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The Boot Knocker's Baby (The Boot Knockers Ranch Montana Book 2) by Em Petrova (7)


Chapter Seven


Shayne stood facing the mountains, breathing the fresh cold air and trying to organize his rioting emotions. He didn’t know what the hell to do about Texas. Hearing himself tell Jolie that the opportunity for money would help out Belle made him think long and hard about actually going.

But leaving Jolie would rip him apart. He’d been on the verge of falling in love with her the first time around. Now there was no denying his feelings. Now, it had taken all of three days with her to fall hard. Two years ago, if he’d delayed coming to The Boot Knockers Ranch, had stayed even one more week with Jolie, he probably never would have left her.

His hard sigh created a plume of cold fog in the air. He tugged his hat lower and stared at the mountains. The purple of early morning made the distant pines appear black, and the snow on the ground in the high elevation allowed him to see specks of brown he knew to be elk or deer.

He hadn’t given enough thought to Texas before now. His gut instinct was to remain in Montana, but he hadn’t considered a daughter either. There was money to be made—great money. The share in the ranch would mean big fat yearly checks. And there was a sign-on bonus.

Damn. He didn’t know what to do.

His mind flip-flopped to the other end of the dilemma. He could leave The Boot Knockers completely, make his own way, take Jolie as wife and raise their child together.

The idea of coming home to her after a hard day’s work, of scooping her soft body against him and claiming her lips, was the stuff of boyish dreams. Wasn’t it? Foster had that with Chevy. Hell, even Hugh and Riggs shared a woman who was their life.

He drank in more air and held it in his lungs until he grew dizzy. Then he released it nice and slow.

He’d taken Jolie after the poker game, made demands of her with his body, and she’d given all to him. He couldn’t pretend any longer that the soft glimmer in her eyes wasn’t love. If he sent her on her way and resumed his life, he’d hate himself for hurting her.

But was he any good for her? He didn’t even know how he’d support her and Belle if he left the ranch. Probably work odd jobs, maybe construction. He loved ranching—it was in his blood. But that meant long hours for shit pay and not even having a place for them to live.

He pressed his lips together. He wanted to give them the best he had to offer, and Jolie would require a lot of help with the baby while juggling school. He swallowed hard.

“Here’s a man with a load on his mind.”

He turned to find Foster and Wyoming had managed to walk up on him without him knowing. He yanked his hat brim lower under the guise of a nod of greeting.

“What’s up with that woman of yours?” Foster asked.

“Same thing that’s up with yours, I reckon. Only thing is you gave it to her.”

Foster gave him a confused look.

“She wants a life.”

Foster let out a low whistle. “She wants you to marry her?” Foster and Chevy had recently run off to a small town in the foothills of Montana and found a preacher to marry them. A quiet ceremony, just the pair. Shayne had never seen Foster happier.

“Nah, she never said that. She wants me to sign away rights to our daughter.”

Shock crossed his friends’ faces. “Didn’t know you had a daughter,” Wyoming said.

“Neither did I until a few days ago. She kept it a secret from me.” He shook his head. “I’m so muddled, I don’t know what direction the sky is.”

Wyoming clamped a hand on his shoulder, offering his solid support. “No wonder. Finding out you’re a father is a shock.”

“You thinking of marrying her mother?” Foster asked.

He shrugged, his thick plaid shirt suddenly feeling too tight, like he’d rip the seams out with a simple stretch. “Dunno what I’m thinking. There’s Texas to think of too.”

And also the lost dog. Shayne wanted to find the owner if at all possible. And if not, Katrina could happily live here on the ranch, but Shayne took the weight of that on himself too.

“I’m gonna get to work, but first I’ve gotta talk to Elena. Thanks for listening to me, guys.”

“You hardly said ten words, but we’re here for you, bro.” Foster man-hugged him and Wyoming clapped him on the back.

Shayne took his leave, walking with his head down, counting his steps to the office. Elena was behind the desk, paperwork and brochures spread out in front of her. Her hair was in a knot on the top of her head, and it wobbled when she looked up.

“You look busy,” he said.

“Yes. I mean, no, not for you. I could use a break anyway.”

“How long have you been at it? It’s barely light.”

“I’ve been here since four.” She scrubbed her hands over her face. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“What are you working on?”

“Hugh mentioned maybe redoing the brochures, and I’ve been looking over other brochures to get an idea where we can do better marketing.”

