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The Billionaire From New York City: A Steamy BWWM Billionaire Romance (UNITED STATES OF BILLIONAIRES Book 4) by Simply BWWM, Lena Skye (6)


Brianna had expected the demand; she’d decided—about an hour after Ethan had left her alone in his apartment—to go through with his offer, and had made an appointment at a salon that one of her friends from Florida had told her about, along with looking at the inventories of a few of the stores not far from Ethan’s apartment. She’d taken his advice and stuck with big-name stores, going to Nordstrom and Saks for the lingerie he’d requested in his “dress code guidelines.”

She hadn’t entirely understood the guidelines that Ethan had expected from her, in terms of how she dressed for her new job—not at first, at least. But as Brianna had gone from one store to another, armed with an image of the list of approved undergarment types, and tried different things on, it had become obvious to her: he had not only wanted her to be sexually available to him during the work hours, but he must have liked the idea of her being secretly wearing something titillating underneath her normal clothes.

His dress code guidelines had also had some specifications about her outerwear—but he’d been far less specific on that topic, merely stating that she should only wear pants or leggings during her monthly cycle, unless it was particularly cold out, and recommending dresses or skirts and blouses as the best options to go with the undergarments he required of her.

Although Brianna had gone on more than one splurge-trip to Victoria’s Secret and Frederick’s of Hollywood in her life, she’d been astonished at the sheer magnitude of cost for the things that Ethan wanted her to wear—but then, she’d reasoned as she handed the card over to be charged, she had been shopping at high-end stores for the items.

“Obviously I’m not wearing everything today,” Brianna said, rising to her feet. “But there are a few things.” She slowly—slowly—lifted the hem of her skirt up, until it revealed the lace-trimmed tops of her stockings, along with the straps of her garter belt. Ethan murmured wordlessly in approval, and Brianna let her skirt fall back into place. Her heart beat faster in her chest as she began to unbutton her cardigan.

She’d managed to buy a few of the more specialized items that Ethan had requested, but for her first day in her new position, she’d gone simple with a matched bra and panty set in cream-colored lace. The combination had been a little chilly as she’d walked out of her apartment building to meet with her driver, waiting for her at the curb, but she had to admit that the combination left her feeling sexy and more than a little confident in a way she simply didn’t in her usual underwear.

She unbuttoned just enough of the cardigan buttons to reveal the lace cups of the bra, leaning forward slightly to tease Ethan. From the look on his face, he approved of that choice as well. “Let me tell you: these underthings are not going to be useful when full winter comes in,” Brianna said tartly.

“If necessary, we can examine that issue then,” Ethan said. “They do make very nice thigh-high socks.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly. Brianna rolled her eyes and re-buttoned her top.

“Is there anything else you need, Mr. Hale?” Ethan tsked.

“When you’re alone in this office with me, you will call me Ethan,” he said. “Of course, outside—with Cassidy and Jennifer—you will use the normal protocol, and if I call you into here with others in the room, the same holds true.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into this, Ethan,” Brianna said. He shrugged.

“I’ve wanted to do something like this for about six months. When I met you the other night, I decided you would be the perfect person to fill the position I had in mind.” He looked her up and down, and Brianna had the unmistakable impression that he was picturing just the underwear on her and nothing else.

“If there’s nothing else for now, I guess I should get to my desk,” Brianna said, taking a quick, deep breath to regain her composure.

“Nothing else for the moment,” Ethan said, giving her legs a lingering, meaningful look. “I’ll page you when I have something for you.” Brianna nodded and walked towards the door, trying to work her mind around what had happened to her already, in the past twenty-four hours.

Ethan’s setup had actually been fairly ingenious: she would be reviewing graphic design and other projects for him, as well as making recommendations for client billing and other details, as her official duties; that would, of course, open up plenty of opportunities for “meetings” with him, which Brianna knew would give them opportunities to have sex. She had no idea how often Ethan expected her to be available to him sexually, but Brianna had to think that he wouldn’t have “hired” her for the position if he didn’t intend to make it a near-daily occurrence.

