy now, he’s going to be unbearable if that happens. I hope for his sake he smartens up and realizes what’s right in front of him.

“As much as I like talking about what pathetic losers you two are…how about we get back to the matter at hand,” Marc states as he points down at the note.

“I just have no idea who the hell it could be. I haven’t seen anyone hanging around her or staring at her too long. Well, other than the usual men who seem to need to break their fucking necks to stare at her ass.” I mean really… I’ll be standing right fucking next to her and those assholes still stare.

“What about that douche in the Porsche?” JJ questions. Hmm, come to think of it I haven’t seen him since that day I decided to let him in on the fact that Mel was taken. I still think that I was pretty subtle despite what everyone else says.

“Nah it’s not him,” Marc replies offhandedly.

“How do you know?” JJ asks and I’m curious as to how he’s so sure about that.

“Well….” Marc says rubbing the back of his neck. This probably isn’t going to be good. “So, when Mellie had gotten a couple more deliveries I started to get a little…upset.” JJ and I can see where this is going and after seeing his change in demeanor yesterday I’m wondering if that guy is still alive.

“Spit it out Bell,” JJ says losing patience and probably wondering if we’re going to end up having to arrest Marc when this guy’s body shows up somewhere.

“Stop looking at me like that…I didn’t kill him.” Good to know. “I just may have had a... conversation with him.” Christ. I can only imagine how that went.

“And?” I signal with my hands for him to speed it up.

“After a thorough...conversation…I can tell you that it’s not him. Plus, he got the clue when Morris decided to pretty much piss a circle around her. That’s why he’s stayed away.” Well at least I made myself clear. “Oh, and he’s married. That little tidbit came out during our conversation. He really didn’t want his rich wife to find out that he was flirting with another woman. So yeah, I’m 100% sure that it’s not him.” What a scumbag.

“Well, that explains the Porsche and clothes.” JJ just looks disgusted. I’m still just staring at Marc.

“What?” He looks at me with his head tilted.

“I can’t believe that you didn’t take me with you?”


“You wouldn’t have been able to control yourself. Our conversation would’ve ended up with us coming up with plausible ways to fake his death. Do you know how much work that shit is? You get way too hot headed when it comes to any other man sniffing around my sister. It was best to just leave you at home with her.” Okay well maybe I do, but shit. He could’ve at least asked.

“I would’ve been fine.” At his incredulous look, I amend. “Okay maybe the conversation would’ve gone south. But the two of us could’ve come up with some quick solutions.”

“Hey assholes!” We both stop and look over at JJ. “You two fuckwits realize that you’re talking about killing and disposing of someone’s body?” I look over at Marc and we both just shrug. “Jesus Christ! You are both officers of the fucking law! I don’t want to hear this shit! The last thing I need is to arrest two of my men!” Okay, I see his point. Doesn’t change my mind, but I see his point.

“You’re acting like we would’ve gotten caught.” Marcs looks like he’s offended that JJ doesn’t think that he would be able to pull it off.

“Are you shitting me right now?” JJ just looks between the two of us. “You both have some fucking issues that you need to work out. Come and find me when you find your brains!” With that he gets up and storms out of his office. I look back at Marc, who looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world about killing someone. Maybe we do have a few issues because I would still have no problem helping him dispose of that asshole.

“So, not him then?”


“Any other ideas? What about one of her exes? Anyone who didn’t want the relationship to end?” He would know better than me since he was around for most of them.

“No, pretty much all of them have ended mutually. Hell, I think that she is even still friends with one or two of them. I know that she is still friends with the guy she dated from 16 to 20. She’s one of the bridesmaids in his wedding.” At the look of shock on my face he replies. “They all went to high school together. After her and Drew broke up they remained friends. She thought that Drew and another chick from their class, Lacey would be a good match and set them up. Three years later and they’re getting married and Mel is in the wedding.” It does sound like something she would do.

“Huh.” I really have no words. “I wonder if she’s going to force me to go with her?” I say out loud, but more so to myself. That doesn’t stop him from answering though.

“Probably. You’re stuck doing all of that annoying shit now. This is one of the reasons that I want to stay single. Boring crap like that.”

“I really hope that you find a woman who knocks you on your ass. And I hope that I’m there to witness and even better video the whole thing.” I really, really do. Would serve that smug bastard right.

“Never gonna happen bro. I will never hand over my balls to a woman like you did with Mel.” I really hope his future chick runs him around in circles.