A few minutes ago, Shayne hadn’t thought it possible to laugh, but he did. “There isn’t another ranch in the world like The Boot Knockers Ranch. How are you getting ideas from other brochures?”

She smiled. “Just focusing on buzz words that get people to pull the trigger and book a trip.”


“Have you been thinking about Texas? The guys are eager to know if you’re in. I guess Marcos is having the time of his life down there, and the women love his Latin looks. But he’s only a fill-in until you make your choice.”

“I need a couple more days.” Hell, a few days wouldn’t make a difference. He’d be just as confused come the end of the week as he was right this minute.

Elena looked at him long and hard. “I understand something’s going on with Jolie.”

“I’m not ready to talk about Jolie.”

“I get that, but you don’t have much time.”

He gave a swift nod and changed the subject. “I need all the leads you have on the dog. Katrina. I need to find that owner.”

A crinkle appeared between her brows but she dug in a drawer and pulled out a few slips of paper that were paperclipped together.

He looked at the papers. “This is it?”

She nodded.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with more, Shayne.” Now she was giving him concerned eyes. The ones nobody wanted to see, especially not a man who was struggling to find his path in life. Funny how his entire life came down to one week with several issues trying to pound down his door, demanding choices be made.

He raised the papers. “I’ll see what I can do. Thanks, Elena. You’ve been great.”

She didn’t get a chance to respond because he walked out. An urge to see Jolie’s beautiful face drove him to the cabin. When he entered to complete silence, he figured she was still asleep. As quietly as possible, he closed the door and headed to the bedroom.

She was sprawled on her side away from him, her long brown hair trailing across the white sheets. At the sound of his footsteps, she tipped onto her back and smiled at him.

That smile was a dagger straight to his fucking heart. God…

He loved her.

How would he ever make her understand how much? She didn’t trust him now and probably never would. His words would ring empty to her.

He smiled back though—how could he not? He sank to the edge of the bed and ran his fingers over her hair. “How are you this morning?”

“A little sore,” she admitted with a flush to her cheeks. “I haven’t had so much action in a long time.”

“Why don’t you take a nice hot bath? There are some salts that help with that in the cupboard.”

“I saw them. I might. What are you doing this morning?”

“Need to work. But for now, I’m thinking hard about Katrina.”

She pushed onto an elbow. “Is the dog okay?”

“Yes, but I feel a force driving me to find her owner. If it were my dog lost, I’d be going crazy, wondering what happened to it. I need to find the owner.”

“Can I help?”

He chewed his lower lip while staring at her. “I was thinking I should visit the mountain where I found her.” He didn’t realize he was going to say that, but now that it was out, the idea made sense.

“Okay. Can I come with you?”

He raised his brows. “You want to?”

“Sure. Let me grab a quick shower and I’ll be ready.”

He watched her naked curves all the way into the bathroom. She shut the door but not before throwing him a soft, enticing smile. He groaned at the spike of lust in his groin but managed to keep from beating down that door and having her two more times. Her body needed a break.

To keep his mind off his desires, he called down to the lodge for breakfast to be brought up, wrapped to put in a backpack. Then he ran out to the barn to find the dog. She licked his hand and he spent a long minute petting her. She was eager to follow him to the cabin, and he met the runner from the lodge at the door. He thanked the young girl who helped the cook with such errands and she gave him a shy smile.

When Jolie emerged from the steamy bathroom, she was dressed and her hair tied back in a long tail down her back.

“Here. Wear my vest again. I can’t believe you didn’t bring a warmer jacket.”

“I didn’t expect to stay on the ranch long,” she said quietly.

He held the vest out for her and she slid her arms into it. He turned her to face him, searching her eyes. “I’m glad you did.”

She gave him a tender smile and brushed her hand over his cheek. Katrina nudged at their legs, and Jolie bent to stroke her ears and croon.

“Ready? I’ve got food to go. We’ll be walking.”

“I’m ready.” She was beautiful in slim jeans and hiking boots. Her sweater was the same long one she’d worn the first day he’d set eyes on her, and his vest would keep her warm enough once they began walking. He had an extra pair of gloves in his pack for her to use.

They set out across the fields, past dozing cattle and swirls of thick fog along the ground where the snow lay. He kept his pace slow for Jolie’s shorter legs, and Katrina trotted alongside. They walked for half an hour and came across a fallen tree.

