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Sweet Little Bitch by Abbi Glines (26)


“THEY’RE WASTED.” ROWAN’S FASCINATION WAS almost annoying. She’d been giving me a play by play of Fiona and Chantel since their earlier scene with the champagne. They’d made up or whatever the hell one called it.

“Jesus, this is better than a fucking soap opera,” Rowan leaned in and whispered again. I wanted to forget all of this and go to bed. I didn’t need Rowan keeping me updated on things. I had my back to them on purpose. The coldness in Fiona’s eyes had been clear. No emotion. No desire to speak to me. Her indifference had been fucking hard to swallow.

“Ohmygod! Chantel is getting on the table with her cocktail,” Rowan gripped my arm as she said it and almost squealed with delight. Multiple voices began chanting her name as she stepped to the top of the table. The music was turned up as “Gold Digger” by Kanye West began pumping through the speakers. The fingernails biting into my arm told me that Chantel had drank enough to do her stripper dance to Gold Digger. Chantel dancing was a party favorite and I’d seen her do it alongside Fiona. They’d done their choreographed moves at more than one party or wedding. As had many of the other people here.

What felt like ages ago, we had held parties in our building. The memories from those parties had me reaching over, taking Rowan’s unfinished whiskey and downing it. She didn’t even notice. She was too enthralled at the sight of Chantel moving her body seductively to “Gold Digger”.

“Uh . . . you might want to drink some more,” Rowan whispered but she didn’t take her eyes away from Chantel. I was a little lightheaded for a brief moment while the whiskey hit my system and I glanced back to see what she was talking about.

The site of Fiona’s legs was like a bucket of ice water thrown over me. Shit. Fiona had joined Chantel. There must have been a lot of alcohol consumed to get her tight ass up there. She never loosened up as quickly as Chantel did. Fiona might light up for a camera, but in a crowd, she didn’t enjoy being the center of attention.

“Please tell me they kiss or do some touching shit.” Rowan didn’t even attempt to whisper.

“You need to let that fantasy go,” I muttered and forced myself to turn away from her.

The song was ending and there were chants for more from the single men. I heard Mack shut it down saying it was time to get some food in a few of us. Meaning the drunk stripper twins on the tables. A couple of servers appeared at an arched, rose-covered entryway. They opened the doors that had been closed. Candlelight, along with firelight flickered inside the space. They stood back and held out their hands, directing us inside.

“Is there assigned seating?” Rowan asked.

“I have no idea,” was my honest response. If Mack and Shay thought putting us at a table with them and Fiona, this night was going to get a lot more interesting. Fiona rarely got drunk. But when she did, it was a goddamn mess.

“I see name cards,” Rowan whispered. She peered at the tables as we passed looking for our names.

I knew without looking we’d be at the center round table. Mack pulled out Shay’s chair, and she was taking a seat when his eyes met mine. He gave me an apologetic smile, and I knew that my suspicions were correct.

“That one,” I told Rowan. “Shay wants us to be one big happy family this weekend. We’re seated there with them.”

“And Fiona?” Rowan’s tone was hesitant. As amused as she was with Fiona’s antics she also didn’t want me to suffer.

“Yep. I told you this weekend is about my brother. I’ll do whatever necessary to get through it.”

Rowan sighed and nodded her head. “Then let the train wreck begin.”

For Mack and Shay’s sake I hoped that wasn’t the case. But I couldn’t promise anything. Fiona’s laughter rang out in the quiet romantic setting.

“Shay! Why can’t I sit with Chantel! It’s been too long!” Fiona yelled her words across the distance separating her from her sister. I turned to look back at her, even though I knew I should ignore it. Let Shay handle it. I needed to pretend she wasn’t here.

“I’ll be sure to move Chantel to our table tomorrow. But tonight, the two of you need coffee, water, and separation until both have kicked in,” Shay replied loudly. Not as loudly as Fiona but she still had no issue having this conversation in front of the entire party.

“FINE! You’re the bride,” Fiona yelled back.

There was laughter from many of the other guests.

I glanced back at Mack and he shrugged. Shay didn’t seem upset at all. She was laughing, but then Shay had never been uptight. That’s why she and Mack worked together. She could give it back to him much worse than anything he could dish out. I’d seen them dancing around this mating game for years before they both admitted that their secret fuck sessions had led to more and they were in love.

Damn fools. Both of them.

I pulled out Rowan’s chair and she rolled her eyes in response before taking the seat. I often forgot she didn’t appreciate that kind of thing. It didn’t offend her. She was just annoyed by the idea of it all. Luckily, she overlooked my southern habits like opening doors for women. It was never a point of contention, but more something she could make fun of me about when I forgot and did those things for her.

“Seating arrangement is interesting,” I said to both of them as I took my seat.

Shay gave me a small smile. “Sorry. But we want our family with us.”

I understood. Still didn’t make it easier.

“As long as you’re prepared for your drunk ass sister’s unfiltered mouth.”

Shay sighed and glanced up at Mack who sat beside her. “Yeah. We know. But you know to ignore it. Not like you’ve not dealt with her this way before. I’ll do my best to sober her up some.”

I laughed at that. “Sleep is the only thing sobering her up. She’s had way too much. Coffee and water aren’t going to help.”

Shay chewed her bottom lip nervously just as Fiona stopped at the table taking us all in before throwing her head back and laughing loudly. Her long brown hair reminded me of a shampoo commercial with all its flowing soft curls. Snapping my thoughts off all the things about Fiona I loved, I stared at the menu in front of me. Or glared angrily, because I was a weak man.

“I’m Fiona. We saw each other earlier in the hallway. You’ll be fucking my ex-boyfriend in the room right across from me. Aren’t we all lucky we get to share the experience,” Fiona was talking way too damn loud.

I snapped my head up to say something but I wasn’t fast enough.

“I’m not against sharing if you’re into that.” Rowan’s response made Mack spit his drink out. Fiona’s eyes went wide with shock. If she’d been sober, she’d have had her own comeback. But if she’d been sober, she’d have never said what she had about the fucking.

“Ooookay,” Shay said quickly. “Let’s get some coffee over here and maybe some ice water I can throw in my sister’s face.”

Rowan was grinning at Fiona over the rim of her wine glass. Then she winked.

Fiona was frozen.

Mack wasn’t successfully covering up his laughter.

Let the fun and games begin. God help us all.