“We’ll see fucker. You make it seem like having Mel in my life and handing over my balls is a bad thing. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I get to go home each day to a woman I love more than life itself. I know that if I have a shitty day, that she’ll be there and make everything better. I have someone that I can talk to about anything and know that she won’t judge me. I get to go to sleep every night holding my heart in my arms. What do you have? Names and faces that blend together? I would much rather have Mel for the rest of my life than ever go back to women who only care about the uniform and not the man.” Everything that I just said to him is 100% true. Most women only like going for us because they think it’s fun to bag a cop. I have no need to ever go back to the badge bunnies when I finally have everything that I’ve ever wanted. Throughout my whole speech Marc just stared at me with a smirk on his face. And then it dawns on me what I said and to whom.

“For the rest of your life, huh? Best thing that has ever happened to you? Love more than life itself?” The shithead is full out smiling at me. I really didn’t mean to blurt all of that out to him. But fuck it, it’s out there now.


“And when do you plan on informing Mel that she’ll be spending the rest of her life with you?”

“Why?” I have a feeling I know what he’s getting at. I told Mel that I was running some errands a few weeks ago. What she doesn’t know is that my errands included going over to her parent’s house to ask her dad for permission to marry her. After about twenty minutes of making me sweat, Martin finally told me yes. I was going to ask her either way, but I definitely like having her dad’s approval. After that we had a beer and he went into his safe. His mother died years ago, and Mellie has always loved her engagement ring. His brother only had sons, so they agreed that the ring would be given to Mel. Judging by the look Marc is giving me, he knows exactly what I was up to that day.

“Well, since my wonderfully clueless sister still hasn’t figured out that you’ve completely moved in. I thought maybe I should be there in case I need to spell it out for her,” he says shaking his head and laughing. He’s not wrong either. Mel really is clueless to the shit that goes on around her. You have to fully explain things to her at times to make sure that she sees the whole picture. I haven’t spent one night in my apartment in months…my now very empty apartment.

Since I know that she tends to freak out about changes I decided to just move myself in little by little. Marc figured it out right away and tried to get me to bet him on how long it would take her to figure it out. I declined because I honestly didn’t think that she wouldn’t realize that I was living there full-time. But, here we are months later and I’m not sure if she truly doesn’t realize it or if she likes me there and doesn’t want to say anything. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that she just hasn’t figured it out yet. How? I don’t know since literally everything of mine is now in the house. Marc and I even agreed that after we find whoever is sending her those fucking roses, he’s going to take over the lease at my place to give us our privacy. I can’t believe that I’m saying this but I’m actually going to miss the jackass. I really have enjoyed watching him and Mel interact and fight. It’s going to be too quiet without Mel screaming at him for something he did to her.

“I was planning on doing it in May.” He looks at me with a question in his eyes until I see the moment he understands.

“You’re going to propose the same weekend that you met her a year, ago aren’t you?” He says it as a question, but we both know it’s not. I’ll never forget the first time that I met her and hopefully neither will she. I don’t say anything and just nod my head.

“She’s going to be all for that shit. She’ll probably start crying when she realizes what weekend it is.”

“Who will start crying?” JJ walks back in with Rocco and Declan in tow.

“My sister will when this bonehead proposes on the anniversary of when he first met her.” Marc tries to sound annoyed, but you can see the happiness in his eyes. His sister’s happiness means everything to him and he likes knowing that I put thought into this.

“No shit? You’re really going to ask Mellie to marry you?” Roc asks with a grin on his face.

“Yup. Just need to wait another month and a half and then my ring will be on her finger.”

“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Dec asks with a grin.

“Why wouldn’t she?” I growl at him.

“I don’t know. Maybe she’ll realize that she’s too good for you and will decide to give me her undying love” he states with a shit eating grin. If I didn’t know that he was fucking with me I would knock his ass out.

“I agree with the whole she’s-too-good-for-you-thing. But you’re definitely better for my sister than Dec.”

“Gee, thanks asshole. You really know how to make me feel all warm and fuzzy,” I say as sarcastically as humanly possible.

“Hey, I’m hurt! I’m a great catch!” Declan is pouting with his hand over his heart.

“Yeah a great catch that you want to automatically throwback,” JJ deadpans. The rest of us crack up laughing at how put out Declan looks.