“Good place to sit and have breakfast if you’d like.”

“Yes, please. I’m starved.” She reached for the pack. He gave it to her and she found the wrapped breakfast sandwiches and bottles of juice. He sat close to her on the trunk, thighs touching. The quiet soothed him, but he felt something was missing. Something important.

“I woke up early to call home and check on Belle.”

That was it—what was missing. He’d never even met his daughter but felt a hole in his life where she was supposed to be.

“Everything okay?” He paused with his sandwich halfway to his mouth.

“Yes, she was asleep, of course. My mother wasn’t very happy about the early hour of my call, but she’s managing well.”


“She asked when I’m coming home.” She stared at her sandwich as if the bacon and melted cheese were the most intriguing things she’d ever seen.

“And?” His heart raced. If she said she was leaving today, he didn’t know if he could manage the fury inside him. He wasn’t ready for her to leave—far from it.

“I told her I need a couple more days.”

He relaxed, shoulders lighter than they’d been in hours. “At this rate, we might need two days to get to the mountain.”

She grinned and took a huge bite of her sandwich. When the final bits of delicious food were offered to Katrina and their bottles of juice drained, they set off again.

The mountain was eerily still. Not a deer to be heard crunching through the snow. When they reached the general area where he’d found Katrina, he looked down at the dog. Her friendly face revealed nothing about the spot. It seemed she didn’t recall being here and had always lived on the ranch.

He dropped to one knee, letting the cold seep through his jeans, and fingered her collar. Running his fingers over the JSP. “What do these letters mean, girl? Do you know where your owner is?”

After a few minutes, he stood and shook his head at Jolie. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned near. He couldn’t resist wrapping an arm around her and drawing her closer. Together, they stared at the landscape, drawn together. But how long before they were ripped apart?

* * * * *

When Jolie got back to the cabin, she went straight to the bathroom and started filling the tub for a good, calming soak.

She’d never forget that look on Shayne’s face. The pure joy as he stared out at the mountain. This was where he belonged. Deep down, she knew he’d never leave Montana and go to Texas.

But he’d talked about money, and maybe that would be the force to drive him away.

The longer she stayed with him, the worse it was for her heart. But just throwing all her clothes in her bag and leaving was wrong too. She felt the stress in him and dammit, her sympathetic side wanted to help guide him, just like she wanted to help sick people heal.

She was coming to a crossroads in life as well. Shayne wanted to meet Belle, and didn’t he deserve that much before he signed over paternity?

She also needed to make a huge decision about Owen. She’d come here thinking marrying the man was best for her, but now… With Shayne’s scent clinging to her, she couldn’t think of another man, no matter how solid and good for her Owen might be.

She sank to the edge of the tub and smoothed her hair off her face. The bath water trickled into the tub and steam swirled up from the depths. She’d poured a copious amount of lavender oil into the water, but it wasn’t calming her the way she’d hoped. She had to make a call.

She stood and rummaged in her jeans pocket for her cell. Her best friend Emiline was the only person who really knew her whereabouts. Her parents believed she was attending a conference for new nursing students. Emiline was the only one who could help her enact her plan.

As the phone rang twice, three times, Jolie chewed her lip. If she didn’t pick up soon, she would chicken out and forget about calling.

“Hey, girl, hey! How’s the sex ranch?”

Emiline’s voice filled her ear so loudly that Jolie actually glanced around herself to see if anybody had overheard. Which was silly, since she was alone.

“It’s… good. Listen, Emiline, I need a favor.”

“Refill on birth control? I got your back, chica.”

Jolie felt heat flood her face but she smiled at her friend’s enthusiasm. “Not at all. It’s about Belle. Shayne wants to see her.”


“What does that mean? You think it’s a bad idea?”

“Don’t you? You and I both know everyone who looks at Belle falls in love with her. Those huge eyes and baby cheeks. Heck, her bare toes could melt the hearts of ice-cold terrorists.”

“Damn. You’re right.” She tugged at her hair, which was starting to curl at the ends from the steam in the space.

“Of course, this could be a very good thing,” Emiline said.

“Melting Shayne’s heart would be good?”

“A girl deserves to know who her father is. Look at me. Growing up believing my dad’s a sheriff. And all this time he’s been living in Mexico with a woman who isn’t my mother. You think finding that out didn’t fuck a girl up?”