Part of her unofficial work for Ethan would include lunch dates, and after-hours trysts—which was why she’d insisted on not being held for overtime more than a few times a week. They would also, according to the paperwork he’d given her, go on trips together—with cover provided for her. They would leave the office separately and meet up at other locations.

To Brianna it sounded like Ethan wanted a girlfriend without having to put in the effort to have a non-business relationship, and the thought filled her with a mixture of pity, curiosity, and mild contempt. He was good-looking, and had managed to ask her out on a dinner date the first time they’d met—was he so terrible in the long term that it was easier for him to just have an employee-girlfriend?

Brianna left Ethan’s office and resisted the self-conscious urge to adjust her stockings. There was definitely a learning curve to some of the lingerie he’d requested she buy for the job—she still wasn’t sure she understood how to go about using the bathroom without getting hopelessly tangled in the straps on her garter belt. But she knew she would learn, and she had to admit that in spite of that small amount of awkwardness, she was intrigued by the effect.

Cassidy—Brianna’s new colleague—was a brown-haired, blue-eyed woman who Brianna thought was maybe two years younger than she was, with a slim build and waifish style. She’d given Brianna a distrustful look when she probably thought that Brianna hadn’t been paying attention, just before Ethan had told her to let Brianna into his office. Clearly there was something there; but what that was, Brianna decided she had plenty of time to figure out later. For the time being, she had to adjust to her new position—and everything it included.

Her new desk was set up off to the side of the reception area in front of Ethan’s office. Cassidy had a big, open desk that faced the elevator, and clearly was in charge of the comings and goings into Ethan’s inner sanctum. There was another assistant as well, Jennifer, who apparently did some other kind of niche work for Ethan, though Brianna had no idea what that was.

She and the other two women worked a slightly different schedule—and Brianna had read in her “orientation packet” that had been part of the paperwork Ethan had given her that she herself would be expected to come into the office fifteen to twenty minutes earlier than either of her new colleagues, for a before-work briefing.

More likely, a before-work de-briefing, Brianna thought as she took her seat. Her desk had a small tag with her name on it, and a partial wall that gave her some privacy from those coming and going from Ethan’s presence, but not from her two coworkers. Brianna settled in her chair—noticing absently that it was nicer than the one she’d occupied downstairs—and turned on her computer. That, at least, was the same one she’d had before, though as it booted up she saw that the programs on it were not all the same. Ethan had worked fast to change her whole situation in the company.

“Did Ethan assign you any projects yet?” Brianna looked up from her computer to see Cassidy looking at her, hands folded on the desk.

“Actually, yeah,” she said, nodding. “I have a few projects to review and some pitches to go over before they go to him for approval.” It was a strange sort of position to occupy—being high enough to be a buffer between Ethan and the lower levels in the office, while not being herself a project manager or a decision maker in the formal sense. It was, she thought, mostly a way to justify her employment.

“Sounds like he brought you on just in time,” Cassidy said with a tight smile. Brianna shrugged.

“It’s an interesting job and a change of pace from my last position,” she said politely. Then—before Cassidy could make any more comments—the elevator chimed, and another woman came into the reception area, making a beeline for the third desk. She was petite and blonde, and Brianna thought she was maybe a little older than Ethan, but Jennifer definitely had personal style, and a confidence that made Brianna instantly respect her.

“Oh! You must be the new grunt,” Jennifer said, smiling at her with much more warmth than Cassidy had thus far. “Ethan mentioned yesterday that he’d recruited a new set of eyes and ears to take over some of the tasks specific to this company.”

“Yeah—I’m going to be going through stuff for the design and Creative Department,” Brianna confirmed.

“From what he said, you should be fine up here,” Jennifer said. She turned away then and started getting to work, and Brianna noticed that Cassidy suddenly decided to be incredibly busy with whatever her normal tasks were.

She delved into her own work, putting the thought of what her real job as Ethan’s assistant was going to be for the time being. Brianna found herself actually enjoying it, evaluating and analyzing projects that needed Ethan’s approval before they could be finalized.