“Congrats man! I’m happy for you. Mellie is awesome. It’s not every day that you can find a cool chick who can ride,” Rocco says as he slaps my back and the others chime in with their congratulations. Now to just make sure that I plan it out perfectly and to make sure that she says yes.

“Alright, let’s try to come up with some ideas and then we need to head over to the shop to see the girls. I don’t want them thinking that we forgot today was their big day,” Marc says. So, we all settle in for the next couple of hours and try to come up with anyone that would be doing this. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any further than when we started.





Today was insanity, but the best kind! So many people showed up to the opening of The Sweet Grind that it was absolutely amazing! I think that everyone in town was in at some point. It is so humbling to see how much support we have. I may mock living in a small town at times, but the people here are so truly amazing. Today could not have gone any better!

Morris’ parents Blake and Susan came in around 8am along with mine and Michelle’s. We lucked out with them showing up so early. Even with Lisa and Brianna, Michelle’s assistant, we were swamped. All of our parents luckily pitched in to help us. It was complete and utter chaos for hours. I don’t think that I stopped to take a breath until close to noon. Everyone wanted to stop by and tell us how great all the renovations look and how happy they are that we combined the two. I’m actually starting to lose my voice from talking so much.

All the guys showed up around 1pm. They all sat at one of the tables in the back. Around 2:30pm we had to start asking some of the patrons to leave. And by patrons, I mean women of all ages who seemed to be enjoying the eye candy sitting in the back. I don’t blame them one bit, but after such a busy day we really wanted to close on time. I swear the old ladies put up a bigger fight than anyone. I couldn’t believe how bad and dirty minded they are!

One woman, who had to be at least eighty, walked up to Rocco and told him that if she was thirty years younger that she would ride him like a stallion. Rocco turned as red as a tomato. That little old lady even had the balls to write her number on a napkin, hand it to him, wink and then walk out! I thought I was going to die from laughing so hard. Poor Rocco is never going to live it down if all the shit the guys were already giving him is anything to go by.

After finally closing a little after 3pm, I am beat and judging by Michelle’s disheveled looks, she is too. I can’t wait to go home and soak in the tub with a glass of wine. Maybe I can get Morris to join me and give me a massage, that hopefully has a happy ending. Yeah, I need to suggest that asap.  I stop at the table and ungracefully plop down on Morris’ lap. He just wraps his arms around my waist and chuckles in my ear.

“Tired babe?” I can feel him shaking from laughter, but I’m too tired to give a damn. I just turn and snuggle into his neck and breathe him in.

“Yeah, and we still have to clean,” I mumble into his neck. Maybe I can just close my eyes for like two seconds and recharge my batteries.

“How about me and the rest of the guys clean up while you and the girls relax since you all look dead on your feet?” He isn’t kidding either. Lisa and Brianna are holding onto the counter and it looks like it’s the only thing keeping them up. Michelle is sitting in the chair next to me with her head on Marc’s arm and her eyes closed. I’m not even sure if she’s awake.

“That’s a nice offer sweetie, but you guys don’t know where anything goes,” Michelle mumbles out an agreement to what I said. Guess she is awake.

“I’m sure we can figure it out. Anything that we’re totally unsure of we’ll just leave in the kitchen on the counter…okay?” I know that I should say no, but I am way too exhausted to care about whether or not everything is put away correctly.

“Okay, thank you.” I give him a kiss on the cheek as he lifts me off of his lap and places me in the chair. I see the rest of the guys get up and Lis and Bri come and join us. Since Marc got up, Michelle is now using my boobs as a cushion. I don’t really think anything of it since we’ve been friends forever and constantly lay on each other. But I guess it looks a little strange to other people.

“Is Michelle using your woman’s boobs as a pillow?” I look up when I hear Declan’s question. I see Marc and Morris just shake their heads yes, while laughing. They’ve seen us cuddle up to each enough to know that this is normal for us. The other guys are just staring at Michelle and I with their mouths open.

“What?” I mean I know it looks kind of weird but whatever. Shoulders are bony, boobs are squishy and soft. It just makes more sense to lay on them.

“I feel like I’ve just stepped into an awesome wet dream,” Rocco says right before Marc slaps him upside his head. “What the fuck was that for?”

“Those are my sister’s you fucking perv! Go find something to do instead of staring at them. That goes for all of you!” Marc says glaring at all of them. Suddenly, they all look really interested in cleaning up for us. I just smile and lay my head on top of Michelle’s. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I feel Michelle lifting off of me and Morris talking to me.

