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The Billionaire (Seductive Sands Book 1) by Sammi Franks (21)

The Contractor, Chapter One


Go to your room!” I roared as I glared down my sister-in-law.

She laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m twenty-three years old. You can’t send me to my room like some damn child.”

“I can when you’re acting like one,” I snapped as I raked a hand through my thick, wavy sun-bleached hair. I’d been pacing in the living room for the bulk of our discussion, but I was worn out, mentally and physically, after a long day remodeling the bar.

“Because I told you I’m moving? Because I’m getting married?” She threw her hands in the air and stomped her foot. “Let’s be honest here. You’re mad because when I leave, it’s going to inconvenience you. You might actually have to take care of Theadocia all by yourself and you’ve never done that, not even when Megyn was alive.” She stuck her chin out defiantly.

After practically collapsing on the sofa, I rubbed my face with both hands. There was a lot of truth in her words, but in my experience, backing down with one of the Spader girls was a mistake. Megyn always went straight for my soft underbelly, while her little sister was more inclined to go straight for my throat. “I can’t do this without you. How am I supposed to make a living?”

“Work while she’s in school. And you have time to find a replacement. This is my one week notice.” Mo grinned, knowing she’d won, and then dropped on the couch beside me. Only, as the victor, she kicked her feet up on the ottoman and folded her hands behind her neck assuming a relaxed and confident position.

I peeked over at her. “You know, it’s customary to give thirty days notice before moving out.” My brows rose hopefully.

She shook her head and her short brown curls bounced. “No can do, Will. I have a wedding to plan and a life to build in California.” Mo’s arms dropped to her side and her shoulders sagged. “I’m not abandoning you. Hell, I’m the one who dropped everything and moved in with you after Megyn died.” She clapped my knee.

“Three weeks,” I argued. “How am I supposed to find someone with such short notice? This is Thea we’re talking about. Hasn’t she suffered enough loss in her life?” I gave her my pleading eyes.

“You’re using the pitiful look on me? Really?” Mo laughed. “You can do better than that. Those only worked on my sister.” She rested a hand on her chest. “I, however, am impervious to your weak-ass charms.”

“Language,” I reminded her as I pointed to the ceiling. “You know Little Miss Nosy Britches has been trying to figure out what was causing all the tension between us since dinner.”

“Well, we can tell her in the morning.” Mo shifted and rested her head against my shoulder. “And the most I will agree to is two. Two weeks and I’m gone. That’s plenty of warning. After that, I’m driving south to meet up with my man.” She laughed and I realized that neither of us had done that for entirely too long.

“I don’t know how to take care of my own daughter,” I mumbled. “I’m a terrible father.” My head hung in shame.

“No, you’re not. You were in mourning and it was easier to bury yourself in growing your contracting business than it was to work through your feelings. I get it.” She shrugged. “But two years is long enough. I’ve given up a lot to be here for you and my life can’t be on hold forever, Will. You know this. You’re not the selfish type. You’re just scared.”

“Every time I look at Thea, I see a mini-Megyn.” Though it wasn’t manly at all, I could feel my eyes burning. “I couldn’t stand looking at her. Being around her caused so much pain. All I could think about was how much Megyn was missing.” I glanced at her to check her reaction.

Mo leaned forward. “Yeah, well, you’re here and you’re still missing it. Be the dad you used to be.” She wrapped her arms around her body. “Oh my word, how Meg used to brag about you. You were the man who showed up to every Lamaze class. You opened doors. You never failed to celebrate every holiday, no matter how miniscule.” She smirked. “Shit, when I first moved in, I half expected to discover you walked on water. Naturally, you didn’t, but your inability to create wine from water was most devastating.” She punched playfully at my thigh. “I’m teasing!”

I sighed. “I know. You’re quite funny. Sometimes.” I studied her sadly for a moment. “I don’t suppose the move south is a joke by any chance, huh?”

Standing, Mo started toward the stairs. “Nope. Not even a little bit. I need to go call Eddie before he goes to bed. I promised him I’d call after I talked to you, prove I’d done it.”

“If I wept openly in the background, would it help?” I asked wryly.

“It might, but do you know what would help most of all?” She licked her lips while she waited for me to respond.

“If I won the lottery and never had to work again?” I leaned back and stared over at her.

“Megyn told me you did this. She said that when some guys were hurt or scared, they lashed out. Then she told me that you don’t. You hide your pain with humor.” Mo rested against the banister. “You haven’t been funny since I’ve been here, and now you decide you’ve got jokes?” She groaned.

“I’ll be hilarious from now on if you would just change your mind,” I muttered.

She shook her head resolutely and I knew I’d lost, but I hated accepting it. “Here’s what you need to do, Will. You need to be the man you want Thea to marry. You need to treat her with the same love and respect you showed my sister. Make her so strong that no fuck boy stands a chance.”

My eyes widened and I glared at her while pointing at the ceiling again. “Little ears.”

“Yeah, I hope you’re paying attention.” She chuckled. “She’s not going to be this little for long. She needs her daddy. Starting now.”

I nodded sadly. “You’re right. I know you’re right. Couldn’t you be right from a nice apartment in town instead of two states south?”

Mo groaned. “Goodnight, Will. Two weeks. I mean it.”

Then I watched her skip up the stairs like she was light as a feather, which seemed strange since suddenly I bore the weight of the world on my shoulders.