Her email notification chimed and she clicked over to her inbox, to see she’d gotten a message from Ethan. Meeting, my office, 11:30. I’ll be having lunch delivered in. Send me a text message with what you want from Apna Masala. He’d included a link to the website, and Brianna wondered just how he’d planned to get her in the mood—and she was certain that was his goal. After perusing the menu online for a few moments, she chose chicken korma, a mango lassi, and a chai, and sent a message to Ethan with those selections listed.

Before she knew it, a pop-up on her screen flashed, notifying her that her meeting with Ethan would be starting in five minutes. Brianna shook her head in mild disbelief, glancing up to look at Cassidy and Jennifer, who were still occupied with their own tasks. She felt strangely self-conscious as she gathered up her notepad and pen and purse, to give at least a little legitimacy to her meeting with Ethan. She slipped her phone into her purse and rose from her seat.

“Lunch meeting? I’m jealous,” Jennifer said, as Brianna started towards Ethan’s office door. Brianna shrugged.

“My stomach is already growling,” she said confidentially.

“He always buys lunch for lunch meetings—did he ask you for your order?” Brianna nodded.

“Indian! So at least I’ll eat well as we talk through all the projects,” Brianna said cheerfully.

“My first lunch meeting with him, he ordered in from a steakhouse,” Cassidy contributed, a note of pride in her voice. Brianna shrugged again.

“It’s free food—I’d be okay if it was hot dogs from one of those cart guys,” she said. “Better get in there!” She tapped lightly on Ethan’s door and heard it unlock for her. Her heart beat faster in her chest, anticipating something; she wasn’t sure what. Something along the lines of Ethan waiting just on the other side, to pounce on her—though Brianna didn’t suspect that he was that type of man at all. Of course, she wouldn’t have said that she could necessarily identify that type of man with total confidence.

She opened the door and stepped through it, letting it close and then lock behind her. “Food should be here in ten minutes or so,” Ethan said, rising from his desk and gesturing for Brianna to accompany him to the little, cozy seating area off to the side of his office. “While we wait, let’s have something to drink and talk about your new job.”

Brianna sat down on the couch and felt the straps on her garter belt moving. It was strange to be so aware of her underwear—but it was also strangely thrilling. “It seems kind of unprofessional to drink in the middle of the workday,” Brianna said lightly. Ethan chuckled.

“It’s also kind of unprofessional to have sex in the middle of the workday,” he pointed out.

“So this is how it’s going to work with us? You set a meeting with me and then let me have a drink and some lunch and we get down to it?” Brianna wasn’t sure how she felt—one way or the other—about that arrangement.

“You’re feeling awkward,” Ethan surmised. “The drink we’re going to have while we wait for the food to get here is to help with that—at least a bit. Make it a more social atmosphere.” He stepped up to the mini-bar a few feet away from her. “What would you like? A glass of wine, or something harder?” Brianna pressed her lips together, considering.

“A glass of wine,” she said. She had been wondering—since Ethan had left her at his apartment the day before—just how their arrangement would play out. How he would manage it. It seemed she was about to find out.

“You got chicken, so I’m assuming you’ll want white?” Ethan opened the mini-fridge and took out a bottle, and Brianna watched as he poured glasses for both of them.

“I guess I’m just not sure how this is going to work,” Brianna admitted as he brought the glasses to the couch and set one down in front of her on the low coffee table before sitting down with his own, a few feet away.

“We’ll chat a bit, drink a little’s basically like a date, just in the middle of the workday,” Ethan said. He smiled at her slowly, his gaze trailing up from her feet along her legs. “How do you like your new uniform?” Brianna bit her bottom lip and then picked up her glass of wine, taking a big sip of the straw-colored liquid.

“The garter belt takes some getting used to,” she admitted. Ethan chuckled and shifted slightly closer to her on the couch.