“Wake up honey. It’s time to go home.” I rub my blurry eyes and try to focus on the gorgeous green ones looking back at me.

“I fell asleep,” I state the obvious like a moron. Morris just gives me a sexy smirk that wakes up more than just my brain.

“Yeah baby. You two have been out cold for the last hour. At one point She'll pretty much crawled into your lap like a baby and you just wrapped your arms around her and cuddled closer.” Okay that’s kind of embarrassing.

“They wouldn’t let me take a picture,” Declan points to Morris and Damon. He looks like a kid who got his candy stolen. What a weirdo. Marc steps toward him like he’s about to go after him. Declan raises his arms in a gesture of surrender. “Not like that! I just thought it would be a nice picture that they might want.” That statement is met with all of us just staring at him blankly. I’m half asleep and still won’t fall for that crock! “Whatever,” he mumbles as he walks toward the door.


“Where’s Michelle? We have to take her home.”

“Don’t worry about her. Damon is going to take her home.” I look up when Morris says that to see that Damon is cradling a sleeping Michelle in his arms. He’s holding her like she is the most precious thing in the world. Sleeping Michelle seems to be all for it as she snuggles in closer to him and puts her face in his neck. She’s going to be pissed at herself in the morning. She tries to avoid him like a bill collector. I can’t wait to tell her about this in the morning.

“Do you need her address?” I ask Damon and he just shakes his head no. “How do you know where to go then?” After that question he’s now just staring at me without any facial expression whatsoever. I’m thinking that I probably don’t want to know why or how he knows where she lives. If I didn’t know that under his stoic behavior that he’s a really good guy, I’d be a lot more worried about her. “Never mind.” I get a chin lift before he walks out the door with Declan following him.

“Should I be worried about her?” I look at the guys and they all just shrug.

“Physically no. Mentally? Well let’s face facts…those two have been circling around each other for a while. It’s going to play out eventually. I’m kind of more worried that she’s going to wake up and clock him.” Marc does have a point. She’s not exactly chipper to begin with when she first wakes up. Seeing Damon might actually set her off. I hope he can duck fast.

“Okkkkaaaay. Ummm…well than I guess we should get going.” I start to stand, but Morris just picks me up and carries me like I weigh nothing. My tiny stature has its advantages some days. I don’t even bother to protest. One of my favorite places ever is being in Morris’ arms. I have no plans to argue.

“Thank you, guys, for cleaning up,” I say as we all head out the door. I go to find my keys to lock the door when Morris pulls out his keyring and locks up. Hmmm, I don’t remember giving him a set. At my raised eyebrow, Morris just shrugs.

“Marc and I each made a copy in case you needed something.” He at least looks sheepish. Marc just shrugs unapologetically. I guess it makes sense, but they could’ve asked me first. Stubborn men just doing whatever they want!

“I’m too tired to yell at you.”

“Wow, miracles do happen!” Marc says with way too much false cheer. I just give him the finger over Morris’ shoulder as the guys laugh. They’re all used to how Marc and I are at this point.

orris opens the back door of his truck and gently lays me across the seat and then closes the door. Morris gets into the driver seat and Marc gets into the passenger, I guess I know why I’m lying in the back. The ride back to the house is quiet. We all seem to be in our own heads. I’m excited to just get home and go to bed. Well, I was excited until we pull into the driveway and hear my brother curse.

“Son of A Bitch!” I look up as Marc yells and see what’s pissed him off. My car is trashed! Every window is broken, my tires are slashed, it looks like someone took as baseball bat to my headlights and they scratched every inch of paint that they could. I hop out as soon as Morris stops the truck, much to the disapproval of both men grumbling behind me. That’s when I see what was scratched into the hood…WHORE.

“You’ve got to be shitting me!” Morris yells out behind me. I’m just standing frozen looking at what’s been done to my car. I can’t believe that someone would do this. Morris comes up and wraps his arms around me. I feel completely numb, like this is happening to someone else and I’m just witnessing it. I can vaguely hear Marc shouting into his phone about getting officers here.

“Why is someone doing this to me?” I whisper, and tears begin to stream down my face. Morris pulls me in tighter and kisses the head of my head.

