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The Billionaire (Seductive Sands Book 1) by Sammi Franks (14)



I’d barely come aboard when a young, beautiful, sleek-bodied blonde walked toward me wearing white shorts, a deep V-neck black top, and a smile. Naturally, I hated her on sight. Not one to run from a challenge, I held out my hand and pasted a cool, confident look on my face. At least, I hoped that was what my face conveyed. “You must be Bre.”

Her smile faltered at my greeting and her handshake was weak at best, cold at worst. “I am.” She turned to face Max. “I guess I’ll be going to work on the condo now. I should have a plan together by Monday. We can get together after you return.”

“Sounds like a plan. We can meet at Victoria’s office.” He rested a hand on my lower back in a way that caused a warmth to spread throughout my body.

“Oh.” The disappointment was obvious in her voice, even if her face hid her true feelings. “I thought we might meet here.” Bre shrugged. “Of course, you’re the boss.”

Max met my gaze. “So, do you have time for us all to meet here on Monday?”

I bit my lower lip and considered my response. If I declined a meeting anywhere other than my office, would I be left out? Honestly, I wasn’t even sure why I was being included. If I joined them on the yacht, would I be the third wheel? There was only one way to find out. “I think I can fit it into my day.” I grinned.

“Okay, it’s settled. I’ll pick up Victoria and we’ll meet you here…say ten in the morning.” He nodded and I understood this to mean everything had been settled.

I liked a decisive man, a thinking man, an articulate man. Max was all of these. And yet I still sighed. The last thing I needed was another man in my life. I had goals, and remarriage certainly wasn’t one of them. I needed to make sure Penelope was safe and we had our dream house before I ever considered taking off my blinders.

I lifted my hand to wave as Bre stepped off the boat and exited the marina. It was a half-hearted effort at best. Mostly, I was lost in thought. My heart was beating faster than normal because I knew soon enough, we’d be speeding by my beautiful ruin of a fixer-upper.

“You ready to go? We’re about set. We have takeout ready for dinner tonight. I picked up some snacks. And we’ll go out for breakfast in the morning and take it from there.” He smiled warmly at me. “I like eating out. Less mess.”

“I usually eat in. Less money.” I shrugged.

“It should go without saying, but this weekend is on me.” Max stared into my eyes. “I can see that bothers you, since you strike me as the kind of woman who likes to be strong and independent.”

I swallowed hard. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to pay my own way and being self-reliant,” I argued.

He nodded in agreement. “This is true, but when you’re doing me a favor, you have to let me cover your expenses. Don’t worry. I’m writing it all off as a business expense.” His brows knit together, creating a determined look I hadn’t experienced before.

“So serious,” I commented. “You usually seem more relaxed and confident.”

“I usually am, but you are a challenge. Let’s go,” he urged as pressed his hand against my blouse and touched my skin. His touch helped me relax.

“Okay.” I inhaled deeply. “I have clothes to change into. You know, yoga pants, a tank top, flip flops, that kind of thing. Naturally, I’ll dress up for the showings.”

Max smirked. “Naturally.” He chuckled and jerked his head to the gang plank. Come on.”

Once on board, I was directed to the cabin I’d share with Penelope. “You can change and meet me back on deck, if you’d like. I love watching the land disappear. And when it grows dark, I lay back in the loungers and watch the stars.” He must’ve seen something in my eyes…surprise, perhaps. “If I weren’t a man of business,” he remarked, “I would’ve been a man of science.”

“You’re nothing like I expected,” I blurted out, even as my cheeks warmed.

“Is that so?” He chuckled. “Then this weekend should be quite the treat.” Max backed out of the cabin, shutting the door behind him.

I rushed to change my clothes, realizing I hadn’t seen my daughter for a good ten or fifteen minutes and by now, she might be missing me. When I reached the top deck, I found her eating a cupcake with Bodhi. She looked so happy and relaxed in a way I didn’t usually see her around the house. “Hey,” I teased, “what about dinner?”

“Bodhi already fed me.” Penelope smiled and I noticed there was a hint of frosting on the tip of her nose.

I stepped closer and wiped it off with one finger. “Well, then I suppose it’s alright.” I sighed and glanced at Bodhi who was eating a cupcake with her. “Did you have dinner too?”

“We had hot dogs and tater tots, you know…for our little tater tot.” He laughed and his tan face lit up. “We’re having cupcakes, then we’re going to go and play video games.” He stiffened. “I mean…we’ll be doing some serious online learning.”

I laughed. “Nice cover. You two couldn’t wait for us all to eat together, or did I miss dinner?”

“Tori, come over up here,” Max called from the deck above.

“Are you two okay?” I felt like I was abandoning her, but if she was happy, I wasn’t going to stand in her way.

“Yeah. Bodhi’s okay.” She shrugged.

I smiled at him and mouthed ‘thank you’ before joining Max. When I reached him he held out a champagne flute. “What’s this for?” I asked, my stomach filled with butterflies as my fingers brushed his while taking the glass.

“We can’t very well have a booze cruise without the booze. So, some sparkling wine to start our trip.” He grinned. “Captain Jack has us reaching Seattle mid-morning. So, we can start looking at places in the afternoon, once you’ve had a lunch consult with my lawyer friend.” Max winked.

“Seems like you have this all figured out.” I nodded. “I’m not easily impressed.”

He leaned near my ear. “You will be. I have big plans for you, Tori.” Standing, he murmured, “A toast. To a brighter future.”

I nodded absentmindedly. Over his shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the house, with the big old wooden ‘For Sale’ sign out front. It was weathered, the paint barely visible after all these years of sun and rain pounding on it. I was so absorbed studying it, and imagining the place as it would be if I owned it, I barely noticed Max had moved to stand behind me, one hand around my waist.

“Wow. That place is amazing,” he commented. “Why didn’t you show me that place yet?”

“It’s not for sale,” I blurted out.

“Oh. It sold?” He frowned. “You’d think they’d take down the sign.”

I sighed. “It hasn’t sold yet, but the place will be mine.” I’m not sure what I was thinking. Why would I tell him that? He had the money and means. He’d snatch the place up in a heartbeat if it fit his grand plan. And me, I’d have to give up one more dream. My shoulders sagged. “I’ve wanted it for more than twenty years. It’s the reason I chose my career.” I blew out a breath. “I’ve been saving to buy it for so many years. Once, I had about fifty thousand dollars saved up. You know, money for the down payment and to begin renovations so it was livable.” I licked my lips while I continued staring longingly at the dilapidated mansion on the cliffs. “Then Joe stole it and gambled it away.” Looking up at him, I had tears in my eyes. Admitting how gullible and trusting I’d been shamed me. “Now, I’m closer. Hey, if you go crazy buying this weekend, I might meet my goal again.” I tilted my head while I studied him, trying to read the indiscernible look on his face. “I hope you understand.”

Max frowned. “I do. I really, really do.”