“How do you feel in the stockings, though?” He didn’t touch her, but Brianna could almost feel his gaze on her body like a caress, and she had to admit that there was something titillating about drinking wine in Ethan’s office, in high-end lingerie, knowing that the intention was completely to have sex.

“I feel pretty damn hot,” Brianna admitted with a smile. Ethan laughed.

“Let me see the whole thing,” he suggested. Brianna glanced apprehensively at his office door. “The door automatically locks and the delivery guy isn’t here for another ten minutes or so.”

She stood unsteadily and lifted the hem on her skirt, revealing more of the stockings, up to the tops and the slings from her garter belt. Ethan raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to lift the skirt higher. Brianna considered rebuffing him—but she found she actually, in a way, wanted to show off the matched panties that she’d bought with her new bra, along with the garter belt itself. She raised her skirt to above her hips, showing Ethan everything, and heard his breath catch.

“Very nice,” he murmured, and reached out. His fingertips slid along her stocking-clad leg, up to the spot where her garter straps ended. He stroked her thigh up and down for a moment, with just the one finger, and Brianna felt her heart beating faster, felt herself—strangely—getting turned on from that simple contact.

 Heat simmered deep down between her hips and she tried to suppress the awareness that she was actually becoming aroused. “You are a gorgeous woman, Brianna—and very talented. Not only in the way you showed the night before last.” Ethan’s hand dropped away and Brianna let her skirt fall back into place once more, sitting down to relieve her unsteady knees.

“Thank you,” she said. “I was hoping you hadn’t just hired me because I was a great lay.” Ethan shook his head.

“I needed someone who could actually work, too,” he said. “And I’ve looked over what you’ve accomplished this morning. I’m very pleased. He took a sip of his wine and leaned in closer to her. “I’m not going to hurt you, or harm you in any way,” he said, meeting her gaze steadily. “You aren’t a slave. I will never mistreat you.”

“It seems an awful lot like you’re protesting too much at this point,” Brianna said. Ethan half-shrugged.

“You keep looking at me like you expect me to take off my belt and start beating you if you don’t crawl on your knees to me or something,” he said. Brianna’s eyes widened at that mental image. “I want to show you how much you can enjoy our little arrangement, too.” He glanced at the door and then at his watch. “Let me remind you of just how much you enjoyed being with me.”

Before Brianna could even think to demur, Ethan closed the distance between them, kissing her hungrily on the lips. His hands trailed over her body slowly, grazing her breasts and working down to her hips, barely slipping up underneath her skirt—and stopping right where the tops of her stockings ended. If Brianna was expecting some kind of brutal, demanding force, if she was expecting him to just bend her over and take her, she hadn’t expected the actual approach Ethan was using. She trembled slightly as she felt herself becoming turned on in spite of the awkwardness of their situation, and somehow, the fact that they would likely be interrupted by the arrival of the delivery order only made the situation more exciting.

Ethan deepened the kiss, gently pushing Brianna onto her back on the couch until he was on top of her, but he didn’t try and strip off her clothes. He teased her, caressing her over her blouse, stopping just short of groping her, until Brianna actually started to be frustrated by the fact that he wasn’t pushing her to do more. Her legs almost seemed to open of their own will, her hips shifting as she felt her labia starting to grow slick with desire.

Ethan broke away from her lips, smiling slightly as he looked down into her eyes. “You see? I can tell, right now, that you want me just as much as you did the other night—before you knew I was going to hire you for this. We have plenty of sexual chemistry, Brianna.”

“It just feels really weird to be hired to basically be my hookup’s fuck-connection,” Brianna said, losing any sense of tact in her combination of arousal and frustration. Ethan snorted.

“You must be turned on,” Ethan said, shaking his head slightly. One hand slid up along her inner thigh and Brianna gasped as his fingers stopped just short of the front of her panties, just short of where she was suddenly certain she didn’t just want, but needed him to touch her. “Just think of how much fun it will be to go back out there after we’re done and know that neither of your coworkers will know you spent your lunch break getting off.” Ethan’s voice was low, almost a purr, and Brianna had to admit that the idea of getting off, of having that little secret—especially from Cassidy, who she’d already started to dislike—was a thrill.