“I don’t know baby, but we’re going to find them and make them stop.” I know that he means his words to be comforting but they’re not. This person has been messing with me for months and it just keeps getting worse. First, my business and now my car that’s parked right in front of my house. Shit! What if they did something to my house? I start to pull away to go inside and see if everything is okay.

“Whoa honey. Where are you going?”

“I need to check the house to make sure that everything is okay.” I’m kind of screeching but I don’t care. I need to look and see if this bastard has done anything to my home. Marc steps in front of me as Morris tightens his hold so that I can’t go anywhere.

“Mel, you can’t go inside yet. We need to wait for the uniformed officers to check out the area. Everything is now considered a crime scene. You can’t go in and mess up any evidence that there might be peanut,” he says like he’s soothing a wounded animal. I can’t even begin to process the fact that my home is now a crime scene. I just stand there staring but not really seeing anything.

This is obviously not random. My house is pretty much in the woods. I only have three other neighbors and we’re all spread out with a couple of acres of land. You really have to look for my house to find it. When I first saw it, I fell in love with how tranquil it was. I love sitting out on my deck in the spring with a cup of coffee and a good book. Sitting outside watching nature is one of the most peaceful things in the world. After about fifteen- minutes my once tranquil home is no more. There are several police cars with their lights on and officers walking around checking things out. All of the other guys except for Damon have also come by.

I’ve just been standing around watching everything that’s been going on. The officers have been talking to Marc and Morris, which is just fine with me. I don’t think that I would be of much use right now anyway. This all just seems so surreal. I rub my hands up and down my arms. It was somewhat warm today, so I only brought a light sweater. But since the sun went down, the temperature has dropped and has gotten chilly. I feel a jacket go over my shoulders and I look up and realize that I haven’t been standing alone like I thought. Instead, JJ, Rocco, and Declan have been standing behind me, making a half circle. JJ helps me into his jacket giving me a small sad smile.

“Doing okay Mellie girl?” He asks. We both know that I’m not, but I just nod my head yes, because I don’t really feel up to conversing. He must sense this and just squeezes my shoulder before going back to standing behind me like a silent guard. They all are really great guys for being here. When I get my mind together I need to get Michelle to bake them a bunch of cookies. Morris walks over, giving the guys a chin lift before squatting down to look me in the eyes.

“Marc is going to look around inside to make sure that everything is okay and then we can go in. Okay baby?” I just nod again. I feel like I might turn into a bobble head since nodding seems to be the only thing that I’m capable of at this point. He takes a look at JJ’s jacket.

“Cold honey?” I again just nod and pull the jacket tighter. Morris picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and bury my face in his neck. I inhale deeply, and it helps to calm my nerves. Morris will always be my safe place. I feel better with his arms and scent surrounding me. I begin to relax as we wait for my brother to tell us if the asshole has done anything to my home. Finally, I see Marc walking toward the group of us.

“Whoever it was didn’t get in. There were some scratches around the lock on the back door, but they weren’t able to get through the deadbolt. Why don’t you go in and relax while we finish up out here?” Yet again posed as a question when it’s actually an order. At this point though, I couldn’t care less. All I want to do is go inside and get into bed. I nod my head in agreement and Morris allows me to slide down his body until my feet are on the ground. My body that was numb before, seems to spark to life a bit as I feel all of Morris’ hard ridges. Geez, my car was trashed, and my home almost broken into and I’m thinking about climbing back up my man. I need to have my head examined. I look up into Morris’ eyes and see them flare, and I know that he is way too in tune with my bodies reactions to him. I need to take a damn hormone suppressant or something when he’s around.

I look at all of the men standing around giving me their support. I wish I had adequate words to convey how thankful I am that they took time out of their lives to be here and how much their support means to me, but I just don’t right now. I try to give them the best smile that I can muster and wave goodbye. Morris pats my but to get me moving and the guys smile back and give me a chin lift. Seriously, what is it with men only being able to communicate with chin lifts and grunts? Is it like hot guy law?

I walk into my house and see that Marc was right. Everything looks the same, but it feels different right now. It doesn’t feel like my little slice of tranquil heaven anymore. It now feels tarnished, like it has a black cloud hanging over it. Or maybe I’m just exhausted and really just need to sleep. I walk into my bedroom and go about my nightly routine taking care of all of my bathroom needs. I open a drawer and pull out one of Morris’ long sleeved thermal shirts. They fit him like a second skin showing off each and every muscle. On me it’s huge and comes down to my knees but is so soft and comfy. It’s exactly what I need right now. I climb into my side of the bed, pull the comforter over me and pull one of Morris’ pillows into my arms to snuggle with. Being warm with his scent surrounding me, I’m out like a light.