“I know it did.” For months after Emiline had discovered some secret emails between her mother and a mysterious man, and then wrenched the truth from the parents who had raised her, she’d run wild, hopping from man to man and doing stupid, daredevil things like bungee jumping into gorges with rock walls that could have killed her if she’d swung the wrong way.

“Anything you need me to do, I’ll do it, Jolie. Belle can’t go through what I did.”

Jolie took a deep breath. “Would you bring her up here? To the ranch?”

A beat of silence. “Do you actually believe it’s a hardship for me to drive to a sex ranch where there are a dozen gorgeous, hot, sex-crazed men who know exactly how to treat a woman?”

Jolie giggled. “I know you’re throwing clothes in a suitcase as we speak.”

“You bet your ass I am! Do you think I need any underwear? I don’t plan to keep any on.”

“I’m not sure you’ll be able to book a trip on such short notice. You won’t have a cowboy of your own.”

“No, but you’ve got connections. Have Shayne find me a cowboy or two for a night and I’ll be set.”

Jolie laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.” Only she wasn’t sure she would be telling Shayne that his daughter was on her way to the ranch. It seemed like too much pressure, and she wanted things to go smoothly. This first meeting would be emotional enough without adding tension to it.

“What should I tell your parents when I pick up Belle?”

“That you’re joining me for the rest of the week at the conference with Belle. I’ll text my mom and have her get a bag ready for the baby.”

“Does that mean I’ll be carrying around a diaper bag?”

Jolie could almost hear the wrinkle in Emiline’s nose. “Yes, but I have faith that you will rock that look.”

“Oh, I will. Don’t worry, girl. Okay, expect us tomorrow morning sometime. Text if you need me before.”

“Thank you, Emiline. Love you.”

“Love you more. Bye!”

Jolie sat there cradling the phone in her hand for a long minute. Suddenly, she came back to herself and remembered the water filling the tub she was sitting on. She set her phone aside and slipped in with a sigh of pleasure. Nothing could feel nicer than this right now.

Shayne’s arms could.

And his cock.

She grunted at her mental voice and relaxed against the back of the tub. Water swirled around her with the movement, like a river around rock.

Like her thoughts around Shayne. He was the center of it all.

When working with patients, she always tried to put herself into their shoes. Did she come off as caring enough? Gentle enough? Informative? When she put herself into Shayne’s large steel-toed winter boots, she wondered what he might think of her actions. Keeping Belle secret from him and then asking for him to let her go. At the time, she’d believed she was making the right decisions, but Shayne was a person with feelings and she hadn’t exactly made his emotions a priority.

Funny how she’d come up here to firmly lock him out of her life once and for all, but they’d ended up drawing closer. When he looked at her, there was an undeniable connection. A forever link.

She’d read about that happening with couples. They continued to come back to each other again and again, trying to make it work out.

She picked up the body wash and began to lather her skin. She hated washing away Shayne’s scent, but she had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before he rubbed himself all over her again. Her skin tingled at the thought and her nipples pebbled, riding just above the water. She scooted down to dip them in the liquid heat while her need grew.

Tomorrow Belle and Emiline would arrive. While she had no doubt her friend would find something—or several someones—to occupy her time, Jolie would once again be the one in charge. She missed Belle like crazy, but the time on her own had been welcomed.

Still, she may not have Shayne the way she wanted him after Belle arrived. Which meant she had to take advantage of every precious moment until then.

After they’d returned from the mountain, he’d been quiet. They’d walked the dog to the barn and he’d given her a bowl of food. He and Jolie had stood side-by-side watching Katrina eat and then curl up in her box, tired by the long walk.

“I’m not closer to finding answers than I was before,” he’d said. Jolie had a feeling he wasn’t only talking about the dog.

He was at a crossroads in life, for sure. And she’d shown up at a vital time. If she’d come the following week, he might already be on his way to Texas. Then would she have let the adoption matter slide and just married Owen?

She stared at the far wall, which was covered in pine boards stained a rich blond color. Her answer dropped like a bomb into her psyche.

No. She wouldn’t have married Owen, because she didn’t want to marry him. She’d come up here with that in mind, but her subconscious was really leading her back to the one man she actually wanted to spend her life with. The one who’d gotten away, or she’d let go. However she painted the landscape, the colors were the same. She loved Shayne and she wanted to be with him forever.