The sound of the door buzzer cut their interlude short, and Ethan rose quickly, smoothing his suit against his body and walking towards the door, giving Brianna just enough time to sit up and straighten her clothes before he unlocked it. She took a deep breath and grabbed up her glass of wine to drink another big gulp of it, still able to feel the simmering heat coursing through her veins, and hoping against hope that Cassidy wasn’t nosy enough to be trying to see what the meeting in the office was like. Ethan made polite chitchat with the delivery man, and accepted the order, signing the receipt he was given and paying the man a tip out of his own pocket: twenty dollars, Brianna saw.

He closed the door behind the man and turned to face her. “Now, we can eat this delicious food right this second, get ourselves a little cleaned up, and see about fucking each other senseless on that couch then...but I’d really rather have a little appetizer first.” He smiled slowly, his gaze sliding down over her body, and Brianna felt a little rush of heat, able to see clearly in Ethan’s expression what he had in mind for his “appetizer.”

“Well if you want an appetizer,” she said, shifting on the couch so that her skirt moved up enough to show the tops of her stockings, “I guess you should have that before the meal.” Ethan chuckled and moved quickly to the couch, setting down the bags with their meal on the coffee table to perfume the air. He knelt down in front of her, his hands on her knees, and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“I think you’ll enjoy what I’ve selected,” he murmured, barely breaking away from her lips. “And I know I will.” His hand slid up, along her inner thigh, and this time instead of stopping short of her lace-covered pussy, he cupped her there, rubbing slightly to test how turned on she was. Brianna shivered as Ethan’s fingers pressed against her, making her even wetter, even as he claimed her lips with a hungry kiss.

He broke away a few moments later, looking into her eyes. “Lie on your back, sweetheart,” he told her. Brianna only hesitated for a moment before doing as she was told, and Ethan pushed her skirt up over her hips, looking eagerly at her panties and garter belt. “Good work on this,” he said, gesturing to the way she’d put the panties on over her garter belt—it was something she’d read online. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and tugged them down to her knees, spreading her legs wide.

Brianna glanced apprehensively at the door once again, but as Ethan took off his jacket and tossed it aside, shifting down between her legs, she forgot all about the risk of being caught; all she wanted was to feel his mouth on her throbbing, soaking wet pussy, giving her the relief she craved. When Ethan disappeared between her legs, and she felt his hot breath against her drenched labia, she moaned, barely catching herself in the midst of the noise.

“Don’t worry. The walls are soundproof. You could scream and they wouldn’t know it outside,” Ethan murmured, and then—then—he buried his face against her and Brianna moaned out even louder as his tongue and lips went to work, sucking and licking as if he fully intended to devour her. Slurping, wet sounds filled her ears, along with her own moans and Ethan’s, as he worshipped her with his mouth, bringing the tip of his tongue up to flick against her swollen, sensitive clit and then dipping down again to her inner labia to probe and taste her.

She was shocked at how quickly her arousal mounted, at how dedicated Ethan was to his task—and how good he was at it, teasing her relentlessly and figuring out seemingly almost in an instant what she really liked. In a matter of what felt like seconds, Brianna’s fingers were tangled in his hair, her hips bucking as if with a mind of their own as Ethan worked her pussy, sucking her clit between his lips and lapping up her fluids as if he were starving.

She cried out as he slid two fingers inside of her, working them along her inner walls as he sucked and licked her clitoris, sending jolts of sensation through her body so intense that she couldn’t fight the orgasm building up deep down between her hips anymore. Brianna moaned again and again as she came, and Ethan seemed to want to keep her coming for as long as possible—he slowed down and then sped back up just as the spasms of pleasure started to ebb, working her relentlessly until she was almost scared she wouldn’t stop coming.

When she was finally completely done, only the aftershocks dancing up and down along her nerves and bones, Ethan pulled back, licking his lips greedily. “Not a bad start to a lunch meeting, huh?”





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