I start to wake as I feel Morris climb into bed behind me and pull my back to his chest. I can feel that he’s naked and very, very hard. Where I was asleep a minute ago, I’m now wide awake. I wiggle my ass into his large erection and he stills my movements with a hand to his hip. I wiggle again to let him know that I’m really awake and want him. He gets with the program quickly and moves his hand under the shirt I’m wearing to my breast. He caresses my breast before lightly pinching my nipple. Just that simple movement sends a lightning bolt of need straight to my clit. I moan and wiggle more while rubbing my legs together to try to get some friction.

Morris doesn’t seem to be in any rush. He just keeps caressing my breasts as he kisses along my neck. He finds that stop behind my ear that drives me crazy and lightly bites. I moan louder this time and he finally starts to move his hand downward to where I really him. His touch is feather light as he runs his hand down my stomach and under the elastic of my underwear. He circles my clit with his finger before he pushes a finger into me.

“You’re soaking wet baby.” I’m well aware of that. I can feel it dripping out of me. I only moan again in response as he adds a second finger. “What do you want honey? My fingers, tongue, or dick?” I never really liked when a man would talk to me during sex, but hearing Morris’s sexy, gravelly voice really sends me into overdrive. He could be saying anything, even saying I’m a little teapot and it would ramp me up. Well, okay maybe not, that but pretty much anything.

“Dick…I need you inside of me now,” I pant out as he continues to torture me in the best way with his fingers. He removes his fingers and I whimper at the loss. He removes my panties and then my shirt before I even realize what he’s doing. He rolls me so that I’m on my back and crawls in between my thighs. He rests his arms on either side of my head. This is my favorite position with him. I love feeling his weight and strength on top of me, all around me. I also love being able to look into those green eyes that still have the ability to leave me hypnotized even months later.

I can feel him guiding his erection through my folds to use my juices to lubricate him. He starts to line himself up with my entrance. I lift my hips up giving him better access. He starts to press in before he stops.

“Look at me Mel.” I look up into his eyes and what I see makes me want to cry but only happy tears. He’s looking at me like I’m the most special thing in the entire world. His eyes are looking into my soul. And I hope that mine are conveying how much I love him and how he’s everything that I’ve ever wanted. “I love you Melanie.”

“I love you too Morris.” He kisses me leisurely, taking his time exploring every crevice of my mouth as he slowly pushes his length into me. No matter how wet I am, taking his size always takes my breath for a second. When he’s in to the hilt, he pauses letting me adjust. He always makes sure that I’m okay, never just in it for himself. I wrap my legs around him letting him know that I’m ready. He continues to kiss me as he moves inside of me slowly. I’m about to tell him to go faster when it dawns on me what he’s doing. He’s making love to me, slowly, sweetly and showing me how much he loves me.

Our sex life has been great from the beginning. I can feel our connection strengthen every time. We’ve taken our time before to explore each other but never like this. Usually, it’s us in a mad dash to finish before Marc gets home. While fun and exciting, this is so much better. I can feel every movement he makes. Every swivel of his hips that are allowing him to hit that spot inside of me that no one else has ever managed to come close to finding. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him with everything that I have.

He keeps hitting that delicious spot and I can feel myself getting closer and closer. I know that he’s getting close too, by how his thrusts have picked up in speed. Both of us are covered in a light sheen of sweat helping our bodies to move even more easily.

“I’m so close…please just a little more,” I whisper, pant into his ear.

“Honey I have no intention of stopping until I feel you clamp down on my dick.” Well he was sweet for a bit.  His speed picks up even more and with one harder thrust and swivel of his hips, I dissolve into a million pieces. I close my eyes and throw my head backward onto the pillow. I can feel how hard my fingers are digging into his shoulders, but I can’t get them to loosen. I feel like I’m floating with starbursts going off behind my eyelids. I feel him thrust a few more times before his whole body goes rigid and I feel his warm cum spill into me.

My whole body feels like Jello by the time my aftershocks stop. He pulls out and rolls to his side with his head propped up on one arm. I can feel myself leaking, but don’t have any energy left to go and clean myself up. Looks like I’ll be sleeping in a wet spot tonight. Maybe I’ll just sleep on top of him and call a new form of cuddling. He probably won’t figure it out.

