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Sweet Little Bitch by Abbi Glines (7)

MACK WAS STANDING AT THE bar pouring himself a glass of milk. He lifted his gaze to me then shook his head as if he was disgusted. “I warned you about her already.”

He had said she was nothing like Mary Grace and I didn’t see how that was a bad thing. I didn’t want to compare another woman to her. I wanted to move on. Let the past be just that. The past.

“She’s nice. Determined. Serious. But when she smiles . . .” A smile of my own appeared on my face. “It’s something else.”

Mack gave me an eye roll. “She’s a model. She makes money off that smile. It’s perfected. Get a grip dude.”

His attitude about Fiona was getting on my nerves. I hadn’t been attracted to anyone but Mary Grace until now. He had been pushing me to move on. “You’ve dated models,” I reminded him.

“If you call flings dating then sure. Never anything serious. They don’t want serious.”

My brother didn’t want a relationship. He wanted nothing to do with it. Explaining anything to him was pointless. There was more to Fiona. I could see it. I had noticed it at Brian’s party. She hadn’t been the only model there. Beautiful women had filled the apartment. None of them stood out to me. None of them intrigued me, but Fiona had. I didn’t need to know what Mack thought of her.

“She’s moving into the second-floor apartment?” Mack wasn’t asking. He’d heard her at the door.

“Yeah, she is.”

“You sure were quick to help her haul that mattress upstairs. Didn’t ask for my help. How do you think Richie Rich found her to rent the place to her? She’s exactly what a guy like him will want on his arm. You do realize you can’t compete with that. Obviously, you’ve got a pretty face. But you don’t have the billions of dollars.”

I had thought of that. Stone might be interested in Fiona. I wouldn’t blame him. If he was then Mack was right—he had a lot more going for him than I did.

With a shrug, I walked over to the fridge to peruse the few groceries I’d bought early today. “I’m not planning my wedding. Just think she’s interesting.”

Mack grunted as if he didn’t believe me.

“Fix me a sandwich?” he asked.

I shot him an annoyed glare over my shoulder. “You’re standing at the bar. Fix your own damn sandwich.”

He shot his eyebrows up. “But you’re at the fridge and you like to cook,” he argued.

“Making a sandwich isn’t cooking,” I replied. Annoyed, I closed the fridge after grabbing a handful of grapes.

“Are you bitchy because I think Fiona is a waste of time?”

I tossed a grape into the air and caught it in my mouth. After taking my time chewing it and swallowing, I met Mack’s steady gaze. “Nope. I’ve got unpacking to do. And you can make your own sandwich.”

“Whatever,” he muttered. He gave up on me making his sandwich for him and walked past me to the fridge. “You know there is this new waitress I hired at the club. She’s nice. Hometown kinda girl. Has that innocent shit you like. I thought you might want to get a drink at the club tomorrow night while I’m working and I can introduce you. She works the eight to two shift.”

I started to say no but thought about what he’d suggested. Sure, I was interested in Fiona, but that didn’t mean that would ever come to anything. Mack might have been right about Stone planning to pursue her. And Stone would win.

“Okay,” I surprised both of us by saying before I could work through the pros and cons of that decision.

Mack’s shocked face slowly turned to a grin. “Well I’ll be damned. I think the boy is ready to move on. And not just with the hot model upstairs.”

“Shut up,” I snarled before eating another grape.

The doorbell rang and we both frowned at each other, and then at the door.

“For a private building this place has more fucking action than the place we just left,” Mack said not moving from his spot in front of the fridge.

Taking my grapes, I went to see who was at the door this time. I’d be lying if I wasn’t hoping and expecting it to be Fiona again. The only other option was Stone and he wasn’t supposed to be here. We’d already gone over that. By the time I got to the door, I was ready to say yes to whatever else I could help Fiona with and swung it open.

The blonde from the party, the drunk one that was oddly perfect, stood there staring at me like I was the wrong person. She’d obviously expected someone else to open the door. I’d assume she was looking for Mack, but she hadn’t been able to tell us apart drunk, and I doubted she could see any difference now.

“Hello,” I said when she stood there silently.

“Uh, oh, um . . .” She glanced around looking unsure and nervous. “Mack?” she finally asked with confusion.

I shook my head. “Try again.”

She kept frowning and played with a lock of her long hair draped over her shoulder. “Oh, you’re the brother. The party. I remember now. I forgot he had a twin.” She was smiling now but the smile was still one of uncertainty.

“Marty,” I offered.

She nodded like she agreed that was my name. Instead of offering hers. When her gaze went over my left shoulder she smiled a little brighter.

“Chantel, I expected your sexy little ass wouldn’t be too far behind.” Mack’s words were flirty. Familiar. As if he’d seen her naked. Which was possible. I wouldn’t be surprised.

“Don’t tell me this apartment is yours.” Her smile was soft and relaxed now as she spoke to my brother.

I stepped back, moving out of their way.

Mack walked toward her. “Marty made me move. He hated the other place.”

Chantel’s laughter was practiced. “I can’t imagine what he didn’t like about the place.” The sarcasm in her voice was thick.

“Aw, come on now, girl. Don’t go hating on the pad. You had some good times there.”

Her cheeks flushed in response to whatever he was referring to. “Brian had some wild parties there,” she agreed.

Mack propped himself against the doorframe with one arm and leaned closer to her. “Not what I was referring to, but okay. We can pretend if you like.” His voice dropped low, and Chantel shivered a little.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to walk back to the kitchen and leave these two to reconnect.

“Fiona’s place is on the second floor. Did you move with her?” That got my attention. I waited for her answer simply because anything about Fiona interested me.

“Yes. She found this place and fell in love. Our lease was up and it all just worked out easy enough.”

“Damned if this apartment didn’t just get a hell of a lot better. I think I can see the perks now,” he said with a crooked smile.

On that note, I left them to it.

Fiona had a roommate. Stone wasn’t helping her moved into her apartment, or at least it didn’t sound like it. I was way too interested in a woman I didn’t know. Meeting up with Mack at the club tomorrow night was probably exactly what I needed.