She forgot about the soap bubbles coating her skin and stared into space, her mind rioting. If he decided on Texas, then she would be going home. If he chose to stay here on The Boot Knockers Ranch in Montana, she’d be going home. Either way she looked at it, the answer was the same.

She had one more night with him. And she was going to make the most of it.

* * * * *

Shayne had been surly and quiet when he dropped Jolie back off at the cabin. Not exactly good company. So, when he opened the door, he had no idea what to expect.

He closed the door and looked around. Silence. His heart seized up, and he grabbed the door handle. Had she left?

“Jolie?” he managed to croak.

“In here.” Her answer came without hesitation, and he clung to the handle, feeling as wrung out as an old hanky. Relief flooded back into his veins, making his cold fingers thaw a bit.

He swallowed hard and let go of the handle. She hadn’t fled. Surely that was a sign that she was where she wanted to be, not back with that dumb shit Owen. Even if the man was asking for Jolie—and Shayne’s daughter, goddammit—Shayne still had managed to keep Jolie here with him. And from signing the papers.

He crossed the cabin in a few steps and reached the bedroom. It was tidy, just like Jolie herself. All her belongings were put away or neatly arranged. The space smelled faintly of her perfume too, and that underlying sweet musk of her body that was most delicious behind her ear… between her thighs.

His cock stirred as he peeked through the crack in the bathroom door. The lights were dimmed, and he heard the quiet splash of water.

She was in there—naked.

Heart hammering, he set a palm on the door and pushed it open.

Jolie met his gaze. Her breasts full and high, her suck-able nipples just submerged under the water. Her knees were drawn up and he latched his stare onto the shadow below them.

“Join me, cowboy?”

His air left him in a rush. “Don’t gotta ask me twice, angel.” He hadn’t seen her flirt this way, not since they were together in the past. Hell, she’d been the sweetest, coyest when hinting that she wanted him to take her virginity. Those sweltering summer nights had surely been her reason for losing her head. What was her reason now?

He kicked off his boots and shed his clothes in seconds. Then he stood at the edge of the tub, bare, his cock skimming his abs. She looked up at him, her cheeks pink as she blatantly stared at his body.

She ran her tongue over her plump lower lip, making his balls clench with desire. “There’s room.”

“Damn right there is.” It was a big tub, but he wasn’t about to slide in and face her. He caught her by the arms and dragged her to a stand. Then he plopped down, sloshing water over the sides, and straddled her around his hips.

At once, she moved, rocking over his thickened length. “Oh God, Shayne. You feel so good.”

He groaned. “I’ll barely start and it’ll be over if you don’t hold still.”

She flashed a heart-stopping grin and twitched her hips again. His cock head slid over her slippery pussy folds, and he bit off a growl.

“What’ve you been doing to get you so turned on?” He caught her fingers and pulled them to his nose. “Not touching yourself.” He didn’t detect her essence on them, just body wash.

She shook her head, and the wet tendrils of her hair clung to her breasts. “Hoping a certain cowboy might come in from the cold and join me is all.”

“Damn. I shoulda stopped an hour ago.”

She giggled and rocked her hips again. He pushed upward, poised at her opening. He needed a condom. Besides, he wasn’t ready to enter her. He wanted to draw out this time together, make it something special. Memorable.

He cupped her face and searched her eyes. They glistened with desire and something dark and naughty.

“Now that you got me where you wanted me, what are you gonna do with me?” He let his breath wash over her lips, teasing.

She squeezed her thighs around him, which caused his mushroomed head to work up and down her slit. They issued a simultaneous moan.

“I’m going to start with this.” She leaned in and kissed him, a warm brushing of lips that soon turned carnal. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and she matched him stroke for stroke. Her tastes drove him crazy, and the feel of her, wet and ready, seated atop him, almost made him forget his manners. The urge to fuck her hard and fast was a constant chant in the back of his mind.

He gathered her hair in his fist and angled her head to receive his kisses more fully. Long, tongue-tangling kisses that went on for what felt like an hour. When he lifted his head, panting, he stared into her eyes.

“I want you.”

“I want you too,” she whispered on a shiver.

A heartbeat passed between them, and then he gripped her as she lunged for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he stood, dripping. Water soaked the floor and he had to watch his footing as he strode to the bedroom. He lay her down on the bed and followed her with his body.

“It’s cold.”

“I’ll warm you up.” He trailed his lips up her neck. Gooseflesh broke out in his wake, and he smiled.