I look over at him and am taken away again by how much love I see in his eyes. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world having this man who is like my own Adonis looking at me like that. I never truly thought that I ever had a chance with someone like him when I first saw him. To have him here with me after one of the most special moments of my life is just incredible. I smile brightly at him and lean up to kiss him just because I can. I lay back down on the pillow, close my eyes, and snuggle deeply into the bed more than ready to fall asleep. I hear him shifting around and figure that he’s trying to find a comfortable position too until I hear the drawer on the bedside table on his side open.

And it really is his side. He thinks that he was slick and that I didn’t figure out that he moved in. I mean I’m dense at times, not brain dead. How he really thinks that I didn’t notice him slowly but surely moving all of his stuff in is beyond me. If he was really paying attention, then he would’ve realized that I cleaned out the table on his side, a few drawers and magically my clothes all seemed to move to one closet. I mean really…I’m the clueless one? For someone who is so observant he really wasn’t doing too well with that one. I should probably ask him how he got out of his lease. It doesn’t make sense for him to keep paying for a place that he isn’t living in.

I open my eyes when I hear him close the drawer again and roll back to face me. He has his head propped up on one hand again and his other hand is in a fist. He looks really serious and keeps clenching the hand that’s in a fist. He’s starting to make me worry that something’s wrong. The look on his face is very intent and he’s staring at me like he’s trying to figure out what to say. I’m really starting to freak out that something is really wrong when he finally decides to speak. And when he does I’m completely thrown.

“I was going to do this next month on the one-year anniversary of when we first met. But for some reason right now feelings like it’s the time and that I shouldn’t waste another second.” I just tilt my head at him totally confused until he continues.

“The day I saw you was the day that other women stopped existing for me. You were all that I thought about, and you still are.”

I didn’t to want  hurt my friendship with Marc, so I tried to keep my distance. The day you came into the station to bring Marc his wallet I was waiting with him just, so I could see you for a few minutes. Then I realized that I was being a fucking creeper and was going to leave to get some lunch. But fate must have been on my side because there you were. After that I decided that I was going to go after the woman I wanted.”

He pauses and smiles to himself. Tears are running down my cheeks and I have a feeling about where he is going with this and I’m speechless. “Well your brother and the rest of the guys may have given me a kick in the ass, but it got me moving. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn’t think that I would actually find someone who is as sweet, funny, sexy, loving, and loyal as you are. I know that we haven’t been together very long, but I know that you are it for me, Mel. I couldn’t imagine ever spending my life with anyone other than you. So, will you please make me a very lucky man and agree to spend your life with me?”

He opens his hand and in his palm is my mother’s grandmother's engagement ring. It’s a two-carat princess cut diamond that sits on top of a silver band. It’s very simple just like my grandmother was, but I have loved it for as long as I can remember. I even used to get her to take it off and let me wear it. I would pretend that my prince, who was actually my stuffed bear, would propose with her ring and we would live happily ever after. This moment surpasses any dream that I ever had as a little girl. I’m completely stunned as I stare down at his hand.

“How did you get that?” Because yeah that’s the first thing that I should be saying right now. My brain really needs to kick in sometime soon before he realizes that he just asked an idiot to marry him!

“Your father gave it to me when I asked him if I could marry you.” I look up at him in complete shock. Even when I would fantasize about him asking me to marry him, seriously what woman who is in a great relationship doesn’t, I never thought that he would ask my dad.

“You asked my dad?” kick in brain…kick in! Morris doesn’t seem to mind that I’m a bit dimwitted right now. He just smiles at me indulgently.

“Yeah honey I did. I know how much he and his opinion means to you. I wanted to be able to ask you, knowing that I had his blessing.” And my tears that I kind of got under control start streaming down my face again. “So, you going to answer me baby or am I going to have to guess?” Finally, my brain starts to work!

“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes I’ll marry you!” I throw myself at him and pepper his face with kisses. He laughs as he catches me and squeezes me so tightly that it becomes a little hard to breathe. Not that I care about breathing right now. I’m going to be Mrs. Morris Jackson! Holy shit! He releases me just enough to put the ring on my finger.

“Perfect,” he states while looking down at my hand and I couldn’t agree more! This is the best night of my entire life. I show him how very happy I am for hours until we finally pass out from exhaustion. I just wish that I had known that our happiness was what was going to push someone over the edge.




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