“Shayne, don’t tease me.” She moved to push her pussy against him, but he locked her hips in place with a hand.

“There’s no hurry, baby. Let’s do this right.”

Her breath caught and after a long second, she nodded.

He kissed her again, thoroughly, until she was gasping. Then he moved to her throat, breasts. Her nipples hardened on his tongue, and he sucked them for long minutes. The scent of her arousal hit him hard, and his cock ached. But he took his time nibbling one nipple and then the other.

She dug her fingers into his scalp, guiding him back and forth. Heat engulfed him as he bit into her soft belly and then dove between her legs, pushing them up and apart. Her folds parted for his tongue, and he buried it deep.

“Oh God!” Her cry echoed around the room, stronger and louder than it had ever been. He sensed a change in her. Was she thinking this would be a final encounter before she went home?

Like hell.

He zigzagged his tongue up her seam to her swollen nub. When he sucked it gently, she thrust into his mouth. Wild. Bucking. He ran his tongue around and around while keeping the pressure on her clit. Within seconds she was crying out, flooding his tongue with juices.

He lapped them up and eased two fingers high and deep into her pussy.

“Fuck! Shayne! I need you.”

“Such a dirty mouth. I fucking love it.” He withdrew his fingers with exquisite slowness and plunged them in again. She rose off the bed, thighs trembling. He watched her face, the bliss crossing it and transforming it to a beauty that buoyed his heart. He thrust into her once more. Two, three times.

She came apart again on a throaty scream. And he closed his eyes to revel in the pulsations shooting from her body into his.

* * * * *

Jolie was coming apart, shaking loose. Every joint felt lax and her muscles strangely floaty. She lay sprawled on the bed, watching Shayne slide a condom over his thick cock. The head was purple, and she couldn’t wait to feel it teasing that innermost point that would drive her crazier.

She forgot about the water drops beading her skin. Most of them had dried off on the covers, but her hair clung to her throat and shoulders. Shayne’s eyes glowed as he loomed over her. Very gently, he gathered her hair into a bundle and kissed her. He tugged so lightly on the strands, it only heightened her need for him. But she wanted him in a different way tonight.

“Harder,” she urged.

He groaned. “Jolie, you don’t know what you ask for.”

She stared into his eyes. Was that a hint of fear she saw in the depths? Could this big, strong man be worried about hurting her if she pushed him too far? She’d always known underneath the controlled exterior, Shayne had a grittier, more animalistic side. She’d seen it on that mountain in the tightening of his jaw.

“Come to me, Shayne, just you. The way you need to.”

“How do you know what I need?”

“I see it in your eyes. I can handle it, Shayne.”

He groaned and buried his face against her throat for a long minute. She ran her hands over his bulging spine muscles, holding him fast to her until he realized she wasn’t going to break.

When he lifted his head and met her gaze, she saw the change in him.

He got off the bed and suddenly held up a short loop of rope. When he eyed her, she nodded, breathing hard. “I can handle it,” she repeated.

“Tell me a safe word in case you need to bail out. Your favorite color.”


He nodded and swiftly set about tying her up. Facedown, knotting her wrists and binding her to the bedposts. Then knotting the rope between her breasts and around her waist to hold her. She was immobile, and he could do anything to her. She could kick at him, she supposed, but she had no desire to get away from this beautiful cowboy.

“Fuck.” He stood back to look at her. He was in her line of vision, tall and carved with muscle, his cock stiff against his abs.

“Shayne,” she whispered.

He rocked as if coming back to himself. “Are you okay, angel?”

She nodded.

A change gripped him, and he lunged for her. He lifted her hips off the bed and speared her with his cock in one swift move. She cried out. He shoved in over and over. Lifted her again. She clenched around the empty air as he withdrew.

One fist was in her hair, guiding her head back as he ravished her throat. Hot kisses and rough beard seared her skin, but she loved every damn minute of it. He drove into her so hard that the bed shook. Then he pulled out abruptly.

“Shayne…” There was a question in her voice that was answered a second later when he gripped her hips and yanked her ass into the air. She barely registered what was happening when something scorching hot and wet met her backside.

His tongue.

A shudder of pleasure ran through her on a continuous loop. He licked and stroked her into a wildfire. Then he fitted his finger to her opening and pushed past her tight rim into her ass.

After three plunges, she knew why women wanted anal sex. She needed him stretching her backside, filling her. Pulling against her bonds, she started to shake as her orgasm rushed up.

But he pulled his finger free, denying her.

She moaned.

“Not yet.” His demand was something she’d never heard from him before.

Her knees were unsteady, and she started to sink flat to the bed. But he yanked her up again and delivered a swat to her butt cheek. A shocked scream escaped her, and he caressed the stinging skin with his warm, callused hand.

“Okay, angel?”

“Y-yes.” She didn’t know this side of Shayne. Had he always been this man or was it something he’d learned here on The Boot Knockers Ranch? Either way, she wanted to know every side of him, even the darkest corners.

“Can you handle another?” He pinched her bottom just below the spot he’d just spanked.

Could she?

She focused on the hemp fibers against her wrists and nodded.

She braced herself for a slap that didn’t come. Instead, he rained kisses over her shoulders and down her spine. His cock lay heavy against her flesh, not where she wanted it, but she loved the feel.

“You have no idea how fucking hot you make me. How much I want to claim and claim and conquer you.”

She was such a strong woman that the word conquer should set wrong. She was nobody’s to be had. But coming from Shayne only turned her on further, and she realized she could still be a strong female and gain so much pleasure from the taking.

“I want you to,” she panted.

He stilled. “What?”

She turned her head to see him from the corner of her eye. He was huge, hovering over her, the cords in his neck standing out.

“Make me yours in every way.”

A harsh noise left him, and she felt him shift. She braced herself for him to enter her ass, but he plunged into her pussy and delivered a smack to her outer cheek that rocked her. The simultaneous sensation drove her high to the pinnacles of ecstasy. In a blink, she was on the verge of orgasm, pulsating around his length as he spanked her again.

He grabbed her hair. The tug on her strands excited her more, and she pushed up to meet his thrust. He bottomed out in her. Bit into her neck. And churned his hips. Five spanks later, she was blinded by lust and love for this man. When she came, his name left her lips.

* * * * *

Fuck, she was coming on him. Her cries were hoarse and her pussy contracted so tight around him, squeezing the cum up from his balls.

“I’m gonna—” His roar shook him as hot spurts left his body. His vision blacked and for long moments, he only heard his harsh breathing mingled with Jolie’s whimpers.

He opened his eyes. Her wrists didn’t look red or raw. She wasn’t crying. In fact, she was flushed a pretty shade of pink, her lips parted on a moan.

He levered himself off her and flipped her. The action made her arms cross, but damn, she looked sexy as hell this way. Stretched out, naked, panting from her orgasm. Her breasts heaved with her every breath.

“Damn, I want to take you all over again.”

“I’m not complaining.”

He huffed a laugh, part relief, and leaned his forehead against hers. “That was fucking insane. I’ve never come that hard. I think I blacked out.”

She shook with a giggle.

He ran his fingers up over her arms to her bound wrists. “I love seeing you in my rope. You can’t imagine how gorgeous you look.”

She bit into her lower lip, making it bulge around her white teeth. He couldn’t take it anymore—he had to kiss her. For long minutes, he lost himself in her lips and tongue. Then he remembered she was new to the bondage and needed to be released.

He untied her and rubbed her wrists and hands to make sure she had blood flow before taking care of his condom.

When he slipped back into bed with her, she opened her arms to him. Oh God, this woman… she was melting away all his resistance. How was he ever letting her go now?

He brushed her hair from her damp temple and followed it with a kiss. “When I first came in the door, I thought you’d left.”

She blinked at him. “Really?”


“Why would you think that?”

“Because of the way I acted today. I was broody and not myself.”

“Do you think I won’t like you unless you’re cracking jokes and laughing?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know.”

She wrapped her arms around his back and held him tight. “I liked seeing that side of you, Shayne. I know you care for that dog and you’re thinking of how hard it is on the owner that it’s missing. And today I saw how important the mountains are to you. I’ve never completely understood.”

“I’ve made up my mind about Texas, Jolie. I’m not leaving.”

“And I’ve made up my mind about Belle. She’s coming here—tomorrow.”

He gaped at her. “Seriously?”

“Yes. My friend’s driving her up in the morning. I hope you’re not upset—”

He slammed his mouth over hers, silencing her. Passion and joy mixed into a scary cocktail, stronger than any alcohol and making his mind spin. Bringing Belle here meant one thing—she trusted him.

And if she wanted him to meet the child they shared, she wasn’t trying to dump him from her life.